Water Margin Survival

Chapter 756 Which song is this singing?

Seeing Shi Wengong go back and forth, solemnly claiming that something strange happened, Wang Lun's heart trembled. You must know that this person is the front-line general in the Liangshan Army who knows the truth about Goryeo the most. Even he said it was a strange thing. It will be easy!At the moment, I only heard Wang Lun say: "But it doesn't matter!"

"It's like this. At the end of last night, I will lead the team to intersect. I passed by a warehouse and saw two groups of people fighting each other!" Seeing Wang Lun's concentration, Shi Wengong explained the strangeness of this:

"It's not uncommon to say that among the rebellious army, it's not uncommon for one's own people to fight from both sides. The strange thing is that a group of monks and soldiers are attacking a certain facility in the city! The guards were hoarse at the time. No one is allowed to attack the facilities here. However, this group of monks and soldiers are relentless and risk their lives to attack! If it is not for the young general, he is the person in charge of the secret operation tonight, and he will think that this group of monks and soldiers are our own people!"

"Where are these monk soldiers attacking?" Wang Lun pointed out the most critical point of the problem in one sentence.

"At that time, there were few people around the general, not as many as the eleven monks and soldiers. I thought that although this matter was weird, it was they who killed each other after all, so I didn't get involved rashly at that time. Later, the more I thought about it, the more I felt it No, I caught several groups of prisoners and questioned them immediately, and it turned out that the place where the battle was fought just now was actually one of the three main granaries in the city!"

When Shi Wengong said this, he couldn't help but increase his tone. Wang Lun lowered his head and pondered, but didn't say anything, but Lu Fang was already angry:

"You guys have always been excellent at doing things. We traveled thousands of miles to kill generals. There were quite a few prisoners along the way, but there were only a handful of rice grains captured! Either they were transported to the capital city for hoarding, or they were placed on the spot. Burn it down and turn it into ashes! If it wasn't for my brother's preparations in advance, sending a huge amount of food and grass from the country, I'm afraid this Koryo would have starved to death!"

The more Lu Fang spoke, the more excited he became, and scolded the court of this small country for being so shameless that it completely disregarded the life and death of the people in the country: "Hundreds of thousands of people who are waiting to be fed have become their trump cards. This Li Ziqian is really promising! Now that it has reached such a point, You guys don’t forget to burn food!? I think there will be more and more righteous soldiers in the future, just like the monk soldiers that General Shi met last night!!”

After Lu Fang finished speaking, his eyes subconsciously turned to Shi Wengong.Unexpectedly, the latter had a wry smile on his face, hesitated for a while, and then said: "What General Lu said earlier is the truth. It's just that you just said the opposite about what happened last night!"

"Reverse?" Lu Fang was taken aback when he heard the words, "It's impossible!"

"It is this group of monks and soldiers who want to set fire to burn food, and it is Li Ziqian's Renzhou Army who prevents them from setting fire."

Shi Wengong's answer made Lu Fang feel that the world suddenly turned upside down. Could it be that Li Ziqian, who has done all kinds of bad things, has found out his conscience?In addition, what is the origin of this group of monks and soldiers?To force the Beijing army, who was unwilling to burn down the granary, to set fire to the grain! ?

"In the end, the Beijing army guarding the food, did they voluntarily surrender to us?" Wang Lun asked suddenly.

Shi Wengong saw and said.Obviously stunned, he immediately said: "Marshal Mingjian! After the general heard that the monks were attacking the important area of ​​the granary, he gathered several nearby teams, and finally killed them back, and fought back with the defenders. .Originally, General Lu and I had the same thoughts. I felt that Li Ziqian was definitely not so kind. So he pretended to be a frontier army for reinforcements. He was ready to wait for the opportunity to seize the position. Who knew that the people inside directly asked us if we were the Song army. The last general did not immediately express his opinion at that time , the people inside directly expressed their attitude, if it was Song Jun, they would surrender!"

"It's really like the tree fell and the monkeys scattered! Now the Li family army doesn't listen to this surname Li, it seems that this guy has been jumping around for a few days!" Jiao Ting said sullenly.To say that he usually doesn't take the initiative to intervene, but this news is really gratifying. As Wang Lun's chief bodyguard leader, he knew that Li Ziqian's team staying at the granary must be the direct line of the direct line, and even these people are disobedient.What capital does Li Ziqian have to be right with Liang Shan?

"If I'm not mistaken, the other two granaries in the city are already under the control of our army?" Wang Lun asked in a deep voice after listening to Shi Wengong talking about this strange incident. road.

As soon as Shi Wengong heard what Wang Lun said, he knew that he hadn't received the news that a large amount of grain and grass had been seized at all. He was taken aback at the moment, thinking that he was so busy and confused that the commander-in-chief didn't know about such a big matter, so he hurriedly explained Said: "The last general sent people to contact the infantry at that time, asking them to come to receive food and grass, thinking that the marshal already knew the truth..."

Looking at the situation, Wang Lun knew that Shi Wengong probably had an oolong. He must have thought that the infantry had already reported it to him, but he didn't know that the infantry had no news at all, so he didn't mention it much in front of him just now. I guess I don't want to leave an impression of boasting.

