Water Margin Survival

Chapter 823 Jeju Island Tragedy

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This is not Lei Heng's first escape, but it is definitely the most special escape in his life.Because at this moment, he didn't even know who the person who wanted to take his life was.

For a moment, Lei Heng even suspected Zhu Dian's head.He was deeply terrified, and wondered if Zhu's conversation was an out-and-out conspiracy.

But he quickly denied his suspicion.What kind of person Zhu Tong is, he still has his own perception!Even if Wang Lun wanted to kill him, Zhu Dian would not just sit idly by, let alone help others to murder him!It has to be said that if even Zhu Ting sold out his friends in the world, the word friend would have no meaning in existence.

Negating this guess, what is the origin of this group of people who ambushed halfway?

Could it be that Zhu Dian didn't know that these people were sent by Wang Lun?After all, Lei Heng was born as a public servant, and he has seen countless files, so he knows that what he and Zhu Dian said tonight is enough to constitute the motive of the other party to kill and silence.However, if it is inferred like this, there are still a few places that cannot be explained.

After all, it has been less than an hour since he and Zhu Dian finished their conversation, so how can Wang Lun's order be issued from Seoul Mansion?It doesn't make sense in terms of time!You must know that homing pigeons cannot cross the sea, and the communication between the two sides of the strait depends entirely on the navy. Even if the conversation between him and Zhu Ting was eavesdropped, it is nonsense to arrange an assassination in such a short period of time.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the order to assassinate is very likely not issued by the Hancheng Mansion, but from the Prefect's Mansion, but his leaving the city tonight is purely on a temporary basis. In town for the night.If Xiao Rang is not crazy, he is a complete idiot if he still mobilizes large-scale troops to ambush him on the official road after getting the news of the detailed work from the Zhu Mansion.

More importantly, assassination does not use a crossbow instead of a bow, it is as amateurish as a rich man who kills people.Even though he had a deep prejudice against Wang Lun, he still had to admit Liang Shanbo's professionalism in military operations.

What is the origin of this gang of traitors?

Lei Heng's mind was in a mess, and he secretly thought that this is an isolated island facing the sea!It has always been operated by Liang Shanbo as the most stable rear area. What threats can there be around?

It is said that the Goryeo Kingdom in the north of the island has become the possession of Liangshan, while the east of the island is a closed island country. I heard that the nobles in the country are generally obsessed with ghosts and ghosts, and even going out is a day. Moreover, they are extremely inactive in foreign affairs. During the two or three years since Liangshan went to the island, the two sides have never had contact.

Apart from these two places, Lei Heng's heart suddenly "thumped", and now only Da Song in the west is the most suspicious... Could it be?

When this idea came up, Lei Heng felt that his arm didn't hurt so much. Although he didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment, his uninjured right hand honestly began to turn the horse's head, and the BMW was galloping at a high speed when he sat down. , was immediately disrupted by the rider's subconscious movements, if it wasn't for the fact that the horse was a good one, Lei Heng might have been overthrown on the spot.

"It's so difficult for this bastard to turn his head back, but is it really that easy for me, Lei Heng, to turn his head back?" Lei Heng, who was still in shock, couldn't help but realize, "I think it's safe for me to be a head in Yuncheng, and I asked Yasi to fall into the green forest for no reason It’s good now, but he himself has been cleansed, which makes me so miserable! If I vote for Song Dynasty now, Wang Lun will definitely not allow it. In the best case, Zhu Dian will have to guarantee his life. I owe Zhu Dian really... ...No, brother is in danger!"

Lei Heng slapped his head suddenly, scolding himself for being dirty, what time is it, and he only thinks about himself!You must know that no matter what special meaning this group of people has to him, they must be Zhu Ding's enemies!If they were asked to take over the city overnight, even if Zhu Dian did not die in the hands of the enemy, Liangshan Military Judiciary would not be able to explain it!What's more, his own mother is still in the city, even if the Song army does not harm the people, who can guarantee that the old mother will not be troubled in the chaos?

Thinking of the safety of these two closest people, even thinking about voting for Song, Lei Heng's cold sweat still flowed down involuntarily, and suddenly the balance in his heart finally fell to the power he belongs to now.As for the imperial court that intends to seek refuge, at least...I'm sorry tonight!

When he almost gritted his teeth and made up his mind, he stopped hesitating and urged his horse to set off again, galloping on the official road.

He knew that turning a corner not far ahead was the resettlement of the Korean royal family on Jeju Island, which was built on a high ground not far from the coast. Wang Lun once called this complex "sea view houses".

The reason why Lei Heng went to Wang Yu's residence this time was not because he cared about his life and death, but because there were two hundred soldiers belonging to the Jeju Island branch of the garrison here.Wang Lun has never intended to clean up this group of Korean royal families, and even recently sent Wang Yu's father-in-law Li Ziqian to his family for a reunion.

Because these Koreans have always been very obedient, the work of the defenders is very easy.

However, when Lei Heng came here this time, he didn't expect the two hundred defenders to follow him to put down the rebellion.After all, some people are dogs when they are locked up, but they become wolves when they are released.If he forcibly withdraws the defenders, and then makes the Korean royal family run away, this responsibility is not something he can bear on the shoulders of a winged tiger.

