"Death is death! It's just the leader of the king, can you make Xiaosheng understand?" Wu Yong, who was tied up like a rice dumpling, calmed down and said suddenly.

Hearing this, Wang Lun looked at him, not wanting that this man still had some backbone when he was about to die, but he looked a bit like the disillusioned Zhi Duoxing who hanged himself in front of Song Jiang's grave in the end.

"Just ask!"

"Did the leader leak the previous news on purpose?" Wu Yong asked.

"That's right, my name is Zhu Gui, deliberately spreading the news that I'm going down the mountain today, so as to create a chance once and for all for the restless King Chao Tian!" Wang Lun laughed.

Wu Yong shook his head with a wry smile, looked at Wang Lun and said, "How do you know that we will definitely intercept you here today?"

Wang Lun smiled and said, "Do you really want to listen to my heart?"

Wu Yong nodded earnestly, and Wang Lun sighed when he saw this, and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter whether you come today or not! The truth hurts, but it is true. If you don't come, I will just treat my brothers Pulling down the mountain to walk around, what is the loss? You treat me like a confidant, but I..."

Wang Lun stopped here, but saw that Chao Gai, who had been lowering his head, also raised his head and looked at him, obviously wanting to hear how he viewed them, but he sighed and said emphatically: " But I never set Chao Tianwang as a target!"

Chao Gai lowered his head when he heard the words, and remained silent.Wu Yong, on the other hand, let out a turbid sigh, and said with a wry smile: "I treat you as a confidant's trouble, but you regard me as a disease of ringworm and scabies... Chief Wang, how courageous!" After finishing speaking, he said: "It's just that I didn't expect that the king would also prescribe strong medicine for the disease of slender mustard!"

Wang Lunjian joked and laughed, and replied: "Put the pustule there, you can squeeze it, or you can't squeeze it! But if you make up your mind to squeeze it, you must not leave any trouble, or you will regret it when it festers." What do you think, Mr. Jia Liang!"

"So you, Chief Wang, only bring these dozens of minions here today? Are you afraid that I will be more determined and go straight into the village? If Teacher Lin came later, I am afraid that if he becomes a prisoner this time, he will be Chief Wang. Stop!" Wu Yong replied.

"It's up to people to plan, but it's up to God to make things happen! What's happening right now just proves that those who think less don't necessarily lose to those who think too much! And you're wrong about one thing, they're not minions, they're all me My brother!" Wang Lun looked at Wu Yong's white face and replied, only to see that the man's eyes kept rolling.

"The rumors in the rivers and lakes are really false. They all say that the king's head is narrow-minded and can't tolerate people! Today we have suffered a big loss from what we heard!" Wu Yong shook his head, and said: "I only hate this time Chief Wang is the enemy, otherwise with my family Baozheng's heart and surname, you two are worthy of being friends!"

I saw Wu Yong babbling to himself at this moment, not to mention that Xiao Rang and Jin Dajian were looking at him inexplicably, even Zhu Dian, who had kept his eyes closed, couldn't help but open them and look at this person. , Everyone guessed what kind of calculation this Zhi Duoxing had in mind at this time.

At this time, there was a burst of festive sound of beating gongs and drums, and all the people present were attracted by the sound, and saw a team of welcoming bridesmaids in red and colorful colors appearing in everyone's sight, first a tall horse was led by someone , but it was empty, and there was no one sitting on it. Everyone wondered in their hearts, thinking that this welcoming team came so strangely that even the bridegroom officials couldn't see it.

"The young people, you have gone astray! Up here is Xixi Village, there is no other village within dozens of miles, don't bump into it!" At this time, I only heard Mrs. Ma enthusiastically say, if this group of people go east When welcoming relatives in Xicun, one should also walk across the stream, but seeing that he was walking on this road, he was obviously heading towards Xixi Village, and would the old man know if there was anyone in his village for a wedding?So kindly point the way for these people.

The boy who was leading the horse first smiled and replied: "We are going to Dongxi Village to marry Chao Baozheng's daughter, we will not go wrong, old man, don't worry!"

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, only Chao Gai, who was tied up with five flowers, had a yellow face that was scary.The villagers all wondered, is Chao Baozheng being captured and living here?Seeing that this person spoke with taste, everyone knew that there was something wrong, so they stopped talking and just looked at it with folded arms.

No one was surprised to see this team of welcoming brides of unknown origin coming to the front, seeing the scene of blood flowing like a river.The red sedan chair carried by eight people was slowly put down, and the curtain of the sedan chair was pulled open, and a man dressed in festive all-red came out with a smile on his face. Everyone was surprised, how could there be someone sitting in the sedan chair to pick up the bride? Bridegroom officer, what's the trouble?

At this time, Yan Jiao and Jiao Ting glanced at each other, seeing that the two barbarians were already laughing together, Lin Chong stepped forward to congratulate him with a smile: "Xiaoqi, is it good to be the bridegroom's official?"

It turned out that it was Ruan Xiaoqi who came out of the sedan chair, and he replied with a smile: "Brother Lin Chong, it's the first time in my life that Xiao Qi got married, and I brought back five or seven hundred stupid birds. Don't you think it's bad luck!"

At this moment, Yan Jiao couldn't help it anymore, and laughed and cursed: "You are still unlucky, but the stupid birds you brought back are unlucky! If they drink a glass of wedding wine from you, you will turn them into a nuisance. Who can they tell them to reason with? "

Ruan Xiaoqi laughed loudly, and shouted: "If you want to find someone to reason with, talk to Zhao Guan's family! The dignified officers and soldiers stopped my wedding party and even forcibly robbed me of my wedding wine. If you don't numb them, who will go! If you numb a passerby, you will be scolded by your brother!"

