Water Margin Survival

Chapter 773 Going to pay tribute to Kaifeng, a great country

"Remember, bad coins like discounting five cents or ten cents are not included in the exchange! Cai Jing has been harming the people of the Song Dynasty for a long time, and we can't let this disaster spread to the immigrants in the peninsula. We will only exchange one penny! Talk to Du The two leaders, Qian and Du Xing, made it clear!" Wang Lun added at last.His eyes inadvertently glanced at Zhang Xiaochun.

The latter didn't even have a polite smile, but just stared blankly at the teacup on the table.Liang Shan and his group are so skilled, they can dig deep to the bottom in no time without just saying a few words of "suggestion"!

Due to the scale of minting coins and raw materials, the copper coins put on the market in the Song Dynasty are not enough to use, and some surrounding countries, such as Liao, have been smuggling a large amount of copper coins from the Song Dynasty and putting them into circulation in their own markets, which still has the ability to mint money. Not to mention some other small countries, they directly regard the copper coin supervisor of the Song Dynasty as the copper coin supervisor of the world, and the copper coins made in the Song Dynasty have become the hard currency circulating in the market in many countries.

Unexpectedly, because of Zhang Xiaochun's few words, there is another ghost-like Wang Lun among the forces that are eyeing the copper coins!He has Liangshanbo in Jingdong as a channel, and this loophole must be difficult to fill in a short time!If the imperial court finds out the clues of this matter, Zhang Xiaochun will never be able to turn over in his life.

Bitter too!Bitter!

"Although it is easy to obtain the copper coins of the Song Dynasty, we have to pay the equivalent in capital and silver. If things go on like this, it is definitely not a long-term solution! Coin casting is very important, and I hope the king will not take it lightly!" Zhang Xiaochun squeezed The nose said.

"I am more urgent than Zhang Tong to judge this matter! The people of the old country are suffering from bad money. If I cast money in Liangshan and get it right, I will definitely feed back the people of the Song Dynasty in the future!" Wang Lun took a sip of the tea in his cup.The order said: "The Zou Yuan and Zou Run Departments of Qingyun Mountain will be reorganized into the gold garrison army today, with ten battalions of guards and ten battalions of craftsmen. All the personnel were transferred to Seoul led by Zou Yuan to be responsible for developing the mineral deposits on the peninsula!"

Everyone here finds the title of the Golden Troop very interesting.Of course, no one would be so simple as to think that this team is only responsible for gold mining. Wang Lun's meaning is already obvious, but all the mineral deposits on the peninsula are in charge of this team.

"Brother, younger brother has been in Lintun County for a few months. Although it is very mountainous at the beginning, no natives have opened mines. Shall we ask Li Ziqian and Han Anren first?" Xiao Jiasui said.

"As far as I know, Koryo's mineral deposits are mostly in the north of Seoul, and the land has a lot of gold, silver, copper, and iron reserves! However, it's good to ask these people, and this matter will be left to Gongcao Tang to join the army!" Wang Lun doesn't remember the location of the specific mineral deposits on the peninsula very clearly, but he only remembers that the north is rich and the south is poor (mineral resources), and there is even the largest open-pit iron mine in Asia in the north.

Wang Lun is said to be well-known in Liangshan.What he said didn't cause much vibration.Since he said that the north of Seoul is rich in mineral resources, it must be groundless. When everyone thinks of the future prospects, they can't help but smile.Wen Huanzhang did not express his opinion on this matter, but only asked: "Since the old department of Qingyun Mountain has been reorganized into the Golden Army, the choice of the head of the family is still up to the lord. In addition, the leader of Erlongshan Deng Fei was transferred to Seoul, and the big leader has been vacant, which is not conducive to Future development!"

"Qingyun Mountain is under the care of Brother Zou Run. Anyway, the silver mines in the mountain have not been exhausted yet. Erlong Mountain, Ren Yuan and Zhou Zhi are still inexperienced. They are not good enough to take on major responsibilities. This matter is a bit tricky, and we will discuss it later!"

Regardless of the fact that there are hundreds of leaders in Liangshanbo and a wealth of talents, they are all radishes and holes, and it is difficult to make up for the lack of anyone.Yang Lin's left and right hands in the Yanshan sub-village were transferred to the peninsula, and he hadn't made up for it yet, and there were two sub-villages with lack of qualifications.


Wang Lun secretly sighed, not only are the two cottages short of people, but the newly established three prefectures are also short of good officials to govern?There are still four lands left in Koryo, and sooner or later it will be in Liangshanbo's pocket, and there is an urgent need for talents.

These problems cannot be solved in a short time by relying on one's own hematopoietic function.The people who cast mountains would say that it is not a big problem to choose the best and strong soldiers from among them, but if they want to find scholars from among them, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.In the final analysis, Liangshan today is not very attractive to the scholar class, which has caused the current dilemma of having no one.Therefore even playing Infernal Affairs Zhang Xiaochun, Wang Lun can only be patient and accompany him for a game.

