Water Margin Survival

Chapter 681 I Think Your Tian Hu Is Insincere!

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Sorry for the failure yesterday!Two more [-] words today, continue tomorrow!


According to Li Xiaoer, this emissary should be a difficult master, but when Cao Zheng met Fan Quan face to face, he unexpectedly discovered that this person was easy to talk to!Don't say that he is what he says, there is no special request at all.Even Cao Zheng saw that his face was stiffened by the cold wind, and sent someone to offer hot wine to drive away the cold. This person was grateful and flattered, how could he look so arrogant?

Seeing this, Cao Zheng took a chance, pulled Li Xiaoer aside, and asked, "Little Er, what happened these two days? This man is so gentle and polite, why did you say that to me? If you make a mistake, it will affect the judgment of the copycat brothers!"

"Brother Cao, my younger brother was reckless yesterday, mistook the information, and always regarded the person sent by Tian Hu as an angel from Tokyo. I admit this, and I am ashamed of you and Teacher Lin... It's just that this person just came I shouted five times and six times, I thought that he was also an envoy sent by the emperor, so I endured it in every possible way. Unexpectedly, this man happened to meet the brothers of our Shanzhai Majun going down the mountain on the way, and he probably shocked him at once, so this time People don't dare to show him what he used to do right now! Otherwise, I'm afraid the village master will come to meet him in person at this time!"

Li Xiaoer was very angry, thinking that he had always been cautious.Have you ever made a mistake after going up the mountain?A poke at the moment will make a big mess.It can be regarded as being cheated by this person.

"Okay..." After hearing the general idea, Cao Zheng had an idea in his mind, but he couldn't just say a word at this time, because that would harm the person involved, so he gave up on Li Xiaoer after he said something harshly.

Li Xiaoer himself was bluffed by Fan Quan, how could he dare to be wronged? .He just stood there with his head down and listened to the training. Fortunately, after Cao Zheng had finished training him, he gave him an accurate statement: Coach Lin has come forward for this matter, and he will not be on the line.

Li Xiaoer was overjoyed, he quickly confessed his feelings, Cao Zheng settled him down, and went back to Tian Hu's envoy, at this time, everyone drank some wine to warm up, and their faces were much more lively than before.Cao Zheng invited Fan Quan to board the boat.Without further ado, Fan Quan followed Cao Zheng, but Geng Gong was dumbfounded.

He knew the pomp of the father-in-law of the country, even if he asked Wang Lun to go down the mountain in person, with his disposition, he could justify it.Right now, he is so honest, following an unknown leader and leaving like this.It is really abnormal.But Geng Gong was surprised.He is not a person who provokes troubles, so he immediately greeted his followers and followed behind the father-in-law.

It happened that the transport ship in the Shanzhai had no mission after sending the Thunder Army ashore. Cao Zheng made an agreement with Wang Dingliu and left a large ship to greet the envoy.Fan Quan got on the boat quietly, but stood on the deck and refused to go down. Cao Zheng saw that he was very cooperative all the way, but he was ready to persuade him, but Wang Dingliu coughed, and more than 20 big men rushed up around him .In this winter, they are still naked, just standing there is very scary, just listen to Wang Dingliu: "Send it to make people wait to go to the secret cabin, don't let a little wind blow it!"

Fan Quan's mouth squirmed, but he gave up the idea of ​​spying on Liangshan's path.Having seen Fan Quan's understanding of current affairs before, Geng Gong was not surprised at the moment, and still followed the head of the country, never leaving.

The boat sailed in the water for more than half an hour, not to mention the people from the east of the river who had little experience in the water, even the old Liangshan Cao Zheng was almost dizzy at this time, and said straightly: "Old six, I didn't realize that you are so careful! I think it's almost time for the fire, and Chief Li is still waiting for this person!"

Wang Dingliu smiled, turned his head to greet the boatmen and sailed towards Liaoerwa, and chatted with Cao Zheng: "Why did we send Chief Li to receive the envoys from Hedong? The standard is not high!"

"It's Tian Hu who came, and that's the kind of treatment!" Cao Zheng replied, and smiled at Wang Dingliu. It seemed that Tian Hu had already lost his reputation in Liangshan.

After another cup of tea, they finally landed. Fan Quan was the first to run out, vomited the dirt all over the deck, and made Wang Dingliu very angry.

"This is Li Ying, the leader of my Shanzhai Invitation Leader!" After Fan Quan finally cleaned up, Li Ying got up and came over. Cao Zheng introduced to Fan Quan.

"Long admiration, a long time admiration, a long time heard of the name, like thunder. I saw it today, and it really deserves the reputation!" After being seasick, Fan Quan's face was a little pale, but when he saw Li Ying, he immediately showed a very familiar expression, and called Li Ying also. Some are puzzled, but looking at this person's appearance as a businessman, he can't help but wonder, could he have done business with him before! ?

After the ceremony was over, Li Ying led Fan Quan and his party to the Duanjin Pavilion halfway up the mountain, where a cook had already prepared a welcome banquet.Speaking of which, the Department of Invitation and Foreign Affairs is a short and sharp department, but when they get busy, all the departments in the cottage must fully cooperate.In such a cold weather, this table of steaming wine and food is proof.

Fan Quan didn't expect to have a banquet in the open air, nor did he expect to have only two chiefs to accompany him in the huge Liangshan Po, so he felt a little unhappy, but he didn't dare to express it.Fortunately, Li Ying and Cao Zheng were very enthusiastic, and the dishes on the table were very rich and steaming. It looked like they were stuck in order, and it didn't look like they were deliberately neglecting. Only then did they feel a little more balanced. After ordering casually, he put down his chopsticks and asked, "Dare to ask the leader of the King of Guizhai..."

