Thank you aguga hero for the reward!Wish you a Happy New Year!


When they heard that they were going to a fishery transport camp, instead of going under the command of Ruan's Sanxiong as expected, the four of them immediately became anxious.Because they were suppressed by Xu Guanzhong's aura, they didn't dare to talk nonsense for a while, so the three of them had no choice but to encourage the elder brother with their eyes.

At this time, how can the boss be cowardly?I saw Zhang Rong blushing and said: "Brother Military Advisor, I, we went up the mountain to defend our folks and fight hard to kill the enemy, but Zensheng asked us to go fishing?"

Hearing this, Xu Guanzhong glanced over the faces of the four young men, and said with a smile: "In a year or two, when you are ready to go to the battlefield, come find me again!"

After Xu Guanzhong finished speaking, without waiting for Zhang Rong to reply, he turned around and went back to the top chair, and said to the sergeant beside him, "Go and ask the leader of the amphibious army, Ou Peng, to come over. If he wants to ask something, you can tell me about Jia Zhong and Jia Yi." , I want to discuss with him who is in charge of this pool of water!"

The four little friends still looked at Xu Guanzhong unwillingly, but the other party didn't accept the offer at all. Seeing this, Cao Zheng smiled and said: "Let's go down and have a good meal first. I didn't see our military commander was so busy that he couldn't leave the ground. He already I haven't slept for two nights!"

Chief Cao spoke, and Master Xu was indeed very busy. The four juniors all looked at each other rather discouraged, and had no choice but to follow Cao Zheng out step by step.After leaving the hall, Zhang Rong suddenly noticed that Zheng Zhuo's expression was different from that of the other two brothers. He couldn't help but patted his head, and approached Cao Zheng, and briefly explained Zheng Yao's concerns. Cao Zheng laughed after hearing this, and just asked He said, "Do you believe me or not?"


Young people's loyalty and courage are often written on their faces, and Zhang Rong can't wait to show Cao Zheng his sincerity.To be honest, this elder brother came forward to receive him as soon as he set foot on Liangshan. He did not neglect him because of his young age, and he had already kept this affection in his heart.

"Trust me, just bring your family members up the mountain, I promise, they won't suffer from the imperial court in this life!" Cao Zheng said with a smile.

Seeing Cao Zhengyan's convincing appearance, Meng Wei and Jia Hu jumped up and said, "Fourth brother, what did my elder brother say! Brother Lin's brothers have all spoken, so you are still worried!" Still depressed, this time is already ecstatic.I have to say that the mood changes very quickly.

Seeing this, Zheng Zhu subconsciously looked at Cao Zheng, and found that the other party was looking at him with a smile, and his face blushed.Fortunately, he is not a entangled person, otherwise he would not be able to play with these three, so he immediately said: "Then I will go down the mountain and bring our parents and family up the mountain to enjoy the blessings!"

Cao Zheng laughed, stopped him and said, "What's the hurry, go when you're full, and I'll send someone down the mountain with you! However, there is one thing I have to explain first!"

Seeing this, the four quickly looked at Cao Zheng, only to hear the man say seriously, "I'm not Brother Lin's brother, I'm Teacher Lin's apprentice! Don't mess up the seniority!"

The four of them also said that it was a taboo such as falling grass. Seeing such a thing, they immediately laughed and apologized.Cao Zheng also laughed, thinking that he was going along the way anyway, and he would take the four of them to the kitchen without wasting much time to deliver the military order.

It was the beginning of spring at this time, and the coldness was not diminished, but the sergeants standing guard everywhere in the village stood upright and mighty, seeing the hearts of these four young people who had just arrived, it turned out that they wanted to become such heroes in their dreams. Now in the blink of an eye, I have become one of them, it seems like a dream.

But they came out of the Juyi Hall at the wrong time. It was the middle of the two meals, and there were not many people in the huge kitchen, not even Huang Quan, who had left not long ago. silhouette.

The four of them stood somewhat cautiously in this empty hall that could accommodate hundreds of thousands of people dining at the same time, feeling the grandeur of Liangshan Park.At this time, I saw Cao Zheng waved his hand, calling the leader on duty to come over, and said: "These four little brothers are our heroes in Liangshanbo. They just joined the team today. You can get some hard food, so you can greet them! Account... …Hey, hang on to our detective account!"

