The short distance of hundreds of miles from the water town of Jeju to Bianliang in Tokyo is not only the heartland of the Song Dynasty, but also the sphere of influence of Liangshan.It's just because both sides can't tolerate those characters who don't appear on the stage to develop a climate in this area, so unless the imperial court and Liangshan exchange tables, at any other time, this is the area with the most stable social security in the Song Dynasty. one.

However, although nothing worth mentioning happened on Wang Lun's way to Tokyo, shortly after he left the island, a seemingly insignificant, but in fact hidden, event happened on the edge of the water.

"I'm a scholar, you scholars are very noble, but why did you come here to learn from me this method of exuding copper smell? Aren't you afraid that it will be insulting to the gentleman!" Seeing that the delivery place was getting closer, the middle-aged merchant who led the team In a good mood, he casually joked about a free laborer who joined the team halfway.

This person can be regarded as a good topic for chatting during the boring journey.This scholar looks like he is in his 40s, and he is usually unsmiling, but he treats people easily, without the bad temper that scholars look down on.I heard from him that he was tired of teaching in the village, and wanted to come out and learn some skills while he was still able to move, so that his family and children could have some food and clothing.

When the caravan met this man on the way, he was sunburned and fainted by the side of the road. The merchant leading the team was not bad, and he was in the medicine business, so he had some common sense of Chinese medicine, so he came forward to rescue him.Unexpectedly, after being rescued, the scholar earnestly begged the merchant to take him with him. He was able to work, and he didn't need wages. He only asked the merchant leader to teach him some ways to make money.The merchant thought for a while, then took him along.After all, a strong labor is worthless.And the cost of his business alone is thousands of dollars.He is not afraid that this impoverished person will become his competitor.

Most of the time, this scholar is a boring gourd. No matter how the merchants and guards make fun of him, he doesn't respond much.Therefore, he was still silent about the ridicule of the merchant at this time.The merchant was not surprised, and immediately smiled, he knew how to make this scholar speak.

"Ten miles ahead is the purchase point set up by Liangshan Bo. Once we unload the goods, this trip will be done!"

Hearing the merchant's words, the scholar really became energetic, squeezed to the merchant's side and asked, "How can there be such a good business in the world? They will accept it if we traffic it in?"

"Hehe!" The merchant smiled quite complacently, "I'll tell you, a scholar, this business is really easy to do! Ever since the white-clothed scholar Wang established his foothold in this pond the year before last, he has been buying grain, grass, and livestock all year round. , medical materials, cloth, animal skins, wood, pig iron, sulfur and other goods, not only are the prices fair and tight, but they are never short. If the merchants who come to trade specialize in valuables, you can ask for a small flag from other cottages Put it in front of the car, and make sure that bandits, officials and thieves will not dare to disturb you. Look at my thousands of pieces of goods, and I don’t even need to hire bodyguards, so I know this business is easy!"

Seeing that the other party was silenced by what he said, Hong Shang laughed.Said: "Xiucai. It's rare that we are all from Mizhou. It is fate to meet outside! Why don't you go back and forth with me a few more times and find out the way first. In the future, I will have some money with you, and you can also do it yourself. Sell ​​some things here in Liangshan!"

"What can I sell by myself? Besides, Liangshan's money can't be exhausted? It seems to buy the world!" Xiucai looked very unconfident, which just stimulated the chattering merchant, "So ah , let’s take advantage of this moment, let’s sell more things! I said you scholars, you can’t do big things, but you don’t want to do small things! If you want to do something, you can’t wait to think about it at home for three years!”

Speaking of this, the merchant also felt that his tone was a bit harsh, so his tone eased a little, and he also said some experience: "The best thing to sell when selling goods in Liangshan is grain, whether it is new grain, old grain, or wheat. , rice, they charge as much as they have. The other one is pig iron and wood, but it seems that the demand for wood is not as much as before. Their demand for medicinal materials is still stable, but it depends on whether you can grasp the pulse! If in Before and after the war, medicinal materials such as Panax notoginseng must be purchased at a high price, but other medicines may not be. For livestock, they like to buy cattle the most, followed by mules and donkeys. They are not very interested in horses unless they can go into battle. war horse..."

Xiucai had been with the caravan for so long, and it was the first time he heard the merchant talking about the market, and immediately he focused all his attention, listening carefully to the merchant's details, not refusing to miss a word.

As soon as he concentrated his attention, the journey under his feet seemed to be shortened. When the talent was still unfinished, the caravan had already arrived at the purchase point on the east bank of Liangshanbo.

Although the sun was shining at this time, there was still a busy scene on the shore. Liangshan wrote all the purchase prices of various materials on the notice and made it public. The ranks were even more complex, with rows of convoys, livestock and laborers mixed together, and most of the ranks were tens of feet long.

The shopkeepers who waited to check out were escaping the summer heat in a nearby hotel, where there was free tea.But most people are willing to spend money on a few bowls of wine brewed by the hotel.After all, the sentence "I drank in the Liangshan Hotel back then" can still bluff people.

