Seeing Wang Lun tugging at the leather armor right away, Lin Chong smiled and said, "Brother, the inferior leather armor made in the workshops in this place is not bad, but wearing the good armor you bought from Tokyo is even more unbearable! "He and Xu Ning both inspected the armor that Wang Lun brought back from Tokyo, and they were both top-grade.

Everyone was okay when they first came out of Erlong Mountain, the weather was only mildly hot, and after walking for a few days now, the temperature has gradually risen, and the passers-by in single clothes feel hot, not to mention that this group of people are all wearing armor. It was also airtight, which made everyone feel uncomfortably hot.

Wang Lun shook his head with a wry smile, seeing the sweat dripping down from his head, running down his body into the boots under his feet, making his feet wet and greasy. Water can be poured out of boots.

Seeing this, Lin Chong turned around and shouted: "Everyone has opened up the armor to wear, so neat and tidy, it doesn't look like an official army!"

Everyone was overjoyed when they saw it, and immediately untied the leather armor. In an instant, a group of well-armored elite cavalry looked like a group of idle soldiers. !"

Lin Chong shook his head when he heard the words, sighed and said: "The last support of the country has been made like this. In the future, there will be a side matter, but who to rely on?" I saw that everyone was disarmed, but his armor was still in good condition. It is worn on the body, maintaining the last dignity of a former imperial guard of the Song Dynasty.

The two were talking, when the team came to the foot of a big mountain, they saw a group of people on the side of the road, all holding knives and guns, blocking a prisoner who was assigned, and the two escorts were forced to a corner , when they were in despair, they found a group of officers and soldiers knocked over here, and said happily: "Master! Help! We are the citizens of Jingzhao Mansion, and we are going to Salmon Island. We met this group of strong men on the way. I hope the military master will rescue me!" Wang Lun was startled when he heard this, and secretly thought that Chang'an of Jingzhao Mansion was assigned to Salmonella Island and was robbed here, could it be that person?

It is said that Lin Chong has put on his armor again in the past few days, and he is dressed as a forbidden soldier all the way, as if he has returned to his previous military career. When he heard the man calling for help, he subconsciously stepped forward. He had just rushed two steps, and suddenly reined in his horse, laughing at himself. shook his head.

The gang of robbers over there saw them, and thought that the officers and soldiers were all timid, and seeing them disarmed and disheveled, they felt contemptuous, and only heard the leading man shout: " Let the two boys watch over these guys, and the others follow me, these cowardly officers and soldiers ride well!"

Wang Lun couldn't help smiling when he saw this, and at this moment, Zhang San said in surprise: "You are fighting your own robbery, and we don't care about you, why are you messing with the tiger's whiskers!"

The leading man laughed loudly when he said this, and looked back at his companions, and then shouted: "Officers and soldiers must stop, where did you guys go? Get the money for the road, and take off your armor , I have handed over the BMW under my crotch, and I will spare the lives of your gang of birds!"

When Jiao Ting heard this, he couldn't bear it anymore, jumped off his horse, stepped forward, and shouted: "If you want to buy road money, see if I agree with my fists!"

The man in the lead said he was about to fight with the simple knife, but he heard his companions say: "Brother, fight against him!" Seeing this, the man took the simple knife and shouted: "Look at my brother, come and fight with him!" you!"

Jiao Ting smiled and went up to meet him. He hadn't been in battle for several months, his hands were itchy, and he had fought against so many masters on the mountain, and his martial arts improved a lot. He wanted to find an opponent for a long time. This group of people bumped into his hands, making him reluctant to let go of the opportunity.

Wang Lun knew what he was thinking a long time ago, so he didn't stop him, and said straightly: "Brother, be careful, don't fight!"

Jiao Ting answered loudly, and caught up with the man running towards him empty-handed. He saw the man slashing at him with a saber, Jiao Ting dodged, and immediately grabbed the opponent's wrist. Immediately said: "Jiao Ting is getting more and more proficient at striking the sword with his bare hands!" Before the battle, this man was flirting with his maid, Lin Chong also noticed it, and he had already regarded him as an outsider in his heart.

Wang Lun replied with a smile: "There are so many people on the mountain giving him advice and advice. If he doesn't make any progress, he will be ashamed to see others!"

The two were chatting and laughing lightly on the horse, only to see that Jiao Ting had already thrown the man to the ground, and was about to punch him as he mounted. You want to hurt my brother!" He rushed to save people.

Suddenly there was a sharp sound of a sharp blade piercing through the air, the man felt something was wrong, he hurriedly stopped his feet, and saw a long spear obliquely inserted into the soil half a step in front of him, the man's face turned pale, his heart ached. Surprised, he looked at the man who was throwing the gun, only to see that Jiao Ting was riding on his brother and punching him unceasingly, but saw his heart swayed, and he stepped up to save others, Lin Chong said, "Huh?" " With a cry, he said: "This man is a man of loyalty!"

