If one Gao Qiu dies, the sky will not fall down.

In this Tokyo city, from high-ranking officials to low-ranking people, it was nothing more than a lively topic after dinner. Except for the really sad Zhao Ji and Gao Yanei, the capital city was still full of singing and dancing.

However, the impact is still there.

That is the vacation of [-] troops in batches, which has greatly enhanced the retail and entertainment industries in the capital.Tong Guan was not as eager as he claimed in his words to control the North Qinghe Channel in Liangshan.After releasing this group of Beijing soldiers who were troubled by the news of his colleagues' death in battle, he waited wholeheartedly for his old team to arrive.

Just kidding, most of Gao Qi's more than [-] people collapsed on the frontal battlefield, which showed the extraordinary strength of the Liangshan Army. If he rushed over so recklessly, he would not be able to reach the high position he is today.

The three-month salary temporarily awarded by the imperial court, because Tong Guan wanted to do his best for him by pointing at others, unexpectedly didn't deduct a single penny, which can be regarded as generous.At this time, the big brother in the army, Gao Qiu was dead, Tong Guan let go, no one else would dare to mess around.In the end, this batch of morale-boosting money and food reached the hands of every imperial army going out smoothly.

When they got the money, those with families took it back intact and asked their wives to save it. When they saw that many of the family members of the comrades who accompanied Gao Qiu's conscripts all went out of the city to Liangshan to recognize the "corpse", they immediately felt that A sense of imminent crisis, if I can save more money now, it is a little bit, and I can feel at ease.

But as a single person, he obviously doesn't care about that much, thinking that if he can't come back this time.What is the use of keeping this money?I saw this kind of people flocking to the fireworks alley in the capital.I just want to buy a wine that is available today and drunk today.

"I don't even take pictures of myself in the urine, to see what kind of person I am, and dare to come to my Zuixing Tower to play wild!"

A woman dressed as a bustard put her hands in her hand, pointing confidently at the drunken men knocking on the street and cursing.

"I have money in my hand! If you have money, you are a guest! I don't know if I will be able to come back this time. What's the matter with drinking a glass of wine here? Your place is made of gold! Get your lady Please come out and entertain our brothers!"

How could this group of drunken soldiers be willing to give in?Fortunately, there was an officer inside who didn't die drunk, and heard the words "Zui Xing Lou" from the old bustard's mouth.Looking up at the plaque, he was so frightened that he was dripping with cold sweat. He suddenly woke up from the wine, procrastinated and cursed, and dragged the group away.

The old bustard sneered and said, "It's quite knowledgeable!" She turned around and closed the door, and was about to go to the inner room, when she heard a woman from the back yard rushing to report: "Nurse, there is movement in the tunnel! "

Talk about this drunk apricot building.The most honored guests never come in from the front, but come from the tunnel in the backyard.Because this nobleman would never notify in advance when he came, so there would always be someone in Zuixing Tower waiting at the entrance of the tunnel day and night, and whenever there was any movement, they would be notified immediately so as to make a time difference.

Because noble people cannot be neglected.At the same time, I was worried that my lady was entertaining guests.It's embarrassing when the hatchback collides.

That's why the bustard heard that there is an authentic Tokyo, and she was shocked because the nobleman hadn't come here for several months, so she hurriedly asked, "What's the matter, is the nobleman here?"

"It doesn't sound like it!" the woman said, "It's just that there are a few people talking inside, like an old man called Duan Taiwei!"

The place of fireworks and wine shops has always been the place where information is most readily available. The old bustard guessed this Duan Taiwei as soon as he heard this.It should be Duan Chang, the Taiwei of the Dianshufu who just took over the position of Gao Qiu.

"Go and watch again!" the old bustard ordered.Thinking of how shrewd she is, from Duan Chang's abnormal behavior, I immediately have a feeling: ninety-nine out of ten officials will come to Zuixinglou today.