The drug dealer rested in the hotel for a while, drank a dime of wine, and walked out of the hotel.Luckily today, the other teams were crowded with people, but the medicine seller's team was not crowded. Seeing that the next one was going to his caravan, the merchant hurried over.

"Hey, Chief Du! Why are you so busy today? Do you want to see the goods yourself?" The merchant rushed to the front of the line, and was surprised to find that the man who saw the goods had a broad face, square cheeks, big eyes and big ears, and was ugly. It turned out that the God of Wealth of these people ended up in person, and he couldn't help being surprised.

"Old Sun is in a hurry, I'll take care of him for a while!" Du Xing obviously knew this merchant, "Master Tian, ​​do you think there is any drug dealer better than you in the world? They don't sell Panax notoginseng for a year, but when the imperial army came over , you sell Panax notoginseng. Now that the summer heat is in full swing, your licorice came at the right time! Oh, there is actually dipterocarp, this is a rare thing!"

Shopkeeper Tian did not show his sense of superiority in front of scholars, but only looked at Du Xing with a respectful smile on his face. At this time, Du Xing only heard Du Xing say: "Dipterocarpus is not often available, and we don't expect to receive it, so The price is undecided at this time. In this case, I will ask someone to go back and invite a doctor to come down and have a look at the quality of your product first, how about we negotiate a price?"

"Make it, make it!" In the face of this huge return, time is not so precious. Let alone waiting for an hour, so what if you wait overnight?The Dongshan Hotel in Liangshanbo is not only safe, but also very comfortable.

"Let's go, let's not wait here, go to the hotel for a drink first!" Du Xing invited.This Tian shopkeeper dared to sneak over to sell medicines when Gao Qiu's soldiers were approaching the city, he was no ordinary "supplier" and was worth making friends with.

Of course Shopkeeper Tian is also willing to establish a good relationship with the patron, and rushed to invite Du Xing to drink. Just as the two of them were heading to the hotel, Shopkeeper Tian suddenly yelled: "Xiucai!"

At this time, the scholar was memorizing the prices of various items before the announcement, and using this to judge the most scarce supplies in Liang Shanbo. He was surprised to find that the price of cattle was already unbelievably high, but Liang Shanbo was still trying to buy. What the hell is this?Could it be that the people on the mountain are addicted to eating beef to this extent?Can't miss a meal?

Hearing shopkeeper Tian's cry, he just came back to his senses, and saw an ugly man next to shopkeeper Tian looking at him, the scholar hesitated a little, could it be that he showed his flaws somewhere?

After pondering for a while, the scholar walked over quietly, and shopkeeper Tian introduced with a smile: "This is Chief Du Xingdu from Liangshanbo. If you want to make a fortune in the future, you must rely on Chief Du!"

When Xiucai heard this, he finally felt relieved. A jerky smile appeared on his originally serious face. Du Xing traveled all over the world and saw countless people. He knew from Shopkeeper Tian's tone that the two were not very related, and asked: " I'm afraid you're not in this line of business, sir?"

"I have taught the urchins in the village for half my life, and now I have seen through it. I can no longer make my wife and children suffer with me!" There was a trace of pain on the scholar's face, "So I want to come out and learn some ways to support my family, so I can follow the field. The shopkeeper is here!"

Du Xing was obviously very interested in this scholar, looked at him from top to bottom, and asked casually, "Would you like to vote for me, sir?"

This scholar obviously didn't expect that the other party would suddenly invite him to go up the mountain, what should he do?He quickly weighed gains and losses in his heart.

Seeing Xiucai hesitate, Shopkeeper Tian said from the side: "Xiucai, every other line is like a mountain. You are a scholar and want to be a businessman. You have no capital and no experience. It may not be as you imagined..."

The scholar suddenly glanced at shopkeeper Tian when he heard the words, and the flash of sharpness in his eyes made the businessman startled, just when he thought the boring gourd was about to get angry, he heard a timid voice: "You Liangshan heroes will do justice for the sky! , chivalrous and righteous, I am a down and out scholar, how can I help?"

"One must not belittle one's self. With the example of the head of my family, who dares to say that talents are useless?" Du Xing shook his head.If you say that there are several leaders who are scholars in the cottage, not to mention the demeanor of several great military advisers, but Wu Yong, who is also a professor of village studies, has an aura that is more than ten blocks away from the person in front of him. It seems that the person in front of him Not a great man.

"The leader is also a scholar? This is from Prime Minister Zhuge..." The performance of the scholar dropping his book bag made Du Xing estimate the weight of this person, and his enthusiasm retreated a little: "There used to be a special teacher in the village, so I met two sentence!"

"Where are these gentlemen now? Have they been reused? Is the leader going to take their place on the hill?" The scholar suddenly became active.

"Of course they are highly valued. Now everyone is an official... Sigh, what am I talking about with you? If you want to go up the mountain, I can recommend you!" I can't help but wonder, why can't I keep my mouth shut?

"If you are recommended by the leader, I am willing to go up the mountain!" The scholar has already seen that Du Xing has awakened, so he did not continue to talk, but very simply agreed to this offer, which made him "difficult to vote if you have a country, but hard to run if you have a family." The culprit's invitation. (to be continued~^~)

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