A drop of cold sweat oozed silently above Fang La's temple, and even the corner of his right eye began to throb uncontrollably and frequently.What is meant by "the arrow is on the string, you have to fire", Fang La has a deep understanding at this time.

In fact, he is not a blindly reckless person.On the contrary, he is very clear about what his core interests are.Therefore, ever since he recognized Wang Lun, he has restrained himself and has not acted rashly, which shows that he still has a little fantasy about this person in his heart.It's a pity that the times are pressing, and it has come to the point where whoever backs down will lose. If he backs down half a point because he is concerned about the power behind Wang Lun, the bitter fruit waiting for him in the future must be extremely painful.

At this juncture, the biggest difference between him and Tian Hu and Wang Qing is revealed. Tian Hu, who is strong outside but capable in the middle, can shame his life and treat him like a brother, and Wang Qing, who has no ambitions, can also choose to follow Wang Lun's ass. I will eat in the back.But people like Fang La are born heroes who want to turn this unfair world upside down, and they are definitely not a wimp who chooses to swallow his anger at the slightest threat.

"Wang Lun, you forced me to do this!" Fang La let out a cry of resentment in her heart, and immediately refused to do anything, and said arrogantly: "Since we can't reach an agreement at this time, I have to keep a few of you here for a few more days. Let’s talk again! Come on, let’s invite Chief Wang to come down and be a guest!”

In front of the Jiangnan heroes, the Ming Cult really lost face today, they had worked so hard to hold back before, but now they got the clear order of the leader, and there was a sudden "shua shua" sound of drawing a knife, filling the wine shop.

In the end, 52 counties in six states were lost.The tough guy who still wants to fight the Song Army in Zitong Cave!Such a person is born without the word surrender!Wang Lun secretly praised in his heart.Turning around, Jiao Ting gestured, and then a whistle sounded, only to hear four or five loud bangs, and the second floor was already filled with gunpowder smoke and sawdust splashing everywhere.

At the same time as the Mingjiao congregants upstairs were stunned by the bombing, several teams of elite swordsmen crawled in through the blasted hole, and they were seen in a team of three or five.Cooperating with each other in a small space, the target is the congregation wearing Mingjiao uniforms.

Many congregants who had not experienced the storm were forced to the railing on the second floor by long knives when they were still coughing, and they were either squeezed off or jumped off by themselves. Instead of continuing to attack these people who lost their combat effectiveness, they moved closer to Wang Lun.

Of course, there are also many brave instructors.They drew their swords to fight, but they didn't know that the people who poured in didn't fight with them at all. What greeted them was the armor-piercing and deadly bow of the gods. When many people fell down, they didn't have arrows on their bodies at all, because they were within such a short distance.Facing the unarmored congregation.It's not uncommon for one arrow to penetrate two.

Yang Batong and Fang Qifo got angry, and immediately led the teaching soldiers and altar masters from all over the place to attack Wang Lun, trying to capture the thief first.Unexpectedly, the two big men around Wang Lun occupy the favorable terrain, and they form a triangle with Jiao Ting, who is guarding the back of the lord.Especially the man who beat He Conglong to the brink of death just now, slashing left and right, he was brave and unstoppable, with the most blood on his hands.

Fang Qifo was furious when he saw this, and he personally went into battle to hold the man back.The teaching soldiers took advantage of the situation to enter, but who would have thought that this weak-handed scholar did not arrest him without a fight, but drew his swords to each other. Everyone was stunned and told him to stab the two of them to death. Seeing this, Yang Batong was furious and abandoned Chao. Gai, go straight to Wang Lun.

At this critical juncture when the two sides competed for time, a crescent shovel flew out across the sky. Yang Batong sensed that the sound of the wind was not right, and hurriedly dodged it. Said: "Vald donkey, you will not succeed in apostasy!"

"If you want to hurt him in front of me, unless I die!" Deng Yuanjue still showed mercy, otherwise Yang Batong would definitely not be able to dodge this sneak attack.It should be explained that the martial arts of the light messengers are not stronger than the four guardian kings, and their strengths are mostly reflected in leading the soldiers.

Yang Batong was furious, and shouted, "My master will kill you traitor first..." But before he finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder, and he couldn't even hold the knife steadily.When he looked down, a blood hole on his shoulder kept oozing out, and the circle of blood on the winter coat was getting bigger and bigger. Deng Yuanjue yelled: "This is the magic arm bow! Go down and stop the bleeding!"

Where did Yang Batong listen to advice?I had to carry it hard, and wanted to bend down to pick up the knife, but I stumbled and fell to the ground. In the end, I couldn't get up no matter what, and could only struggle on the ground.Wu Yingxing spat on the ground, and pointed at the instructor who wanted to pounce on Deng Yuanjue for revenge.

At this time, Wang Lun had also killed three people with his hands. At this time, there were soldiers from the upstairs jumping down and gathered beside him. Wang Lun lowered his sword and shouted loudly: "Whoever doesn't put down his weapon will be killed!"

Where do these religious teachers care about the threat of the enemy?But Wang Lun's pro-army had already taken control of the second floor, and hundreds of divine arm bows were in place, overlooking the downstairs.

