Water Margin Survival

Chapter 690 Jiangnan Heroes Conference

On the streets of Shezhou during the Laba Festival, there were suddenly a lot more people in strange clothes. There seemed to be a kind of magnetism in the dark, which attracted all these people from the rivers and lakes who did not usually show their heads to this ancient cultural city famous for its She inkstone and Hui ink.

The current situation is very similar to the scene before Jiangzhou and Chizhou were attacked by unknown armed forces not long ago, and it has to make people think about it.The magistrate of Shezhou was terrified, sitting on pins and needles in the government office, living like years, but wanted to escape but did not dare to escape. After all, there were no groups of monks and Taoist priests this time. What if he was overly sensitive and made a joke Sometimes, maybe the position under the buttocks will have to be seated by someone else.

After struggling for a long time, Zhizhou decided to ask Linzhou for help first. After all, the imperial army's counter-insurgency army had already arrived in Chizhou. Although there were only four battalions in strength, it was at least more reliable than the forbidden army in this battalion in his own city.

Although the government was in a state of panic and had no intention of festivities at all, the folk atmosphere was very strong. At this time, on every main street in the city, there were temporary porridge shops on both sides of the road, distributing steaming hot porridge to residents for free. Laba porridge was crowded with people for a while, and the roads were closed.

At first, there were officials from the city of Shezhou who came to find out what happened, but they suffered from these uniformly dressed porridge men, and the officials of the county government and the state government all pretended to be deaf and dumb, and sent soldiers repeatedly. When the persecution was all looking forward and backward, many seasoned officials turned around one after another, went home and asked their family members to leave the city as much as possible, and not to come back for a short time.

"It's weird!" Looking at the strange scene on the street, the expressions of the two men who managed to squeeze out from the crowd were different, and only one of them said:

"Our hero meeting can't be placed anywhere. Why is it held in this city in a stately manner? Look, you even mobilized the church members to give out porridge in the city. Bucket, your eyes are more poisonous than anyone else. , Do you think there have been some major changes in our teaching?"

The person who spoke was surnamed Huo, his double name was Chengfu, and he was born in Jinyun County, Chuzhou. He was the highest person in charge of Mingjiao in Chuzhou.The "cup barrel" in his mouth, whose surname is Chen, was originally a cooper, but because people often called him Chen cuff barrel, his real name was forgotten over time.

Although this person is an uneducated craftsman, he is bold and careful, and he is a person with great vision. Huo Chengfu relies heavily on him. For this hero meeting, no one under his command brought him, only Chen Kuu Barrels come and see the world.

"Taking Jiang and Chi prefectures brought me a lot of wealth, which is greater than the sum of my teaching's accumulation in the past few years. I am afraid that many brothers in the teaching don't know what their surname is now. It's like a hungry person just had a meal If you are full, you hope to live the life in front of you all the time, and you are not willing to return to the poverty of the past!" Chen Kuutong is a dark and thin middle-aged man, when he spoke, his brows were always frowning, and he did not relax at this time.

Seeing that his confidants seem to have different views on the opinions of the senior leaders in the church, Huo Chengfu said: "You also said that taking these two states is worth the accumulation of the whole church for several years, why can't we continue to capture the state capital? Shall we start trouble again when the foolish ruler and treacherous ministers have wiped out all the wealth in the south of the Yangtze River?"

"When I hoop a bucket, I have to go through more than 40 processes from the inside to the outside, but there are small omissions in the middle, and the water will leak. I have to be so particular about hooping a small bucket. Could it be that the leader and the others can't think carefully in advance when they are looking for big things? It's just that the leader is a little impatient, I heard that the teacher of the leader is the famous Wang Gong Laofo, why don't you stop it now?" Chen Kuutong seemed a little excited at this time.

"The leader also has difficulties with the leader. We are all brothers with some status in the leader. We must support the leader at critical times!" Seeing this, Huo Chengfu didn't ask whether he was right or wrong, and instead persuaded Chen Kuutong, "Deng Yuanjue contradicted the leader in public. The guardian of the teachings has been cut off, hoop, this is the first time you have met the leader, so don't discredit yourself!"

"Deng Yuanjue is Deng Yuanjue, and I am me. If I have to say something, I will still say it!" Chen Kuutong said stubbornly.

"Okay, if you want to say that I will go with you to talk, but what occasion and when to say it, I have to make arrangements!"

Huo Chengfu knew that he couldn't persuade Chen Kuutong, so he simply stated that he would stand with him.He knew in his heart that if Deng Yuanjue hadn't openly opposed the resolution of the leader, the leader would not have such a big reaction to him.After all, the leader is strong and strong, and has his own opinions when doing things, but he is very tolerant of brothers who have different opinions.

Seeing this, Chen Kuutong was moved in his heart, sighed, and stopped complaining, talked to Huo Chengfu about some light things, and went to the place of the hero meeting.Unexpectedly, when they got to the place, the two found a scholar yelling:

"Confused, confused! You have a good ally by your side, but you treat him as a confidant, forget about the perverse ruler and treacherous officials, and forget about the thousands of people who have made people miserable by beggars and stone gangsters. You don't accumulate strength, but you think about fighting in the nest Let’s fight to be the tyrant of Jiangnan, what kind of character do I think you Fang La are, but you are just a short-sighted person!” (To be continued~^~)

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