Water Margin Survival

Chapter 821 No one is idle

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It is said that people who go against the current usually hold a straw tightly in their palms when they encounter a straw, commonly known as "life-saving straw".It's hard to imagine that at such a life-threatening moment, someone would put on a thick thigh and not hug it!Although, this thigh is full of stench that makes them feel disgusted in their hearts.

In fact, the Koreans have always been full of contradictions in their perception of the Jurchens: they both despise each other's barbarism and fear each other's barbarism.This is exactly the same as their attitude when they faced the newly rising Khitan people.

Although Xiao Jiasui never caught the messenger who broke out from the city and went north for help, he could vaguely feel that the situation was gradually developing in an unreasonable direction.

Although the Koryo frontier army and the Liangshan East Route Army fought very lively, but as the general situation passed, the frontier army chose to surrender with a sense of current affairs.But Gong Qi and his group behaved extremely abnormally, they neither left the city for a decisive battle nor offered the city to surrender, just wasting their lives in the siege.Logically speaking, even if Gong Qi is waiting to die alone, there is really no reason why the whole city would willingly accompany him in the burial.

Not to mention dying for the country, since Xiao Jiasui set foot on this magical land, he has never met a native who has done so.In the end, Xiao Jiasui fell into the initial confusion again: what bargaining chip can Gongqi offer to give hope to his believers?

With this question in mind, Xiao Jiasui couldn't sleep all night, but considering that he would be required to take command of the next day's battle, Xiao Jiasui slept in his clothes. For an hour or two.

The waking hours are undoubtedly difficult, but the sleeping hours are fleeting.It felt like Xiao Jiasui, who had just closed his eyes, was woken up by the soldiers. It turned out that the fifth watch had just passed.

Xiao Jiasui squeezed the Jingming acupoint on the corner of his eyes, then got up and washed his face with cold water, and after feeling a little clearer, he did another set of fists and kicks outside the tent.

Looking at the outline of the fortified city shrouded in the pitch-black night, Xiao Jiasui, who had regained his energy, had a look of determination on his face.He is very clear that what he has to do today and must do well is to take down the northern barrier of the future Seoul!

Almost instantly, the energetic and decisive disease pharmacist returned.

After having breakfast with the soldiers of the battalion directly under the Chinese Army, Xiao Jiasui ordered all the troops to act according to the plan established last night.At the same time, the messengers were ordered to release flying pigeons as soon as the city was broken, and notify the friendly forces north of Pyongyang to pay attention to intercepting the defeated soldiers.In fact, at this moment, Xiao Jiasui understood better than anyone else that Liang Shanjun's desperate decision at this time was a prudent decision after countless foreshadowings, and it was definitely not a bet on the illusory fate with the defenders.

The sky finally became gray and bright.

The Shenji Army's bombardment again announced the beginning of today's decisive battle.

The tired soldiers who had been bombarded all night near the city wall began to retreat, but the team that switched defenses with them was not much better than them mentally.After more than a month of fighting, who didn't know that the Song army used a variety of tricks to attack the city, and all kinds of unheard of weapons emerged one after another?At this moment, no one dared to say with confidence that I will return safely today.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when the two armies were changing defenses, the Song army's overwhelming stone bomb attack once again bloomed gorgeous stone flowers on the city wall. , or a fall after losing consciousness.

Unlike all the intermittent bombardment before, this bombardment lasted for half an hour, and there is no intention of stopping yet.Many recruits from the Heavenly Loyalty Army had broken through the critical point of endurance, and there was a wail of wailing from above the city wall, each begging for the protection of their own gods.It's a pity that this is war, and it will never be diverted by human will.

After about a cup of tea, the Song army artillery who tossed the city wall into a mess finally stopped.But the defenders on the city wall did not get a chance to breathe, because the Song army launched a rare full-line attack in front of the east, west, and north sides of the city.

Facing such a battle that they had never seen before, those instant generals in the fresh Dawei Kingdom were in a panic. How could they care about such a big taboo at this time?Anyway, it seems that there are not many Song army infantry under Nancheng, but this one also came to ask for help, and that one also came to mobilize troops. He only knew that all the troops he could mobilize were piled up on the city wall that he was defending, and he had already fallen into a rampage without thinking about his head. state.

No one wants to be short-sighted, but when faced with great pressure, they can't help but think about everything.The most direct disadvantage of doctors with headaches and feet is that when the defenders in the south were caught off guard by the Song army that suddenly came out of the ground, it was already too late to call back the troops to nip the crisis in the bud.

Xie Zhen and Xie Bao were not considered masters in Liangshanbo, but in front of these loyal soldiers sent by heaven with no background, there was almost no enemy in front of them, and they became an insurmountable line of defense for the defenders who had changed positions.With the two of them guarding the exit of the tunnel, he led a group of men and horses in peace and rushed towards the city gate closest to his position.

The only thing the Heavenly Loyalty Army can rely on is the city wall.If they lost the city wall, their combat power would actually be inferior to the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty.At this time, the brothers of the Xie family can all show their might in front of the loyal army dispatched by heaven, not to mention the fierceness, that posture is simply like a god blocking and killing a god, and a Buddha blocking and killing a Buddha, just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, forcibly splitting There was a bloody path.

When he led his brothers to the south gate, the forwards in charge of Ma Jun's support had long been impatient, and when the city gate opened, Xu Ning and Zhang Qing, two veteran Liangshanpo troops, roared into the city.

From shelling to entering the city, everything was under Xiao Jiasui's prediction and control, and all the teams were proceeding with the plans they made before the battle in an orderly manner.Only Ma Shijun, who was in charge of roaming the four cities, was relatively free for the time being.Because there are a total of four people in this team, namely Ma Zheng and Lieutenant General, and on average, one person is in charge of one city wall.

