Water Margin Survival

Chapter 709 I Have to Find a Husband for My Daughter

Look at the Chinese New Year, and there are more pedestrians on the official roads outside Mingzhou City. Many people who make a living in the city have left this bustling city for a while, preparing to reunite with their families during the annual Spring Festival.

Unlike the villagers rushing in groups of three or four, there was a group of about three hundred people who came out from Dongcheng, and they crowded together, occupying almost half of the official road. This group is menacing, holding all kinds of things, no one dares to provoke them easily.

"He actually told us to withdraw from Mingzhou! Altar Master, how could the leader give such an order? This is a big port in the southeast, where Wufu and Minfeng are full of potential! Just abandoning it for nothing, the big guy is holding his breath!"

There were two men talking at the front of the line, and only one of them spoke angrily.Anyone who knows the inside story, upon hearing such words, must have guessed that this is the unequal treaty that the Ming Cult fulfilled after the defeat in the war: the congregation was relocated from the states around Siming Mountain.

"Don't go? What if we don't go! It's okay to talk about other state capitals, and you can leave some seeds for the future! But this is Mingzhou, and Wu Yingxing, who is evil, has taken refuge in Beiren! Although we have cleaned the city The congregation, but he is the former altar master, how can we hide it from him?"

Speaking of which, the surname of the altar owner is Pan, and his dual name is Wende. He was transferred from another branch altar.Another big man whose surname and first name is Tong has the same origin as him, and they are all people who have nothing to do with the original religion of Mingzhou.After Fang La asked Wu Yingxing to stand aside, he took a heavy hand to clean the Mingjiao branch in Mingzhou. Those old people who used to be with Wu Yingxing were recruited for liquidation.

"Death to the apostate! Zhe Mo, I touched Siming Mountain tonight. I took this guy's head. Also vent my anger?" He Tong said angrily.

"Forget it! Let him live a few more days! There will always be his retribution in the future!" Pan Wende said angrily.He Tong is a rampage, but he still knows the general trend.Now Liangshan is the most powerful, and even the leader has to retreat.If he asked Hetong to go, he would have lost his life in vain, and maybe it would have caused new troubles for Mingjiao.

"Sooner or later, I will go to Siming Mountain and take the lives of this dog thief and Chao Gai! If you dare to compete with my leader for the position of leader, it depends on whether he has the blessing to sit!" He Tong said angrily.This person has a tough temper and is a brave general who dares to fight, so Fang La asked him to partner with the steady Pan Wende to clean up the situation in Mingzhou.Unexpectedly, the positions of the two altar masters and deputy altar masters were transferred out of the base before they were fully seated, and everyone would be angry if they were replaced.

These two people are in this state, and the congregation under him is even more angry. Many of them are locals, and they can go home every now and then.It's a good time now, if you want to leave your hometown and don't know where you are going, who can be angry.

So this group of guys with a lot of anger value is not pleasing to everyone along the way, but fortunately Mingjiao knows how to please the people at the bottom.So these people didn't do anything out of the ordinary.At most, he had taught a few overbearing coachmen a lesson, yet he dared to yell at them, blaming them for blocking the road.

"We are Liangshan heroes from Shandong. We have the ability to settle accounts with our chieftain, Wang Lun! If you think it's too far away, there's something nearby. This Siming Mountain is our lair!"

I don't know which clever ghost took the lead in shouting, but the others echoed loudly. Pan Wende and He Tong were shocked for a while, but they didn't try to stop them, so they let him go.

This group of people called Liangshan heroes in vain.As if possessed by a ghost, they started to rob passers-by. Naturally, Pan Wende and He Tong would not stop them. They just discussed and changed their marching route. They did not dare to go west through the Yuezhou Passage, but instead went south. Aisle from Taizhou (Siming Mountain is at the junction of Yue and Ming).

Robbery is addictive, especially when the authorities have nothing to do with them.There is only one commander in the state city of Mingzhou, and there are a few sailors, but they were buried in Jingdong by Gao Qiu for nothing, so He and Tong are often at odds, "I can take over the state government in one night!"

In less than half an hour, this group of people who had been traveling empty-handed had cars, horses, money, and goods. Everyone screamed with excitement, and it seemed that they would have a good year.But Mingjiao's cohesion is very strong, and everyone wants to subsidize the Mingjiao general altar that failed in Shezhou, so no one hides the spoils of war.

At this moment, a convoy coming from the west of the intersection caught their attention, because the carriage that opened the way at the front had the signs of "Avoid" and "Quiet" of the Mingzhou Yamen, which at first glance belonged to the state city. The high official has returned to the city.

He Tong licked his chapped lips and asked Pan Wende, "Do you want to do it?"

Pan Wende pondered for a long time, and finally spit out two words: "No!"

"Why!" He Tong almost jumped to his feet, his voice was loud, "We do this better than the previous one!"

"It's because this vote wins all the way, so we can't do it! If we pretend to be people from Liangshan and run the people of the court, we are bound to have a strong momentum. Yuezhou and our own people have not been removed, so we can't do it quickly. , harmed the brothers in the sect!"