Wang Lun's whereabouts are a secret of the village, of course Li Ying knew this truth, smiled immediately and said: "It's really a coincidence, the village owner went down the mountain to visit the poor two days ago, and he probably won't be back in a few days! "

Fan Quan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood when he heard the words, bandits and pirates went to the people to visit the poor and ask the poor, making the world laugh out loud!

It's a pity that Liangshan's fist is too big, so he can say whatever he wants. Just now, after landing on the shore, he discovered that there are still formed cavalry on this island who have not gone down the mountain. In his eyes, Liangshan Park suddenly became like a bottomless pit. where.He didn't dare to rashly provoke his son-in-law to an asymmetrical enemy whose number of horses alone was almost equivalent to Jin's current strength.

Li Ying saw Fan Quan's frustration, and said again: "Give me a chance to catch the wind. Xu Guanzhong, the military commander of the Bizhai Village, and Xiaoxuanfeng Chai Jin will meet with you in the Juyi hall. If you have any questions, you can directly talk to this person." The two chiefs said!"

Fan Quan may not have heard of other people's names on Liangshan, but Xu Guanzhong's name is really impressive. After all, Tian Hu wanted to invite him to be a military adviser in his dreams. There are more than a few streets.Even Qiao Daoqing, who has been in the limelight recently, can only bow down to him.

It was discovered that Xu Guanzhong received him.Fan Quan's mood eased a lot, and he began to interact with Li Ying and Cao Zheng frequently, and started to drink.

In fact, Liang Shan didn't mean to be indifferent to this person on purpose, it was really people who were above Xu Guanzhong, and they really weren't in Liang Shan.It is said that after learning that the court would not take Liangshan into consideration for a short time, Wang Lun took Zhu Gui down the mountain.

It also happened that Xiao Jiasui had gone to Erlong Mountain for inspection the day before yesterday and hadn't come back yet.This Erlong Mountain is in a terrible situation right now, and even took the initiative to apply to be a temporary transfer station for Liangshan's personnel on the border of Jingdong.Just after the expansion of the army in the village, it really couldn't accommodate too many people.So after the three military advisers discussed it, they felt that the proposal that Erlongshan had volunteered to report could be considered, so Xiao Jiasui took people there to investigate. It has been three days now, and he still has no intention of coming back. There is drama.

Everyone is coming and going at the wine table.Time flies.Li Ying suddenly realized that eating, drinking, drinking and not moving his hands at this banquet was actually in line with his own personality, but when he thought of the disparity in status between himself and his boss, Chai Jin, he would just do nothing in the future and eat what Wang Lun was kind to Old books will suffice.But if I don't change my position and work hard, my children and grandchildren will blame me in the future. Why don't I work hard at such a good time?

While pushing the cups, a schoolboy came to Li Ying and whispered a few words, and Li Ying hiccupped.To Fan Quan who also drank a lot, he said: "Mr. Xu and Officer Chai are already waiting for you in the Juyi hall. If your Excellency is finished eating, Xiao Ke will take you there to meet you!"

"Brother Li, let's have a drink with you! But... this, this important matter of our two families cannot be delayed. I will have a drink with you at night when I finish my work!" Fan Quan felt a little bit reluctant after drinking. , Anti-customer is the way.

Li Ying laughed loudly, and naturally agreed, the two of them were like old friends for many years, and helped each other to the Juyi Hall. After Cao Zheng explained the situation, Geng Gong was allowed to enter with Fan Quan, and the guards behind them did not have this kind of treatment. , were all stopped outside the hall.Even Fan Quan was persuaded, how dare these people pretend to be heroes in Liangshan, and they all accepted the arrangement of the guards very obediently.

Let’s say that Fan Quan was brought in by Li Ying, and after the two parties met each other, they were introduced to each other. Fan Quan said a lot of compliments to Xu Guanzhong through Jiu Jin, but Tian Hu’s order to show off his prestige on Liangshan was all forgotten. I went to the country of Java, just kidding, what is the difference between flaunting prestige in this kind of place and courting death?

It's just that there is still a big problem, Tian Hu's imperial edict has to be read out!But if people don't kneel, this scene will be too embarrassing!

Fortunately, Fan Quan was clever, so he didn't bring out the imperial decree at all. He just talked about the importance of friendship between the two sides, and brought out a sentence by the way: "My son ascended the throne, and I can't bear the fact that many old friends who are in their infancy still There is no title. It is said that the king of the village is highly respected, but the emperor cannot be canonized as the emperor, so he can only wrong the king of the noble village to assume the title of king of Qi. It seems that the village owner is not in the village today, so please convey my emperor's kindness!"

After Fan Quan finished speaking, Xu Guanzhong's face became serious, and he said slowly: "Tian Hu and our Zhaizhu, as well as the leader of the Wang League in the west of Beijing, and the Fang leader in the south of the Yangtze River are all big mountains against the imperial court. If these gangsters , who thinks that as long as you can be the first to proclaim yourself emperor, you can entrust the other three people, it would be too boring, right?"

As soon as Xu Guanzhong finished speaking, Fan Quan was in a state of embarrassment, but he heard Chai Jin interject, "Don't say that your statement doesn't make sense, even if you follow your statement, it seems too dishonest!"

Seeing that, Fan Quan quickly asked, "May I ask what the high officials are referring to?"

"Whether we agree or not is one thing, but if you are sincere, you can invite my village master to be the Supreme Emperor. Is this the truth?" Click /Official Account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow qdread WeChat official account!) (to be continued~^~)

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