In half a year, too many things fermented.

Li Ziqian, the former noble and powerful minister of the Goryeo Dynasty, finally stood at the pinnacle of his life.

More than [-]% of the former Koryo's land was now included in the territory of the new country he established.Among them, the most affluent central part of the peninsula, except for Xijing, which is occupied by the monsters of the Dawei Kingdom, is actually controlled by him.

Just a few months ago, the former frontier generals of the eastern and northern borders of Koryo, who had been waiting and watching, announced that they would serve under Li Ziqian's command.So far, in the land of the Three Koreas, a situation of "one strong dominates while the other weak lingers" has formed.If, if the interference of external forces ends here, then the history of Korea's Li surname replacing Wang's surname will be fully advanced by more than 200 years.

Nanjing, which was the accompanying capital of Korea a year ago, has now become Li Ziqian's royal city.According to his words, the royal spirit of opening the capital is exhausted, and it is not suitable to be the capital of the new dynasty.But Li Ziqian did not choose to establish his capital in his hometown of Renzhou (Incheon).The answer is simple, Kai Jing's lesson from the past also woke him up from nightmares from time to time.If one day Song Guo is not satisfied with him again, and he lands in Renzhou again, then his life will be in vain.

However, although he did not return to his hometown, in order to show that he would not forget his hometown, Li Ziqian added the label of his hometown to the new country title, calling it "Daren", so the Daren Kingdom, which had never been seen in the history of Goryeo, appeared on the stage, and Gong The Dawei Kingdom that Qi established in the same year was simply brilliant for a while, two wonderful things.

"Your Majesty! There were 14 soldiers in the Eastern Realm and the Northern Realm. In the battle to defend Kaijing, only Tuo Junjing led troops to serve the King. Therefore, the two realms still have 13 million soldiers at this time. Now our main force is fighting against the remnants of Han Anren on the southern front. If the generals of these two places have mischief, the consequences will be disastrous! Your Majesty, in the current chaos, there are ulterior motives, so we must guard against them!"

The eldest brother ascended the throne, and Li Ziliang was also promoted.The official official name is very long, with [-] characters. It is called Tongfeng Dafu Shangshu Libushilang Shanghujun bestows Zijin fish bag.Although he is still far from being a prime minister, but because he is currently the most outstanding figure in Li Ziqian's family, he can talk about anything in front of Li Ziqian.

"How are Wang Jing's recruits doing?" Li Ziqian looked enigmatic. Originally, he was a minister of power, not a man of power. Back then, Wang Yu also had to look at his face. Now he was sitting on the throne himself. The whole person became more serious.

Of course Li Ziliang knew about his elder brother's nature, so he didn't care about it at this time.Respectfully replied: "It has been three months of training, from top to bottom, the officers are all from Renzhou, and they are absolutely trustworthy!"

The army they were talking about was a completely new army, and had nothing to do with the Koryo Jing Army or the local army other than the Inju garrison.The source of its soldiers is strong and strong men selected from Yang Guangdao, and all the officers in the army are veterans from Renzhou.It is completely a loyal army that obeys the orders of the Li family in Incheon.

Li Ziqian trained these people as his direct descendants of the Beijing Army.In the past, the regular army of the Beijing Army was only 5000, and the reserve army was only more than 5000, but the army newly formed by Li Ziqian was as high as 15, which was more than twice the size of the previous Beijing Army.

However, the reason why Li Ziqian is so militaristic is largely because of the chaos in the country.For hundreds of years, Goryeo has always been a weak central government and local tyrants everywhere. When he was a noble and powerful minister, he was afraid that he was not powerful enough to coerce the king.But now that he is firmly seated on the throne, the situation is reversed in an instant.Li Ziqian began to feel that these local people were too ambitious.He wanted to be the founder of Daren Kingdom, and he was already secretly preparing to use the name of crusade against Gong Qi and Han Anren to weaken the power of local tyrants.

"Order the Privy Council to transfer [-] frontier troops from Shuangcheng General Administration Mansion (Eastern Border) and [-] frontier troops from Dongning Mansion (Northern Border) to attack the puppet state of Xijing!" Li Ziqian said slowly.

"Although the monster Gongqi has been defeated repeatedly and retreated from Lichenggang, but at this time he still has more than 3 soldiers and [-] frontier troops. What role can it play?" Li Ziliang wondered, but fortunately, here is In Li Ziqian's imperial study room, there are only the two brothers inside and outside. If they were in the court, Li Ziliang would never question the eldest brother.Because even though Li Ziqian is the most powerful now, his subordinates have many factions. As a direct descendant, he can only maintain the authority of the king, not question him.

"The lonely frontier army, one is to test their hearts, and the other is to erode their strength. Now that the Jurchens have risen and are fighting with the Liao Kingdom, the situation is intertwined. The lonely king estimates that within ten years, these two groups will disappear I can't come down. That being the case, Liao and Jin have no spare power to spy on me. And changes in Liao will definitely attract the attention of Song. Their northern barrier is still in the hands of the Khitan. Now that the Khitan is weak, the Song will not I don’t know if they will take advantage of the fire to rob us, but I think they don’t have the energy to trouble us again. Therefore, I think that if it is as short as five years, or as long as ten years, our country will have no worries about external troubles. If this is the case, it will solve all internal troubles, so I will Use this time to let only one person's voice in the three thousand miles of rivers and mountains!"

The words of the first king of Daren Kingdom were so loud that Li Ziliang's blood boiled up, and he immediately bowed down and said: "My king is really the holy king of the three Koreas!"

Li Ziqian waved his hand and said: "You will go out later, order the [-] troops outside Xijing City to step up surveillance, and when the frontier troops arrive, they will attack the city with all their strength. Remember, let Li Zhimei not hold the troops to consume the troops. What a crooked mind! I want to calm down Dawei demon as soon as possible!"

Li Ziliang smiled knowingly, Brother Wang said it was really interesting, how could he not allow the frontier army to be consumed?In fact, even Li Zhimei's powerful army is not really relieved, and it seems that they are preparing to let them suffer a lose-lose situation.These people are all powerful old men attached to them from all over the world. They thought that their family could make further progress at this time of epoch-making, but they didn't know that Brother Wang was waiting for them here.

By the way, this Li Zhimei is the son of Li Ziqian, and also the prince of this dynasty. The soldiers under him are no longer the state and county troops of the previous dynasties.It turns out that the Koryo military system is 500 in the eight guards of the Beijing Army, 14 in the two frontier troops, and only 3000 regular troops in all other places.But the war has been fought to this point, and the Beijing army has become history. The local army has not been damaged except for the Renzhou soldiers. The troops of other states and counties have been lost in the see-saw. Dou's frontier generals, the rest are either miscellaneous soldiers who were not in the past (first-rank army, second- and third-rank army left in the village), or elite and slaves recruited from various places, and of course private soldiers of powerful people.

And the 8 people under Li Zhimei's men, including all the main private soldiers around Wang Jing who are dependent on the powerful, thought they would follow the son to find a family background, but they had already been secretly plotted by his father.

"The main thing is Han Anren! This old boy is not too tired after all these years of fighting alone!" Li Ziqian suddenly sneered, and his eyes gradually stayed on the simplified map of Jeolla Dao and Shang Qingdao. (to be continued~^~)

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