Water Margin Survival

Chapter 711 Meeting in this situation?

As soon as Cheng Wan'er said this, Cheng Wanli was dumbfounded before the vicious strongmen behind him didn't respond.

Seeing her daughter's confident appearance, the thing she held in her hand seems to have a real origin, but why didn't he hear any news beforehand as a father?

As a father, he felt a sadness he had never felt before.Xiaohuan should know about this matter, and so should Xiaohuan's parents, but at the same time they chose to hide it from themselves.What does this mean? It means that at least they don't reject this white-clothed bandit, and in this way, the problem is formed.

At the same time, as an old sparrow in the officialdom, he is keenly aware of a little crisis: this thing is a hot potato!

Fortunately, he has great prestige in the Xiqing Mansion, not only the army is firmly in his hands, but the lower-level officials are also obedient to him (who in the mansion has a solid foundation like him? Even the king's talents are far behind!).Moreover, since he took office, Liang Shanbo has beaten this and that, but he has never attacked the Xiqing Mansion. Does this have anything to do with him being the magistrate?So his prestige gradually increased, and there was not a single political opponent with enough weight in the mansion to find his loopholes with a lantern, so he could still return to his dead wife's natal family grave at this time as the magistrate of Xiqing Mansion.

At this moment, he looked back at Zeng Tongpan's whereabouts rather frightenedly, and saw that the carriage was galloping in the direction of Zhoucheng without hesitation, and he subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.If someone catches this tell, will he be blackmailed by this person for the rest of his life?

For a fleeting moment, Cheng Wanli's mind flashed through many thoughts.But his pace did not slow down at all.Because he knew very well in his heart that his daughter was too young to see that these people were not from Liangshan, so Wang Lun's sword naturally couldn't suppress them.It would be easier to talk about other thieves, but because of Wang Lun's reputation, he dare not let go, but this Fang La is obviously different, it is Wang Lun from the southeast.With two people of similar size, who can convince the other?The daughter's bright sword may make the situation develop in an unexpected direction.

If Jiang is still old and hot, the development of the matter is indeed the same. The group who came up from the siege wondered: "What village owner? Whose village owner? Which mountain?"

Pan Wende was the best among this group of people. He restrained his ecstasy, stopped his subordinates, and asked loudly: "Our stalls in Liangshan are spread too loosely, and the most of them are the village owners. I don't know what you say, little lady Which one is it?"

Cheng Wan'er was just inexperienced, she wasn't stupid, seeing the reactions of these people, she immediately became suspicious!How could people from Liangshan disrespect Wang Lun so much?Immediately, Xiu frowned, thinking hard about countermeasures.Unexpectedly, Xiaohuan couldn't help it at this time: "This is the sword of your village master Wang Lun! I personally gave it to my little lady to scare you young people, so don't back down!"

Wang Lun!

I didn't expect to hit the right one this time.Really earned it!

Pan Wende glanced at He Tong.The pride in his eyes was undisguised, and the latter was also rejoicing, the opportunity to make a face in front of the leader came!

But they were extremely excited, but most of the congregation were discouraged at this time. If others didn't know, how could they not know about Shezhou?5000 elite instructors, under the attack of [-] opponents, were beaten and maimed every day. I heard the rumors from those who witnessed it in private.Otherwise, Shezhou would have become a purgatory long ago.Therefore, when they heard that this woman had a close relationship with Wang Lun, many people already had the idea of ​​retreating.From the moment Wang Lun's name was revealed, the weak woman in front of her seemed to be coated with an inviolable golden light, which made everyone turn around and want to escape.

How Cheng Wanli couldn't see through these people's thoughts, his mood was extremely complicated at this time, and at the same time, he felt a sense of sadness.Thinking that the convoy was clearly using the signboard of the Mingzhou Yamen, these people dared to provoke them, but when Wang Lun's name came out, these people were like ghosts, fighting with each other, almost wanting to leave first, it's really called him a shepherd His parents feel ashamed.

By now, he was too embarrassed to reveal his identity.I thought that this gang of thieves might be frightened away, but who knows that the leader of the demon is very strong, he turned his head and shouted at the people who retreated slightly: "Since this woman has Wang Lun's sword, she must have a good relationship with that thief! Brother Ladies, have you forgotten the shame of Shezhou? Capture this woman and hand it over to the leader, everyone will have face!"

After Pan Wende finished speaking, he talked to Tong Tong: "That guy Wang Lun is a man of the green forest, and he has to abide by the rules of the green forest! Let's eliminate harm for the people and kill a few corrupt officials. Why should he control Wang Lun?" ? This matter is going to the sky, and Liangshan has nothing to say! All the good men in the world will teach us!"

The two people Fang La selected were worthy of their eloquence, and a few words made everyone's doubts clear. If this matter is done, if they are well-educated, what are they afraid of?

Seeing the urgency of the situation, Cheng Wanli rushed to the front to protect the two juniors, took a long breath and said, "I am the magistrate of Xiqing Prefecture, if you don't rein in the precipice, then you will have to weigh the consequences of tampering with the imperial court officials!"

"Hey! Prefect hello! What a great official!"

I don't know who screamed strangely from below, which caused the group of people to burst into laughter. When everyone had laughed enough, Pan Wende yelled: "Leave these two girls! Don't let anyone else die!" Talk with Tong Jian Dazed, he asked: "Is this bird magistrate also killed?"

