Water Margin Survival

Chapter 717 The end of an era

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This is killing the donkey before the grind is over!

Although the soldier and horse envoy of the Southern Conscript Army from Li Ziqian's hometown had been prepared in his heart, he still felt that Wang Shang's move was too incompetent, and it was too hasty!

It was obvious that Han Anren was besieged in the isolated city, and it happened that the tyrants of the coalition forces were wasted on this desperate battlefield, and everything seemed logical.After all, the war has reached the point where the conflict between the two sides is no longer the grievances and resentments between Han Anren and the king, but that he has become a public enemy that the central powers want to get rid of quickly.

But the king just made such a foolish move and sent such a general who was eager to prove himself.Perhaps, this person really has his superiority, but the strong desire in this person's heart to surpass his predecessor will eventually mess up the future of the Li family in Renzhou.

"General, take a step to speak!" The soldiers and horsemen of the Chinese army came to the opponent's side, pretending to be casual, and moved their lips.

"In front of a group of people who are about to go to the ground, why do you have to act?" General Jin Helmet is not a person who likes to hold it deliberately, so he said quickly.It's just that the voice is very low, only the two of them can hear clearly, and the tyrants who followed to see the excitement didn't realize at all that the two people were actually having a disagreement about killing them quickly or slowly .

"If you have more haste, don't..." The soldiers and horse envoys of the Chinese army waited to persuade, but General Jin Helmet was no longer willing to listen.Instead, he raised his voice and said, "I told you not to gather the above-mentioned generals together. Have you notified them?"

"There's really no room for manoeuvre?" The soldiers and horse envoys of the Chinese army almost gritted their teeth and hummed this heavy question in a low voice.

"There are some inside stories. As you, I can't tell you directly! When this matter is over, you will understand my difficulties now!" Maybe his persistence moved General Golden Helmet, but the general turned his back on it. The arrogance just now suddenly became serious.

It turns out there is an inside story!

The deep inferiority complex buried in the hearts of every citizen on this peninsula was successfully activated by this sentence, especially the actions of the other party pouring bitter water.Let the soldiers and horses of the Chinese army be flattered.

It turned out that the short-sighted person was actually himself!He couldn't help but start to make up his mind automatically: maybe there was some big change in the rear that made the king have to deal with this team immediately?In this way, I am not causing trouble for the adults! ?

"How should the young general cooperate with the general? How to avoid accidental injury?"

Seeing this, General Jin Helmet bowed his head and pondered for a moment before he said eight words: "White scarf and head wrap, free play!"

Hearing this, the soldiers and horse envoys couldn't help but feel sad.What free play?It's because the other party obviously didn't consider himself as a big help when they drew up the plan!

Think about it.Inevitably, this soldier with strong self-esteem felt uncomfortable.Uncomfortable is uncomfortable, and everything should be based on the overall situation.After all, if something goes wrong and the people in the military camp are asked to escape and the news spreads, then not only the forces that are close to the new dynasty will have a strong sense of vigilance against the Wang Jing regime, but even more serious.Those local tyrants who have sworn allegiance.There will definitely be a fierce backlash because of this matter!

"I need to go down and get ready!" The envoy emphasized.

"What this envoy is doing is an earth-shattering event, can I trust you?" The golden helmeted general's eyes fell on the soldier and horse envoy.

"Please believe me!" The soldier and horse envoy raised his head and chest, and returned the other party's firm eyes.

"You! Go and urge the officers who haven't arrived yet. I don't want some people to have fun in the camp when the king's order is read out. This is disrespectful to the king!"

The golden-helmed general returned to acting, and the tacit understanding cultivated in a short period of time caused the envoy to leave immediately.Looking at his back, Jin Helmet showed a playful arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Lead the way ahead! The army enters the camp!"

Jin Helmet will no longer talk nonsense, and his bossy demeanor makes people feel awe, and unconsciously moves with his rhythm.Instead, at this time.No one paid any attention to the frontier soldiers behind him.Naturally, no one noticed that behind the forward soldiers who were swearing endlessly, there were taciturn and solemn soldiers who followed closely. Apart from being as cold as a piece of ice, they were generally superior in stature and exuded temperament. Large are common on this peninsula.

"The king's envoy is here!"

When he came to the largest tent in this camp, Jin Helmet would have to bow his waist to get in. There was no way, the door was opened a little low.Many people who have been waiting here beforehand and have never seen the king's envoy are powerful. Let's not talk about anything else. At this time, he was really shocked by his burly body. Many people whispered to each other, saying that poor mountains and evil waters are full of alien species. This person is really good. It can only be born in places like the northern border, and it may be the seed of Jurchen barbarians.

I don't know if these regional discriminatory remarks have caught the ears of the Golden Helmet General, but he walked towards the chief seat without hesitation, but instead of sitting, he opened his mouth and yelled three words: "By the king's order!"

