Water Margin Survival

Chapter 698 Unconditional Surrender

Those who dare to tell Fang La to shut up directly, according to Wang Lun who has the memory of two lifetimes, there is indeed such a behind-the-scenes role in Mingjiao, and that is Fang La's mentor and core think tank of Mingjiao: Wang Gong Laofo.

In front of this person, Fang Fei, General Lu, and Chen Kuutong are all people of the younger generation. Although Fang La has many military advisers after the incident, he cannot be avoided anyway.

In this way, the identity of this old monk is ready to be revealed.When he greeted himself, he even called out "Leader Chao", which clearly showed that after Fang La's failure to hit the wall, someone from Mingjiao finally came forward to adjust the current unworkable route.

If the fight continues now, it is no longer a question of whether the two families will hurt or not, but whether the leader can safely withdraw from Shezhou City, and whether the Mingjiao can gain a foothold in the south of the Yangtze River in the future. This is a moment of life and death.

Wang Lun and Fang La held the strategic policy of "fighting but not breaking". The hammer of thunder can be stretched out and can be retracted. All of this is about being able to swing freely. When he jumps up, he presses.He got down on the ground and mentioned it.In short, we must hold the initiative firmly in our hands.

Wang Lun returned the courtesy to the representative of the other party's release of goodwill: "People in the Jianghu say that Mr. Wang and the old Buddha can see the head and see the dragon, and today I can see my face. I am lucky for three lives."

As soon as Wang Lun's words fell, there was a "wow" from the Jiangnan heroes, and the pot exploded.It turned out that this person was Wang Gong Laofo!

As far as this monk is concerned, he made his debut much earlier than Fang La in the southeast, and his reputation is not much weaker than Fang La's.It's just that this person is very mysterious.Unlike Fang La who is always in the open.Although he seldom appears in the arena now, there are still legends about him everywhere in the arena.Unexpectedly, such a high-ranking and respected person would openly admit the status of the other party's younger brother, the leader of Jiangnan Green Forest, in front of the current leader of the Mingjiao. All the heroes feel that today's drama is getting more and more exciting.

"Prince Wang has won the award. I am just a little older than you. I am ashamed! This 'Buddha' does not dare to be a Buddha. If you want to, just call me old Wang. In fact, when Chief Wang went to Jinghu Xingshi to question his sin , the old man paid attention to Chief Wang. This road to destroy Daming Mansion, Gaotang Prefecture, and Zengtou City is a big deal! Who would have thought that he would have such a great achievement in less than five years after his debut in Jianghu, He is truly a heavenly genius, I am envious and admired by the old man!"

Wang Gong and Laofo were not surprised when Wang Lun called out his name.On the contrary, he looks like an admirer of Wang Lun, trying his best to make up for the gap between the two parties. If he doesn't know his origin, he is just like an amiable old man next door, telling the legend of the world to the people around him.

"Our two families are actually natural allies. We really shouldn't fight each other. Do this kind of thing. I hope the king's leader will show mercy, and the two families will stop fighting!"

Being courteous to others, one must ask for something. Sure enough, it was a meat scene. Wang Lun smiled and didn't speak, but his eyes fell on Fang La. Wang Gong and old Buddha are old and mature, why don't they understand what Wang Lun means?Suddenly the voice became very severe: "Thirteen! Why should a person like the king be an enemy?"

"On the side of the couch. How can you allow others to snore!"

Unexpectedly, Fang La still said the same sentence, Wang Gong and old Buddha sighed: "How can the allusion be used indiscriminately? This sentence is what Zhao Kuangyin said to Li Yu. Think about it, does Li Yu dare to use this sentence to Zhao Kuangyin?"

When Fang La heard this, his face turned red immediately, like a patient suffering from severe alcoholism. Wang Gong and Laofo felt uncomfortable seeing it, but at a critical moment of life and death, how can a small loss make a big difference?Wang Gong and Laofo are just betting that Wang Lun can have such a great fortune, and he is not a short-sighted person who is motivated.

It has been more than 100 years since the founding of the Song Dynasty. If you talk about the Queen Li of the Southern Tang Dynasty, the heroes present may understand it, but who Li Yu is, almost no one knows who is who.Seeing this, Wu Yong reminded everyone very enthusiastically: "It is said that Taizu said harsh words to Empress Li. Everyone thinks it is normal. If Empress Li returns this word to Taizu, Wang Gong and old Buddha said this. People are probably crazy!"

After hearing Wu Yong's explanation, everyone exploded again. Wang Gong and Laofo compared Fang La to Empress Li, and Wang Lun to the founder of the country. Dare to say it!However, there are also many people who secretly admire Wang Gong Laofo for being old and strong, able to bend and stretch, as long as he escapes this catastrophe, it is nothing to suffer a few times of humiliation.

Fang La's self-esteem was gradually trampled under the feet of others in the public discussion. If he persisted and refused to compromise, then the 4 people in the city might stay in Shezhou City forever because he refused to utter a soft word.Fang La was not stupid, he really saw that if Wang Lun wanted to kill, his body would have been separated by now.

"Thousands of mistakes, all of which are Fang's faults, and please, Chief Wang, calm down! I beg you to see that we are all anti-Song patriots, and please hold your hand high and let my Mingjiao live! I, Fang La, are willing to die. Atonement!"

Wang Gong and Laofo looked at his beloved disciple very relieved and distressed. He knew what Fang La's words meant.

"Atonement with death is not necessary, but I just made three demands on you, what should I say?" Wang Lun finally did not pronounce the death sentence on him under the eyes of the old monk and the young priest looking at the sentence of life and death.