Therefore, when he came here this time, he just wanted to use the carrier pigeons in their hands to send out the news of the enemy's attack as soon as possible, so that Zhu Dian would be on guard.With this idea of ​​warning his brothers, Lei Heng didn't even have time to pull out the arrow on his left arm all the way, just to compete with the Song army who landed on the island.

Who would have thought that when he arrived at his destination, the scene he saw next made him tremble uncontrollably as if he had been poured with ice water for three or nine days.

At this moment, he knew better than anyone else that his reaction was not fear, but anger.

Because, he has stepped into the hell on earth, and the corpses seem to be floating on the sea of ​​blood.

Lei Heng really wanted to find someone to live and ask what happened here. Unexpectedly, the chests of all the victims were basically stabbed by those beasts. Whether they were members of the Korean royal family or the defenders who died bravely, they all lay down in a pool of blood. At this time, there is no one who is panting.What is even more exasperating is that the armor of the defenders was stripped off by the invaders.

Lei Heng was not reconciled, and crashed into the back rooms from the courtyard, but the situation inside was even more difficult to see. Most of the dead were royal family members, most of them were not clothed, and they even kept all kinds of humiliating clothes. Posture, die without dignity.Lei Heng can be regarded as a gentleman who has seen too many ugly faces, but when faced with such a scene, his stomach kept churning, and he almost vomited out on the spot.

After looking at five or seven wing rooms, the courtyard behind was no longer in the mood to investigate. Lei Heng just staggered back to the courtyard and began to inspect the intruders who died under the sword of the guards.

These corpses have many common characteristics, that is, the limbs, especially the short legs, are thick, but the stature is generally short.Most of the corpses were probably not even the height of Lei Heng's chin.Ninety-nine percent of the dead were covered with simple armor, which can be seen from the fact that the number of dead was far greater than that of the defenders.

However, it is very strange that Lei Heng did not find the weapons brought by the dead invaders. All the dwarves had complete armor, but none of the weapons remained, so they should have been taken away by living people.On the contrary, the defenders' weapons other than bows and arrows were scattered everywhere, and there were many spears that were broken in two. Lei Heng was an expert at using knives, and secretly estimated that the mainstream weapon of this group should be knives. .


Lei Heng cursed angrily. At this moment, his heart was overwhelmed. Even if he was half-hearted towards Liang Shanbo, he was at least a Song person. Facing the sneak attack and massacre scene of alien dwarves, he was completely outraged!If he hadn't found the defender's pigeon coop to inform Xushi and Tamluo counties, he wouldn't want to stay in this purgatory place.


When the group of pigeons with blood books tied to their legs disappeared into the dark sky, Lei Heng also returned to his mount. It stands to reason that he has fulfilled his duty and his heart is not on Liang Shan, so he should be relieved at this time .Unexpectedly, not only was he not relieved, but he felt that he couldn't swallow the breath no matter what. He pondered for a while, got on his horse and galloped away to the racecourse.

"Open the door, open the door quickly! I've never been blind, I'm Lei Heng!" Xu Shi was stimulated before he calmed down, and Lei Heng's attitude became a little rough.The little boss on duty at night looked puzzled at the guard who was usually busy with his head. After thinking about it, he finally didn't retort.

Unexpectedly, he didn't look for trouble, but trouble found him.I saw that nameless Lei Shoubei raised his nose and put his face up, and shouted against the little boss: "Call me all the officers who are in charge of the army and above the deputy envoy to the inspection hall! I have soldiers and horses in this county." The general order of the prison will be announced!"

The first sentence is horizontal, but the second sentence has to be cheated.It's no wonder that Lei Hengtangtang has no prestige as a defender, it's because he dug too many holes for himself, and he couldn't even climb out.Wang Lun gave Zhu Dian the right to recommend the commander of the ten battalions under his command, but Lei Heng could only use the old man left behind by Deng Fei.If the other leaders of Liang Shanbo came over to take over, these old Deng Fei troops would not make things difficult, but who called Lei Heng?

Sure enough, seeing that there was a general in charge of the army and horses in the county, the little boss swallowed his anger and took the order to report.It didn't take long for twenty or thirty sleepy-eyed officers to rush to the viewing room, apparently most of them were woken up from sleep.

However, Lei Heng's first words woke them up.It’s okay to be unconscious, Lei Heng’s posture is clearly intended to rebel: "Assemble the team urgently, and I will tie up all the grooms in the racecourse!"

"Lei Shoubing, please show the military order of the army commander in this county!"

The one who questioned Lei Heng first was the commander of the First Battalion of the Racecourse Defenders, Deng Fei's old subordinate, and I heard that the Seoul Army Ma Si had already coordinated with the soldiers of the Protectorate's Mansion, and wanted to transfer him to Seoul to take up his post.

How could Lei Heng come up with any general order? No matter how good Zhu Tun had a good relationship with him, it was impossible for him to treat political affairs as a trifle.However, Lei Heng also had a trick, and he untied the rags that bound his shoulders, revealing the bloody wounds, and said to everyone:

"When I was rushing back from Xushi City overnight, I was attacked by a group of unknown people on the road! My two companions must have died on the official road, and even I was shot by an arrow. I know that you usually disobey me, but this The gang of thieves has already gone to Xushi City to kill, if I can't move you old men, then I will go and avenge the two hundred dead brothers guarding Wang Yu by myself, and you just wait to collect the corpses for me!" (Unfinished To be continued~^~)

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