When the Hao Qiang who was full of tents had to kneel down to receive the order, the envoy turned his back on him and kept looking around, as if he was looking for something.Everyone was puzzled, and they quarreled for a long time. Finally, someone who was well-behaved offered wine. The envoy laughed and praised: "Not bad!"

Seeing this, the man was about to say a few words of modesty, when he saw the envoy throw the wine glass and bottle on the ground heavily. Only then did the man realize that the envoy Wang had just said ironic words, and felt that he had been flattered on the horse's hoof. Immediately panicked.The tyrants who knelt until their knees hurt were unwilling. This man dawdled and deliberately coaxed everyone to kneel down, but he didn't do anything serious, and said angrily, "Why are you envoys so angry?"

"I don't know slaves!"

The envoy Wang had a mocking look on his face, and secretly scolded these native chickens that they had never even heard the allusion of "throwing a cup for a sign".Fortunately, the sound of fighting from around the tent not long after, taught the tyrants who were still kneeling on the ground a living lesson.

Next, I only heard the clear and clear voices one after another. If Xia Jie's concubine who likes to hear the sound of cracking brocade is happy here, wouldn't she be laughing out loud?It's a pity that these peninsula tycoons were stunned at this time. It turned out that there were countless holes around the big tent, and murderous soldiers rushed in from outside.

"My generation has never betrayed the king, why did the king want to harm us!" Someone reacted very quickly, and quickly thought of Li Ziqian, and couldn't help but screamed.

The envoy of the King of Golden Helmet did not hold back this time, and told everyone the reason straightforwardly: "The king has a decree. If you kill too much, it will hurt the peace of heaven if you continue to live in the world. Only by entering the earth can you save Qingshang, Quanluo Erdao ghosts!"

"Li Ziqian is a thief! You crossed the river and demolished bridges, and used us to quell the grudges of the ghosts, but how do you quell our grievances!?"

"General, you have been wronged! We are loyal ministers who are loyal to the King and the Kingdom of Daren! You can't destroy Gancheng yourself!"

"Li Ziqian, I curse you to die!"

"Remember, our today is your tomorrow! Since the old thief can't tolerate me, let alone your frontier soldiers!"

For a while, everything was said in the tent, but the Golden Helmet General didn't take it to heart at all. He didn't need to bother with the things here, and he walked out of the tent without looking back.

Compared with the small changes inside, the scene outside is more grand.There are crackling and popping sounds everywhere, black smoke and red flames, tumbling and rolling towards the sky.It just so happened that it seemed that a ghost was appearing. At this time, a westerly wind suddenly blew outside the camp. The fire took advantage of the wind, and the wind helped the smoke rise.

"General! My men are already setting fires everywhere. As long as your cavalry marches along the main road of the camp, but there are those who dare to escape firmly, I believe there will never be any fish that slip through the net!" The face was blackened by the smoke The soldiers and horse envoys came out from nowhere, and as soon as they saw the golden helmeted generals, they began to offer advice.

"Actually, what I meant was to take prisoners!" Looking at this "teammate" who refused at first, but then acted uncharacteristically, Jin Helmet said something meaningful.

"If you don't do it, don't stop. These people are the source of disasters, and keeping them will only plant the seeds of disasters for the future! General, since you are entrusted with the king's order, you must not cherish the kindness of women! If you let one of these people go away, It will definitely stir up an uproar and put my lord in an embarrassing situation!" The military envoy actively persuaded the golden helmet to come.It's a pity that God failed to fulfill his wishes, and at this time his subordinates rushed to report:

"General, more than [-] cavalry from the Cui family in Zhongzhou, protected his young master and broke out!"

A drop of cold sweat oozed from the forehead of the soldier and horse envoy, and he asked the general of the golden helmet as if he was crazy: "General, please send troops to stop this group of people quickly! Don't let the news leak out! Otherwise, we will not be able to follow the king." Tell me!"

"You don't need to explain to anyone anymore!" General Jin Helmet said blankly.

"What do you mean!" The soldier and horse envoy was taken aback when he heard the words, and subconsciously looked around. At some point, his guards had been targeted by a group of eager frontier soldiers.

"Even me?!"

A kind of grief and indignation after being cheated made the soldiers and horses heartbroken, "My surname is also Li, and I am also a member of the Li family in Incheon! In terms of relationship, I still want to call the current king uncle! Why doesn't he even let me go! ?”

General Jin Helmet couldn't bear to see this sensitive person turn on the brain supplement mode again. After thinking about it, he finally said: "Seeing you are so sad, I will tell you the inside story! Li Ziqian has nothing to do with this general!"

The words of the Golden Helmet General made the soldiers and horsemen feel as if they were being bitten by lightning, and they could not wait for a mouthful of old blood to spurt out.He struggled for a while, tried his best to burn down most of the village, and unexpectedly, unexpectedly made such a low-level mistake.At this time, all the grief and indignation turned into a roar:

"Who the hell are you bastard?!" (To be continued~^~)

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