Water Margin Survival

Chapter 684 Unexpected Song Sanlang

"No, no, no! For a person like this, if the Taiwei wants to drag him into the gang, wouldn't it be a piece of mouse shit, falling into the meat soup? It will make us stink too! Let's make a statement first, and we are not ashamed to This person is a minister in the same hall!" Jin Mao Shi Wei was furious in the Juyi hall, and firmly disagreed with Fang Xuedu's going to recruit Song Jiang.

The boss expressed his opinion, and the life-cutting general Deng Tianbao and Iron Spear King Dashou also got up and said: "We come out to mess around, what do we pay attention to? It's not a word of "righteousness"! Think about how the Tuota King Chao Gai ever treated him slowly, this fellow But En will take revenge and secretly murder the boss! If we want to say, this guy is an unfamiliar dog! If he really came to our Jin country in the future, it would be disrespectful to His Majesty, why don't you care about this guy playing football?"

Tian Hu sent Fang Xuedu to Hebei, and he really chose the right person.If you choose someone who uses hard to control hard and hard to overcome hard, Mo Dao will lose control of the current situation, and it is still unclear whether the current situation can be achieved.

Right now, Fang Xuedu just smiled without saying a word, and didn't directly confront the leader of Ganyanshan, because he knew that if someone opposed it, someone would definitely agree.

"Come on! The one who recruited Song Jiang to join the gang was a member of the Dajin Kingdom, and he was also fed by the Tian family's food! What does it have to do with you Ganyanshan? Some people know how to talk nonsense when they are full and have nothing to do! It's like How much does it have to do with you! What does the Taiwei do, and I have to report to you?" Sure enough, the leader of the second largest force, Jinlin Python Ma Yuanyu, said sarcastically.

With a sound of "bang", Shi Wei jumped up and said angrily: "Today is a gathering in my Ganyan Mountain. As the host, what's the matter with expressing my opinion? Don't provoke the relationship between the Taiwei and me. The Taiwei didn't say anything Don't let people talk! Let's talk again. I am the comfort envoy of Jinzhou and a member of one party! Isn't it just us discussing the affairs of the court, why can't I speak up!"

"Ah bah! When will it be your turn to decide the affairs of the imperial court? You are the appeasement envoy of Jinzhou, not the appeasement envoy of Jin State! Whatever your identity, do whatever you want, don't stretch your hands! Look at me! Taiwei Listen carefully to your words. Don’t interject indiscriminately, this is your duty! I also told you, as long as the Taiwei gives orders, I, Ma Yuan, will lead the way and escort the Taiwei to recruit Song Jiang!” Ma Yuan’s mouth is also bad enough, saying The sentence pierced Shi Wei's heart.

The two most powerful hilltops rose up without warning, while the other hilltops were happy to watch the excitement, and even those with good intentions added fuel to the fire, "Everyone's quarrels are quarrels. Don't fight!"

"Damn, it's really Chi Qian Wang Ba Duo!"

Shi Wei looked angrily, and it turned out that it was Yao Shun, the third leader of Duozi Mountain, who was driven out from Shandong.

As a local snake in Hebei.He hated these outsiders who stepped over the line at will.Even he himself was driven out of Yanshan lair by Wang Qing's general Du Po. Seeing this outsider talking nonsense at this time, he wished that new and old grudges would be added to his body, so he immediately drew his waist knife and cursed, "I'm going to fire first!" Merge you!", and was about to kill people.

The people in Ganyan Mountain are all tough people, the boss moved the knife, the third and fourth didn't say to stop them, but they all followed him to get them.The second child, Poison Fire Dragon, Yang Lie hesitated for a while, but he also got up, but he just followed behind the three of them, neither showing his head nor speaking.

Dong Cheng and Sheng Ben, who maintained the discipline of the meeting, both looked at Fang Xuedu, and as soon as he gave an order, they immediately went to arrest someone, but Fang Xuedu stood still, just looking at the poisonous fire dragon Yang Lie with a thoughtful expression on his face. Seeing this, he had no choice but to endure, watching Shi Wei, Deng Tianbao, and Wang Dashou attack Yao Shun with their swords.

Seeing that Ganyan Mountain and Duozi Mountain were being fought, more than [-]% of the leaders of Dazhai in Hebei Province gathered in the hall at this time, and no one stood up to persuade the fight, and they all waited to watch the excitement.Seeing this, Shi Wei secretly thought: "This is the best! Kill Li Wei first!"

