Water Margin Survival

Chapter 845 Tian Huzhe, the God of the World!

"My lord, you must not send reinforcements to Tian Hu!" Jin Fushi suddenly called out. Unfortunately, even he himself felt that his contradictory remarks seemed weak at this time. The famous Jin Fushi eagerly made up a reasonable reason:

"Tian Hu is a wolf-like person, and it is difficult to domesticate. After a long time, he will eat his master back. The master sent reinforcements to him at this time. It is really a problem to raise a tiger. The next strategy is to do it!"

"Jin Canjun, you know people quite well! Thinking of you and that Tian Hu, even if you haven't even met him face to face, it's really rare to see his temperament so thoroughly!"

When Wang Lun saw that he was calm, he made a joke instead.May I ask how he can't see Jin Fushi's little abacus?It's just that there is no intention to expose him in public right now.In the final analysis, this person is a banner erected by Liang Shanbo among the aborigines, and it would be unwise to break it easily.Although this person has a lot of ideas on small issues, he can still see the general situation clearly, and he doesn't dare to mess around. Wang Lun still knows this well.Moreover, this vest will be of great use on the diplomatic front in the future, and currently has a uniqueness that cannot be replaced by others.Therefore, Wang Lun can more or less tolerate him being a little out of line in certain things.

But toleration is tolerance, but there is no appeasement, Wang Lun then nodded and said: "But when I released Tian Hu back to sea, why didn't I hear your good opinion?"

Jin Fushi was dumbfounded when he saw that he was at war with heaven and man, and he really wanted to deny it to the end, but when he thought that the other party even played with the emperor of Song Dynasty, if he insisted on showing off his little thought, he would hang himself with the old birthday star What's the difference?In the end, Jin Fushi decided to keep silent.

His silence does not mean that others will be silent. Li Zhu sneered and said: "If we increase the Han army this time, Jin Canjun will continue to keep silent?"

When Jin Fushi heard the words, his expression froze immediately, and he was waiting to explain, when he saw Zou Run's hair exploded, and he cursed: "Damn it! I Han people can fight for their lives on the front line, but if you are as high as you... the aborigines can't go to the battlefield , What’s the reason? Could it be that Lao Tzu conquers the world, and you enjoy your life! Do it!”

After the nephew finished speaking, Uncle Zou Yuan's hand was already on the handle of the knife. If it wasn't for Wang Lun's silence, he was so angry that he wanted to open a ladle for this fellow to let some fresh air in to wash away his dirty thoughts. .

In fact, everyone was extremely opposed to adding troops to Tian Hu at first, and everyone's understanding and judgment of Tian Hu's nature was no different from that of Jin Fushi. Point the finger at this "outsider".

Jin Fushi lost in theory, no matter how eloquent he was, he didn't dare to show it at this time. Facing the accusations of the heroes, he could only bow his head and remain silent. Seeing that he was miserable at this time, Wang Lun lowered his hands and said: "Which of your ears heard that I am going to send reinforcements to Tian Hu?"

At this moment, not only Jin Fushi was stunned, but even the heroes who were yelling at him just now were completely stunned. Could it be that the newly formed servant army of 5 horses was really sent by Tian Hu? !But now the six counties of Duhufu have already stationed a considerable number of servants. The four counties of Seoul, Zhenfan, Lintun, and Jeju Island each have a Korean army of 5000 stationed. In the border counties on the front line bordering the Kingdom of Jin, the allocation of servants has naturally been strengthened, but it has now increased to 3 people per county, which is almost enough.In addition, if these 5 people are formed separately, where will they be put?Can't...send it to Da Song?

My brother is most disgusted with the behavior of leading a foreign race to attack the Han people!

Seeing everyone's suspicious eyes focused on him, Wang Lun smiled and didn't try to show off. Then he squatted down, picked up a dead branch, and started scratching on the loose soil.

Not long after, the images of four islands not far apart were outlined. Seeing this, everyone squatted down curiously.At this time, some people who didn't understand what it meant asked each other, and after learning that this was the general shape of the four islands of Wodi, they couldn't help praising: "This world is in the chest of my brother!"

"Come on, let me tell my brothers what the 500 army is going to do!" Wang Lun greeted, then pointed to the middle abdomen of the largest island among the four islands, and explained: "Tian Hu is now Here, this island should be called Honshu, and if I am not mistaken, the number of Japanese pirates on the island should be around [-] to [-] million!" Wang Lun paused, and then pointed the dead branch to the one at the bottom of the four islands. island, said:

"This island is the nearest island to our Jeju Island. It is called Kyushu. The Japanese pirates who attacked Jeju Island this time are most likely from the local forces on this island!"

Seeing this, the heroes suddenly showed anger, and subconsciously clenched their fists.When was Liang Shanbo stabbed in the back? !Back then, Fang La wanted to come back, but what happened?If he just bowed his head obediently and admitted his mistake, he almost didn't serve tea to make amends!Just relying on this little pirate, who gave them the courage?At this time, not to mention that the heroes of Liangshan were furious, even Jin Fushi couldn't help gritting his teeth. After all, Wang Yu's lineage was lost to these Japanese pirates. It's really hateful!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Fang Xuedu looked at the dead branch in Wang Lun's hand, his face suddenly changed, and he was covered in cold sweat, shivering involuntarily: "Do you think you stepped on it in front of Wen Huanzhang? I can get ahead? Do you think that if you escape from Liang Shanbo's control, you will be able to leap into the sea and let the birds fly? God pity you, you are still jumping in the palm of the hand, my majesty!"

