Water Margin Survival

Chapter 827 Even a piece of toilet paper has its uses

Of course Tian Hu is not dead.However, death is not far away.

The dilemma facing him now is: there is the Yellow River in front of him, there are pursuers behind him, and there is nowhere to turn to!To say that it was the first time in Tian Hu's life that he felt so close to death.

"Where's the boat!? There's such a big Yellow River, why can't you even find a big boat! Taiwei, you must find a way to get me a boat and go first!" The manic Tian Hu could no longer maintain the attitude of a false emperor , before the philosophical question of whether to live or die, he only has instinct.

"Your Majesty, three batches of soldiers have been sent to look for a ship, but there is really none..." Fang Xuedu lowered his head. Some things cannot be changed out of thin air. immortal.

"Sun Li and Mu Hong who killed thousands of swords! I regard them as my confidants, but they regard me as a stepping stone to take refuge in the faint king, turn around and become the vanguard of the foolish king, and drive their old masters to run away. What do you say? Is there such an ambitious subordinate in the world! Damn it, I have already said that the people who follow Song Jiang to sneak in are not good people, let me chop Cai Qing and Cai Fu first! Then send orders to the three armies, and turn back to these gangs The thief is fighting!"

Looking at the turbid torrent of the Yellow River in front of him, Tian Hu suddenly had the idea of ​​jumping off and killing everything.But he is not reconciled, not reconciled to the collapse of the empire he created, not reconciled to his emperor's dream, he has not been enough to wake up.

Fang Xuedu didn't move, he just looked at his lord quietly.At this time, it doesn't matter whether the Cai brothers are killed or not, although these two poor bastards who didn't know Song Jiang's treachery died in such a daze, and they would definitely turn into ghosts.

As for Tian Hu's desire to come back with a deadly net, it's not been a day or two since he said this, but he staggered and fled from Hedong to Hebei?Now the road to the Xia Kingdom in the west has been blocked by the rebels Song Jiang and Song Jun. To the Liao to the north is to drink poison to quench thirst, and to the south is to throw oneself into a trap. There is no other choice but to go east.

"Your Majesty, at this juncture, the army is thankful for protecting His Majesty and fleeing. How can we force them to fight to the death?"

Fang Xuedu sighed bitterly, there were fewer and fewer people following Tian Hu along the way, and defection to the enemy has become the norm.I think that when they fled from Xinzhou, Tian Hu still had hundreds of thousands of troops around him, and with the 8 soldiers and horses who came from Daizhou to meet up, the army was still in good order.Unexpectedly, he went all the way to the state and crossed the government, and when he came to Shenzhou, Hebei, there were less than [-] horses around Tian Hu, and more than half of them fled.

Moreover, among these fugitives, there were not a few who wanted to sell Tian Hu's head for a good price.Fortunately, there are three catties of nails on the rotten ship, Tian Hu still has a chance to see people, at least the eight mighty generals he personally appointed have always been loyal.

With 6 direct descendants of the imperial guards escorting Tian Hu, Tian Hu was not beheaded in a daze, but the tortuous escape route of nearly a thousand miles made Tian Hu's most elite guards overwhelmed. The establishment was abruptly worn down to only half of the troops left.

At this time, other sergeants who fled with Tian Hu, apart from three to five thousand gangsters with complicated composition, the remaining majority were the imperial court troops under Commander Feng Mei and Bi Sheng.It is also ironic to say that although Tong Shumi envoy representing the imperial court wanted to surrender and accept rebellion in Hedong, none of these former imperial court officers and soldiers dared to return to the imperial court.

Tong Guan seems to have completely abandoned these old ministries. The green forest troops who surrendered can be pardoned and promoted, but what awaits these imperial rebels who have been paid by the army is to vent their anger and kill.Tong Guan seems to use two completely different attitudes to prove to the world that enemies will never be hated like traitors.

At any rate, with the support of these two forces, Tian Hu stumbled to this day, but at this moment, he felt that his path had come to an end.

"Your Majesty, now that things have come to an end, instead of turning back and fighting for your life with these two villains, Sun Li and Mu Hong, it is better to turn south..." Fang Xuedu made another suggestion, but before he could finish his sentence, Tian who was furious Tiger interrupted:

"Xiangnan? He bumped into the arms of Wang Zhi? Didn't you hear the wind that Xixia's dead cavalry were all folded in his hands. This guy is even more difficult than Sun Li. You want me to go suicide!?"

