Water Margin Survival

Chapter 767 Is it Li Ling or Hong Chengchou?

In Zhu Wu's eyes, this middle-aged Confucian scholar should be of the same age as Wen Huanzhang. Wearing ordinary clothes on his body does not conceal his long-standing official air. Obviously, the effort to nourish Qi is not in the side of Liang Shan. Under the Chief Military Division.It's just that there is a melancholy look between his eyebrows. Compared with Wen Huanzhang, who is full of Yintang and has a glimmer of light, he gives people a feeling of gloomy fate and bleakness as a whole.

Zhu Wu has a preliminary judgment: this is definitely not someone who decided to go to the cottage on his own.It's just that now Liangshan Benzhai keeps a low profile, guards the island, and acts very low-key. He will definitely not take the initiative to attack the state and break the mansion. How can he get such an official-looking person now?

Just when Zhu Wu was looking at this person in confusion, the person raised his eyes intentionally or unintentionally, and there was an unconcealable gleam in his eyes, which then dimmed again.Seeing this, Zhu Wu thought, it seems that this may really be a big fish!No wonder Wen Huanzhang couldn't wait to go to Wang Lun to get it.

Zhu Wu was not a curious person, and since Wen Huanzhang didn't introduce the identity of this person, he didn't ask too much.After having an aggressive fight with this person, he suddenly smiled and said, "You two come with me!"

The Anton Protectorate's Mansion under the Liangshan Dazhai is located in Li Ziqian's palace. Seeing the three of them walking through the exquisite corridors and pavilions, they saw the depression in the middle-aged Confucian scholar's expression slightly subdued, and then Looked up this exotic style along the way.Wen Huanzhang also arrived in Seoul for the first time, and looked around with great interest. Zhu Wu acted as a commentator and introduced to the two:

"The other partition wall over there is the Hall of Changhe. It belongs to the palace treasury. The place I passed by just now is the Yanying Palace Pavilion, which used to be the place where students will take the exam. After that, there are Changqing Palace (royal residence), Zuochun Palace (prince’s residence), other palaces, etc. After passing the Linchuan Pavilion where the books are collected, not far away is the Yuande Hall where the Marshal is. This hall was originally used to discuss soldiers in the palace. The place is now renamed the White Tiger Festival Hall, and the four green characters on the eaves and forehead are inscribed by the marshal himself. Coach Lin ordered someone to supervise it!"

The middle-aged Confucian scholar followed Zhu Wu and Wen Huanzhang all the time, listening silently. When he heard the last news, his expression was slightly surprised, and then he said the first sentence after entering the city, "This Lin Chong is also considered a Get out of the way!"

Hearing this, Zhu Wu couldn't help but look at Wen Huanzhang, and they looked at each other and smiled.After that, Zhu Wu stopped talking and concentrated on leading the way.Not long after, they brought the two of them to the White Tiger Festival Hall.Seeing the strong and vigilant guards in front of the hall, the murderous aura was even stronger than that of the elite soldiers and generals of the Taiwei Mansion of the Great Song Dynasty, Wen Huanzhang said with emotion: "The battlefield is a purgatory!"

Someone in the hall heard the commotion outside, and saw a white-faced general with a sword in his right hand come out to visit.Everyone raised their eyes and saw that the man's left arm was wrapped with a thick white cloth.There is a faint red color in the middle.Drooping unnaturally.Wen Huanzhang was surprised when he saw this and said, "General Guo, don't want to hurt you?"

Although this question is strange, it is not difficult to understand.It's not that Guo Sheng can't be injured, but Guo Sheng, as the leader of Wang Lun's pro-army, even he was seriously injured, which shows the intensity of the battle.Now that even Liangshan's pro-army has gone into battle, how can the intensity of this battle be so small?

"If you can capture 20 soldiers alive in one battle, what's the matter with a little injury? If you can capture 20 imperial guards alive under the city of Tokyo in the future, I'd be willing to break my arm!" Guo Sheng said in a nonchalant tone. Speaking of which, he quickly followed in the footsteps of the arrow tiger.At the beginning, Sun Li's subordinates in Dengzhou were seriously injured.At this time, if Liangshan hadn't returned to Tianying with many national players, he might have been the one who retired from active service and transferred to a local job this time.

"You, you! You still have this temper! Even if Jiao Ting doesn't care about you, Han Shizhong doesn't care? I have to talk to them!" Wen Huanzhang couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this.

Wen Huanzhang also knew the general situation of this battle, so he knew that Guo Sheng was not bragging, but the face of the middle-aged Confucian scholar behind him, who could not see the expression of joy and anger, had changed slightly, and he knew that the young general's words were serious. The reliability is not low. After all, Wen Huanzhang is not the kind of vain person. Since he did not deny this person's words to his face, it is almost equivalent to the truth.Unexpectedly, this group of strong bandits entrenched in the water would have the ability to launch such a battle, how amazing is their momentum?

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, this thief has already developed a climate. If the leader is like Tian Hu, and has an ambition to harm the Central Plains, for the Song court, it can only be described as a minor disaster. !Thinking of this, the middle-aged Confucian scholar couldn't help but become confused, and could no longer maintain the calmness when he first came.

Guo Sheng is a person with a lot of temperament, but it depends on the person.In front of Wen Huanzhang, a chief military officer with one person under one man and over ten thousand people, he was still willing to show his face, and immediately stepped forward to admit his mistake with a smile on his face. Looking for Han Shizhong, he just reached out and nodded to Guo Shengdao, "You!"

