Shi Jin's team was not the only field army that received the order to seize the city, but they were the siege force that shot down the city gate the fastest.

The former Koryo frontier soldiers with the label of "mercenary" on their bodies really had no professional ethics. When they found out that the opponent's target was not themselves at all, but the city gate they abandoned like a scrap, they simply cut off their tails like a gecko to survive, even their own The small troops in the rear of the palace were all abandoned.

Shi Jin's first task is to control the city gate.Instead of entangled with this group of defeated soldiers.You must know that there are currently more than 20 troops stationed in this city, and the scale of any straggler can't be small.

Although the Koreans panicked and thought that the Song army had already entered the city, in fact, the only city gate controlled by the Liangshan army was really the one that Shi Jin had captured at this time.

Therefore, after Shi Jin stabilized the situation at the city gate, he no longer went a step deeper into the city, but instead turned from attack to defense, pretending to be a soldier of Goryeo, pretending to be still holding on to the city.

Not long after, after receiving a signal from Shi Jin, a group of genuine Korean soldiers appeared near the city gate.The general leading the team was Shi Jin's family member Shi Wengong.

"General Shi deserves to be Coach Wang's master apprentice, and his first achievement tonight is a testament to the general's ability!" When the team entered the city, Shi Wengong saw the heroic Shi Jin, and greeted Shi Jin with fists.

"What is my first achievement? The first contribution must have been made by Thief and Ma Daochang. They ran to the east city and shouted that the west city was broken, and when they came to the west city, they shouted that the south city was broken. They coaxed the defenders to be stupefied. It is really a loss to them." Otherwise, how could I take advantage of this!" Shi Jin smiled and said modestly.The family in front of me has passed the performance of the past two months.It has been understood by most of the leaders around Wang Lun.Face it and take the initiative to come forward and say hello.Naturally, Shi Jin would no longer ridicule him.

"To be honest, I didn't expect to enter the city through the city gate that General Shi captured tonight!" Suddenly, another very hurtful truth came out of Shi Wengong's mouth.

In fact, Shi Wengong himself had his own ideas about this siege mission. After all, he was blocked under the city for so many days, and his subordinates suffered countless casualties.Who would want to take advantage of this siege to avenge their shame?It's a pity that Wang Lun had to use his temporary battalion for another task, so everything had to be abandoned.

It's really easy to change the country, but hard to change the nature!

Shi Jin sighed secretly when he heard the words, but he was not angry, but looked at the person Wang Lun valued very much with great interest, and after a long while, he smiled and said: "Just now I told my commanding officer to grab the door and snatch the door." It is not possible unless you are a strong general. I understand what General Shi means. Compared with Master Lu, Wu Dutou, and General Bian, our disadvantage is obvious!"

In fact, as soon as Shi Wengong said it, he regretted it, after all, subconsciously, he was a little angry in his words.In fact, he will also say compliments, but he just keeps talking.Although he asked himself what he said was the truth.But right now, I'm afraid I'm going to offend a bunch of people again.

Don't look at the young man in front of him at such a young age.The connections behind him are very complicated. Not to mention that he himself was once the leader of a village in the green forest. In the past, the white paper fan under his command is now one of the top four military advisers in the village. Everyone knows the relationship between Wang Jin and his master. He and Lu Zhishen, the leader of the infantry, have known each other for a long time, and they are inseparable from each other.It seems that this time, I have stabbed a hornet's nest again.

Unexpectedly, Shi Jin answered the next sentence calmly, without any expression of anger, Shi Wengong was surprised at this moment, this family is at least seven or eight years younger than himself.It was the time when he was in high spirits, and he didn't want to be calm, but it surprised him greatly.

Shi Jin chuckled, but didn't take it seriously, and said, "I've finished setting up the stage that I should have set up. Tonight, I'll see how you behave, General Shi!"

Just as Shi Jin finished speaking, he suddenly laughed: "You call me General Shi, and I call you General Shi, so awkward! Then, if you don't give up, just call me Dalang, and I'll call you..."

When Shi Jin said this, he suddenly stopped, this Shi Wengong is really not easy to shout!In fact, he has quite a few nicknames, but most of them are negative. Could it be possible to call him shit bully and shit bucket general in person?In addition, his nickname of "Sharp Spear" is worth shouting in the rivers and lakes, and he should put it away as soon as possible when he goes to Liangshan.Shi Jin thought about it, secretly calling him "Wen Gong" and getting goosebumps all over the place, which really stumped Shi Jin for a while.

"Brother, are you talking?" When Shi Jin was feeling worried, Yang Chun stepped forward to say hello, seeing that Shi Wengong was also there, and said, "Just now an officer from the temporary battalion came to me and said that three bows were broken on the way here. , I want to borrow it from us temporarily. I thought General Shi was about to go on a mission, so I borrowed it without any IOU, so I came here to let you know!"

"Thanks to General Yang for your help, when our troops are resting, we will definitely return!!" The friendly army was very generous, and Shi Wengong felt at ease in his heart, and immediately thanked him with his hands clasped together.Seeing that Shi Jin was still in a daze, Shi Wengong smiled wryly and said: "Da Lang has a heart, in fact, how they call me in private, I am as clear as a mirror!"

Shi Jin smiled awkwardly, after all, he was one of "them" in the past.Shi Wengong waved his hands indifferently, seeing that the team was almost assembled, he didn't dare to stay longer, and immediately bid farewell to Shi Jin and Yang Chun.

"A pinch of salt into the fire is a great plan! Tonight, you guys will look good to me!" Looking at the back of Shi Wengong's men leaving, Yang Chun chuckled.

Wang Jing will be in chaos tonight, this is what everyone expected.But to what extent the chaos in the city will eventually cause trouble to the Liangshan Army depends on how hard the more than [-] Koryo soldiers in the temporary battalion of the Fanluo Army work.They are about to be broken into pieces, divided into dozens of small teams, pretending to be Wang Jing's defenders, going to various places in the city, fueling the flames and creating chaos.

"It's just that I didn't expect that your family would not fall behind in every way. He is just a temporary battalion commander in name. This team will be disbanded sooner or later. Why is he working so hard?" Yang Chun asked puzzled.

"Don't fight? If you don't fight, apply directly for transfer to the Jeju Island Racecourse for the elderly. Now that you are on the front line, who is willing to stay behind? Don't look at this person who doesn't say much on weekdays. He has more things hidden in his heart than you and me!" Shi Jin After thinking for a while, he said, "In the fierce battle by the Han River before, the Fan army suffered heavy casualties. I guess he also wanted to pick some good seedlings before the team disbanded!"

Yang Chun thinks about it too, when the three of them were left behind to guard the luggage, they were not anxious. Now that they have personal experience, it is easy to tolerate and understand, only to hear Yang Chun sigh: "It seems that this fierce brother is really not easy!"

Shi Jin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "What is this brother? This name is interesting!" (to be continued~^~)

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