The old woman went away after hearing the news, and the bustard went straight to the young lady's attic. As soon as she entered the room, she heard her daughter singing a few words of Le Dong's family that had been circulated in the capital recently.There was also a young man sitting inside, who used to be a regular visitor, since Gao Taiwei lured His Majesty, this man was so scared that he hadn't come for several years, I don't know how my daughter met yesterday when he was out, but he came today.Seeing that he gave a lot of money in the past, it was not easy for the bustard to stop him at that time, but the situation is different now, maybe the official will come over when, how can he stay here?

The old bustard came forward and said politely: "My daughter is not feeling well today and needs to rest. Mr. Jia, please come back another day!"

To be polite is to leave no room for it.How could this official Jia leave just when he was in love?Just shouldn't.This young lady is a smart person, she knows that the bustard will not drive people away for no reason, and she also guesses what is going on in her heart, fearing that he will be bumped into by the officials. Unhappy, it's not the one who is looking for him, but at that time, it is not yourself who has harmed him?

The young lady listened to Yingyan's gentle voice, and together with the old bustard, she tried to persuade Jia Daguan to leave first.

This official Jia can be admired by this leader, so he is not a fool.After seeing the madam's aggressive face, and Li Xingshou's protective expression, he still can't guess the reason?After leaving Zuixinglou, I walked down the street alone, looking for a hotel at random, and went in to drink away my worries.

In fact, when he came out of the Zuixing Tower, he had already drunk seventy percent of the wine, and adding that he was pouring water into his mouth at this time, it was already too much.

Some people fall asleep when they are drunk, some people refer to Sang and scold Huai when they are drunk, but he is jealous when he is drunk, so he asks Xiaoer for pen and ink when he gets up, and writes a poem on the wall that changed his life :

"Walking in front of the small building, I saw a beautiful woman who looked like a fairy. I thought to myself that the holy love was like a dream, chasing after joy, holding the orchid house in my hand and pitying freely. One night I said the words of alliance, full of heavy sandalwood spraying auspicious smoke. Reporting early morning, returning late, returning home Luan, leave shark silk as money for the night."

This person not only wrote, but also read, which immediately attracted crowds of drinkers to watch.The romantic affair of the current emperor is not considered news in Tokyo. When everyone saw this poem, they all wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh.

Only a man dressed as an officer in the crowd went out with a sneer.Immediately, a well-meaning man saw this and said, "Scholar, let's go! Just now an officer saw that you had a bad look, so he wanted to bring someone to arrest you! I just saw you enter the door with the front foot, and he followed with the back foot. Obviously followed You have half a day!"

The Jia Daguan heard it.Immediately, most of the wine sobered up. After thanking the kind-hearted people, he just stepped out of the hotel with his front foot, and turned back with his back foot. He still remembered to destroy the evidence.But at this time, the shopkeeper of the hotel had already been alarmed, but he didn't dare to let him destroy the physical evidence, seeing that the matter was exposed.How dare you go against it?Even if he dies, he will not let him succeed. Jia Daguan is a scholar, how can he compete with them?He had no choice but to turn around and run away.

Let go of this person's affairs first.He only said that after he went out, the old bustard asked his daughter: "It's rare that the official family came to look for you at this time. I must be extremely depressed. Do you have any new words in my hand, or else they are all those outdated words in the market, called officials. Home is boring!"

"My daughter still has a poem, which I entrusted to Le Dong's family before. It has never been delivered. Why don't you ask for it for my daughter?" The daughter replied, there was no introduction to Le Dong's family in her words, presumably it is now A person who is in full swing in the capital.

The old bustard was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "Great kindness! Let someone take it!"

The two discussed it and were about to leave the cabinet.Suddenly I saw a woman running upstairs in a panic.He said: "The holy car has arrived!"