Seeing the word "Chuan" appearing between Wang Lun's eyebrows, everyone knew that this was the village owner's habit when he was meditating, so no one interrupted Wang Lun's train of thought. With a smile, the doubts on his face disappeared, and he said:

"A few days ago, I received a late news that Gao Yongchang, the general of Tokyo Liao, expelled Dagong Ding, Gao Mingming and other officials from Tokyo Liao, and led his 54 soldiers to rebel against Liao. Soon he occupied Tokyo Liao, and claimed to be The Emperor of the Great Bohai Sea, whose founding name was Da Yuan, and whose name was Longji, then captured more than [-] prefectures in the Liao Kingdom. Of course, the Liao Kingdom would not sit idly by, and immediately raised troops to suppress the rebellion, but Gao Yongchang and the Jurchen teamed up to defeat Han Jianu And Zhang Lin's pacification of the rebel army. Afterwards, the lord of Jurchen, Wanyan Agu, forced Gao Yongchang to resign and surrender. Of course Gao Yongchang refused. , were annexed by the Jin people!"

The news was like cold water dripping into the boiling oil, which aroused a lot of discussion. Wen Huanzhang and Xiao Jiasui obviously also knew the news, but they didn't understand Wang Lun's intention at this time, so they only heard Wang Lun say again:

"The Jurchen's attention is all on the Khitan people, not necessarily the Korean people. At this time, the main force of Wanyan Aguda is not in the hinterland of Changbai Mountain, and the impact on our great cause of reunification is limited. I decided to choose a date for the official Northern Expedition !"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words. Most of the military leaders were not here at this time. Why did Wang Lun suddenly announce this news at the regional meeting?Everyone has not recovered yet, only to hear Wang Lun continue to say:

"The Northern Route Army is led by Xiao Duhu, under the jurisdiction of the Xu Ning, Zhang Qing, Lu Junyi, and Huarong Departments of the Ma Army, and the Sun'an, Luan, Luan Tingyu, and Bian Xiang Departments of the Infantry Army. Follow up with the army in the western waters. Responsible for logistics and other affairs. The goal is to make the country, and responsible for recovering the former Koryo West Sea Road and the northern boundary."

"The East Route Army is led by Zhu Wu, a military division of Shenji, under the jurisdiction of the pro-army Han Shizhong, the garrison Lin Chong, the Ma Jun Guan Sheng, the infantry Lu Zhishen, Li Kui, Wu Song, Ma Xie, and the navy Ruan Xiaoqi. The army will follow up with the army from the eastern waters of the peninsula, and the army will be responsible for recovering the former Koryo Jiaozhou Road and the northern boundary!"

When everyone heard that Wang Lun had sent his own army out.He didn't follow the command of the army, so he was a little puzzled, Xiao Jiasui immediately asked: "Brother is in Seoul?"

When the leaders heard it, they realized that Wang Lun wanted to focus on governing the state capital.That’s right, the forces in Korea have almost been beaten to pieces, and the hearts of the people on the peninsula are on the side of Liangshan (Song Dynasty). How big a wave can the remaining few miscellaneous fish make?Wang Lun's refusal to go is justified.

Just when everyone thought that Wang Lun would stay in Seoul, Wang Lun gave them the opposite answer, saying: "In Seoul, you have Mr. Wen sitting in the town. And there are talented people like Zhang Tongpan to assist you. Don't worry. I'm planning to go back to Liangshanbo with the fleet of the Navy, and I don't need to mobilize the crowd, just bring Jiao Ting and a battalion of the army with me."

Back to Liangshan! ?Is it because you are worried about something wrong with the court?

The thoughtful leader had already thought of the battle in Hedong, and Tian Yi wondered if Tian Hu could not bear it anymore, and Wang Lun wanted to go back and arrange a follow-up plan to deal with this series of changes.

Wen Huanzhang also felt a little sudden at this moment.Waiting to speak.But seeing Wang Lun give him a wink, with the tacit understanding between the two, Wen Huanzhang realized that Wang Lun had something to say later, and immediately nodded slightly in response.Xiao Jiasui was also a prudent person, so he didn't express any opinions at this time.

The two deputy guards had no doubts about what the guards said. They were all leaders who had little to do with military operations, so they were relatively quiet. Wang Lun simply arranged the work after he left.

"The problem of the grain and grass distributed to the immigrants is not a big problem, but with the number of cattle in our cottage, it is obviously not enough to reach one head per household. Mr. Wen, you must first ensure that every household that does not delay the farming time gets the cattle. , As for the immigrants who settled down later, before next year's spring plowing, the cottage will find a way to fulfill the promise!"

"This matter is easy to handle. Now the cottage and the lord are what the people want, and the people will understand our difficulties!" Wen Huanzhang nodded in response.

"That's good!" Wang Lun nodded with a smile. At this time, his eyes turned to the most insignificant leader of the cottage, "Hou Jian, when can your workshop start?"

Although Hou Jian is the leader of Liangshan, but he is a nodding leader. He usually meets Wang Lun quite a few times in the cottage. When discussing matters in the Juyi Hall, he can see Wang Lun when he looks up, but the key is that he can't speak at all.Even if he wanted to find a reason to report to work, he didn't know what to talk about, so he was always in an embarrassing situation in the cottage. Baba said: "The position...the position has not been selected..."

