Water Margin Survival

Chapter 770 Zhang Xiaochun who is going to the wheel of history

As the third army that came to join forces arrived in Seoul, the atmosphere in the Duhu Mansion, which had finally calmed down, became tense again, because everyone knew that the diners were all here, and the time to feast was far behind?

As the "culprit" who ended the rest of the army, Xiao Jiasui, who finally arrived in Seoul, probably felt ashamed of his late arrival.But this situation can't be blamed on him. After all, Lintun County's [-]-square-kilometer territory has to wait for the follow-up garrison to be in place one by one, which is definitely not something that can be done in a day or two.As long as he hurried to come here at this time, it was at the price of Leng Ning's half-dead rush.

Fortunately, the process of waiting for the friendly army also rested the team, so the three infantry troops under Xiao Jiasui's command temporarily took a rest in Seoul before embarking on the journey again with high morale.

At the welcome banquet that night, Wang Lun, Li Ji, Sun An and other old brothers "drank" tea instead of wine, and then asked them to go down early to rest.For most of the passers-by who have been exhausted all the way, tonight has come to an end.But for Wang Lun, who has all the clothes and food, tonight is just the beginning.

Tonight, under the leadership of the prefect Wen Huanzhang, the military and political officials of the Seoul government will report to Wang Lun the next stage of the policy program. After the end, the relevant people went directly from the Changqing Hall, the banquet hall, to the Yuande Hall of the White Tiger Hall.Wang Lun has been working here for some time, and gradually got used to it, he is too lazy to talk about civil affairs and change places.

"How about it, are you used to it after coming here?" Along the way, Wang Lun chatted and laughed happily with the leaders.Finally, I asked about a big red-eyed man next to me.This person is the second army commander who came across the sea from Liangshanbo.Huoyan Suanni Deng Fei.

"We are all a brick on Liangshanbo, and we can move it wherever we need it!"

The straightforward Deng Fei answered Wang Lun's concern with a spoken language like Wang Lun.However, when it comes to the most frequently mobilized leaders in the cottage, Deng Fei is definitely one of them. He not only worked as a security officer in the field army (reserve army coach), but also served as Bi Mawen (race field guard) on Jeju Island. The head of the Shanzhai (Erlong Mountain) under the jurisdiction of Liangshan Mountain always works hard every time.Diligent and conscientious.So this time in one step, he took on the heavy responsibility of the soldiers and horses in Seoul.

Deng Fei felt like he was dreaming from being an unknown third-rate small village owner to serving as the superintendent of soldiers and horses in Seoul Mansion, which was similar in function to Tokyo in the Song Dynasty. Originally, he wanted to go to Dazhai to get to know more heroes of the world, everyone would be lively together, but he didn't know that three or two short years had passed, and he still hadn't gotten over it.The world has changed.

"The general manager of the capital city soldiers and horses... I never thought that I, Deng Fei, would have today!" Deng Fei was not good at hiding his thoughts, in other words, there was no city mansion. People feel happy when they see it.

Wen Huanzhang also laughed, and took the initiative to say hello to his main helper in the future.

"Old Taishou. I used to see Brother Li and Guan Dujian dangling in front of you. I am a horse breeder, and I dare not come to ask for wine. In the future, I will be able to enjoy the mansion's cellar for you!" Although Deng Fei is a straight man, he is not Silly and rude, he called the old magistrate, and Wen Huanzhang couldn't help feeling a lot when he thought of the "green" years on Jeju Island.

These two opened the valve of the past, and the atmosphere instantly became doubly cordial, and Feng Xi, who has always been good at being nice to others, has repeatedly set off the atmosphere of the chat just right, so that even Jiao Ting, who is not very talkative, sometimes chatters. Insert two sentences.Tianzhi concentrated on being the audience.Hear anecdotes that he would never have had access to before.Only Zhang Xiaochun lowered his head silently, thinking about some important problem.

A group of people marched mightily before the White Tiger Festival Hall. The originally dark hall was lit up by the guards who arrived in advance. There was a strange fragrance after burning candles in the air, which was said to have a refreshing effect. This is Li Ziqian's The son-in-law's royal palace was scrapped and brought here. Unexpectedly, Wang Lun didn't take it away last time, but this time he can still enjoy such royal treasures.

After everyone sat down, Wen Huanzhang cleared his throat and introduced the situation to those present.Observing Wen Huanzhang's speech at close range, others didn't feel much, but Feng Xi, who was equally eloquent, was deeply touched. Compared with the boss he would directly serve, his speech was smooth and smooth, but he always felt that What is shortcoming, it is light to say.When he saw the scene where everyone was listening intently, he had an epiphany, and it turned out that the difference was in the "inside".Wen Huanzhang hides a splendid country in his belly, and Feng Xi is more than capable of talking.

"At present, the entangled local forces in Seoul have been completely eradicated by our army. Although it is a benefit for a lifetime. But there is a relatively obvious disadvantage for the time being, that is, money is scarce and goods are expensive in the city, and the market is depressed. I also asked Li Ziqian to snatch it all away, and even though my Duhu Mansion is feeding me porridge at this time, it is not a long-term solution! After all, we have an old saying that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish!"