Wang Lun also nodded when he saw this, and shouted: "Jiao Ting stop!"

Only then did Jiao Ting get up, the man who was going to save others didn't run forward when he saw this, he just cupped his fists and said: "If you have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, please tell me your name!"

Wang Lun also clasped his fists in return and said: "I see that this place is very dangerous. Is it the Yinma River? Are you two heroes, Huoyan Suanni Deng Fei and Yubangan Mengkang?" When Wang Lun was staying in the inn I heard that there is Yinmachuan not far ahead, and I don't want to meet these two people working here.

The red-eyed man was startled, and cupped his hands and said, "How do you know our names? Could it be that the state government sent us to exterminate us? Although we are incapable, we are not the ones who will be captured without a fight!"

Wang Lun and Lin Chong looked at each other with smiles on their faces, only to hear Wang Lun yell: "Then escort the gentleman, we will be the officers and soldiers of Salmon Island, if you believe me, leave the prisoner, you two turn around, you If you don't believe me..."

Seeing that the two gentlemen kowtowed like garlic, they said: "I believe it, I believe it, I believe it!" The two men almost died under the knife of the strong man, seeing that this group of cavalry who came out of nowhere was suppressing the strong man , but saw that they were talking about their friendship there, and was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart.Now hearing that the leader has the intention of letting go of himself, it is not interesting, even if he claims to be possessed by the Supreme True King, they dare to pinch their noses and believe it.

Wang Lun laughed and waved his hand. The two people blocking the way were extremely embarrassed at this time, and it was neither good nor bad. Deng Fei shouted: "Since this good man has spoken, let these two go!" Let the birds go!"

Seeing the two gentlemen walking away, Wang Lun got off his horse and said, "Xiaoke Liangshan Wang Lun, this general is Lin Chong, the instructor of the 80 Imperial Guards in Tokyo. The one fighting with your brother is my own leader Jiao Ting, two good men , I have long admired your name, it is a pleasure to meet you!"

Meng Kang yelled: "Oh, my brothers are all brothers on the road, so you didn't say it earlier, tell me to eat this meal and beat me!"

Jiao Ting chuckled and didn't speak, just cupped his hands at the beaten one, and Meng Kang hurriedly returned the salute.

Deng Fei said with a smile: "So it's my brother. The king didn't say it earlier. Go for a walk and go to my small village to rest. Although this place is not as good as your Liangshan park, it has a special flavor!"

Wang Lun smiled when he heard the words, clasped his fists in salute, and nodded to Lin Chong, and everyone followed them up the mountain together, and the supporting army was also followed by two minions. Looking at the vast wild water, there are faint green hills around.How many old trees reflect the remnant clouds, and how many pieces of clouds drift far away.The barren land is lonely, and there should be no children to look after the cows.Gudu is desolate, so you have to ridicule people and drink horses.The strongman had no choice but to install the Zhaizha, but the hero should spread the banner.

Wang Lun's soldiers also felt that the mountain was beautiful and beautiful, but when they arrived at the village, they felt that it was extremely shabby, and the population was not very busy, at most one or two hundred people, including the group of people who went up and down the mountain to rob the road. Well, everyone came down from the No. 200 village in the world, and the proud expressions on their faces were undisguised.

Seeing this, Wang Lun coughed at the crowd. Deng Fei didn't take it seriously when he saw this, and said, "Boss Wang, you are very capable. Your Liangshan was turned into a big village by you, and even a hero like Teacher Lin can't stand it." Let’s get along! It’s a pity that I don’t have any skills, I can only make it into the current situation, I’m nothing, but it’s a pity that my gang of children are suffering with me here!”

Wang Lun could hear the meaning in his words, and thought that this man was also a man of loyalty, and the greatest characteristic of his life was saving people. When he rescued Pei Xuan, the iron-faced eye, he immediately gave up to the village owner because of his integrity and selflessness. He was with him, and later defected to Liangshan. Whenever he was present in the battle, whenever a brother was defeated, no matter how far or close the relationship was, he would step forward to rescue him. It was because of this advantage that when he saved someone for the last time in his life (rescue Suo Chao), died in the hands of Shi Bao.

"There are rumors in the world that Chief Deng cannibalize people?" Wang Lun asked suddenly.

Deng Fei laughed out loud when he heard the words, but Meng Kang replied: "We rob and don't hurt people, where do you call brother to eat!"

