Water Margin Survival

Chapter 694 Confrontation is the best way to resolve disputes

"Something's wrong, there's something wrong with the scholar behind Chao Gai!"

At this moment, not only Fang La saw some clues, but Chen Kuutong also reminded Huo Chengfu in a low voice below.When Huo Chengfu was told by him, he immediately became nervous: "What's so strange? Could it be an assassin?"

"Assassin is not enough, but he is definitely not Wu Yong! You see, this person's tone of voice is stronger than Chao Gai. If he is really Wu Yong, he would never dare to be so presumptuous! I think this person is domineering, and there is a sense of humor in his gestures and gestures." Although Chao Gai seems to be the leader, he is actually a cover. This scholar is the real core among the four! If I am not mistaken, this person should be... Liangshan Wang Lun!" Chen Bucket finally made a verdict.

Huo Chengfu was taken aback, and almost jumped up, but there were too many bluffs that happened today, and he didn't show himself.Huo Chengfu secretly thought that this matter was serious, and for the first time in his life, he questioned Chen Kuutong: "Why are you so sure?"

"Brother, if you don't believe me, look over there!" Chen Kuutong pointed his hand, Huo Chengfu looked in the direction he pointed with a puzzled face, but saw a bald monk and a burly man who were so nervous right now. In the atmosphere, he dozed off.Huo Chengfu is not a fool either, he understood everything immediately, and couldn't help being furious:

"Deng Yuanjue has personal favors, that's all. Why is Wu Yingxing pretending to be deaf and dumb? Does he still have a leader in his eyes?"

"Brother, now is not the time to pay attention to these two people, and you can't delay the big event because of a small loss! To make a long story short, you go and inform the leader, and I will go outside to have a look!" Liangshan Wang Lun could get in, and he was arrogant just now Du Wei is afraid that there are more bad luck than good luck.

But it is strange to say.Chen Kuutong actually sent an errand to his immediate superior.Huo Chengfu didn't think there was anything unusual, but nodded tacitly. When the two were about to go their separate ways, they saw Huo Chengfu turn back, grabbed Chen Kuutong and said:

"You are not familiar with the brothers outside, and they don't know you. We change, the leader knows your name!"

At this critical moment.Chen Kuutong didn't get entangled either, he immediately exchanged with Huo Chengfu, and groped for the stage, but when he was about to get close, he was stopped by several big men. Said, his complexion changed drastically, and he hurried forward to Fang Fei's side.Whispering in a low voice, Fang Feijian couldn't help turning his eyes to Chen Kuutong.

At this moment, Fang La, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly winked at someone in the audience very secretly, and then a big man jumped out.Pointing aggressively at Wu Yong on the stage, he said:

"Bold and rude! How dare you disrespect the Holy Duke. Watch me, He Conglong, teach you how to deal with your rotten tongue!"

The good show is coming, the group below is talking about how Fang La was pushed back without saving any face, but he didn't move for a long time, could it be that he was really bluffed?At this time, someone jumped out, and everyone thought it was normal. After all, in the affairs of the world, fighting if there is no agreement, this is the established routine.

"The protagonist speaks, but where is the dog barking?"

When Chao Gai heard this, how could he bear it?Get up angrily.He kicked the chair under him backwards, hit the pillar behind him and disintegrated.

Fang La didn't get angry at all, but now he was more and more sure that this "Wu Yong" was most likely Wang Lun, otherwise he didn't get angry when he confronted Chao Gai just now.At this time, he just tried a few words to "Wu Yong", and he couldn't bear it anymore. If this person is not Wang Lun, who else in the world can ask Chao Gai to defend him like this?

It was Wang Lun, if he could make this fellow lose face in front of the heroes, and then expose his identity in public, Liangshan's face would be forfeited.So Fang La just glanced at He Conglong who was waiting for instructions with a smile on his face, and the latter immediately understood and approached Wu Yong aggressively.

Yang Batong and Fang Qifo had long been unhappy with Chao Gai's group, and when they saw He Conglong coming out, they all hugged their chests and waited to see Chao Gai's jokes.Although this believer has joined the religion not long ago, even several Dharma kings dare not underestimate him.Thinking about Siming Mountain, what kind of master can be compared with the Dragon King?

Chao Gai saw Fang La's intentions when the other party refused to accept the dog chain. He stepped forward and wanted to teach him a lesson, but Wu Yong suddenly got up and only glanced at Chao Gai lightly, furiously. The latter stopped abruptly, stunned all the heroes inside and outside, and thought to themselves: "This Liangshan is really dominated by scholars from top to bottom, a mere Wu Yong has such a great power !"

When everyone was about to see how the scholar would react, he turned his head and said to the last handsome man: "I heard that this man is also a teacher, but he has never seen anything in the world, why don't let him see what is real?" Instructor!"

The majestic man had a happy face. He heard that he was not against the enemy, but bowed to Wu Zuo. Wu Yong smiled and waved his hand. As if the man had received an imperial edict, he turned around vigorously, just in time to stop him. With He Conglong's way out, He Conglong wanted to show himself in front of the leader and the disciples, raised his head and said with a sneer: "It's better for a white-faced man to find a good husband and live happily for the rest of his life! You should be good at this matter in the world." Just kidding!"

"Whether it's fun or not, you'll know if you play!"

The opponent didn't use a weapon, and the big man didn't take out the knife, but made a gesture of raising his hand. He Conglong was stunned when he saw this, and said: "Taizu Changquan!? Are you from the Forbidden Army?"

