Water Margin Survival

Chapter 789 Your Father Was Betrayed

Cheng Wanli knew in his heart that it was impossible for Tong Guan, who was far away on the front line of Hedong, to echo back so quickly.However, waiting is undoubtedly a torment for him now.In just a few days, the threshold of the official minister's mansion was almost broken by countless lobbyists. Cheng Wanli felt that since he became an official, the pressure on him had never been as great as it is now.

Although the Cheng Mansion in the past was also a treasure in the eyes of many middle and lower-level officials, it is still not enough compared to the current scene full of canopies.Because at this time, everyone who dares to come to the door is a big shot who insists on his identity and wants to cover the process.

A kind-faced important minister came to the door one after another, and the official culture led by He Guangtongchen still looked moving at this time. Numerous pillars of the country analyzed for Cheng Wanli from various angles the benefits he would get after marrying a daughter.It's just that no one can understand his heart as a father at this moment.

Unlike other wealthy families who are full of children and grandchildren, he only has Wan'er as his precious daughter in Cheng Wanli, and he is also the only living relative of his daughter in this life.

For so many years, he has worked so hard to raise his daughter, how could he watch her go to Korea as a marriage partner and suffer?Fortunately, these people pinched their noses to coax their eyes, and said brazenly that they would go to promote the country's prestige and enjoy the happiness!Thinking about the twenty or thirty princesses under the official family, why did even the well-cultivated saint almost change color when they heard the request from the Korean people?If this is a good thing, Cheng Wanli is willing to let it go!

Just sending away batch after batch of people with various thoughts in such a numb manner, just when Cheng Wanli estimated that Tong Guan was about to reply.His house.Finally we have two special guests.

The first one was the newly appointed Shangshu Zuocheng Zhao Liangsi, who was also a minister with an obvious "children" label on his body, but in front of Cheng Wanli, he always had scruples about being close to each other.Therefore, a young man with an arrogant face standing behind him at this time perfectly complemented his shortcomings.

This son's name is Tong Shimin.

When Tong Guan came out to take charge of the Western Army, it was in order to win the general's heart.He deliberately adopted the orphan of a general who died in the Western Army as his adopted son.Thus, the child ushered in the biggest turning point in his life, transforming from a beggar to an adopted son of a powerful minister.

The current combination of these two people seems to have taken a lot of thought. In terms of relationship, Cheng Wanli is not as good as Tong Shimin, and in terms of weight in the court, Cheng Wanli is lighter than Zhao Liangsi.Therefore, when Cheng Wanli learned that these two came to the door together, his heart was half cold.

"Mr. has been working in Tokyo for several months, but the students have not come to visit. After my father found out about this, he severely reprimanded the students and told me to come and plead guilty to Mr. Tong!" .It's just that this demon king in chaos is not a kind person.Originally sincere words, in his mouth, a little less pious, but a little more arrogant.

"Master Shu is serious! Shi Min, come and sit down!" Cheng Wanli knew that the nature of this former "student" was completely coddled, so he dismissed him in a few words, and solemnly greeted Zhao Liangsi, saying: "Master Zhao assumes his new post. I haven't come to congratulate you yet. I don't want to ask Master Zhao to come to the humble house first. It's rude!"

"What did Cheng Shilang say? Why do we need to be so polite! It's just that I'm afraid I will cause trouble for Cheng Shilang when I come back this time!" Zhao Liangsi was quite frank, and he didn't know if it was because he belonged to Tong Guan's sect. As soon as he came up, he didn't hide his intention, and he got straight to the point.

Cheng Wanli smiled wryly and asked Zhao Liangsi to sit down without answering.Xiaohuan came up to pour tea for the guests, but Tong Shimin was a little fussy, Xiaohuan exclaimed, and the tea spilled all over the floor, Zhao Liangsi coughed dryly when he saw this, but Tong Shimin ignored him, obviously he didn't notice Zhao Liangsi Taking it to heart, she just teased and said: "Huan girl, where is my sister Wan'er? Why is her brother coming, and she doesn't come out to see her!"


Cheng Wanli slapped the table with a slap on the table, with a rare look of sternness in his eyes, Tong Shimin was taken aback. Wanli is different, everyone is from the Tongfu, if Tong Guan finds out, it will be hard, so he couldn't help but make a funny face, and waved at Xiaohuan embarrassingly.

"I can't even do things like pouring tea, why don't you back away quickly!" Cheng Wanli snorted coldly, and Xiaohuan backed away with tears in his eyes.Cheng Wanli cupped his hands towards Zhao Liangsi and said, "Children don't know how to be polite, Master Zhao will laugh at you!"

Zhao Liangsi returned the gift with a wry smile, saying that Cheng Wanli was a scholar, who would have thought that when they met this time, he made such side-splitting tricks that even the demon king of the world was stunned. It seems that today's conversation is difficult!

The two chatted a few gossips, Cheng Wanli asked: "I heard that Mr. Zhao is going to send an envoy to the Kingdom of Jin in the near future. If you dare to ask when he will leave, I will send you off when he arrives!"

Zhao Liangsi kept the mission of this trip in mind. Hearing the words, he said: "The entourage is complete, and the route is also determined. I will go to Hebei and board the ship to enter the sea via Binzhou. But I can't get out of this if I don't solve one thing. Tokyo City!"

If Cheng Wanli didn't know the meaning of Zhao Liangsi's words when he read the bald man in front of the monk, he would have spent so many years in vain.It's one thing to just guess the truth, quite another to accept it.Cheng Wanli tried his best to stabilize his ups and downs.