Deng Fei laughed for a while and said: "I am born with red eyes, but it has been passed down and spread like this somehow, but walking in the rivers and lakes, it is good to have a bad name, I don't bother to talk about it, it's just called The king is laughing!"

Wang Lun nodded, thinking how such an upright person who cherishes the life of his companions would abuse his body like Yanshun Wang Xiaohu. Li Kui is a cannibal, but he behaves like a child It's not a hobby to be ignorant and pretend to be cool, and he hasn't started doing such stupid things at this time, so it can be corrected.

Seeing that Deng Fei, who is very loyal, and Meng Kang, who is good at building ships, both have the intention of joining the group, Wang Lun stepped forward and said: "Thanks to the kind hospitality of these two heroes, Xiao Ke is arrogant and bold, so I want to invite you two to come to my school." Let's take a break from the horses in the village, and each sit in a top chair, okay?"

Deng Fei's face was full of joy when he heard the words, but he didn't agree immediately. He went to see Meng Kang's reaction when he heard the sound. After Meng Kang nodded, Deng Fei said: "Usually when we rob the road, there are guests passing by from Shandong who scold you. We say that Liangshan Po's great power and power won't hurt us, but you useless people are still blocking the road here and robbing us, often making us feel ashamed. We have long wanted to see the power and prestige of Dazhai, but now we just meet the leader of the king , but it’s not fate!? My little brother’s grass village also has about a hundred horses, and three or four carts in wealth, not counting food and fodder, at least there are one or two hundred children to work for!”

Wang Lun said with a smile, "Brother, you still have one or two hundred horses, but we don't even have a single horse in our village before Chinese New Year this year!"

Seeing this, Deng Fei said: "Brother, why don't we continue to do his business without money for three or two months, and rob more horses and brother! This Hebei is close to the Liao Kingdom, and there are many horse dealers coming and going!"

Zhang Sanjian said with a smile on the side: "A good man is interesting, but now our Shanzhai horse army has 2000 people! There is no shortage of horses!"

When Deng Fei saw that he and Meng Kang looked at each other, they were all surprised, and asked how they got so many horses in the past four or five months. The two were speechless, and they both said: "Brother has good means, and the officers and soldiers of the state government dare to destroy them!"

Wang Lun chatted with them with a smile, then stood and smiled at the garrison, and said, "Is your surname Pei Mingxuan?"

The supporting army listened to the conversation of the two kings on the mountaintops for a long time, and kept silent, when he suddenly heard Wang Lun talking to him, he was shocked and said: "How do you know my name and surname?"

"I have heard a lot about Pei Kongmu's loyalty and uprightness. The people all say that you are an iron face. You are not tolerated by Jingzhao Yin. You were framed by him and stabbed for three thousand miles. Kongmu sees that there is a place he wants to go now. If you don't give up, you will be with this How about the two heroes go to Liangshan together?" Wang Lun knew that if this iron-faced man hadn't met him, he would have been rescued by Deng Fei and Meng Kang, so he stayed here in Yinmachuan, so he resolutely persuaded him.

Sure enough, Pei Xuan let out a long sigh, cupped his hands and said: "The world will not allow me now! The leader of the king of Meng and all the heroes saved my life, so I have to be ashamed and beg the leader of the king to take me in!"

Wang Lun bowed his hands to him, and asked Jiao Ting to take out 300 taels of gold and give them to the three of them respectively. The three of them looked at each other, and Pei Xuan said, "Boss Wang, what is the meaning of this!"

"This is the rule set by my elder brother. Every new leader will be given a thousand guan as a settling capital! When I came to vote last year, I was ashamed to receive it!" Lin Chong explained with a smile.

Wang Lun smiled and clasped his fists at the three of them and said, "Please accept it!" Fortunately, Xindao took 1000 taels of gold from the seizure when he came down from Erlong Mountain, otherwise the thank you gift to Mr. Chai would not be enough Integer, must not look good.

Deng Fei and Meng Kang glanced at each other, Meng Kang was fine, he joined the Yinma River after being forced by the Shangguan to build a ship to escort Hua Shigang, he didn't know the rules of the rivers and lakes, and thought that the bigger cottages were like this, but Deng Fei is used to wandering the rivers and lakes, and he has never heard of any settlement expenses. If he meets a village owner who is less generous, he will not keep you. How can there be any money to give you? At this time, he sighed: "The weather in Dazhai is so It's different! At least our brothers don't trust others!" After speaking, he graciously invited everyone to the hall, and ordered the young people to kill cattle and sheep to entertain the distinguished guests.

Note: Ask for Sanjiang tickets, the pursuit is very tight!I also hope that you heroes can help me!The cold is still not healed. After two chapters of [-] characters, the head is big.


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