"The battle is still going on, and it is understandable that some news is not delivered in time!" Wang Lun waved his hand, signaling Shi Wengong to put down his burden.In fact, most of the leaders of the non-veteran faction are very sensitive about such matters. Wang Lun knew that this was a sign of insufficient tacit understanding between the top and bottom.

"But you can report to me directly if you have anything to do in the future. You are also the leader of the participating teams. What are you worried about?"

To Shi Wengong's ears, Wang Lun's last sentence of reproach sounded much more comfortable than the previous sentence of reassurance.In fact, human psychology is so "weird". Although you blame him, he can obviously feel the intimacy and relief in the words. Sometimes it sounds more like a scene without emotion, which is easy to be unpredictable.


At this moment, I saw dozens of riders galloping towards Wangcheng from far away. Wang Lun heard the voice familiar, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Sun Xin.At present, he smiled at Shi Wengong and teased: "It seems that your news is still earlier than theirs!"

Shi Wengong smiled blushingly, and at this time he also guessed that Sun Xin's coming here might not be other news, after all, there is no rout in this city strong enough to make Bian Xiang suffer, so Sun Xin's coming here must be good news.

"Hey, General Shi is here too? What a coincidence! Brother, the Longmen Warehouse handed over by General Shi to our army has been inspected, and the stock of grain and rice is no less than 130 million shi. We can send it this time!" Wait, a person of Sun Xin's status came to report the news in person, and he was either overjoyed or sad.Shi Wengong's estimation was correct, he might not be able to find someone who could make Bian Xiang feel great pity even if he dug three feet in this city.

"Brother, you are also a person who has seen the world. I think you were there when you broke the capital! Now there is only more than 100 million grains, so why should you be surprised?" Seeing his anxious look, Lu Fang couldn't help laughing.

"You can't say that, after all, this time and that time! Although we seized a lot of food and grass in Kaijing, we didn't need it urgently! But it's different now. The more than 100 million stones can be described as life-saving food for a long drought. It has to come in handy! If it weren’t for this batch of seizures, we would still have to transport the same amount of grain and grass from the cottage, and spend money and effort, and we’ll make a lot of money!”

Sun Xin was born as a businessman, and was obviously more sensitive than other leaders when it came to spending on food and grass.Everyone felt reasonable after hearing his emotion, and couldn't help being infected by his emotion, they were all very excited.I only heard Wang Lun jokingly said at this time: "What? You just took over one granary? We actually took down three granaries this time!"

"Three places!?" Sun Xin was obviously shocked by the new news. He thought that this granary was the only one in the city. After a while, he looked at Wang Lun and said, "My brother, doesn't that mean that Li Ziqian is better than Wang Matato?" Will it still collect money? Is it true that we are richer than Kaijing's seizure this time?"

Wang Lun spread his hands and said, "I can't answer this question for you. The news from the other two places hasn't been reported yet, so it's probably being counted."

Sun Xin patted his thigh and said: "Since I came first, I must have gained the least. I hope that the two places will be counted at night!"

Everyone "coaxed" and laughed. This wife-scared hotel owner was quite lively when he told jokes. No wonder Shili Pai's business was so prosperous back then.

Wang Lun smiled for a while, chatted with some of his leaders, and finally said: "Okay! I know about this matter, everyone should perform their duties! It just so happens that you are coming, I will not notify you in advance! All the captives captured in the city will be sent to General Shi, and General Shi will send someone to inform you of the specific address at that time! When this battle is over, I will give you credit for it!"

"Take orders!" Sun Xin clasped his fists to say goodbye, and gave Shi Wengong a smile.Afterwards Shi Wengong also said goodbye to Wang Lun, Wang Lun nodded in response, and watched the two generals leave.

When Shi Wengong's brigade began to move, Wang Lun took five hundred personal guards and entered the royal city that Li Ziqian had rebuilt.

Although many projects and landscapes in the city have not yet been completed, Wang Lun can still feel the arrogance of a man who got rich overnight.Of course, Li Ziqian, who was born in a family of the head of the state, still has some background, so that Wang Lun asked Wang Lun to consider whether to use this waste to save future troubles.

"Brother, I don't know when this battle will end. I think it's still early, why don't we enter the main hall and take command from the center?" Jiao Ting asked.

"It's done, since it's ready-made, why not use it?" Wang Lun smiled and said with a pun.

Jiao Ting let out a "hmm" and sent a team of people to inspect the palace first. Although there was hardly a single person in the royal city, there was no guarantee that a "bug" would pop up in the corner to scare people away. Judging from the experience of dealing with Koreans, it is not impossible for this to happen.

Seeing that Wang Lun was in a good mood, Lu Fang took advantage of this gap to step up and ask, "Brother, Shi Wengong said the strange things just now, and he didn't think it was strange when he said it clearly. Why did he talk about it again?"

"Things here are far from being as simple as they seem. Think about it, if the Li family's army has lost their morale and called out to surrender to our army, why are there more people who keep Li Ziqian out of the city than those who stay in the city?" Wang Lun smiled, and suddenly sighed:

"This Li Ziqian is a bit interesting. His shoulders are almost broken when he carries it. At the end of the day, he has learned from Zhang Tianshi again!" (to be continued~^~)

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