"Brother, just let the tiger go back to the mountain like this?" Seeing Chao Gai wading away, Lin Chong walked up to Wang Lun and asked.

Wang Lun laughed when he heard the words, and said: "He can be regarded as a tiger, but it's a pity that we have pulled out his teeth and broken his claws this time. It won't take three to five years, and it's rare to recover!" Chao Gai lost seven or eight first. Hundreds of dealers gave up another [-] guan of money. If he still had the strength to fight back, Wang Lun had no choice but to compliment him directly and "admired".

Lin Chong nodded when he heard the words. At this time, two fast horses came galloping from the north and the south. Seeing this, Lin Chong said: "I think the two brothers Du Qian and Song Wan and Mr. Lu Tixia and Teacher Xu have news to report back." !"

Sure enough, the two riders ran to Wang Lun one after the other, and they all reported loudly: "Boss Lin and Boss Xu are back with the prisoners from Jeju!"

Upon seeing this, Wang Lun ordered, "You don't have to tell them to run any longer, just meet up by the lake!" The two riders got the order, and hurried back to their respective ways.

At this time, the old man came forward and said, "Your Majesty, these young people..."

Knowing his intentions, Wang Lun stepped forward to support the old lady and said, "I don't have the habit of killing captives. I will take these people to the mountains and teach them for a year or so. People have to bear the consequences of what they do!" There is a lack of labor in the country, so these people don't know how to send them to the door. Including the officers and soldiers in Jeju and Yuncheng, there are a total of 600 people. It is also good to break them up and use them to build customs and repair cards.

Seeing that Wang Lun didn't kill them, the old grandpa thought that he had exhausted his fellow countrymen, so he couldn't tell the king in front of him to let go of these people who were fighting with him with a knife just now, so the old grandpa just thanked: "Thank you, my lord. Spare their lives!"

Wang Lun nodded and said to the old lady fairly, "Are the folks all right?"

The old man laughed and said, "Nothing, nothing! How dare these bastards fight with us!"

The two talked for a while, and saw Chao Gai wading through the water with more than a dozen people carrying a heavy wooden box. Not long after, the Heavenly King Natuota came in front of Wang Lun, cupped his hands and said, "Boss Wang, all the money is with you." Here we come!" Afterwards, the fourteen boxes were gently placed on the ground by the people brought by Chao Gai, and these people saw hundreds of corpses lying on the ground, and their legs were so frightened that their legs went limp.

Wang Lun only glanced at the box, and Zhang San was about to step forward to inspect the goods. Wang Lun waved his hand and said, "I can trust Chao Tianwang's character!" Forget about your private business, you and I will cancel it all during the holidays, and there will be a deadline later!"

Chao Gai stared at Wang Lun for a while, sighed, and said, "Thank you, Chief Wang, for not killing them all. Today, I'm allowed to live. Chao Gai will never dare to disturb the tiger's beard again in the future!"

Wang Lun nodded and pointed to Zhu Dian and the others. Seeing this, Chao Gai cupped his hands and said, "Farewell!" Without Lei Heng, he was wondering, but he heard a voice from behind, "Han Bolong still has breath and life, that Lei Heng is not here, I will let him back when I go back to the mountain!"

Hearing this, Chao Gai turned around and bowed to Wang Lun again, stepped forward and led the crowd to escape from the tiger's mouth.Seeing this, Xiao Rang and Jin Dajian bowed to Wang Lun before turning and leaving.He only heard Li Kui yell, "Good fellow scholar, I'm going first, don't forget what we agreed to do!" He bowed, Li Kui snorted and sneered, pretended not to see him, and left first.Seeing this, Chao Gai sighed, stepped forward to pick up Han Bolong, and left side by side with Zhu Dian.When Wu Yong saw this, he wanted to walk away, but he was afraid, so Ruan Xiaoqi yelled: "Professor, go away, but there will be no future!" After bowing, he turned around and rushed towards Chao Gai, thinking he was eager to explain something.

Seeing that they had all left, Wang Lun told Lin Chong to lead the cavalry to escort the captives first. He turned around and said goodbye to the old man, "Old Grandpa, Xiao Ke is leaving now!"

The old man hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, go slowly!"