Zhu Wu stood aside with a smile and said nothing, subconsciously thinking that he did not have the qualifications to make Guo Sheng look down, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.Although they are all military advisers, this is the difference between people!Fortunately, he also made a shocking move a few days ago. After he came down, when he dealt with the leaders again, he found that many people consciously or unconsciously became a little less aggressive and a little more friendly.

"Mr. Wen, everyone, let's go in and talk! There is not much time left before the noon banquet!"

Seeing Zhu Wu's reminder, Wen Huanzhang nodded with a smile, and just before the White Tiger Festival Hall tidied up his clothes before stepping in. The middle-aged Confucian scholar wanted to get in, but after a few steps behind everyone, he finally followed went in.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the lobby, he found a white-clothed scholar in the hall lying on his stomach in the sea of ​​text, apparently asleep.He couldn't help feeling dumbfounded for a moment, thinking that the emperor had seen him a few times, and he had never seen a person of status sleeping soundly in such a state weapon that represented supreme power.

Surprise is nothing but surprise, but his long years of official career have made him unable to express his emotions and anger, and there is no trace of emotion on his calm face at this time.

"Brother has told you to notify him as soon as your husband arrives... Sigh! There are so many things happening in the city. From yesterday to now, my brother hasn't had a good rest!" Guo Sheng said to call Wang Lun, but he didn't. When he left, all he wanted was to wait for Wen Huanzhang to stop him.Sure enough, Wen Huanzhang heard that Wang Lun hadn't slept all night, and said in a low voice: "The old man is tired all the way, go down and wash your face first, and then come to meet the lord!"

"Guo Sheng, you have no teacher to teach you how to obey the yin and the yang to violate the law!"

Wang Lun's voice suddenly came from behind the copywriting, startling Guo Sheng, and hurriedly turned around and said, "Didn't my brother always say that sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood? Mr. Wen is one of his own, and he will not be rude and make mistakes, so Little brother decides on his own..."

"How do you know you won't make a mistake?"

Wang Lun glared at Guo Sheng. At this time, his attention was already on the only stranger in the hall. He didn't know whether he was sleepy or what. After reading it again, he still couldn't recognize who this person was.

Seeing Wang Lun staring at the person he brought, Wen Huanzhang didn't dare to trust him, and stepped forward to introduce him: "This gentleman is from the Taiyuan Mansion on Hedong Road who took office not long ago..."

"Look at my memory! It turned out to be Zhang Xiaochun, the magistrate of Taiyuan Prefecture!" Wang Lun immediately thought of the origin of this person as soon as he reminded him. Wasn't this a character who was brought over by Tian Hu's father-in-law? Stubble to forget.

Ashamed to say, this person has a lot of background.In the original trajectory, Jin Guo violated the border on two fronts, one of which was so violent that it reached the gate of Kaifeng Mansion, and the other was stopped outside Taiyuan Mansion in Hedong. Yan Zonghan) was still blocked under the city of Taiyuan, so that Song Ting still had time to send an army to rescue Taiyuan after he relieved the siege of the capital.It's a pity that the reinforcements were not strong enough, and they were defeated outside Taiyuan City.But the defenders in the city still stood firm.

At that time, the commander-in-chief guarding Taiyuan was Zhang Xiaochun, the magistrate of Zhang, and his deputy was the famous general Wang Tian, ​​who was highly respected by Wang Lun.The two men worked together to defend the isolated city for more than 260 days, and finally ran out of food and water, and the city was finally broken.Wang Bao died in battle, but he was humiliated by the barbarian Nihan to vent his anger.Zhang Xiaochun, who was captured at the same time, was ordered by Nianhan to surrender, but Zhang Xiaochun refused to submit, so Nianhan had no choice but to imprison him.If the matter ended here, or if he was killed by Nianhan on the spot, Zhang Xiaochun's popularity in later generations would definitely not be small. It is a pity that after being imprisoned for four years, when the Jin Dynasty established Liu Yu as the son emperor, Zhang Xiaochun served as the Minister of the Puppet Qi at the same time Right prime minister.

After Zhang Xiaochun became an official in the puppet Qi Dynasty, his third son Zhang Jia, who was captured together with him, returned to Lin'an in the Southern Song Dynasty, became a waiter at the Southern Song Dynasty Academy of Painting, and eventually became a famous painter in the Southern Song Dynasty.After Zhang Xiaochun served as prime minister under Liu Yu for seven years, he secretly wrote a secret letter to Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty, titled "Ten Things About Pseudo-Qi Mou in Song Dynasty".

This person has a bad reputation in history books. After all, as soon as Liu Yu proclaimed himself emperor, he surrendered to the puppet Qi in the same year.In this way, the label of a second official cannot be removed no matter what.

Therefore, this person has always been controversial in history books.That's right, you can say that he was unfaithful. He and Wang Ting worked together to guard Taiyuan. Nianhan killed more than 30 officials in front of him, but he refused to surrender. He must have had the heart of death at that time.But if you want to say that he is loyal, he served successively as a senior official in the Puppet Qi Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty. Although he later wrote a leaking letter to Song Gaozong, this is not enough to prove that he is a senior spy who broke into the enemy's interior.

To be honest, when Wang Lun heard that he was captured by Tian Hu, he moved his mouth and brought this person over, just to see if such a controversial figure was Li Ling or Hong Chengchou? (to be continued~^~)

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