Hearing their conversation, Wu Yongqiang's expression of peace suddenly collapsed. Looking at this posture, I'm afraid that the Jeju reinforcements are in danger. Now that the last straw is gone, how can he still pretend, just Seeing his drooping face, he kept shaking his head.After a while, he suddenly gritted his teeth, raised his head, pretended to be surprised, and shouted: "Xiaoqi, it's me, Wu Xuejiao!"

"Where did the professor come from? Didn't he teach? Why don't you teach children now, but transfer to the big man? I think Chao Bao is going to Tokyo to take the exam for the number one scholar, so he asked the professor to help him so that he can be a son-in-law? It's just that the number one scholar It's too old to scare Zhao Guan's family!" Ruan Xiaoqi saw this person early, and he felt contemptuous, teasing this old man.Thinking that during the Chinese New Year, he would come to see his three brothers again and again, pretending to ask for help, but the three of his brothers were really blind, and they treated him like a confidant, wishing to take out his heart and lungs Come out and give it to him.

Wu Yongjian said that his face did not change, but he still had a smile on his face and said: "Xiao Qi, public is public, private is private, each is his own master! Seeing that Xiaosheng is in trouble today, I just ask Brother Seven to ask my mother Well, don't ask for anything!"

Ruan Xiaoqi said that her face was still cold, but she didn't want to run on him anymore.Seeing this, Wu Yong secretly said, "It's my plan!"

Wang Lun saw that Chao Gai, Zhu Dian, Xiao Rang, Jin Dajian and others refused to speak. Only Wu Yu still did not give up at this time, but he secretly admired his desire to survive. He didn't say anything about him, but asked Xiao Qi said: "Where are Lu Tixia and Teacher Xu?"

Seeing Wang Lun moving, Ruan Xiaoqi put away the distracting thoughts in his mind, and replied, "Brother, those two brothers are behind me, and they have too much stuff on their backs, so they can't go fast!"

Wang Lun saw that the joy on his face had disappeared completely, and his speech was quite regular, without any trace of emotion. He sighed in his heart and said, "I see! Say goodbye to your old friend!"

Seeing this, Ruan Xiaoqi's face froze, and she stepped forward and said, "Brother, although this Wu Yong deserves to die, I just ask my brother to look at my younger brother and spare his life!"

Wang Lun looked at him seriously and said, "Are you serious?"

Ruan Xiaoqi was resolute and resolute, with a heavy face, he only bowed to Wang Lun who pushed the golden mountain and the jade pillar.Wang Lun looked at him, but also said nothing, but he was feeling in his heart, this person is a hard-spoken and soft-hearted person after all.Wang Lun pondered for a moment, stepped forward to help Ruan Xiaoqi, and said to Wu Yong: "It's no wonder you are plotting against others, but I don't agree with plotting against my brothers! If you only treat others as pawns, you will be someone else's hand in the future." The last chess piece!"

Wu Yongjian said that he was overjoyed, how could he, who is used to observing words and expressions, fail to understand what Wang Lun meant, but squeezed out a sad face, and said regretfully, "Leader Wang's teachings, Xiaosheng will remember them in his heart!"

Wang Lun nodded, he was too lazy to care whether he was true or not, so he asked someone to untie the rope on his body. Wu Yong hurriedly bowed to Wang Lun and Ruan Xiaoqi, but Ruan Xiaoqi stepped forward and said, "Scholar Wu, read Because of the love between you and me in the past, I will ask my brother to save you at this time! But in the future..." At this point, Ruan Xiaoqi tore off the hem of his lower body with all his strength, and threw it on the ground, only to see the piece of red cloth facing him. The wind dances lightly.

Ruan Xiaoqi stared blankly at the hem of the clothes for a while, sighed, and then said decisively: "Today I cut off the robe with you, and my Ruan brothers don't have an old friend like you!"

Wu Yong looked embarrassed, and wanted to show off his eloquence, but seeing Wang Lun was squinting at him at this time, he immediately swallowed the words that came to his mouth, thinking that the meaning of a mere friend is not as important as his own life ?Afraid of offending this scheming thief chief, he changed his mind.

Seeing that this place is dangerous, Wu Yong only bowed his hands to Ruan Xiaoqi, and was about to leave, but saw the red cloth falling from the wind, covering his head and face, and when he hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull it, he heard Wang Lun shout: : "Where are you going? Have you been told to go?"

Wu Yong's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, and he immediately stopped, feeling uneasy in his heart, but he didn't know what bad luck was waiting for him.I saw that Wang Lun ignored him at all at the moment, went straight to Xiao Rang and Jin Dajian, cut the ropes on their bodies, and said: "You two must be more careful when making friends in the future. If you have nowhere to go, the gate of Liangshan will always be for you two." And open!"

Xiao Rang and Jin Dajian were shocked when they heard the words. You looked at me, I looked at you, and they looked at each other. It took a long time before they came back to their senses and said: "I am deeply grateful for the great kindness of the leader, and it only makes us feel ashamed!" After speaking, they bowed to Wang Lun After another obeisance, Wang Lun helped the two of them up, nodded to them, and walked towards Chao Gai again. The two climbed back from the gate of hell, feeling palpitations for a while, and stood up against the tree.

Note: Tears fell while I was writing. It’s hard to say if I was moved, but it is definitely a cold. The temperature in Wuhan has cooled in the past two days. A few days ago, I could wear a thin coat. Now I teach people to wear it. down jacket.I'm really sorry for everyone's update tickets, let Xiaoke take a breather!

I went to Sanjiang today, if you like this book, please go to Sanjiang and vote for "Water Margin Survival", thank you! (Method: Enter the Sanjiang page, there is a Sanjiang ticket on the right hand side, click to receive, and then scroll to the bottom of the page, find the title of the book, and vote, thank you!)

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