Talking to Tong Jian, he nodded ignorantly. Although he was still a little bit reluctant, he finally decided to obey the altar master's order.


"Lou Zhizhou has already held a banquet on the Moon Lake, and we are waiting for Cheng Xianggong to come with his daughter. For today's matter, Lou Zhizhou asked the subordinate officials to pay more respects to Shang Xianggong. It is really not good hospitality, bad hospitality!"

On the second carriage in the convoy, there was a conversation, and the person who spoke was Mingzhou Tongju.It is said that the general judgment is a position set up by the imperial court to check and balance the magistrate, but after a hundred years, the actual situation is not like the early years of the founding of the Song Dynasty.

If you say that the position of general judge has a lot of power and low rank, in this age of harmony, it is too late to curry favor with the magistrate, so why offend the superior for official business?Judging by the tone of the judge, I am afraid that he and Lou Zhizhou got along well, and he explained the reason for Zhizhou several times along the way that he could not personally accompany the distinguished guests to pay homage to the deceased.

"Zeng Tong judge is polite, Cheng feels deeply about Shike (lou different characters) friendship! He is a feudal official in charge of a state, how can he abandon public affairs for private affairs? Zeng Tong judges you, and came here in the morning I've been busy for half a day, Cheng is really sorry!"

This Cheng Xianggong is the magistrate of a prefectural city in the north. According to the laws of the Song Dynasty, the current magistrate cannot leave his post without authorization. However, there are regulations that officials in office can take two months of personal leave accumulatively within three years.Fortunately, the magistrate has never asked for a day off in the past three years. Because of the death of his late wife's father this time, he wanted to see him off in person, so he simply used up his personal leave.

"How does Mr. Xiang speak outsiders? You are the son-in-law of Mingzhou, and I happen to be blessed by the Holy Grace. As an official in Mingzhou, it is not my duty for me to take care of my husband's living and transportation?" Zeng Tong The judge is very good at talking, because his grade is too different from the gentleman next to him, so he has no burden to flatter.Unlike Zhizhou Louyi, because he has a certain status, there are many things that he can't say in person.

Cheng Zhifu smiled reluctantly, as if he was a little against these flattery, but for the sake of his hard work, it is not good to embarrass him.

What a shrewd person Zeng Tongjuan was, seeing that this person didn't like to listen to flattery, he talked to him about official affairs, in short, he did everything possible to please him.It's strange to say, why does an irrelevant magistrate need him to cling to him so much?

It turns out that officials have their own channels of news, and Zeng Tongju has already heard the news, and heard that the next step of this Xianggong will be the Ministry of Officials.If there is no accident, he will serve as the minister of the Ministry of officials.

It is said that this is the agreement between the two giants Cai and Tong to share the fruits after defeating Zhang Kegong and Zhang Shangshu.There are really not many civil officials in Tong Guan's direct line, but this minister has a good official reputation in recent years and is very uplifting.

Presumably Lou Yi also received the news, so he treated Cheng Xianggong very thoughtfully, and did everything he could do without losing his dignity.

Cheng Xianggong can't decide Lou Zhizhou's future, but at least he has the ability to spoil your affairs.As for my own small judgment, success or failure will all depend on this person's thought in the future, so why not make a good stand at this time?It is to change the way to leave a good relationship on this person.

Helpless, Zhifu Cheng just thought about things quietly, and was worried that the other party would not come down, and occasionally answered a few words, but he focused all his energy on the strange things that happened in the morning.

It turns out that this New Year's Eve, I don't know who has been to the grave of his dead wife to offer incense. I asked the villagers nearby, and they said that it was a white-clothed scholar who came with many companions. He kowtowed several times in front of his wife's grave and burned it After paying the paper money, he knelt in front of the tombstone and muttered a lot to himself, and finally left the food and wine for the sacrifice, and then left.

What white-clothed scholar?Cheng Zhifu didn't remember that he had acquaintances in Mingzhou.In fact, when he is in his position, there are countless people who will fawn on him, but the key is that if he is coming for himself, at least he should leave a name, right?You can't please yourself and don't leave a name. Does this become a true relationship without messing around?

wrong!No no no!Cheng Zhifu suddenly felt that his mind was in a mess, and suddenly, a useful message popped up, why did the baby girl and Xiaohuan react so abnormally today?Could it be... something to do with the white-clothed scholar who went to the grave?

Thinking of this, Cheng Zhifu broke out in a cold sweat, what a shame!

It seems that I have always spoiled this child too much, and waited and waited until she became interested in a big thief!What is the origin of that man?Sooner or later Bu Tianhu's footsteps aside, he was so rampant that even Gao Taiwei, the official's confidant, was killed with a knife. It is obvious that this hatred will never be solved. As long as the official is in power, that person will never be recruited by the court , can only be the generation of Huang Chao!So, how can his daughter be with him?

Originally, he wasn't ready to force his daughter to marry. It seems that this matter will be on the top of the agenda. He should go to Beijing in a short time, and he will find a good marriage for her at that time. He fulfilled the wish of himself and his late wife! (to be continued~^~)

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