When Wang Lun and Lin Chong heard this at first, they both looked towards the source of the sound, and saw an upright and dignified man standing on the side of the road smiling and looking towards them, but there was another man standing beside him, striding forward, looking at the sound. That weather is not like ordinary people.

Seeing the two riding on the horse and looking at him, the loud man took a step forward, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Xiao Ke made a slip of the tongue! Dare I ask if the general is Lin Chong, the head of the leopard?"

Wang Lun's heart moved slightly when he heard the words. There are many people in the world who have heard of Lin Chong's name, but not many can recognize the Lin family's marksmanship from the marksmanship.Lin Chong used to be the instructor of the imperial army, and he rarely walked around the rivers and lakes. He only lived in the rivers and lakes in the past year. However, the number of times Lin Chong was forced to take action by ordinary house robberies was not very many, so Wang Lun guessed someone who could recognize Lin Chong's marksmanship. Most of them are military heroes.When Wang Lun looked at the man again, he saw that he was a dignified figure, and the heroic spirit between his brows was not reckless. It seemed that if he guessed correctly, he was probably an officer.

Just as Wang Lun was thinking, he suddenly felt that Lin Chong was looking towards him. He nodded slightly at Lin Chong, and saw Lin Chong cupped his hands at the man and said, "It's just that I don't know how to look at these two good men. They are magnificent and have extraordinary bearings. How dare you ask the two respectable men?" Last name!"

The big man said happily when he heard the words: "Sure enough, it's Coach Lin! The brother next to me and I had heard a lot about the general's name when we were in Pudong, and it was really extraordinary when we saw it today. It's just that Suo Xianfeng, the number one general in the Daming Mansion, can't take advantage of it." Go, this good fight is really an eye-opener for both of us!" After speaking, I saw this hero bow to Lin Chong, Lin Chong hurriedly got off his horse to return the salute, and saw this Han Fu got up again, clasped his fists at Wang Lun and said: "I heard that Lin Chong The coach is very important under the leadership of the white-clothed elite, presumably this man is the king scholar of Jizhou?" Seeing people coming and going on the side of the road, the man spoke in a vague way.

Wang Lunjian said that he was basically sure of this person's identity in his heart, and he got off his horse and returned the salute: "It turns out that it is General Tang. He has good eyesight and is polite! It's just that the elder brother next to the general is called Jing Muyan by the people in the world." Man?"

Seeing this, the two looked at each other in astonishment, and there was a trace of shock in their eyes. Seeing this, Wang Lun nodded towards Lin Chong. The two led the horse to the side of the road, and walked straight to the two of them. At that time, Tang Bin cupped his hands and sighed: "Your Majesty can guess our names just by giving me a place name, Xiao Ke admires you! In the past, I heard many people say that the white-clothed scholar is a perfect plan, but I didn't expect to see it today. It really deserves its reputation! No wonder that The hero of Jeju, Chao Gai, is not a respected opponent, no wonder the people around the water pond are eager to support him, it seems that the rumors in the Jianghu are true!"

It turned out to be these two people!

I think Guan Sheng's appearance is the most recognizable among the three heroes of Pudong, but although these two people have extraordinary bearing, they are not like him. Apart from Guan Sheng, who else can these two be if they are not Tang Bin and Hao Siwen?At that moment, Wang Lun didn't think much about it, he just clasped his fists together and said with a smile: "I heard that General Tang was forced by a villain, and his blood was splashed on the spot. Seeing that he is now living in the rivers and lakes, I don't want to meet two heroes in this Daming Mansion, but it is not fate." ?”

Tang Bin was even more surprised when he heard the words, and said: "I don't want the chieftain to know about this!?" At this time, everyone had come to a secluded place by the roadside, and Tang Bin didn't hide his words.

Wang Lun thought to himself, I also know that you wanted to throw yourself into Liangshan after killing someone, but halfway in Baodu Mountain, you were retained by the mountain king Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye as the village masters.It's just that at this time, Tang Bin should come to meet up alone, why is he with Hao Siwen at this time?Could it be that because of accidentally joining a group of people, things have changed and he missed the encounter in Baodu Mountain?

Wang Lun was puzzled and didn't bother to think about it, thinking that since this person was in front of him, he must not miss it.This Tang Bin is no better than Suo Chao before. This vanguard has a job, and he has to borrow from Liang Zhongshu and others. Greenwood's.

But this one in front of him is different, killing people in a fit of rage, desperate, isn't this the right time to accept him?