After making up his mind, he didn't shake his hands, and saw that Shi Wei slashed at him fiercely, and he was actually trying to kill Yao Shun. Yao Shun didn't expect Shi Wei to be so arrogant. The envoy (a state that only governs one county), who would have thought that this bandit would kill people as soon as he said they wanted to, and Yao Shun's accident happened suddenly, so he couldn't help being frightened, and he was about to splatter blood on the spot.

It was too late and then it was fast, I saw a thick arm grabbing Shi Wei's wrist holding the knife, Shi Wei felt a huge force coming, no matter how difficult it was for the knife to go down half a point, the big man stopped Shi Wei with ease, and he could take advantage of this gap , pushed Yao Shun violently with the other hand, causing him to stumble.

Everyone thought that the play reached seven points, and when it was exciting, they didn't know that the plot took a sharp turn. The man who had the upper hand actually said:

"There is a warm hospitality from the leader of Laoshi, but Duozishan has not returned it yet! Today Yao Shun owed us a debt, and we are wronged. I will give you an explanation later. Please don't delay the Taiwei's discussion on the important matter of recruiting!"

"Okay you Ai Yebao! Success, Di Lei! (From Dang Kou Zhi, not to mention Yue Quan's biography) I will give you this face, and see how you will explain it later!" After just a short contact, half of Shi Wei's arm is already Sore and numb, when he realized that no matter how hard he said, he might suffer a loss, so he immediately chose to go downhill.

After hearing his words, Di Yun and Cui Hao, who were supporting Deng Tianbao and Wang Dashou, also let go of their hands, and the fire ended with Shi Wei's retreat.

Seeing that the sparks had already ignited into a big fire, everyone was preparing to watch a big show, but they couldn't help booing, only then did Fang Xuedu shout angrily: "Enough!"

None of the people present had ever seen Fang Xuedu get angry, but when a gentle person gets angry, his aura is even more terrifying. Combined with the background behind him, this roar really calmed down many heroes present.

At this time, Fang Xuedu said heartbrokenly: "You are all important ministers of my Great Jin Kingdom at this time, and you are no longer the bandit leader who occupies the mountain as the king, but you can see for yourself, who looks like an earl, viscount, or baron?" ?Who is the city man who is a bit of a gentleman?! In front of the emperor in the future, are you going to lose face, or my Fang Xuedu? Since my Fang Xuedu recruited you, there is no shame or no shame, But what I'm afraid of is that you take yourself lightly!"

"Give me an hour of self-reflection here, who dares to act rashly again... Where is General Xiong Wei in front of the emperor?"

Dong Cheng took a step forward and reported loudly.Fang Xuedu dropped a cruel sentence: "Who dares to rebel in the nest again. Military law!"

If everyone present wants to say that you look down on me and I look down on him, that's definitely true.But in front of Fang Xuedu who represented Tian Hu, no one dared to show their teeth, because as long as they showed dissatisfaction even a little, they would become the prey of everyone else without Fang Xuedu talking at all.Because those who are qualified to enter this gate are not people, but wolves, hungry wolves with green eyes, who want to grab a piece of meat from others all the time.

Dong Cheng waved his hand to the outside of the hall very aggressively, and a hundred elite soldiers immediately poured in, guarding the sub-stations on all sides. Wang Feibao was taken aback, and whispered to Zhao Fu: "Today I know what is the name of throwing cups!" Zhao Fu has not yet answer.Suddenly, at this time, there was a minion from Ganyan Shanbenzhai poking his head outside the hall, and he was immediately scolded by Yang Lie, the second in charge of Jinzhou Military and Horse Commander: "Get out, what's the matter with you!"

Fang Xuedu stretched out a finger, shook it at everyone, and said to Dong Cheng: "After an hour, I will invite you all to return to the village! Chief Di, I will lend you the cavalry!"

"The Taiwei wants to be transferred. Just transfer, they are all from the Great Jin Kingdom, so why not talk about an excuse!" Di Lei said unequivocally.His Duozishan minions are definitely not the most numerous among the heroes present, but the cavalry under him are even worse than Qianyanshan, the largest force in Hebei, otherwise Shi Wei would not have been so straightforward just now.

