Water Margin Survival

Chapter 736 Is the sky going to kill him too?

The three-stone hard bow was rarely used by the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty, and it was basically a rare commodity.But on the top of Liangshan, there are not a few leaders who use this kind of weapon as their life stunt.

After counting carefully, the famous names appeared in front of our eyes: Xiao Li Guanghua Rong, Xiao Yang You Ji Pang Wanchun, Luo Diao Gong Tang Bin, Po Han Wu Han Shizhong, Qingmian Beast Yang Zhi, Choujun Ma Xuanzan, etc. Among them, the name of one person is indispensable, that is, Shi Wengong, the black pot king who was once said to have taken Chao Gai's life from the Wanjun.

It is rumored that he shot dead the Liangshan coach who came to Xingshi to inquire about his crimes with an arrow. At least this person must be good at archery. What about the joke about shooting Gao Qiu?The protagonist of this kind of rumor needs at least a well-recognized sharpshooter like Huarong to act as the protagonist, so that the rumor can have a minimum credibility.

Before Song Jiang picked a scapegoat, he really spent a lot of time getting to know Shi Wengong.Knowing that Shi Wengong is famous for his halberd and spear skills, although his archery skills are not as dazzling as the first two, they have definitely reached a daunting level.

The current Shi Wengong had no chance to be framed by Song Jiang, so he was caught by Wang Lun and sent to Liangshan to do cleaning work.At this time, it has only been a few months since he became a military officer, and it is only recently that he has entered the battle with real swords and guns. There is no stage for him to show off his good arrow skills.

But at this time, the reality forced him to take the arrow at risk.

It is said that Shi Wengong had the urge to use arrows before the two armies fought, why did he say that he had no choice but to use arrows now?

The reason is very simple, that is, although Sanshi's hard bow is full of strength.But Lord Goryeo is more powerful.He steadily hid out of Shi Wengong's maximum range.

Can Shi Wengong be allowed to drive forward to make up for the precious dozens of paces of shooting?Shi Wengong also had such an impulse, but he couldn't bear to change the relatively static state of the two armies. As the general of the Song army, if he rode out lightly, he would definitely arouse the opponent's immediate reaction, and the static would become dynamic.The sniper environment is not even as good as it is now.

There is really no other good way!

Shi Wengong can only draw the bow to its fullest state in a very short period of time, and then use the feeling he has cultivated for many years to shoot the arrow in the blink of an eye, because the other party is not an idiot, it is impossible to just watch Shi Wengong take the bow in a daze. With a huge bow, they aimed at their general.

It can be said that this arrow is not only the most important arrow in Shi Wengong's military career so far, it may even become the arrow that determines his life's fate.Because if he loses this last chance to change the ending, when the Goryeo cavalry who received the signal not far away arrives, the Han-Yi coalition army under him with heavy casualties will only become the curtain of history.Send opponents to the halls of honor.

I can only fight it!

From taking the bow to setting the arrow, Shi Wengong can be said to be done in one go, and the deputy commander of the frontier army who is facing the other side always keeps his eyes on this murderous god and finds out in time.At this time, he had already been deeply impressed by the opponent's bravery. If it wasn't for his extraordinary performance, he would have relied on the materials of Kaijing Bawei.It broke down early.

With such vigilance.So although everyone is far away now, the opponent's extraordinary martial arts made the deputy commander regard him as the greatest danger, so no matter how fast Shi Wengong drew his bow, the deputy commander warned faster: "The enemy will attack with arrows, Protect the general!"

Many knights who seized the time to take a breather realized that the situation was urgent, but after thinking about it, it was impossible. What kind of arrows would the enemy use to attack at such a long distance.Could it be the god-arm bow of the Song people? I heard that the cavalry of the Song people are not worthy of the god-arm bow. What's more, this team is mostly composed of servants. Song people don't keep it secret?

But when everyone's eyes focused on the distinctive giant bow in Shi Wengong's hand, everyone was stunned. The Koryo army used to use small bows. No one had ever seen such a big bow and arrow. It was the one who entangled with them. The Jurchen savages have never seen anyone using a bow and arrow of this magnitude.

Everyone's heart was suspended. After all, the warriors of the Korean frontier army who died under Shi Wengong just now were not fifty, but thirty. Since this person has such force, he must use arrows, and he must not be mediocre.


Suddenly, there was a strange sound, and the two groups of sergeants were stunned, and the Koryo frontier army felt that all this was too unbelievable: Oh my god, who is this!The soldiers of the Song Army's Koryo Battalion really didn't know what to say, and their morale fell to the brink of collapse.

It turns out that the truth of the matter is that the giant bow in the hand of the fierce general of the Song Army collapsed, and he was dragged down for life by this man. It's the same expression: deep shock.

"I once heard that Wen Hou Lu Bu is unparalleled in bravery, and I actually saw his shadow in this man!" General Gaoli Shen Huwei sighed, turned his head and said loudly:

"God bless my frontier army! Since Song's popularity is exhausted, General Zheng, I leave this place to you!"

The deputy general named General Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and said to himself, "I came here in person when I shouldn't have come, and left suddenly when I shouldn't have left now, why is that?"

The general saw the doubt of his deputy, looked around, and said in a low voice: "The bow and arrow are broken, if there is no replacement, he will put all his eggs in one basket! I have heard that Han generals often have the legend of taking the head of the general from among the ten thousand armies. Today I have to believe it!"

Vice-General Zheng was dumbfounded when he heard this. His immediate superior, a former Korean frontier general and the new General Shenhuwei, actually admitted that he was scared! ?

"Yes, yes, general, please join the army as soon as possible, and leave it to the young general!"

Soldiers are always straightforward, and the general didn't say much anymore, he just led a hundred cavalry troops, circled behind his own formation, and left in a hurry.

Shi Wengong's eyes were about to burst, the bow was actually, unexpectedly torn off by himself unconsciously, he really wanted to cry at this moment, looking at the enemy commander who was taking a detour, Shi Wengong gritted his teeth, at this moment there was only one thing left in his mind idea:

Is the sky going to kill Shi Wengong? ! (to be continued~^~)

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