After Song Jiang finished speaking, regardless of Fang Xuedu's reaction, he said without doubt: "Take me behind the screen, if you dare to move around, you will be killed without mercy!"

The big man next to Fang Xuedu is a bit evil, how can he be able to live with mere mere gangsters?But at this moment when the special envoy of the imperial court came over, no one was willing to give up this opportunity to show their face.To say that Yanshun was the one who defended Song Jiang the most, after experiencing so many setbacks, he still did not change his original intention. At this time, no matter what kind of special envoy he was, he took four or five minions and forced Tian Hu to go behind the screen.

When it was time to show weakness, Fang Xuedu never showed weakness, and led Di Lei to hide behind the screen very cooperatively, with a calm smile.

Seeing that it was going well, Song Jiang wiped the sweat from his forehead, hurriedly arranged his clothes, and then went out to meet the special envoy of Liang Zhongshu from the famous mansion.

The hatchback meets, and the ceremony is over.The special envoy was polite, he didn't put on a condescending face, instead, he confided to the many leaders in the camp like an acquaintance:

"For the sake of everyone's future, my family's husband has put in a lot of effort. In the end, it is up to the heavens to listen. In the end, the officials are willing to recruit the leader of An Song and the big and small brothers! Congratulations, this is unprecedented since the official's ascension to the throne. Big deal!"

Following the content of the special envoy's speech, the expression on Song Jiang's face changed again and again. It could be said that the listener had more expressions than the narrator, which made the special envoy feel very comfortable.Song Jiang said a lot of grateful words in front of him again, and the atmosphere of the scene was much more enthusiastic than when he met Tian Hulai just now.

But when the special envoy and Song Jiang talked about it, they were talking in vain, and the key content was not clear.At this time, the apprentice couldn't help but want to know how the master will treat him in the future.I saw Kong Ming accompanied him carefully and asked carefully: "Dare to ask the special envoy, how the officials plan to arrange my master and us, can you give us a thorough understanding?"

"This bottom..."

The special envoy suddenly talked about him, but he didn't talk about the topic, let alone Song Jiang's people were in a hurry, even Fang Xuedu was in a panic, eager to know the details.I can't wait to go out and call Song Jiang: "This is asking for bribes! I was born as a remand officer, don't you understand this?"

Fortunately, Song Jiang was just slow, not unprepared. Seeing this, he coughed quickly and saw Kong Liang holding out a plate of gold and silver. of?"

"Of course it's for the noble envoy, and there is a small gift for those who stay behind!" Song Jiang was very experienced.Doing things is impeccable, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Seeing this, the special envoy smiled sweeter, and finally opened his mouth: "Everyone's arrangements have been finalized. Chief Song is about to serve as the observation envoy of Jeju. I don't remember all the others. I think one is the other. There is a surnamed Mu. The leader of the group is designated as the deputy envoy of the Jeju regiment. There is also a leader surnamed Yan who is the deputy envoy of the Puzhou regiment. By the way, is there another Zheng Tianshou? This name is easy to remember, and he will serve as the deputy envoy of the Yunzhou regiment. Cai Fu and Cai Qing are old acquaintances, and returned to the Daming Mansion to take up their old positions. As for the others, most of them were commanders of the Imperial Army, and they were all stationed in Ji, Yun, and Pu prefectures. When Chief Song follows me to the Daming Mansion to listen to the announcement, we will know the details!"

Wait for the special envoy of Liang Zhongshu to finish speaking.There was no sound outside the screen.Fang Xuedu was elated when he heard that, the imperial court is really self-inflicted, he has successfully raised the appetite of these people just now, but now the imperial court is jumping into the pit without knowing it, he can fully guess at this time What are the feelings of these leaders outside the screen.

"Excuse me, there is a person named Sun in our group. How did the imperial court arrange it? Does your envoy have any impression?" Sun Li's voice trembled, and Fang Xuedu could already hear the self-deprecating meaning in his words. , the master just offered a price for the Minister of the Ministry of War, but you have some kind of commander, it's no wonder that people are upset!

"Sun?" The special envoy looked at Sun Li for a while, then suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Have you stayed in Dengzhou?"

"Exactly!" Sun Li nodded.

The special envoy said "hmm" and there was no more to say, but this was actually an answer.Sun Li held back for a long time, finally said a few "good" words, and couldn't help cursing: "Master Wang, I swear that I will never die with you!"

Fang Xuedu didn't know who this Wang Shizhong was, but he knew that Sun Li was obviously put on by this person, and he was extremely grateful to this person at the moment.This Sun Li is not an ordinary person. If you want to talk about the strongest general under Song Jiang, he belongs to Sun Li. Without this pillar, with these other villains, robbers, Taoist priests, and butchers, no matter how many people they bring, It's just a mob.Only because of Sun Li, this group of people is a bit like a soldier.