After Wang Lun's words fell to the ground, everyone counted silently, and suddenly at a certain moment they shot arrows at the same time, only to hear the sound of sharp arrows piercing into the flesh. I don't know whether it was Wang Lun's relatives who deliberately showed mercy or what, ninety percent of them were hit by arrows in their hands and feet, and they lost their fighting power for a while but they were not killed.

Not to mention these youngsters who have not experienced battle, even the big brothers from various hills in the south of the Yangtze River are all dumbfounded at this time, squatting in the corners and shivering.Mother!God arm bow volley, it is said that the strong man who has really seen this kind of scene has gone to see Lord Hades.

Although they knew that Wang Lun was coming for Fang La, what they were most afraid of right now was that Wang Lun would wipe out all the green forests in the south of the Yangtze River, because after those minions shot their arrows, they all abandoned their magical arm bows in unison and shot from behind. Taking the sharp weapon full of bows, they aimed at the downstairs. The way they looked at people was like a leisurely hunter looking at a timid prey.

Nothing is more unforgettable than the threat of death. Those who are less timid are already crying in fright. What the hell is this chaos? It's completely suppressed by the army!

The muscles at the corners of Fang La's mouth couldn't help trembling. It turned out that there was no one standing around him, and he was the only one standing alone in the wailing "battlefield". This was not preferential treatment, but a complete insult. , a naked insult to Fang La.

At such a time, if one of the opponent's minions flicked his finger, he, the leader of the Ming Cult, would splatter blood on the spot, but he still did not die. Instead, he took a step forward, looked at Wang Lun coldly and said, "Wang Lun, everyone said that the North To respect you is indeed a well-deserved reputation! But you think that with these dozens of broken crossbows, you can kill all my heroes in the south of the Yangtze River, you can give it a try!"

"I scolded the neighbor! What's wrong with you, I have to force Wang Lun to do something to us!"

A lot of big bosses from various hilltops who were squatting to avoid danger cursed in their hearts, but they didn't dare to turn against Fang La for the time being, because Fang La had lost in this small hotel, but in this Shezhou City, you can walk three steps away. I met a Mingjiao believer, so the current situation is still unclear.Although Wang Lun won a game first, it's not that Fang La has no chance of getting his money back. At least seeing his tone is still so tough, he knows his confidence.

"First, I don't just have these dozens of crossbows, and this is not a broken crossbow, but an enemy-killing bow improved from the god arm bow, which can penetrate heavy armor within a hundred steps! Second, you count on the stone Bao, Li Tianrun, Si Xingfang, and Wang Yin brought people here after hearing the news, so as to make a complete comeback, and I will give you this chance! You can tell the uninjured to take the injured to heal, and it’s okay to make a fuss. I still have something to say to the Jiangnan heroes!"

Wang Lun knew that Fang La was not convinced, and when dealing with such a person, it was unrealistic to expect him to be convinced. Now Wang Lun just let him see what strength is, and then gave him a chance to choose again, whether he should fight Liang Shan to the end.

Everyone heard what Wang Lun said, and the Mingjiao congregation waited patiently for Fang La to express his opinion, and then rushed to get up or dragged or carried the injured brother down.As soon as these people withdrew, the hall immediately became much cleaner. Wang Lun ignored Fang La, but said to the frightened birds in the audience: "Everyone, get up, today's fact is that there is a grievance and a debtor! It has nothing to do with you. I, Wang Lun, am not here for you either!"

With Wang Lun's guarantee, the little deer in everyone's heart was spared from the pain of the impact, and each of their faces became a little more colorful, and they slightly restored their old demeanor like mountain kings.

"I heard that the heroes from the south of the Yangtze River gathered here today, and one of the things they did was to recommend the leader of the Green Forest League in the south of the Yangtze River. Is it true?" Wang Lun asked.

They are not fuel-efficient lamps!One wanted to drag them back to death, but the other wanted to slap him in the face in front of the other. Everyone said no, no, no, but Wang Lun smiled and looked at him, pretending to be deaf and dumb There is no way, and many people have changed from not denying to nodding and saying yes.

"Since this is the case, there is one person who can take on this task and lead everyone to make a fortune!" Wang Lun continued.

The shining bow of the god arm... Ah no, the bow of defeating the enemy is on the top of the head, which lard dares to say "no" to Wang Lun halfway, everyone is just a little puzzled, you Wang Lun needs it so much Do you want to compete with Fang La for this title?Everyone has become a prisoner in your hands, and you still recommend yourself, isn't it a bit cheap?

Thinking of this, many people peeked at Fang La's expression, but saw that this person's face was full of jokes, and everyone felt that Wang Lun was a childish disease of a scholar.

But who would have thought that the next scene would stun Qunhao's eyes.

"I recommend Chao Gai, the master of the Siming Mountains, to be the leader of the Green Forest in the south of the Yangtze River!"

As soon as Chao Gai's name came out, Fang La's face suddenly turned pale, without any trace of blood.Wang Lun is a bully who has bullied people to the point of bullying. If you fight for the leader of the Jiangnan Green Forest, although you are shameless, you can count on it.Now he actually introduced a younger brother to put him with him, it's really deceiving! ! ! (to be continued~^~)

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