"You have only come here not long ago, so you may not be familiar with Seoul. Tomorrow I will send someone from Goryeo to accompany you to find the address in the mansion!" Wang Lun also knew that he had to choose one or several places that could accommodate 20 maidservants (Han Anren was in Luozhou) The incidental harvest of surrender), no, it should be called a female worker now, such an open place is definitely not a good choice, and Hou Jian is notoriously weak, asking him, the new workshop envoy, to coordinate various departments, I am afraid Hell.

"If you have any problems to solve in the future, you can come to me directly, even Mr. Wen! By the way, Tang Long, what is your expression? Their Jiajiafang is not under your Gongcao's control, so you should pay more attention to it! The shipyard in Ren County is also the same, Give more support and strive for Hou Jian and Ye Chun to put into production as soon as possible!" Ye Chun is researching new artificially powered ocean-going vessels on Jeju Island, but his main business also includes supervising passenger boats.Although there is no shortage of timber in Jeju Island, it is only a county after all. It is not like the Koryo Peninsula, which is rich in forest resources. Sooner or later, there will be a shortage of timber in the future.Therefore, Wang Lun transferred him to Ren County to continue his research, and the original shipyard on Jeju Island was not closed, but another small leader was chosen to preside over it, but the production of ships was reduced.

Tang Long was a little embarrassed by Wang Lun's words. He scratched his head and said, "It's my brother's dereliction of duty! Brother Hou Jian, I will accompany you to choose the site tomorrow. By the way, I need the support of the two parents and officials!"

Both Feng Xi and Tian Zhizhi knew that this one-armed, pockmarked man seemed rude, but he had a lot of background.Xu Ning, the founder of the Liangshan Horse Army, was his cousin. Lu Zhishen, the leader of the infantry army, and Guanghui Toutuo, the picket, had a close relationship with him, and even Han Shizhong, who was in the army, was also quite close to him. I heard that the arm was also for saving Brother's fault, in short, should not be underestimated.

At this time, in front of Wang Lun and the two deputy governors, both of them patted their chests, and Feng Xi said very affectionately, "We are both on duty in the governor's mansion, and you are very welcome to come to the small county to choose site!"

In addition to the county magistrate of Hanyang, he also has the hat of the governor of the governor's office.Although the ranks of Changshi and Sima in the Protectorate of the Tang Dynasty were higher than those of the following Caos who joined the army, Wang Lun also made some changes when he opened the Protectorate of Andong. There is no distinction between superior and inferior.The former is equivalent to the Secretary-General of Wen and Wu of the Protectorate (more often, Feng Xi serves Wen Huanzhang, and Sima Sun An corresponds to Xiao Jiasui), while the latter corresponds to the ministries of officials, soldiers, households, workers, and criminals. mechanism.

By the way, at this time, the candidates for the five Caos to join the army have been decided. Except for Jiang Jing from Hucao and Tang Long from Gongcao, the meritorious officials (officials) who are in charge of rewards and punishments are Sun Fo's son and Sun Ding.The soldier Cao joined the army was appointed Shi Wengong who stayed in Seoul to rest, while the criminal Cao joined the army was Li Yun, the stubborn blue-eyed tiger.

"You may also wish to consider choosing a new city location. After all, 20 million people is not a small number, which is conducive to overall planning. In addition, I have some ideas about the city gate after the expansion of the city. Before returning to Liangshan, I will draw a picture with you. When the time comes Discuss with Tao Zongwang!" Looking at Tang Long who was eager to try, Wang Lun added another sentence.This guy has a lot of utilitarianism, and now he manages such a big mess, it's abnormal to be unhappy.

"Brother, don't worry, younger brother will take care of himself, and I'll make sure my brother is satisfied!" Tang Long assured.

"You have to satisfy Mr. Wen first. If you can't pass his test, don't talk big in front of me!" Wang Lun smiled, and the topic turned to Deng Fei, the capital prisoner in Seoul: "The number of prisoners in the city is too large, I'm afraid you can't support them alone. , I left Dalang’s Hancheng army and Shi Wengong’s Fanluo army in Seoul, so as to be safe!”

"Thank you, brother, for your understanding! My little brother will treat these brothers well!" Deng Fei clasped his fists in thanks.

Wang Lun nodded, seeing that the conversation was almost done, he stood up and said, "Okay, I'll stop here today, it's getting late, everyone go back to rest earlier! Both guardians stay for a while, that... Brother Hu Cheng also stay for a while!"

The leaders who were not named all moved their stiff limbs and got up to say goodbye. Zhang Xiaochun glanced at Wang Lun who was talking to Xiao Jiasui with tangled eyes, and was the first to bow his head and leave.

Hu Cheng didn't know what to do, so he stayed with the two heavyweight leaders, which felt weird.After Wang Lun and the two military advisers had a serious discussion for nearly an hour, they finally received the order from the village master:

"You go to Changhe Hall (formerly the palace treasury) tomorrow and prepare a tribute gift for me, the kind that can make Longyan Dayue lose his mind if you let the faint king see it!" (To be continued~^~)

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