After being reprimanded by Tian Hu, Fang Xuedu's face was difficult, but he still spoke cautiously: "If we don't turn to the south, it will be difficult for us to explain to the brothers! I think we lied to them that Liangshan would take us in. They just hit this deep state all the way, if His Majesty doesn't give them any hope, the team might mutiny!"

"Enough! I don't want to hear such words again! Where is the fast horse we sent to Liangshan? Why hasn't there been any news to send it back?" Tian Hu once again interrupted Fang Xuedu's words roughly.

"Your Majesty, it's all due to my being too short-sighted and messing up Hebei. Now that we are in trouble, how many people want to deal with us? Now we have fewer and fewer people leaving the team alone. It's not a good thing! That's because the officers, soldiers and people in all states and counties are waiting for us with their eyes wide open. Once our deserters are singled out, they will definitely die on the way before seeing Tong Guan's crusade army. These The local officers and soldiers and grassroots don’t care about rewarding money three times for one person’s head. Which of the brothers who fled here with us has no family background? They want to vent their anger and make money at the same time!”

On the surface, Fang Xuedu was doing a self-criticism, but in fact he understood what he meant. Liang Shanbo's attitude didn't matter.

Tian Hu seemed to understand it, and was so angry that he couldn't really tell Fang Xue how to do it!After holding back for a long time, Fang said: "Go down and find Qiao Lie! I want him to set off immediately to drink Machuan, and tell that flying eagle Li Ying that if they want to watch me die, then Hua Monk Lu Zhishen Master Zhizhen, the old monk, and a group of bald donkeys in Wenshu Monastery in Wutai Mountain, Daizhou, will all become ghosts under the knife! I have nowhere to go, and I don’t mind a few more people accompanying me on the road to Huangquan, I will personally rescue them of!"

"Your Majesty, absolutely not! Does Wang Lun have the temperament to be coerced by others? No matter what, we can only ask softly! Daoist Qiao is our last hope!" The scene in Zhouzhou made me tremble in my heart, and immediately tried to persuade Tian Hu.

"Don't worry, I can still hold back my breath. As long as I can save my life, what's the point of being humiliated?" Tian Hu finally softened, and the hysteria he felt when he felt hopeless was overwhelmed by the glimmer of life he created. Life and life healed.

Fang Xuedu sighed, turned around and walked away. In fact, he was as clear as a mirror in his heart. If Liang Shan wanted to make a move, he would have done it long ago, so why wait until today?Ninety-nine out of ten this time there is still no hope.But there is suffering. They know that things are hopeless, but they still have to place hope.Because, the only person in the world today who has the strength and courage to save them is Wang Lun.

Just when Fang Xuedu and Tian Hu had nowhere to go, unexpectedly at this moment, strange things happened.

Fang Xuedu hadn't gone to find Qiao Daoqing yet, but instead saw Qiao Daoqing come to the door by himself. What's even more strange was that the Taoist priest was accompanied by Tian Hu's father-in-law, Fan Quan.If Fang Xuedu didn't know well that Fan Quan had recommended Qiao Lie who was still in prison to go to Liangshanbo, even if he was killed, he wouldn't be able to connect these two people with very different personalities.

Suddenly seeing Tian Hu "pretending to try" on the cliff of the river bank, Fan Quan's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly shouted from a long distance: "My son-in-law, my son-in-law, we are saved, we are saved!"

For a person like Tian Hu, worrying about him committing suicide is undoubtedly unfounded. Sure enough, Tian Hu turned around at the first moment, with a funny expression on his face, even "Zhen" panicked, "Taishan! Who will save me?" I!"

"My son-in-law! Don't panic, don't panic, just listen to me slowly!" Fan Quan was so proud. Although he is Tian Hu's father-in-law, he is like a grandson in front of him on weekdays. He has never heard him call "Tarzan"?Thanks to the blessing of "going online" today, I finally feel proud!

"Old Taishan, please tell me! No matter what, we must save the lives of your daughter and son-in-law!" Tian Hu said in a hurry.

"Ah good! My son-in-law, don't panic! I will tell you some shocking news first!" Fan Quan seemed to enjoy this state very much, coping with it with his mouth, but he was not in a hurry.