"When did we ever keep prisoners?" Pan Wende sneered, thinking about it. When the Ming Cult rebelled in Jiangzhou and Chizhou, although there were some officials who escaped, all the officials who were caught by them became cold. corpse.

"Xianggong takes the nobleman to go first! The villains can stop him no matter what!"

The guards were worthy of being brought out by Wang Ting, and they would rather die than retreat under such circumstances.Immediately divided into two teams, a few grooms dragged the prefect's family away, and the other team turned around to attack Pan Wende and Hetong. It was reflected in the former soldiers of the Western Army that if there were really knowledgeable people here, they would not dare to provoke Cheng Wanli easily.

It's a pity that these two are only half a spoonful of water, and they are determined to avenge their shame, only to hear Hetong yell, "After all, he is a magistrate, and there are a few hard stubble around him anyway! Kill them first!"

It should be explained that it is not good to teach serious battles, but this kind of small-scale street fighting is very good. I saw more than 300 people surrounded by less than [-] guards, and I didn't think it was against the law at all. Rivers and lakes morality.

The two gangs fought together. Seeing that the guards were outnumbered, Cheng Wanli pushed the two daughters and shouted, "Run, run as far as you can! I'll stop them!"

Grandpa is gone, Cheng Wan'er is only her father in this world, how can she give up?Xiaohuan is completely like a little girl in Cheng's residence, and she refuses to leave even if she dies at this time.When the father and daughter were struggling, a group of knights came from the city. They looked like imperial court cavalry. The groom guarding Cheng Wanli was overjoyed and shouted sharply: "The Imperial Army is one family, brothers, help!"

"Who the hell is a family with you!"

The man who spoke had a crown of three justices on his head, a golden ring of jade tin; a robe of hundreds of flowers on his body, brocade and bouquets of flowers.Armor is covered with thousands of fire dragon scales, and a red agate is belted.Riding a rouge is like a dragon horse, and making a vermilion painting pole Fang Tianhalberd.

Just when she felt like "just got out of the wolf's lair and entered the tiger's lair", Cheng Wan'er suddenly felt that the general who led the team looked familiar, but the general felt even more familiar when he saw Cheng Wan'er when she was a child. "I don't know if it's the little lady, but the young general has made a lot of mistakes, so don't blame me!"

Lu Fang's slip of the tongue was naturally the previous denial that it was a family statement.

Cheng Wanli looked at her daughter angrily, Cheng Wan'er's face was flushed red, she lowered her head in shame, but when she pressed the gourd to float up, Xiaohuan shouted happily: "Brother Lu, this group of people pretended to be Liangshan to block the road and rob !"

When Lu Fang heard this, it was not bad, pretending to be Liangshan to rob his brother's future Mrs. Yazhai, all sins deserve to be damned!Seeing that he was not in a hurry to get on the horse, he pointed his hand, "Whoever he is, don't hold back!"

When everyone heard this, they all took their weapons in their hands and charged forward in a line. These thirty riders riding against the bandits looked like they were rushing towards thousands of troops. These veterans were all from the Western Army, and they got this good opportunity , Immediately left the battlefield, for fear of being accidentally injured.

In fact, this team of cavalry is Wang Lun's own army, and they still have the ability to distinguish between enemy and friend. How could they hurt Miss Cheng's guards?In the blink of an eye, they had killed a pair among the 300 people. At this time, Lu Fang led a dozen or so prancing horses around him, and then he said, "Where did this dog thief come from, to ruin the reputation of the grandpas!"

He Tong got up from the ground with a disheveled face, and when he looked around for Pan Wende's figure, he saw him lying on the ground like a big character, spitting blood from his mouth, and seeing that he was dying.

It's just that he remembered Pan Wende's last words just now, and suppressed his anger and said: "You said that we pretended to be Liangshan troops, and there is no evidence! Now we are robbing the government, why do you care!"

Lu Fang said "Yo Ha" and asked, "Who are you?"

"Master is a hero of Jiangnan Mingjiao!" He Tong cursed.

"Okay! You continue to rob the government!" Lu Fang said something that was beyond everyone's surprise. Xiaohuan screamed, but was stopped by Cheng Wan'er. At this time, He Tong looked back at his brothers in disbelief, and was about to speak , but heard Lu Fang shouted: "Brothers, let's continue to chase away Mingjiao!"

With a sound of "puchi", Xiaohuan laughed out loud, and Hetong pointed at Lu Fang angrily and cursed: "Liar!"

It's a pity that Lu Fang had already rushed to the front of the formation, and almost provoked this man with a painted halberd, shaking his head at these veterans from the Western Army, "It's easy to kill the enemy on the battlefield, he's putting on airs like that, and he's full of flaws! "

It's a pity that this group of people is obviously not as good as Xia's thief. At this time, Lu Fang attacked Lu Fang, but Lu Fang still turned He Tong over very smartly, and then went to kill the bandits who had lost their leader.

"What's the origin of this surname Lu?" Cheng Wanli finally spoke, with rare sternness in his eyes.

"It's Wang Lun's personal leader!" Cheng Wan'er lowered her head and said.

"So it means that Wang Lun is nearby?" Cheng Wanli looked extremely calm at this moment: "You two remember, if Wang Lun wants to take you into captivity, today is the day I, Cheng Wanli, die for my country!"

"He...he won't do that!" Cheng Wan'er whispered.

"Could it be? Let's watch!" Cheng Wanli sighed, and his eyes fell on a group of people who appeared in the distance. Wasn't the guy in white at the front? (to be continued~^~)

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