Thinking about Tang Bin's martial arts, there is nothing to say. At night, at the gate, he shot the arrow with the secret message into the buttocks of the detectives below the city. See more skills.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Tang Bin's character is more than his martial arts. To rescue Li Kui who was trapped by Qiao Daoqing that day, he knew that the situation was unfavorable, but he still rushed to rescue everyone without hesitation. This move was in stark contrast to his companion Geng Gong who saw the situation was not good and ran away immediately.

In the end, when Tang Bin was escorting Xiao Rang, Pei Xuan, and Jin Dajian, the three gentlemen who were weak in military strength, he asked Li Juan and Ma Qiang to lead others to stop him. Originally, with his kung fu, he could break out of the siege and return home with his own life, but In order to protect these three people, Tang Bin fought to the death without retreating, and died against these two fierce generals with one man.

Seeing that Wang Lun's face became meaningful and he was a bit sad, Hao Siwen, who had never said a word, said: "Brother Tang and I heard in Pudong that there is now a great man in Jeju. Although he is in the green forest, But don't forget to rob the rich and help the poor, uphold justice, and win the support of many people, and there are heroes like Lin Jiaotou and Lu Tixia gathered together, occupying the huge water potential of [-] miles, holding high the flag of righteousness, saying "walk the way for the sky", My little brother has been admiring me all the time. Seeing that brother Tang has committed a life-threatening lawsuit and is about to go to the village under his command, I am a commoner and have no shackles, so I go south with him, and I hope the king will not abandon him!"

Seeing the two of them take the initiative to express their intention to contribute, Wang Lun was very happy, and after looking at Lin Chong who was also overjoyed, Wang Lun said: "Brother Tang, I have heard about him for a long time, and he is actually a leader in Pudong. Now I can win Brother Tang." Come and vote, it really makes Xiaozhai flourish!"

Tang Bin was overjoyed when he heard the words. He didn't expect that this white-clothed gentleman was bright and handsome. When he was about to bow down, Wang Lun hurriedly helped him up and said a few words to him. Wang Lun then said to Hao Siwen: " I heard that before brother Hao came to the world, he reincarnated his lord Yemeng Jingmuyan, which is very extraordinary! In the future, my elder brother practiced martial arts diligently since he was a child, and also read the history books on the art of war. Without eyes, such talents as brother Hao are exiled among the people, not allowed to be used, so that they have no way to serve the country, now that brother Hao will not give up, and can follow brother Tang to join the small village, I am really happy in my heart!"

Wang Lun naturally knew well about this Jing Muyan, who will be ranked among the evil spirits in the future. He thought that this Hao Siwen was capable of both literature and martial arts. problem) just withdrew, it can be seen that the kung fu is really extraordinary.In addition to martial arts, he is more knowledgeable. In fact, he is one of the few generals who has studied since childhood.He was able to "discuss the ups and downs of the past and the present" with Guan Sheng, and Guan Sheng admired him very much. He became a brother with him and respected him as a righteous brother, which is evident.It's just that in the end when this person was on the Southern Expedition to Fang La, he fell into the battle and was chopped to pieces by Fang Tianding. Afterwards, he picked out his head to show the public, and it can be said that he died a tragic death.

At this time, Hao Siwen heard Wang Lun's words, sighed a long time, and said: "What kind of talent, the king's leader is absurd! It's nothing more than eating all day long and doing nothing! I think the sages said, 'Thirty to stand', I am over three years old. Ten, but nothing was accomplished. Thinking of the fact that the leader of the king has made such a great achievement at such a young age, and the people around him are grateful for your kindness, my little brother can no longer hide, can't sit still, and just wants to come with Brother Tang Looking at the benevolent demeanor of the leader of the king with one's own eyes, it is also said that this life will not be wasted!'”

Seeing Hao Siwen's gloomy expression, Lin Chong sighed when he saw this: "The two heroes traveled thousands of miles to vote, and my younger brother felt happy and sad. The happy thing is that the elder brother has added a strong general under his command, and the sad thing is that the ministers are in power and make good talents Dust, how can the country be peaceful and the people have no worries!"

Wang Lun saw that what was originally a happy event made everyone feel anxious, and said: "If you don't make some achievements in your life, won't you tell me to wait for a man to live? Since the two heroes are willing to work together Great cause, don't be discouraged at this time, maybe I will make a career that will be admired by the world in the future, and I don't know!"

Tang Bin and Hao Siwen were shocked when they heard the words, they looked at each other slightly, and then heard them say: "I am lucky to meet my brother today, and I am willing to join you and help us in the great cause together!"


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