At this time, Zhao Liangsi put down the teacup in his hand, and said again: "Master Cheng, you and I will not talk nonsense. Shu pays a lot of attention to your letters, and you also know that he is difficult to leave on the Hedong front line." , so I specially ordered Shi Min and I to visit the door in person. I hope I can talk to you about your love's marriage!"

Cheng Wanli looked at Zhao Liangsi in front of him, and was a little terribly quiet.At any rate, for a person who has been in the officialdom for nearly 20 years, he had a very bad premonition from the beginning when these two people came to the door.

In the past, facing countless lobbyists, he was able to stick to the bottom line because he always held a life-saving straw tightly in his heart, so that he did not feel suffocated or embarrassed.

But since these two people with special identities came to the door, this life-saving straw, which he regarded as the last hope, also failed, and quietly stood on the opposite side of him.No one can understand his despair at this time. This kind of abandonment by the backer who has always believed in it is enough to overthrow a person's previous beliefs.

Zhao Liangsi paid close attention to the changes in the expression on Cheng Wanli's face, seeing that he was still so calm, he couldn't help but sighed secretly, he knew that this kind of thing was not thankful.Let’s not talk about whether you can’t do it, even if you can do it, people won’t appreciate you, they will just treat you as taking advantage of the fire.It's a pity that the Cheng family is related to the future relationship between Song and Koryo, and it also involves Tong Guan and his Zhao Liangsi's plan to destroy the Liao Dynasty. Since Tong Guan is not in front of him, he can only be the villain.

"As the saying goes, men should get married when they go to college, and girls should get married when they go to college. Your daughter has reached the age of marriage. Even if she doesn't marry Goryeo far away, she will marry someone sooner or later. An upright queen, it is clearly written in the memorabilia of the Koreans, and it is clear that His Majesty will use the seal in the future! This kind of destination is no less than marrying a prince in Tokyo! Master Cheng, this truth is actually unnecessary Let me relay it. If you keep covering like this, aren't you afraid that you will be taken advantage of by bandits in Liangshan in the future?"

Hearing the word "Liangshan", Cheng Wanli was startled suddenly, and looked at Zhao Liangsi incredulously. At this time, Tong Shimin couldn't control his mouth, "Sir, the matter between my sister and the leader of the Liangshan bandit Wang Lun, even The students have heard about it! It was not because of the father who suppressed it with one hand, so that the news would not leak out! It is also strange, my sister even looks down on me, why is her vision so shallow, she actually acted rebelliously against a Liangshan bandit? Take it easy... oh!"

Tong Shimin thought he caught Cheng Wanli's painful foot, but instead of being angry, Cheng Wanli laughed instead: "Even if my Cheng family's education is not strict, it is absolutely impossible for me to have a daughter who will marry a bandit!"

"It's good that Chenggong can think like this, but I don't worry too much about it! Chenggong, you also know the long-cherished wish of the Prime Minister. Now, Cheng Gong can fulfill the Prime Minister with just one raise of his hand, which can be regarded as repaying the favor of the Prime Minister for so many years of promotion. At that time, Ling Ai will be the queen of Koryo. If she is lucky, she will have a son within a year or two, and the prime minister will do her best to make him replace Wang Kai. The future ruler of Koryo will be Ye's grandson! "Zhao Liangsi followed the guidance, and by the way, even the address became a respectful title.

Time seems to be frozen at this moment, and Cheng Wanli is once again facing a dilemma in life.In the final analysis, the hesitant scholar who was desperate on the streets of Tokyo was really thanks to Tong Guan for helping him, otherwise he would not be where he is today.It's just that there are gains and losses in everything, and Cheng Wanli, who has achieved success and fame today, was forced to take out his daughter to repay this debt of favor.

"Mr. Zhao, Shi Min, my thoughts are too confused today. I have to seek my daughter's opinion on this matter. Tomorrow, no, within three days, I will give you an explanation!" Cheng Wanli didn't wait for the two to have any more Any words, already got up to see off the guests, Tong Shimin was still a little baffled, but Zhao Liangsi immediately got up and said:

"Zhao said something from the bottom of his heart. The Prime Minister's move is really... difficult to force others, but everything should be based on state affairs. I hope Cheng Gong will think twice!"

Tong Shimin's mouth was wide open, this, this fellow dared to criticize his father in front of him, this was definitely not discussed in advance!Well, well, this guy has the guts!A trace of haze disappeared in Tong Shimin's eyes, and Zhao Liangsi was remembered by him.

There was also a hint of surprise in Cheng Wanli's eyes, he never thought that Zhao Liangsi, who came to force a marriage, was also a character.In the end, Cheng Wanli sent the two of them out of the door, and after returning to the hall in a daze, he sat down on the main seat in a daze, secretly in a daze.

Tong Guan was his only support in Song Dynasty's official circles. If even Tong Guan turned against him, it seemed that his current situation would be worse than being besieged on all sides.Anyway, Xiang Yu still has Jiangdong to go back to, so how can Cheng Wanli have a way out?

The grandma and nanny knew that he was in a bad mood, so she never came to bother him.Cheng Wanli didn't know how long he had been sitting there, when he saw the dim sky outside the hall, a slender figure came out of the hall with a candle in his hand, Cheng Wanli didn't even think about it, he knew it was his daughter, and suddenly a helpless feeling of failure lingered In my heart, I only heard the Minister of the Ministry of Officials lament in front of his closest relatives:

"Girl, your father...was betrayed!" (To be continued~^~)

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