Wang Lun paid homage to the villagers, and the villagers hurriedly returned the salute. At this time, Zhang San led the people to lift the twelve boxes brought by Chao Gai and set off on the road. There are two boxes left behind!"

That Zhang Sanjian replied with a smile: "That's what our village master left for the folks, you just keep it!"

As soon as the old man heard this, he hurried forward and said: "You can't do it!"

Wang Lun said with a smile: "Old man, we are going back to the mountain now. There is a lot of disturbance today, and the villagers are frightened. Don't make a fuss when you go back. Let Chao Gai know that there will be trouble again!"

The old man said gratefully: "We didn't do anything for the king, we just called the king so kind!"

Wang Lun patted his hand and said: "Don't talk about two different families!" He waved to everyone, and then he left. The villagers hugged the old man and waved off behind him.

When everyone came to the lake, Du Qian and Song Wan led the infantry to escort Lei Heng and more than 100 county guards were waiting here for a long time. Ruan Xiaoer and Ruan Xiaowu also got off the boat early and waited here for Wang Lun. , the two sides met, Wang Lun first asked Du Qian to release Lei Heng, Du Qian went without asking the reason, and everyone had a lively conversation, only to see that Lu Zhishen and Xu Ning were also bound five or seven hundred Officers and soldiers from Jeju came to the round, and as soon as Lu Zhishen came up to him, he asked Wang Lun, "Brother, are you all right?"

Wang Lun said with a smile: "I left the village a little early. Fortunately, Teacher Lin arrived in time. Is your journey with Teacher Xu okay?"

Lu Zhishen laughed loudly and said: "Xiao Qi took away the head work, we just ran back and forth, it was a waste of time!"

Wang Lun shook his head and said, "You guys are the main event. If Xiao Qi doesn't mess with you guys, you and Teacher Xu will have to cover the whole thing!"

When discussing matters in the Shanzhai that day, the original plan was that Xu Ning would lead an army of [-] horsemen, and Lu Zhishen would lead an army of [-] infantry to intercept Chao Gai's reinforcements from Jeju. If you move around, you will harm the people. But when you come to the village, you will eat all the pigs, sheep, chickens, and geese raised by the good people, and then you will have to send him away. Why don't we pretend to be the people who welcome the relatives, and go head-to-head Running into these officers and soldiers, I can’t believe that they have been walking for a long time, and they are not tempted by the steamed buns and beef we are carrying!” Wang Lun thought this plan was great, and it would be best if he could surrender these guys without using weapons, so he called Ruan Xiaoqi pretended to be the groom, and just in case, he sent Lu Zhishen and Xu Ning to ambush him.

At this time, Xu Ning stepped forward and said, "It's a surprise that these Jezhou infantry all have horses! Now that we have captured these six or seven hundred horses, it will make the Shanzhai horse army take shape!"

When Wang Lun heard Xu Ning's words, his mind moved, and he was surprised: "Could it be that the guy leading the team is Huang An, the trainer of the Jeju regiment?"

Lu Zhishen and Xu Ning looked at each other and said, "I've never heard of this, the leader is still sleeping soundly!"

Wang Lun sent someone to wake up the leading general with water, and when he woke up, he said, "Where did you come from, the bridegroom, who doesn't know how to live or die, and dares to touch me!"

Ruan Xiaoqi stepped forward and said: "Why don't you dare to touch you? The master will kill you just to wait!"

After the man saw the surrounding environment clearly, he was startled, his face turned pale, but Xu Ning asked, "What's your name?"

This person was quite obedient, seeing that something was wrong, he quickly put on a smiling face and said, "Little man Huang...quan!"

"Huangquan!? Damn, why isn't it called hell!" Ruan Xiaoqi scolded.

Seeing that the man said, how dare he talk back, he lowered his head and just shook his head, the two rows of teeth in his mouth are now fighting each other.

Wang Lun hesitated for a moment when he saw this person declaring his name, knowing that something was wrong, he shouted at him, "Huang An!"

The man was startled when he heard the words, and looked at Wang Lun with a terrified heart. Wang Lun felt confident when he saw this, and said with a smile, "If you don't admit it, then I will wake up another person. If he recognizes you, you will No need to shake anymore, I just tell you to embark on the road to the underworld!"