"Aren't your ears deaf? Otherwise, how can I teach you what a real teacher is?" The big man was not a good person, he made a provocative gesture on the spot, which angered He Conglong, shouted loudly, and rushed forward , the two immediately fought into a ball.

After taking over for the first time, after three or five rounds, both sides tested the strength of the opponent. He Conglong's anger subsided, and he suddenly became surprised.

Although he knew that he had met a formidable enemy in his life, it was a pity that he boasted in front of everyone, and he didn't dare to neglect in the slightest. You come and go, and thirty rounds have passed gradually.

This was a good fight, and countless members of the audience were fascinated by it. He Conglong was obviously not half-baked, watching his exquisite moves and powerful punches, but he couldn't take advantage of this person at all, let alone Some masters have already noticed that even though Nahan looks more gentle than He Conglong, his strength is still superior to him.Reminiscent of many former Forbidden Army officers falling into the grass in Liangshan.They all speculated on the identity of this person below.

The two moved further back.He Conglong was at a disadvantage, whether it was in terms of strength or moves, he was no match for the man in front of him, and he had a fatal weakness, that is, he obviously couldn't afford to be defeated.But this is Mingjiao's home field, and it should win.Failure is a great humiliation.Thinking of the consequences of defeat, He Conglong's eyes were bloodshot, and he changed to a desperate style of play.

His gaffe made the two Mingjiao ambassadors look surprised. Below the cover of Siming Mountain, there are only Li Zhong, Xue Yong, and Bai Sheng. Where did this guy come from?There are many secret sentries at the foot of Siming Mountain, and there is no news of anyone coming from Liangshan!Could it be that they were recruited locally in Jiangnan?This is even more impossible, Jiangnan has such a hard idea.Didn't the Ming Church know?

Just when the two were confused, they suddenly heard a muffled groan, and He Conglong had already told the other party to knock him down.Who would have thought that this white-faced instructor was not a low-key and self-cultivated person like Lin Chong and Wang Jin, after knocking down his opponent, he still didn't stop and stepped forward to ride on him.He greeted He Conglong's face with a left punch and a right punch.Poor teacher from the southern country, his face looks like a miscellaneous sauce shop, with blood splattered all over the place, the audience couldn't help but feel palpitations, this is not hitting He Conglong, it is obvious that the punches are all aimed at Fang La's face!

Yang Batong and Fang Qifo couldn't stand it any longer. They looked at each other and grabbed He Conglong. When Chao Gai saw this, he yelled, "Why? Can't afford to lose?"

The two were taken aback when they heard the words, and immediately lowered their heads.There was no intention of stopping at all, and all the heroes shook their heads when they saw this. It seemed that the Mingjiao had suffered a big loss, and it didn't care about the rules of the world.Wu Yong leaned his body back and said: "The victory and defeat have been decided, let him live!"

The white-faced man gave up, spit to the side, and immediately got up from the dead dog-like He Conglong. He saw bright red blood stains on his body and on his hands, judging from his handsome appearance, There is a very uncoordinated sense of contrast.

Yang Batong and Fang Qifo, who had cleaned up the mess, rushed to He Conglong's place, and when they saw his miserable appearance, blood rushed to their heads, and they forced them to stop the white-faced man.That white-faced man was about to take the opportunity to show off, why was he afraid of these two savages?While wiping the blood on his hands in a leisurely manner, he forced the two of you to come over with contempt, which means that you two are joining forces, and I can beat you!

To be honest, for some reason, Chao Gai looked down on this fellow from the bottom of his heart.But after contacting him for more than a month, this person not only puts his position in a very upright position, but also actively cooperates with him in the cottage, and now he is beating up General Fang La, and his opinion of him has gradually changed in his heart.Seeing that Mingjiao wanted two people to besiege him alone, he couldn't help but stand shoulder to shoulder with the white-faced man.

"Fang Shisan, do you really want to win today?" Wu Yong suddenly looked at Fang La, no longer showing mercy.

"Wang Lun, you come here in disguise, don't think that my Mingjiao is blind!"

Ever since Fang La became famous, who else would dare to call him "Thirteen" in person?Hearing this, he was also moved. "If you don't take it, you will be blamed! Today you sent it to your door, you should give it to me, and give Jiangnan Green Forest an explanation!"

"You asked me for an explanation?"

Wang Lun suddenly laughed, but sat down instead.Qiu Yue, the head of the former 80 imperial guards who beat He Conglong to the ground looking for his teeth, saw that the owner of his village had revealed his identity, and looked at Chao Gai. Beside him, together with Jiao Ting behind Wang Lun, there were only four people. The Jiangnan heroes who had already shocked the audience did not even dare to show their spirits. They just looked at the two most powerful people in the north and south green forests in horror.

As the saying goes: "Gods fight, mortals suffer", Wang Lun only brought three people to the meeting alone, and even made Fang La lose face, it can be said to be extremely arrogant!But have they ever thought that if Fang La insists on finding his place again, how can Wang Lun get away with the Mingjiao believers in this city?At that time, Wang Lun will have three ups and downs, and the people on Liangshan will not go crazy?The hilltop where one hundred thousand soldiers and horses of the imperial court were killed in the First World War, who can stand the revenge?

"A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands. Fighting and killing is against the harmony among comrades in the green forest. Please ask the saint... Master Fang to think twice!"

I don't know who among the heroes took the lead, but the echoing voice instantly drowned out the murderous aura in the hall.Who would have thought that these blood-licking men all condemned the supremacy of force, and all said that dialogue is the best way to resolve disputes. (to be continued~^~)

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