Just when Fang Xuedu was stunned, Wang Lun's voice came again: "Under the middle belly of Honshu Island, there is another big island called Shikoku. And the last big island to the north is The island, which has not yet been invaded by the Japanese country, was called Ezo Island (Hokkaido) by the Japanese pirates at this time. This Ezo is another name for the Maoren. According to preliminary estimates, the combined population of these three islands is about one million! "

"My brother, you are really amazing! What a 'clearly repairing the plank road, secretly keeping Chen Cang'! Han Gaozu is nothing more than that!" Wu Yong exclaimed in surprise.Although he usually likes to do flattering things, this time he is not pretentious.

At this time, the heroes who still couldn't understand Wang Lun's intentions suddenly realized when they heard it, and they all shouted, "Wonderful!" For the other three islands, this trick is unexpected, high! It’s really high! Younger brother has just arrived and has no size. This time, elder brother, why don’t you send us three brothers?”

The people present almost didn't like Tian Hu, but they didn't expect that Tian Hu would turn waste into treasure one day, only to hear Feng Tai laugh loudly, and said: "Yes, brother must send us! I said brother Yingming, why did you let Tian Hu go? So this guy is really a treasure! I think he is the most suitable target!"

"It's not just a target, it's a target god!" Xie Ning smiled, and said: "Back then, Liang Shanbo and Funiu Mountain joined forces, and together with Tian Hu, they led the army gathered by the imperial court to the east of the river. How much time did Liangshan buy? It’s really a classic battle that has been rare for so many years! It’s just that Brother Wang Lun can still make this guy willing to be the target god again. Alas, I only hate that it’s too late to go up the mountain! "

Li Zhu, who had always been in a low mood, became clearer at this time, glaring at Xie Ning and said angrily, "Why are you late up the mountain? I was too late to go up the mountain! I'm old and old, and I fell into such a big somersault. Throw it all away!" After Li Zhu finished speaking, he laughed and said to everyone:

"Brothers, I don't know. Although Wen Junshi and I sang the double reed at the beginning, but in my conscience, what I said at that time was from my heart. People like Tian Hu should be beaten to death with a stick, otherwise Isn’t it a disaster to let it out? I never thought that the disaster would no longer be a disaster if it was in the hands of the marshal. Even I like him a little now! Marshal, we can’t watch him die, we still have to give him some assistance! You Why do you say that there are 500 million Japanese pirates on Honshu Island, and he only has 5 horses, and he can only fight for a few days, what if the target falls?" In fact, when there are many people, Li Zhu usually pays attention to calling Wang Lun.The appellation "Junior Brother" only appears in very close circles.

"Yeah, the emperor here should live a better life. After all, my brother is the emperor of this guy! As long as this guy doesn't openly betray the water, we can't ignore his life and death. You say, if we don't take care of him, who will take care of him?" Him?" Wu Yong said with a smile.

The leaders who were strongly opposed to sending reinforcements to Tian Hu just now had a 180-degree turn in their attitude, and they really seemed to be holding Tian Hu in their hands for fear of falling.Only Jin Fushi became frightened for no reason. He was afraid that Wang Lun would suddenly speak, and he would form another 5 horses and send them to Tian Hu to attract Japanese pirates.It's really better to let them work as coolies in this prison camp, repairing city walls, dredging rivers, and paving official roads every day. Although it is a bit tiring, it is worse than going to the place where you are close to death and losing your life.

"Brothers, I'm afraid you don't know, Tian Hu has already turned his back on the water. This guy only pretends that we can't see him in Ping'an capital. On the day he broke the city, he raised his Jin flag again! Now the ostentation seems to be the king of a country again. It's so majestic, I'm afraid I'm busy enriching the harem at this time!" Yan Qing added at the right time.

"Brother Yi, how do you know the bird matter at Tian Hu's side so clearly?" Feng Tai asked a little puzzled.At this moment, Wei He touched him and said, "Brother Yang Lin is capable, right? Brother Xiao Yi is in charge now!"

Feng Tai suddenly realized, he slapped his thigh and said: "I said, why did you come to Yuetuo Island in a boat that day? It turns out... oh, it's a secret, you can't say it!"

Everyone laughed because of his naive appearance. Deng Yuanjue clasped his hands together and sighed: "Amitabha, this is fate!" Now Tian Hu's fate became clear, but Baoguang Tathagata suddenly thought of another person. I don't know what the future leader will end up with...

Wang Lun waited for everyone to have a good time, then nodded with a smile, and said: "These three islands add up to about the size of the Anton Governor's Mansion. We need to reserve enough land to reassure the hearts of the soldiers. It just so happens that the Japanese country is so immortal that it hits the muzzle of my gun. How do you say the old saying? If you don’t take it, you will be to blame!”

The current military system in Liangshanbo is a bit similar to the military system in the early Tang Dynasty. The imperial court does not pay the military, but will grant enough land to the soldiers to ensure a decent life for their families and themselves before and after retirement.But in this way, the demand for land becomes urgent.The final collapse of the military system of the Tang Dynasty was after the land annexation occurred, and the imperial court could no longer provide land to maintain the equal-field system.However, for Wang Lun, who has a vision beyond the times, this problem is not a problem at all.

"My brother is right! Japanese pirates are cheap! We didn't look for him, but he came to beg for death! Isn't it a disaster to keep him like this?" Wu Yong thought of the two fellow villagers who were implicated by Japanese pirates for no reason, and couldn't help but feel emotional , I saw him paused, and then said loudly:

"We're going north, I'm afraid we're going to get millet out of the fire, and there's no reason to relieve the Khitan people. Going west to the Song Dynasty, it's not ready for the fire right now. It just happens to go southeast, so we can give hope to the sons and daughters!" ( To be continued~^~)

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