"From then on, within a hundred miles of Siming Mountain, there will never be any activities of my disciples. To the leader of Ji Ji, I apologize on behalf of the leader, and I dare not contact any leader of Guizhai in private. If it happens again, all people and gods will be angry! As for Chizhou The county magistrate, the old man wants to explain, but we never took action. At the beginning, the teaching soldiers first attacked the barracks, the government treasury, and the state government office. When our people rushed to the county government office, there was no one left? At a young age, I have little hope in the world, so I dare not lie in front of a real person!"

It was impossible for Wang Lun to believe a word from someone he didn't know well.Although Wang Lun had no impression of this master, he was strongly recommended by Qiu Qian. If his butterfly wings caused him to fall into an unreasonable disaster, it would be unjustifiable in conscience.

Unconsciously, Wang Lun's eyes fell on Deng Yuanjue's head, only to see the monk nodded silently, Wang Lun was relieved, thought for a while and said: "As the saying goes, you have to forgive others and forgive others! Since Mingjiao is willing to do it for himself I paid the price for what I did, and if I continue to step on you, it seems that I am arrogant. From now on, Mingzhou, Yuezhou, Hangzhou, Huzhou, and Xiuzhou are not allowed to have Mingjiao activities. Brother Jiji will compensate you [-] It will be counted as a mental damage fee for him. In addition, within an hour, the followers of the Ming Cult will disappear in the city of Shezhou!"

The alliance under the city, what else is there to hear?It's just that when Fang La heard about the "spiritual damage fee", her mind suddenly went numb. What kind of weird saying is this?I gave him money, but he took it. How did he hurt his "spirit"?But in the end, because the amount of compensation wasn't too scary, Fang La held back and didn't vent it on the spot.

Wang Gong and old Buddha were afraid that Fang La would not be able to drink all the water from the river, so he thanked Fang La and said: "The current situation is like that of Wei, Han and Wu in the Three Kingdoms period. I am Han and Wu, and the Song Dynasty is Cao Wei. , I hope that in the end we can join hands and fight against the Song Kingdom together! As for the world, how about we fight again when the time comes?"

Wang Lun laughed when he said hehe, the monk completely regarded himself as Sun Quan, and said with a smile: "I will talk about it when I see your sincerity!"

Fang La and Wang Gong Laofo looked at each other, they didn't want to say any more, and Wang Lun didn't mean to keep them, and asked someone to arrest the kidnapped Mingjiao members, including Li Tianrun, Si Xingfang, Du Wei, and Chen Kuutong. The general let go. At this time, two big men appeared from the Jiangnan heroes present. They ran to Wu Yong's side and started whispering.

Wu Yong listened silently for a while, and immediately asked the two of them to follow him. Before Fang La left, they came to Wang Lun together. He only heard Wu Yong say: "Before the hero meeting, there was a scholar swearing at the door, and the Mingjiao people arrested him. Go..." He knew that Wang Lun was looking for talents all over the world, and he paid special attention to scholars. At this time, he got a secret report from Zhang Jinren and Gao Keli on Youquan Mountain in Hangzhou, and reported it immediately.

"Master Fang, since you cannot tolerate this person in Mingjiao, let him stay. I would like to hear what he has to say!" Wang Lun said as he did so.

Fang La nodded and said nothing, thinking that he had always looked down on scholars, how could he destroy the fragile balance in front of him for such a person.

"Order the brothers to withdraw the troops, release all the captives, and leave a way for Mingjiao to go!" Wang Lun patted Wu Yong on the shoulder, and then gave him full power to handle such trivial matters. Wu Yong was so happy that he felt The pleasure of becoming a military adviser in power, fortunately Wang Lun did not bring Xu Guanzhong and Zhu Wu with him this time, otherwise he would not have survived.

In fact, neither of these two people knew what kind of person the scholar who was to be recruited by Mingjiao just now was. If Wang Lun knew, it would be a light reward for Wu Yong.

Just as Wu Yong was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly saw Zhang Jinren and Gao Keli looking at him expectantly, he patted his head and said, "These two are Zhang Jinren, who is the chief master on Youquan Mountain in Hangzhou, and Gao Keli, who is the second master. He is very skilled in martial arts, he gathers three to five hundred brothers, and he admires my Dazhai very much, when I first came to the village, I was warmly received by him!"

Why would Fang La stay in such an awkward place, watching Wang Lun recruit the heroes?Just looking at Wang Gong and Laofo, the two said goodbye at the same time, Wang Lun nodded slightly, and watched the two go away meaningfully. At this time, Deng Yuanjue looked at Fang La who was leaving the stage in embarrassment, and gritted his teeth to go with him. But Wu Yingxing hugged him tightly.

The actions of the two caught Wang Gong and Lao Buddha's attention, and he only heard him say: "Master Wu Tan, everyone has their own ambitions. You have a choice, and King Deng Fawang also has a choice. Why block people's way?"

Wu Yingxing was still a little bit afraid of Wang Gong and Laofo, and when he heard the words, he looked towards Wu Yong, but Fang La suddenly roared: "If you don't care about him, what's the use of keeping him?"

Deng Yuanjue burst into tears when he heard this, Fang La snorted coldly, and went away by himself, Wang Gong and Laofo wanted to say a few more words, but Wang Lun said: "At the beginning in Hebei, I sent Master Deng back to you unscathed , Today, I want to take him back to Liangshan! Why, think about it yourself!" (to be continued~^~)

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