Pang Wanchun was in charge of the guerrilla attack in Beicheng, which was the attack area of ​​the Goryeo servant army, and the order he received was to feign an attack to hold back the opponent. It is said that the battle was not so intense.However, based on his observations from city to city, this group of servants is really not just pretending to be perfunctory. The ferociousness surprised him, and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of ecstasy Shi Wengong gave them. ?

However, it is a pity that the area that the Shenji Army focuses on is not the North City, so the loss of the defenders here is not too large. In addition, the defenders continue to mobilize reinforcements from the city, which has caused the two sides to be in a stalemate. Although there were a few places on the dots and dots that were attacked by the servants, it was a pity that the attackers were still unable to expand the results of the battle, and they were even in danger of being eaten by the opponent.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the defenders on the top of the city rushed towards the road like a landslide. Pang Wanchun was overjoyed when he saw this, looked around and said, "Nancheng must have succeeded!"

Not long after he was happy, his brows frowned. It turned out that tens of thousands of servants were dispatched, not even the reserve team, and they all rushed to the city wall with all their lives. The head of the city? The people inside are preparing to break out of the siege, are they blind!?"

"Go! Stop this group of people, as many as you can! Just say it's my order, order them to cooperate with my troops in sniping and capture prisoners!" Even if the north is the key guerrilla area predetermined by Ma Shijun, Pang Wanchun There are only four battalions of cavalry soldiers and one battalion of auxiliary soldiers. Although they account for nearly [-]% of the headquarters' combat power, they are still a bit stretched in the face of the ten-mile city wall and four or five city gates.

Pang Wanchun knew that the servants had no guts to disobey orders, so he led more than a hundred cavalry to gallop back and forth on the battlefield. He didn't use magic arrows because of his skills, but just kept a close eye on the situation and adjusted his orders at any time.

It is said that when Pang Wanchun passed through an inconspicuous and remote city gate, he happened to meet a group of civilians who escaped from the city, followed by hundreds of defenders wielding knives and guns.

When Pang Wanchun saw this situation, his chivalry was immediately aroused, and he saw the hundred cavalry elite soldiers rushing towards the defenders who were chasing the civilians.Surprisingly, this group of pursuers didn't meet Song Jun at all, they turned around and ran towards the city, it seemed that they had no special purpose in chasing this group of people, just because of inertia.

Since he saved the lives of these civilians, Pang Wanchun didn't bother to "hide and seek" with the defenders. He just got out of the way for the civilians to escape. When Pang Wanchun casually looked at the grateful people, his left eye jumped suddenly and he shouted: "Wait!"

The chief general spoke, and a dozen or so cavalry tacitly blocked the way of this group of people, and the others also scattered around the group of civilians, cutting off their retreat.

When these civilians saw this, they all looked innocently at the Song army around them, babbling and arguing for something, Pang Wanchun sneered, looked around and said: "The group of people are all young and middle-aged, could it be that the defenders took off their armor and pretended to be Let me search carefully, I want to see what kind of big fish is in the middle of such a big show!"

After Pang Wanchun finished speaking, he personally joined the search team. Although this group of civilians looked weird, they really didn't have weapons, money or other suspicious items on them. Pang Wanchun walked around the crowd and suddenly sneered. , took out a portrait from his bosom, threw it on the ground, no one looked at it, and said to the air: "You have a good trick! You think that if you invite so many people to play with you, the master will definitely be fooled ?”

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and many civilians turned their heads to look at the most inconspicuous man in the crowd intentionally or unintentionally. The man couldn't hold back any longer. He bent down to pick up the portrait on the ground, and when he picked it up, it turned out to be his own appearance. , and immediately stopped pretending, and cursed in Song dialect:

"This is heaven's death, it's not a fault of war! The state of Song is not benevolent, and heaven will attack it on my behalf! Even if Emperor Song's fate is great, you people, including the Wang Lun thief, as long as the Song people on this land, All will be buried for me!"

Pang Wanchun's heart skipped a beat when he first heard this person calling himself "Zhen". In fact, he was cheating just now to see if he could cheat two big fish. After all, no matter how exquisite the portrait is, it is not a photo of later generations, let alone Gong. It may be that the dress in the portrait appeared to break through, which brought great obstacles to the arrest work.Unexpectedly, this guy actually admitted it himself!Pang Wanchun had no choice but to express his extreme admiration for this person's IQ, and secretly sighed: "Could it be that I really missed my fate?"

It turned out that it was only a year since the last time he captured Gao Qi alive.

Seeing that Pang Wanchun's attention was not on him at all, Gong Qi, who was hysterical, couldn't help but feel a sense of being underestimated. A person like him, who is used to being surrounded by stars, can't tolerate his opponent even if he is a prisoner. A trace of contempt suddenly roared angrily:

"Don't think that if you have the upper hand, I will be helpless! No one in this world will obediently wait to die, and no one is idle! To tell you the truth, even if I die, someone will avenge me! When the time comes, you Everyone must die, no matter how much land they have annexed, they will all have to be spit out by me in the end!"

Hearing this, Pang Wanchun was instantly taken aback. He is also a delicate person. Seeing that this guy didn't look like the kind of stern and soft-hearted man who was talking big and looking for trouble before he died, he couldn't help but shouted and asked: "You dog thief, what's wrong with you?" conspiracy?!"

Gong Qi was finally satisfied, and when he managed to get the other party's attention, he refused to speak any more.He just gritted his teeth, no matter how much Pang Wanchun asked, he would rather die than speak.

It's just that the look of resentment in this guy's eyes and the inexplicable confidence in this guy made Pang Wanchun feel that something was wrong. Could it be that there was really an unknown conspiracy brewing? (to be continued~^~)

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