When Tian Hu saw that Fan Quan served it instead, he almost got old and scolded the old man.But seeing Fang Xuedu waved his hands again and again when he came back, he finally held back, "Master Taishan, let's just say it!!"

Fan Quan was very proud of himself, but there was a mysterious expression on his face, and finally he didn't put on a show anymore: "This guy Wang Qing has been recruited by the court!"

Tian Hu has been chased wildly during this period of time, and he is in danger. How can he know the news?The immediate reaction was disbelief, thinking that Fan Quan was making fun of him, and when he was about to explode, he suddenly heard another piece of news from Fan Quan, which immediately aroused his survival instinct.

"Besides Liangshan, don't we have nowhere to go to now? My son-in-law, I miss your father-in-law and I know two people in the rivers and lakes! It is said that Wang Qing's right-hand man who trafficked smuggled salt on the Yellow River will be in danger. Zhaode, that is my old acquaintance! It is said that the soft-boned Wang Qing took refuge in the court, but he did not want to accompany him, so he has been doing business on the Yellow River. Now when I see the old man, I am in trouble, so I specially brought all the boats under my command, and He robbed the official ships of several surrounding state capitals, and came to rescue them specially!"

"Taishan! You are really my savior! You call him here. I, Tian Hu, have been paying attention to repaying kindness all my life. It is definitely very meaningful to him! As long as he helps me escape this catastrophe, my Tian Hu will surely have a good life!" Thank you very much!" Tian Hu almost jumped up in dismay, it seems that he is really blessed by the emperor, there is no unparalleled road!

Fan Quan grabbed the oil head that could wash half a pot of mud, but kept looking at Qiao Daoqing who came with him, as if the next words were quite difficult to say, and wanted to pass on the hot potato.Unexpectedly, since Qiao Daoqing called over, he refused to say a word, and at this moment he was still standing still, and he didn't know what the purpose of his coming together was.Fan Quan was so angry that he cursed secretly in his heart, "Aren't you the same as Lao Tzu, who already fucked up with Liangshan, why are you still pretending to be a loyal martyr here!"

Cursing in my heart, I cursed in my heart, but this Qiao Lie was so valued by the "online", and Fan Quan didn't dare to squeeze him too much, lest he would dig a hole for himself in the future, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "My son-in-law, in front of you, I'll do it for you." Tell the truth! This dangerous Zhaode has too much appetite, I'm afraid you can't afford it as a good son-in-law!"

No matter how stupid Tian Hu was, he could still understand what the father-in-law said, and immediately opened his eyes wide with anger: "He wants to eat me?!"

Fan Quan coughed dryly, and said: "He found an island in the open sea near the mouth of the Yellow River, and he is currently recruiting troops. He has a lot of tricks. He has made a deal with me. If the son-in-law is willing to vote for him, he will protect you Escape this calamity!"

"Damn! It's really a tiger in Pingyang being bullied by dogs, all kinds of cats and dogs bullying me! When the Emperor Xixia wanted to crack the earth and seal me up, I didn't go! What kind of bird is this Wei Zhaode, I have never heard of his name before, How dare you ask me to vote for him?!" Tian Hu was really angry, and it was not an act of lowering the price created during bargaining.

"Yes, yes, the old man also complains that he is not authentic. You are my son-in-law. If I am not toward you, whom? I will go and bring him back. Let's still go to Liangshan!" Fan Quan showed a look of substitute Hu beat the injustice, turned around and left after speaking, leaving Tian Hu on the spot.

"Wait!" Tian Hu made a difficult decision, and finally stopped the father-in-law. He was as clear as a mirror in his heart. Now where is Liangshan to rely on?

"Son-in-law, I actually mean the same thing. Liang Shanbo is far away from water and cannot quench our thirst. Danger and morality are our lifelines. Although he asked us to board the boat without armor or blades, we are seven 8 people! On that island, if he wants to swallow an elephant with a snake's body, we will kill him! An island is spared! Thinking about Liangshan Moor, it is because there is a danger of [-] miles of water. , are the officers and soldiers helpless?"

"My son-in-law, although I know dangers and virtues from time to time, I am on your side! I also want you to make a comeback!" (to be continued~^~)

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