Water Margin Survival

Chapter 805 This Mountain, That Faction Are All Mine

Wang Lun's words obviously seemed to mean something, and General Lu's heart skipped a beat.The scene of Feng Xishen secretly persuading him not to stand out was still vivid in his memory, and it reminded him instantly of a gust of evil wind blowing from nowhere recently—it was rumored that General Lu would overshadow Wen Huanzhang in the limelight. .

However, after experiencing the initial indignation, when he really calmed down and thought about it carefully, he found that these rumors were not so much evil rumors as they were the most suspicious part of General Lu. It seems that it is not a fabrication.

Today, he, Lou Minzhong, Zu Shiyuan and his party are called the Six Sages of the South of the Yangtze River in the Liangshan Group. General Lu knows it well, after all, everyone knows that these five brothers were all recommended by him.It would be fine if these five people were just doing nothing and waiting to die, but in just half a year, among the five of them, there has already been a prefect (Lou Minzhong), two general judges (Zu Shiyuan, Shen Shou), and An "old" qualified county magistrate and a central governor of the Protectorate.

Looking back, General Lu suddenly discovered that these prominent figures, together with himself, implicitly occupied half of the entire Liangshanbo civil official group.

As soon as the outsider settles down, they make such a big commotion, which is actually very annoying.Fortunately, there is not much overlap between military generals and civil servants in Liangshan. At present, their attention is focused on the battlefield, so the veterans of the cottage have not spoken much. After all, their attention is concentrated on the king. Lun opened up a new horizon for them: in terms of opening up territories, they did not take care of, or disdain to pay attention to, the undercurrent surging in the civil society.

So, the immediate situation is grim.But fortunately it is not complicated.

but.At this time, although their six suspects (sages) could not attract the attention of the military leaders who dominated Liangshan, they could not be avoided by the civilian officials.At the very least, Feng Xi had some opinions on Chen Wenzhao and Tian Zhizhi.When people reach their level, nothing can be slapped with a slap.If there is a gap, it must be that both parties have some meaning for each other.Moreover, once people like them form an opinion, it is not clear in a few words.Perhaps until the day of death, certain knots formed intentionally or unintentionally may not be resolved.

In fact, people like Chen Wenzhao and Tian Zhizhi, no matter what their status was in the Song Dynasty in the past, they are newcomers when they go to Liangshan.But the bad thing is that even the newcomers who went up the mountain two days before them don't think they are "pleasing to the eye", so what about the other old people?Will there be an equally, if not more aggressive, attitude toward their rapid rise?

When you think about it deeply, things are no longer simple.

Perhaps because Wang Lun is a scholar, Liang Shanbo has always attached great importance to literati.Not to mention Wen Huanzhang, the No. [-] person with the most stable foundation in the cottage, the head of the four great military divisions, the heroes of the army like Lin and Lu, are also well-behaved in front of him.

What I want to say here is that, except for Wen Huanzhang.There is another character in the cottage that cannot be ignored.That was Xiao Rang, the sage scholar who had just clarified the position of prefect not long ago.This man was born and bred on Mount Liang, a civil official of pure blood, and has always been a reserve talent that Wang Lun tried his best to cultivate. Although he is now in Jeju Island, his influence on the Duhufu must not be underestimated.If he also has an opinion in his heart, Lu Jiang really doesn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this time.

Fortunately, at this moment, there is another person in front of General Lu who helps him relieve a lot of pressure. Qiu Xian, who is deeply valued by Wang Lun, is a detached faction. With a natural sense of intimacy, Wang Lun, who not only discovered him single-handedly, valued him very much.Wen Huanzhang, the chief civil servant in Liangshan, cared about him as if he was a nephew, and he was the number one celebrity in the civil affairs department of Liangshan.

However, if he was involved in the work of persuading more than 100 students from the Tokyo Taixue to surrender, Qiu Xian, a popular figure, might not be as powerful as Lu Future.

To be honest, General Lu is not an ambitious person, but that doesn't mean he has no vision. On the contrary, he has always had a broad vision and precise vision in the general direction.

These more than 100 students are almost the same as myself before, sitting on the edge of the officialdom, and now there is a great opportunity to realize their ambitions, and he, a successful senior, comes forward to persuade them to surrender It's really not difficult.However, things are often not as simple as they appear on the surface. Every time he wins over someone, the pressure on him will increase by one point.Maybe at a certain breaking point, it will completely overwhelm him.

After all, if five old acquaintances were brought in, it was rumored that they wanted to fight against Wen Huanzhang. If another hundred and eighty civil servants were brought in, wouldn't it be a farce to evade Wang Lun?

In good conscience, General Lu sincerely hoped that Liangshan would be strong and realize his life aspirations here, but he really did not expect that the water and soil would be so nourishing, and before he recovered, he had already grown into a towering tree. It has blocked the sunlight of many people, it seems that Xiao Xueshi Su has the troubles he had in the past, and now he is too cold at the heights!

Wang Lun didn't mean to urge him.After discovering that General Lu had entered a state of meditation, he knew that the right-hand man in front of him had fallen into a battle between heaven and man.After an embarrassing silence, Wang Lun felt that it was time for him to talk to General Lu. He took a sip of the strong tea made by Sun Ding, covered the cup and said, "Do you think that in the Song Dynasty In the imperial court, who is the most powerful?"