"Let's invite the four of you to go with us, and we will set off immediately to meet this Shandong Jiyu!" Fang Xuedu said firmly.The four of them had to be ordered to go out, and Fang Xuedu also ordered Jackal Wei to point Sheng Ben to the remaining cavalry.

In the end, there are fewer people and better concentration.It didn't take much time before Sheng Ben's more than 300 cavalry were ready to go. Sheng Ben stepped forward to report to Fang Xuedu, and asked what happened just now: "Taiwei, what's hindering Shi Wei when we recruit Song Jiang? Why did he Jump out and make trouble?"

Fang Xuedu took a look at Sheng Ben, snorted coldly, and said, "It's very simple! With Song Jiang coming, he will not be ranked No. [-] in Ganyanshan. If he is not the boss, he cannot represent the heroes of Hebei, and he cannot represent the heroes of Hebei. You can’t bargain in front of His Majesty, understand?”

"Dog thief! So selfish, thanks to the Taiwei who has always trusted him!" Sheng Ben was an old man who followed Tian Hu, and his loyalty was unquestionable, so he was quite indignant when he heard this.

Fang Xuedu smiled and said nothing.In fact, he didn't really trust these people from the beginning to the end, and he has been doing all kinds of tricks among them subtly and covertly.He greeted these people with open arms, but never with open heart.

From the moment he set off from Liaozhou, he never forgot Tian Hu's instructions, and never let up for a moment.The 8 or [-] people in Hebei must not be allowed to work together!If it becomes monolithic, it will definitely be a disaster for the emerging state of Jin!

Therefore, he started to make arrangements very early, through many overt and covert means, first of all, to magnify the contradictions between the various hilltops.If given the opportunity, he would spare no effort to further expand the differences within a mountain, so that these people will eventually become a mess, so as to facilitate the final imperial court's control over them.

It's just that these things can only be done, not said.No matter how indignant Sheng Ben was at this time, he would not clarify his words.Finally, when Di Lei came with [-] or [-] cavalry, the two roads merged into one road and headed for Song Jiang's foothold.

The thieves and soldiers were on their way, and naturally they would eat wherever they went, and the road was full of mourners, Fang Xuedu didn't care about these, he still thought this was the best strategy of "giving food to the enemy".

Because it was the last deal, it was the best deal, and I was going back to Hedong if I didn't complete my housing degree, so I was in a hurry. At dusk that day, I arrived at the destination: Daluze in Xingzhou.

Looking at the water in the lake, Fang Xuedu couldn't help feeling amused. It's not good where to camp in Songjiang, but he chose to be on the edge of a vast lake of hundreds of miles. Could it be that he wants to learn from the Liangshan Lake and find a small island in the middle of the lake to live for a long time? go down?

Thinking about it, these words are meaningless.Fang Xuedu still had business to do, so he tied up the soldiers and horses a few miles away, looked at Di Lei with a smile in front of Sheng Ben who volunteered to go together, and said, "Does Director Di dare to accompany me? "

"Song Jiang's big tent is not a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair, and the general is willing to escort the Taiwei in!" Di Lei clasped his fists.

Fang Xuedu nodded, and told Sheng Ben to stay where he was, and only brought Di Lei and ten or twenty riders with him, agreeing to use the sound of arrows as a sign, and meandering away to Songjiang's campsite.

Before walking halfway, the pedestrians were stopped by a handsome army horse. Seeing Fang Xuedu was wearing an imperial official uniform, the leader of the team couldn't help but look him up and down. Fang Xuedu didn't change his face, and said loudly: " An angel from the imperial court has arrived, and wants to meet with your Song leader!"

The leader said that he thoughtlessly said, "My brother has been waiting for you for a long time, why did he come to the west?" Hearing this sentence, even though Fang Xuedudang paid attention, he didn't take the initiative to confess anything. The leader didn't ask any more questions, and took Fang Xuedu all the way to the camp of the Chinese army, which saved a lot of trouble.

As soon as he entered Songjiang's Chinese army tent, he saw a short black man with a dozen or so leaders waiting respectfully on both sides. When he saw Fang Xuedu's arrival, he seemed to be prepared for it. They all bowed down and said:

"Song Jiang, a young official, lead the big and small brothers, and welcome the angels!" (to be continued~^~)

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