Water Margin Survival

Chapter 715 The end of an era

Daegu is just an ordinary county in Gyeongsang-do, and the battle of Daegu is by no means the focus of the tug-of-war between the two sides.However, in order to capture the city, the siege party paid a price of more than [-] people.Intuitively speaking, the first batch of soldiers who attacked the city had no loss except for a thousand archers, and almost none of the infantry who ascended the city survived, so that the siege army sent a total of three batches of personnel. The team used it all to take down this humble town.

Three thousand casualties, and a small local battle with partial divisions, presumably Li Ziqian would not take it seriously.But the key point is that when the battle has reached this level, there is no such thing as a regular army on both sides.The original Koryo Jing army was basically taken away by the Song people in the Battle of Kaijing, and the frontier troops of the two circles were sitting on the mountain watching the tigers fight.Even the remaining reinforcements from all over the country were exhausted in the three-way fighting.So right now, the north and the south are basically gathering a group of powerful nobles who support themselves, and using their ambition and strength to achieve their goals.

As for the major shareholders who donate money and efforts, who is as generous as Li Ziqian, the hands-off shopkeeper?On the way to the south, Han Anren's ancestors have not lived in peace for eighteen generations, and they have suffered a lot of insults from these people in the north.

However, in the beginning, things were not so complicated.

Previously, the United Expeditionary Army in the north was able to fight Han Anren with ease, and drove him away from Wangjing in one go, and fled around like a bereaved dog.Unexpectedly, running away, this guy suddenly lost his bottom line, dared to challenge the interests of the nobles in the world, and announced the abolition of the current slavery system privately in the face of the world's displeasure.The hard days of the coalition forces are coming.

The loyalty of these slaves is so rewarding!Han Anren drew a big cake for them.They followed Han Anren wholeheartedly, yelling about the recovery of the Great Korea, and calling themselves the recovery army.The worst thing about this group of people is not here, but that they only stick to the city and never dare to go out of the city to fight in the field.

It would be fine if this was the case for only attacking one or two cities, but along the way, every county town, state city, and checkpoint with a city wall has become a bleeding hole for the attacker.More or less, the other party has to bleed some blood.

Of course, relying on slaves alone is actually not enough to cause such heavy casualties to the United Expeditionary Army.But the southern army also has its own trump card: slaves are used as cannon fodder, and private soldiers are the backbone.

In a place as big as a slap in Korea, not only Li Ziqian is an old fox, Han Anren is also not a vegetarian.Li Ziqian is well aware of the fact that children cannot be entangled with wolves, and he has already used the two lands in the south as carrots in front of donkeys, luring the central tyrants to step into the script he designed step by step.In the final analysis, there is one sentence: Whoever makes a lot of credit now will make a lot of profits in the future.

This is obviously to expel the local tyrants in the south from the upper class of the future unified regime.As Li Ziqian's old opponent for many years, Han Anren certainly would not let go of this opportunity to unite with the southern tycoons.

Although the act of freeing slaves also violated the interests of these allies to a large extent, the huge private property of the former Koryo royal family served as compensation (land).More or less eased the dissatisfaction of the southern slave owners.Coupled with the fact that the northerners have clearly revealed their ambition not to play with them at all, they will eventually be kicked out of the game.Therefore, when the enemy was at hand, there was a strange situation in which the slave owner and the slave worked together to resist the northerners.

People in the north are not fools, of course they know the consequences of driving a dog into a poor alley.But the tyrants and landlords' thirst for land has penetrated into the bone marrow.With the land in the central part of the peninsula already saturated, the extra land in the two southern regions is nothing more than fat falling from the sky.And Li Ziqian even fanned the flames behind his back: Go grab it.Just leave me a share at the end.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.This has become an endless dead end.It's not that the northerners don't know how to divide their opponents, but the result is only three words, impossible!

They themselves have taken a fancy to the land in the hands of the southern tyrants, and they want to take it quickly, and the contradiction has obviously reached the point of irreconcilability.And Han Anren announced the release of all slaves within the sphere of influence, which is even more unacceptable to them.This has gone beyond the category of "more and less", but Han Anren wants to cut their roots.

Therefore, the possible situation of losing reconciliation is to some extent more cruel than when the Khitan invaded.In order to defend their property, the tyrants and landlords in the two provinces of the South, and the newly reborn slaves had no choice but to rise up and resist in order to be free.And the result of resistance was massacre, and massacre provoked more fierce resistance.The more intense resistance forced the central tycoons to invest more (investment by private soldiers), thus forming an unsolvable endless loop.

The person Li Ziqian is most grateful for right now is Han Anren, his old opponent.Besides him, who else in the world can do him such a big favor, making him the man who has the best chance of surpassing the founding lord of Koryo, Wang Jian?

Time is undoubtedly in his favour, and Han Anren will bid farewell to this world in an unseemly way after completing his historical mission.Who told this person to break his cans, desperately want to learn from the people of Song Dynasty to win people's hearts, and he would not hesitate to offend the powerful people in the world?The people of Song came and snatched away. Where could he go, Han Anren?Now even if he, Li Ziqian, wants to show Han Anren an extrajudicial favor, I'm afraid these elites in the south will not be willing.