When Wang Lun suddenly brought up this topic, both General Lu and Qiu Qian were a little surprised, as if they had sensed the weight that enveloped General Lu, Qiu Qian opened his mouth first: "I'm afraid Cai Jing is under the official family!"

Wang Lun nodded towards Qiu Xian, then looked at General Lu with a smile, General Lu had no choice but to say, "Xiaosheng also thinks it's Cai Jing!"

"You are all wrong!" Wang Lun chuckled, looking at the two people who were ready to listen carefully, he said, "It is obviously the Da Sicheng (principal) of Taixue! Think about it, the government canceled the imperial examination, and the civil servants Seventy-eight out of ten came from Taixue, according to some outsiders, shouldn’t it be Da Sicheng who controls the government now?”

Qiu Yi laughed loudly when he heard this, and said, "My lord is funny!", but his eyes fell on General Lu. It turned out that the lord was going around to solve the knot in the heart of this dear friend!

Sure enough, General Lu's breathing gradually became short of breath after the initial surprise.Wang Lun's words were aimed at his worries.How could he not sense it?General Lu felt that a closed door of his heart was gently opened by external force like this. Since these taboo lords don't care, no matter how hypocritical he is, wouldn't it be a failure?At this time, he couldn't help but secretly regretted: "General Lu, general Lu, have you already wanted to protect yourself wisely before the career you have been looking forward to?"

In an instant, Lu Jiang showed a trace of shame on his face.Not long after, he stood up solemnly and said: "My lord, leave this matter to Xiaosheng!"

"I'll leave this matter to you, why should I worry?" Wang Lun chuckled, and stretched out his hand to greet General Lu to take his seat.This person is indeed loyal, courageous and responsible. If it is replaced by someone with more selfishness, even if you break the drum, he will not react in the slightest, and he will still be General Lu.You don't need a heavy hammer to beat the drum.

Wang Lun simply wanted to let General Lu unload his burden, and immediately asked for opinions in a deliberative tone: "The imperial court's bamboo sticks, if they are knocked down once, they may not be able to win the brand of Korea. This time More than 100 students have solved our urgent needs, but what should we do in the future? I mean, Liangshan needs to develop. In the end, we have to rely on ourselves to make blood! Matters about the imperial examination. Shouldn’t it be put on the agenda?”

Qiu Jianxian said that the sudden light in front of his eyes could be regarded as a thorough understanding of Wang Lun's brilliance. In fact, matters related to the imperial examination have been intensively planned by the Anton Governor's Mansion. As long as the imperial examination is held, talents from all over the world will The influx into Liangshan instantly changed the status quo of the Liangshan civil official group being the dominant one. It was certainly a fatal blow for careerists, but for the loyal ministers and righteous men in the true sense, wouldn't this be a relief?

As for General Lu's role in Wang Lun's mind.It was already obvious at this time: the lord chose this moment, and said in front of General Lu, even a fool could see that Wang Lun actually affirmed General Lu and helped him relieve pressure!

Sure enough, Qiu Xian found that Lu Jiang's expression at this moment was slightly different from just now. If Lu Jiang was moved before the lord brought up this topic, then there is gratitude in his eyes now.

After all, he is the hero who has subdued all the heroes of the three mountains and five mountains!I'm afraid General Lu will always remember this scene no matter where he goes in the future.Whether it is gratitude or deterrence, it depends on his own quality.

Due to innate reasons, Qiu Qian is definitely not as far-sighted as Wang Lun, but in his feeling, General Lu still cannot escape the category of good minister. Let me put forward some opinions on the matter: "My lord, we have a lot of immigrants now, but there are not many scholars. Is it a bit hasty to start the imperial examination so eagerly?"

"It is indeed a bit hasty, but it takes ten or eight years to cultivate a scholar. How can it be effective? Even if we are now popularizing county schools in all counties, there is too little time. But I always believe that reading can indeed increase knowledge, but Not all knowledgeable people have read books. Calmly, insight into the world is knowledge, human understanding and sophistication, that is, articles! I don’t believe that among the hundreds of thousands of immigrants, there is only a lack of understanding people!” Wang Lun waved He waved his hand and continued:

"It doesn't matter if you don't read a lot or even don't know how to read. You can make up for it in the future! We lowered the requirements of the previous imperial examinations. The written test can't reflect a person's ability. We can add another interview! In short , Talented people, try to invite them into our mechanism, if these people are allowed to complain, they will rebel against us!"

Qiu Xian laughed, and even General Lu laughed, the two of them had to laugh, after all, Wang Lun was making fun of himself!The officials obviously missed him, a sage in the field. I don't know how many people in the court have regretted their intestines because of this matter.

"My lord thinks so far, then I don't have anything to add!" Qiu Xian laughed.General Lu, who had adjusted his mentality, also said at this time: "There are no sages left, my lord wants to follow Tang Taizong as an example! No matter what, Xiaosheng will always follow in my lord's footsteps!"

"You can't just talk about it, you and Mr. Wen will have to work out the details in the end. Isn't it widely rumored that I'm a shopkeeper? I really don't want to worry about such trivial matters!" Wang Lun finished his sentence, and the three of them looked at each other. Laughing loudly, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became relaxed and bright, as if it indicated the bright and beautiful future of Liangshanbo.

Coincidentally, at the same time that the government and people in Liangshanbo were flourishing, Song Dynasty, thousands of miles away, also had an old "friend" of Wang Lun, who also ushered in the pinnacle of his life. (to be continued~^~)

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