"Brother Sun Li, no matter who harmed you behind your back, as long as you stay behind and appreciate you, are you afraid that the future will not be bright?" Song Jiang's voice appeared at the right time, and Fang Xuedu was not surprised, but at this moment someone suddenly didn't give Song Jiang face, but Fang Xuedu was a little surprised.

"Brother, the younger brothers dare not take office, and I hope that the elder brother will let us live for the sake of the brothers!"

Fang Xuedu really became happier the more he listened, Sun Li didn't dare to let go of Song Jiang's face and said he wanted to break up the partnership, but the Cai brothers jumped out at this time, just slapping Song Jiang's wishful thinking!

It seems that the Cai brothers are quite smart, and when they realized that Sun Li was being missed, they immediately shrank their heads.That's right, those people in the court of the Song Dynasty are smaller than the other, and this Liang Zhongshu is not necessarily more magnanimous than Wang Shizhong. The Cai brothers must have felt the personal threat, so they dared to ignore Song Jiang's anger.

The tent fell silent, and Song Jiang didn't speak. He must have been very angry, but at this moment, he heard the voices of two young men, "My lord, why is there no news about my sister (sister)?"

Fang Xuedu felt that these two people did not match his impression at all. Just now he saw that there were two young people who were eighteen or nineteen, and thought they were just ordinary people. He didn't expect that they were also the leaders of Song Jiang's subordinates?

"But a woman nicknamed 'Peach Blossom Girl'? Congratulations to your two brothers. Madam is very happy to hear about her deeds. She wants to stay by her side as a maid! It's like smoke is rising from your ancestral grave!"

The "good news" announced by the special envoy in a benevolent voice did not receive tears of gratitude from the other party, but instead aroused the anger of the two young people.Just listen to the elder brother roaring:

"My sister was born with fine clothes and fine food. The parents at home treat her like a jewel in the palm of her hand, how can she be a maid for someone!? You are really bullying people too! Brother Gongming, the court has abused people so badly, we will not join the army anymore. Go back to Fengtian Town, and hope to forgive your sin! Instructor Hong, set up Zhuang Bing. We will go back now! Don’t worry, we will attack Liangshanbo to avenge your shame!"

Older ones can understand it with reason and move it with emotion, but young men become self-willed and don't listen to people who are not close to them.Song Jiang was like a person who had been through the sea, looking at these two young men who couldn't bear half of the grievances, but for some reason, he thought of his equally young brother Hua Rong, and his expression was gloomy.He sighed for a long time, and didn't want to say anything, so he just invited a coach next to him: "Teacher Hong, please persuade these two young masters!"

Hongjiao nodded, he was very low, even if he was the commander of the imperial army.He is also very attractive.Immediately said: "Young Master, think about it carefully, this is a good thing! Who is the wife who stayed behind? She is the daughter of the Prime Minister! If the little lady follows her, she will be rich and prosperous in the future. Do you not believe it is easy to come by?"

"Fart! My sister, how can you be a slave to others! Hong Yan, you have been in my village for more than two years, how will we treat you? You said that Chai Jin and Lin Chong harmed you back then, so we did not hesitate to become enemies with Liangshan. Ready to avenge you! Do you think what you are talking about is still human!"

This young man talked about later.I was so angry that I couldn't speak, and it took me a long time to say to my younger brother: "Su Yi, take your sister, and take back all the Zhuang Ding who came out of our village. I'm afraid that Teacher Hong doesn't want to leave, so let's not delay His future! Damn! He even hit Niaoshan, and I don't know Chai Jin and Lin Chong!"

Fang Xuedu's belly was about to burst from laughing at this time, he didn't know these two children at all, from his tone, he probably wasn't a figure in the Tao, maybe he was the young master of some village, and then Coach Hong was probably the teacher of the village.

"Hey, brother Su, I have something to say!" The brothers of the Kong family hurriedly stopped Su Liang and Su Yi who were walking out, only to hear Song Jiang's voice coming from behind: "Good life to persuade the two little brothers!" Coach Hong Glancing at his employer, he finally turned his head away and did not follow them out.

Four chiefs walked into the tent at once, and the special envoy said angrily, "What do you mean? Chief Song, my family's father-in-law took on the responsibility of a sea of ​​blood, and went all out to recruit you! How come there are people who don't know how to praise you? A wild girl from the countryside, dare to bid in front of Madam?"

The special envoy was not polite at the moment, but Song Jiang could only be submissive, but some people just saw that he was unhappy, and took the opportunity to ask:

"People don't have the idea of ​​climbing dragons and phoenixes, so you can say that they are asking prices! But you put my brother on the edge of Liangshan, what are you planning to do!? Treat us like a man, waiting for thieves to kill thieves, black to eat black? Lao Tzu and Liang Shanbo do have a sworn feud, and I’ll forget about it! Why is there a mere regiment training envoy with sub-words behind it? You want the horse to run, but you don’t feed the horse enough , I said your official family is too stingy!"