That fellow had been in the officialdom for a long time, and with good eyesight, he realized that Wang Lun was the bandit leader, and hurriedly said: "The villain is Huang An... The villain is Huang An..."

Wang Lun chuckled, and said, "To tell the truth, we are so easy-going and won't do anything to you. It's useless for me to take your life now. Tell yourself, how much is your life worth!"

Seeing that the bandit leader in front of him had the intention of kidnapping, instead of executing himself on the spot, Huang An was overjoyed as if he had come back from a desperate situation, and hurriedly said: "One thousand guan, one thousand guan!"

"Bah! A thousand guns? It's not worth it to make my brothers go back and forth for a thousand guns! Brother, just kill this guy with one knife!" Ruan Xiaoqi took out the knife to scare the man.

Huang An was frightened to death when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "Five to five thousand guan, no more is really gone!"

Ruan Xiaoqi laughed loudly, and said: "Five to five thousand guan is [-] guan, this amount can be considered!"

Huang An heard the words as if he was mourning his concubine, with his mouth wide open, he couldn't speak. Seeing him like this, Wang Lun thought to himself, this is the first person Chao Gai met after he seized the throne. , It seems to be Song Jiang's old friend. Later, when Song Jiang went up the mountain and saw Chao Gai, he asked Huang An about his movements. As a result, this man died on the mountain within two months after he was arrested.At this time, Wang Lun saw his appearance, and said: "Well, my brother said [-], and you said [-], so I took the middle number, [-], how about it?"

Hearing this, Huang An felt better, and said: "Cheng Chengcheng, follow the orders of the leader!"

Wang Lun asked again: "Why are there so many horses in your city of Jeju?" Wang Lun remembered that there was an extreme shortage of horses in the Song Dynasty. He used to think it was incredible that Chao Gai captured more than 600 horses in the first battle, but now the facts are out of the question. In front of his own eyes, it made him feel curious.

Huang An hurriedly said: "It's all transferred by the governor of the state who is stationed in the forbidden army!"

"Nonsense! The imperial guards in Jeju City only have four commanders under the command of the Guards and Infantry Commander. Where will your two thousand infantry be equipped with horses? Even the cavalry under the Commander of the Tokyo Horse Army is only ten men." You can hardly match four or five horses, you are not honest!" Lin Chong heard the words and shouted from the side.His family has been in the army for generations, and the number of forbidden troops deployed by the imperial court in each state is in his chest.

"That's right. I remember three commanders, Wu Wei, Xiong Sheng, and Xuan Yi, and the other one is..." Xu Ning heard Lin Chong's words and followed up, but he couldn't remember the name of another commander.The command is the most common combat unit in the Song army. Each command governs about [-] people, and the commander is the commander and deputy commander.It is said that the generals in the Song Dynasty did not know the soldiers, and they said that when the army was garrisoned and mobilized, it would disrupt the high-level organization, and mobilize a considerable number of commanders from various military regions to form an army, so that the generals in command did not know their subordinates. Commander, but the command unit will not be dismantled and disrupted, so it has become the most important and common combat unit in the Song Army.

Huang An was stunned when he heard the words, and wondered why these people knew the situation of the Imperial Army so well. Seeing the bandit leader looking at him with a worried expression, Huang An panicked, and before he could speak, he said: "The villain... the villain is People from Danzhou have something to do with the family, the horse markets in Jeju, Danzhou, and Yanzhou are managed by the villain's family, so, so there is no shortage of horses for the imperial army under the villain's rule!"

Wang Lun couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, it turned out that Huang An was from a wealthy local tyrant, his family monopolized the horse market in these three states, and through his relationship, resold the horses to the army to earn military expenses from the court, this makes sense Why is there no shortage of horses in Jeju?

Wang Lun looked at the captured horses and said with a smile, "Huang Tuanlian, you sold the horses to your subordinates. Those horses don't look very good!"

Huang An blushed and lowered his head. Seeing him like this, Wang Lun smiled and said, "Since I have spoken, I won't go back on my word. It's just that I don't want money for the ten thousand guan. I will replace it with a good horse. I’m not lying to you, I buy horses in Tokyo at fifty calibers, so you can ask your family to exchange two hundred good horses for you!”


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