"Wen Duhu said it rightly, raising can only raise lazy people! Our first priority now is to find a way to revitalize the city, so that the aborigines can resume their old jobs and support themselves instead of relying on handouts Live on. In addition, I would like to remind all the brothers here that our Shanzhai used a huge sum of 1000 million yuan to purchase grain in the Song Dynasty before, which caused the price of grain in several state capitals to skyrocket. If we need to buy grain in large quantities in the future, we will have to spend blood! So the 460 million shi of grain seized this time is very precious! By the way, I forgot to be torn off by the Seoul government, and now there are only about [-] million shi left in the account of the Duhufu!"

With Deng Fei crossing the sea together, Cao Shenjun Jiang Jing, the new householder of the Anton Duhufu, spoke. As the direct manager of the Duhufu's money and food treasure house, he is in the same line as Du Qian's iron rooster temperament.His last sentence directly caused a burst of "laughing and cursing" among the officials of the Seoul government.

After everyone made a few jokes, Wang Lun lowered his hands.He knew that Wen Huanzhang said he was here to report, but he actually got his own support on specific matters.After all, he has been in Zhenfan County for so long, what can't be solved?Chen Wenzhao has done a good job. Could it be that Wen Huanzhang is not as good as Chen Taishou?

"Teaching people to fish is nothing more than giving them a job to support their families. This is the time for large-scale construction. I intend to expand Hancheng Prefecture, build official roads between dozens of counties in the three prefectures, and open a large-scale shipbuilding in Ren County. Factory. Seoul will be the center of the peninsula in the future. We need to set up various workshops to ensure the supply of military weapons, armor, and agricultural tools. These require a lot of labor. Although there are 20 captives in Seoul, I am afraid that it will not be enough to fill them in by then. , why don't the residents in the city have a place to eat?"

As soon as Wang Lun opened his mouth, he saw Wen Huanzhang and smiled knowingly. This kind of work-for-relief method was familiar to all the leaders of Liangshan. The amount of money and food involved was huge, and Wang Lun had to make a decision, otherwise Jiang Jingmo would kill people. After all, when it comes to the word "money", he is a natural opponent with all those who want to take money from his pocket.

"It's time for the city to expand. After all, Seoul is where the Andong Protectorate is located. If you want long-term peace and stability, the immigrants from the Song Dynasty should keep more than half of the city's population. Of course, it is better to double or triple the original registered population. In addition, this The official road should also be built. After the road is built, the ties between the states and counties will be closer, and it will benefit both military and economically. What's more valuable is that the aborigines can see that we come here to build bridges and pave roads. Let their lives be better, not worse, and the social environment is getting better, not worse. This kind of thing that is very beneficial to integration, Xiao agrees with both hands!"

Xiao Jiasui, the deputy governor in charge of the military, also expressed his opinion. Originally, he was here to observe, but he was aroused by everyone's discussion, so he joined in immediately, "However, these all cost money, and there must be a lot of money. Marshal, tell me exactly how much we captured in Seoul this time?"

Seeing Xiao Jiasui, who was always calm, was a little curious, so Wang Lun just let it go, and he said, "Deng Dujian, from tomorrow onwards, all the more than [-] prisoners in the city will be handed over to you, is there any problem? "

"Brother, don't worry, if there is any mistake in the younger brother's hands, please ask the military law to deal with it!" Deng Fei assured, patted his chest.This time he came across the sea from the Song Dynasty, besides the [-] directly subordinate troops who were dispatched to defend Seoul, there were also [-] strong men temporarily recruited on Erlong Mountain.These young and middle-aged men who defected to Liangshan might not be very reliable if they were asked to go to war, but as long as they acted as guards and guards, the problem would not be too big.

"By the way, Shi Wengong is currently selecting soldiers from this group of people. When you complete the various projects assigned by the prefect, don't forget to cooperate with Chief Shi's selection work!"

Shi Wengong went back to the camp after the banquet tonight, and did not participate in this small-scale meeting.To say that his current task is not easy, the task Wang Lun gave him was to form five teams of 5000 people, it doesn't need to be brave and good at fighting, the first thing is to be obedient.Because they will be deployed in the five state capitals of the peninsula in the future (four Han counties plus Seoul) to assist the Han army to maintain a stable situation.In addition, Shi Wengong also needs to form two teams that should not be too loose, so that they can serve as guides for the army's northern expedition in the future.In addition to the above two, he also has his own job as the commander of the Fanluo army, which is to rebuild his disabled team.

"We must cooperate! But brother, if we ask them to cooperate with us in defending the city, are these Koreans reliable?" Deng Fei was a little uncertain.

"If you can't feel the pulse, you will definitely be out of tune. As for how to feel the pulse, you can ask Shi Wengong for advice. He is the person who knows the pulse of Korean people best in our cottage!" Wang Lun said with a smile.

"Oh!" Deng Feiweng replied angrily, and sat back rubbing his head.Wang Lun also heard Huanzhang's introduction of the problems he was encountering so far, so he decided on the spot one by one, and confirmed many details that were originally vague.Just when Wen Huanzhang got enough support from Wang Lun and was satisfied, suddenly, he saw a middle-aged civil servant stand up suddenly, and said to Wang Lun, "The prefect has finished talking, and I have something to say. !” (to be continued~^~)

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