I'm done!

As soon as Mu Hong spoke, Fang Xuedu could tell that just now Song Jiang's pillars and surrounding people turned against the water, and it was impossible to turn the sky, but Song Jiang's hardcore turned against the water at this time, which means that this group of people is "people thinking about Jin"!If Song Jiang insists on going his own way again, he may not be able to hold the plate.

Sure enough, Song Jiang, who was crying, said, "It's not Xiaoke who is bargaining, but there are old friends on Liangshan, and it's not appropriate for brothers to station near the water. The other villain is a native of Yuncheng, Jeju. The Jeju Observation Envoy is also not in compliance with the rules, so please ask your envoy to pay more respects to my stay-at-home minister, and say that Song Jiang is willing to serve in any prefecture in the west of Beijing, Hedong, and Zhejiang, but he will never refuse if he wants to suppress bandits!"

"You said that you can be an official wherever you want to be an official? Who do you think you are? Your family opened the court?" Who are you going to play for him?

Fang Xuedu was overjoyed, these people in the imperial court are really wonderful people!Thinking that Liang Shanbo has benefited from Gao Lian for three years, and now the feng shui is finally turning, is it his turn?Seeing that things had come to this point, he suddenly made a bold decision, no matter what, he wanted to take a big gamble!

But this requires the close cooperation of Di Lei, and I don't know if this man can understand his intentions. Fang Xuedu looked at Di Lei without warning, but the latter immediately caught it. Shun and the others glanced at it, and Di Lei understood, and immediately made a fuss. When he punched Yan Shun in the face, the man was defenseless.

It was too late, but soon, Fang Xuedu snatched the saber from a minion beside him, and rushed out from the screen. The special envoy was reprimanding Song Jiang when he suddenly saw a purple-robed official appearing in front of him. A conditioned reflex made him blurt out: "May I ask your surname?"

When there was a commotion behind the screen, the expression on Song Jiang's face was very exciting. At this time, when the two met, they looked as if three souls had been bluffed out of two souls. Fang Xuedu smiled and said, "I am the palace official." The former captain wants your life!"

In an instant, Fang Xuedu drew out his sword and stabbed the imperial court's special envoy in the opposite direction at an unbelievable speed, which immediately caused an uproar in the hall, only to hear Fang Xuedu shout: "I killed people, I don't want to do anything to you!" If you don't come to Dajin to be a man, you must go to the Song Dynasty to be a dog, and I will lose my life to you all!"

"Kill him for me, kill him for me!" Song Jiang was already in a frenzy, and the consequences of this directly led to many minions rushing in from outside the big tent, and went straight to kill Fang Xuedu.Fang Xuedu was taken aback for a moment, then his heart beat wildly, and he thought to himself: I'm so crazy about this game!

At this juncture of life and death, I saw the man dressed as an officer stand in front of Fang Xuedu, and said a word: "This man cannot be killed!"

Sure enough, Sun Li still had a lot of prestige in my mind. He stood in front of Fang Xuedu, but no one dared to step forward. Song Jiang, who was in a state of madness, pointed at Sun Li and said, "You, you, good!!"

"Brother, if we want to recruit security, it's not just Song Guo's ship? Tian Hu is much more virtuous and virtuous than Zhao Ji's corporal, so let's go, he will be a deputy envoy of the Privy Council, and sooner or later he will be Tong Guan's position in two years. Why bother That Lao Shizi insists on observing? If we really agree, we have to face Liang Shanbo! That’s Liang Shan! Gao Lian will die with 10 people, and we have less than 2 people, and we can’t deliver food. Not enough!" Wang Daoren persuaded Song Jiang and stood beside Sun Li, expressing his position to everyone.

"If you follow Liang Zhongshu, Su's side may have to retreat, and now there are 3000 fewer troops, how can we fight this battle?" Dai Zong also said.

"Both of my brothers would like to go to the Great Jin Kingdom!" Cai Fu and Cai Qing said finally.

At this moment, Song Jiang lowered his head for the first time while Fang Xuedu looked at each other.Fang Xuedu's chest was full of pride, as if he had defeated an invincible enemy and completed an impossible task.At this time, he looked around the tent, and what he felt was either a flattering smile or a bow of his head in the style of admitting defeat.

Fang Xuedu was full of joy, but he didn't speak. He just bowed and wiped the single sword on the special envoy of the Song Dynasty under the gaze of everyone. Then he got up, put the knife back into the scabbard domineeringly, and made a solemn promise to the people in the account :

"Since everyone has followed me, I will definitely be responsible to you!" (to be continued~^~)

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