In such a hurry?The two couldn't help but glanced at each other, and hurriedly went downstairs to greet them, and sure enough they saw Zhao Ji coming from the backyard, the young lady stepped forward to greet him hurriedly, and led Zhao Ji into the lobby below the pavilion.

At this time, the beauty was in front of him, and Zhao Ji's irritable mood improved a lot. He said: "Master, the Gao Taiwei who introduced you and me has already died for the country! This is the new Duan Taiwei in the Palace Commander's House Let’s get to know each other! I don’t need to introduce Gao Qiang anymore!”

Although the opposite is just a beautiful prostitute.Duan Chang's old face smiled so much that flowers could still be found, and he was very humble. Li Shishi went up to greet him, and then went upstairs with Zhao Ji, leaving Gao Qiang and Duan Chang, the two helpers, to watch the wind downstairs .

To say that Duan Chang is also an old man in the three yamen, he was suppressed by Gao Qiu before, and he finally got through it, but now he can sit with Gao Yanei, chatting and laughing happily, it's really self-restraining.

The old one and the young one were talking to each other, after about half an hour, they suddenly heard the greeting upstairs, Gao Qiang went up for a while, then came back and called out the old bustard, asking: "Who is this Le Dong family? Recently, he has made such a big name in Tokyo that even the officials want to see him by name!"

Seeing the question, the old bustard picked up some anecdotes about Le Dong's family, but Gao Yanei didn't bother to listen, and waved his hand: "It's not convenient for the miscellaneous family to invite this man, so you can send someone! Remember, you can't." Leak any rumors!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The old bustard immediately called a woman and instructed in a low voice.Taiwei Duan looked at Gao Qiu's fake son with great interest and called himself a "miscellaneous family".

After the old bustard finished speaking, a steady woman nodded and went away, but as soon as the door opened, it happened that a dozen wolf-like yamen servants were about to break the door, and the woman screamed and fell to the ground in fright.This movement was not small, and Duan Taiwei and Gao Yanei were immediately asked to get up and investigate. When they met, they saw that it was a person from Kaifeng Mansion. Wherever you are, I will send you here!"

These more than ten yamen servants did not pay attention to Gao Yameni, instead they filed in, and the last person quietly closed the door of this room.Duan Chang is an old man, and when he realized something was wrong, he immediately warned loudly: "There are assassins! Escort, escort!"

When he shouted, these assassins were startled, and one of the big men turned his head and said: "Brother, didn't you kill Tong Guan? Why do you call for escort?"

Finally, the person who closed the door sneered and said, "I bumped into a fat sheep and raised a rabbit? Now that the real dragon emperor has come out, how long will it be before this false emperor is killed!"

When everyone heard it, they all felt reasonable. That's right, with Zhao Ji in front of you, why do you care about Tong Guan?These dozen or so people are one in a million dead soldiers, they have a clear goal, and they want to risk their lives to achieve it, so they immediately went inside to cover up and kill them.

Fortunately, Taiwei Duan gave the warning in time, and the guards waiting in the backyard had already rushed in, and there was a scuffle immediately.The assassin leader shouted loudly: "Zhao Ji is upstairs, don't worry about the others!"

With this order, suddenly saw three or five people guarding the stairs, and the remaining assassins all went upstairs to kill, Duan Taiwei, who was so frightened that his ass was peeing, his heart constricted sharply, and he was stunned!

God!If the assassin is called to rush up, the sky of Song Dynasty will not be turned over! ?Seeing that he was in a hurry, he rushed to the backyard and shouted upstairs: "Your Majesty, the assassin is coming up, jump, jump down!"

Gao Qiang was already stunned, but luckily no one paid any attention to him, this fellow was hiding under the table with his arms folded, with blood on his hands, it turned out that he had been stabbed by someone.

In the chaos, he suddenly discovered that the man who gave orders among the assassins actually tore off the coat of the yamen servant outside, and took advantage of the chaotic situation to cover the door and slip away. (to be continued~^~)

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