Although Li Ziqian was very sympathetic to Han Anren on this issue, he could only make a silent promise to his old opponent from the bottom of his heart: old man, you can leave at ease, I promise not to dig up your ancestral grave.


Sangju, Gyeongju (formerly Koryo Tokyo), Jinju, Jeonju, Seungju, the six major cities under Han Anren's command, now only the last Naju is left.

At this time, Luozhou, in the eyes of the besieging northern army, could not wait to break through overnight.All thanks to the thief surnamed Han inside, in the additional "investments" again and again, their capital was almost refracted.Right now it was so easy to trap Han Anren in Luozhou City, many tyrants personally brought people from all over the place, and even the most difficult part of spoils was suspended.It has to be said that Han Anren has a lot of face.

There is a cloud of hostility in the city, but there is something poetic in the city.

Standing on the top of the city, Han Anren felt that the afterglow of the setting sun was quite intoxicating, which made his thoughts fly unconsciously, recalling the present and the past.

Just 100 years ago, Yelu Longxu, Emperor Shengzong of the Liao Dynasty, led 40 people to attack Goryeo. At that time, King Xianzong of Goryeo fled to Luozhou to wait for an opportunity to counterattack.Perhaps, Xianzong also looked north at this juncture at that time?

But it's a pity that Taishi Han is helpless now, and even hurt the five-year-old kid surnamed Wang who was found from nowhere.

"Even though my body is damaged, the people of Goryeo will eventually be separated from the good and the low, and the history will also be my name. Even if I die, there will be no regrets!" Han Anren stood on the city, talking to himself against the wind.He believed that as long as this fire was ignited by him, Li Ziqian's life in the future would never be easy.

The left and right were shocked when they heard the words, Taishi Han regarded death as home, but what about those people who follow the left and right?Now sitting in a lonely city, there are no reinforcements outside, no fighting spirit inside, and there is no good end to surrender.

After all, wherever the Northern Army went, they slaughtered the captives to vent their personal anger.Even ordinary people from the two realms who did not participate in the alliance would not be able to escape the catastrophe, and they would also be caught as slaves by them, and they would never be lovers again.

Everyone knows the truth of success and defeat, but they didn't expect that when the bad luck of failure befell them, it would be so frightening.

"Grand Master...can you make peace with the Northern Army? There are still 20 female spleens in the city, which may make the Northerners tempted!" Someone cautiously made a suggestion.

Han Anren looked at this person with a half-smile, and suddenly his face changed, "Why don't you tie me up to the country's bandit camp to make peace, okay?"

As the saying goes: A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Anyway, there are still a group of slaves who are loyal to Han Anren in the city. This man was shocked by this serious sentence, his face turned pale, and he argued: "Little man!" Following the grand master, traveling nearly thousands of miles, and dozens of bloody battles, there is no second heart!"

Han Anren smiled, turned his eyes away from this man, looked at the sunset in the distance, and sighed: "Thinking about those years, studying hard in the cold window in the thatched cottage, fighting openly and secretly in the court, and finally getting the current scenery, I don't know if it's worth it or not." ?”

"The grand master has eliminated traitors for the country, and the people of the country admire him, so there are countless people who dare to die have followed the grand master to this day! Then Li Ziqian's ambitions are clear, and he is planning to usurp the throne. The world is all thieves, and he will die a good death!" The left and right replied, "I am in Luozhou There are still [-] people who dare to die in the city, and there are countless food and grass, enough to last for three years! After three years, maybe the situation of the world has changed drastically, and we will have a chance again!"

The left and right spoke impassionedly, but Han Anren listened very perfunctorily, and after listening he was noncommittal. He paused for a while, then sighed, and said: "In my life, I am only short of dying to be called 'consummation'! It is easy to say 'abandon'. Keep it! The harder we defend, the more enemies we kill, maybe there is still a way out."

Everyone sees and talks, but looks at each other without saying a word.At this moment, a change occurred outside the city, only to hear the loud "rumbling" sound, a burst of smoke and dust rose from far to near, all over the sky, Han Anren was surrounded by people who knew soldiers: "There is a large group of cavalry pressing down!"

As the saying goes: If you have too many debts, you will not worry, and if you have many lice, you will not itch.The countless times of reinforcements under the city have already made the defenders in the city numb. What's more, the cavalry returned here. It is useless to attack the city anyway, but no one is too scared. Some people whispered: "Such a large cavalry, I am afraid No less than five collars! Could it be that the frontier army arrived?"

Everyone on the tower was thinking this way, and the northern army camp below the tower was even more puzzled. Didn't receive any news that there would be reinforcements from the frontier army?During countless bloody battles in the city before, they had never seen their shadows, but they appeared at this sensitive moment. Could it be that these bastards are here to take credit?

"Bastard! You frontier soldiers are here at this time, and you still send horse troops, what do you mean!?" (To be continued~^~)

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