Cao Zheng's statement about unpaid accounts has a history.In order to cooperate with the Department of Money and Food and the Department of Military and Political Affairs to check the accounts, the logistics department is now divided into very fine lines. It does not mean that the departments that operate alone cannot eat in the kitchen, but they have to keep accounts for future spot checks and statistics.This approach was approved by Du Qian, Song Wan and Pei Xuan at the request of Wang Lun last year and reported to the senior management of the cottage after discussion.

Cao Zheng's domineering yet amiable manner when he spoke was not to mention the appetite of these four juniors. They hadn't seen what kind of demeanor their idol Ruan Sanxiong was.On the contrary, Cao Zheng's masculinity, which transcended any adult man they were familiar with in daily life, had secretly convinced them, and they couldn't help but become the object they subconsciously wanted to imitate.

"Eat it open, don't give it to me! When you are full, yes, Lao Cheng, these little brothers have finished eating, please do me a favor and send them to the Military and Political Department to register! Remember, these few The lads are all the young leaders of the fishery transportation battalion in the future, and they will be the commander of the ten men! Hehe, by then, the transfer order of the military division Xu should be almost delivered!" Cao Zheng instructed.

"Hey, can you worry about such a small matter? Brothers just focus on big things, and leave these errands to us!" Lao Cheng is a middle-aged man in his 30s and less than [-]s. , Enthusiasm is overflowing on the face, and I don’t know if the chefs who cook are all so old-fashioned.

Cao Zhengjian thanked them with a smile, turned around and said to the four younger generations: "Now we are all from our own family, so don't be cautious. After finishing the military registration and receiving the reward, first go to the water village on the Golden Beach to recognize the family. Wait After you have settled with your immediate superiors, just come and look for me, and I will send someone to pick up your family when the time comes!"

Feeling the invisible power brought by the numerous departments in Liangshan, how could the four younger generations dare to bother Cao Zheng?He couldn't stop saying no, but Cao Zheng said with a smile: "I'm the leader of the cottage to invite guests, and this is my duty, but the customers are so angry! It's agreed, come to me when the time comes!"

After Cao Zheng gave his instructions, he left. Lao Cheng, the head of the kitchen, enthusiastically asked the four of them to find a place to sit down. He asked the four young men a few words with a smile, and then went down to prepare the dishes.When the master left, the four of them suddenly relaxed. At first they looked at each other without saying a word, but suddenly they all laughed, "Liangshan hero! We are too now!"

While the four of them were enthusiastically talking about what they had seen and heard since they went up the mountain, they suddenly saw all kinds of meat being delivered here for free. The four of them looked at the dazzling variety of chicken, duck, fish, and mutton, and their saliva almost couldn't help but flow out. Lao Cheng laughed beside him and said, "Can you drink? The reception banquet always feels a little less delicious without wine!"

To be honest, the number of times the four people have drunk in their lives can be counted on one hand. After all, it only took two or three years to live this life with hope. , Naturally, there is no "leisure wine" for these half-sized children to practice.So the four of them were a bit greedy when they heard the words, and they were struggling, only to hear Zheng Yao say: "There are a lot of business to do later, I heard that drinking was a mistake!"

Although Meng Wei and Jia Hu were still a little bit unwilling, Zhang Rong also agreed with Zheng Yao's suggestion at this time, and said: "If you are a hero, you are afraid that you will not have wine? Today is the first time we go up the mountain. It is important to do business. Don't call me dad." Mother has been looking forward to it for a long time at home!"

The reaction of the four fell into the eyes of Lao Cheng, and he immediately looked at this young man with admiration, so he never mentioned the matter of serving wine, smiled and directed his staff to finish serving the dishes, said "slowly use", and went on knowingly .No one else was present at the moment, and the four of them showed their greed, and devoured the food that they had never eaten in their entire life.

While eating well, Lao Cheng, who was inspecting by the kitchen window, straightened his body and looked respectfully at a burly man who came in at the door. For some reason, the big man's face was as cold as ice. After sweeping his territory, he suddenly asked, "Who are these four?"

Seeing this, Lao Cheng hurriedly stepped forward to introduce the origins of these four people, the big man let out a "huh", his face softened, and he said to himself: "Could it be that you saved the four descendants of our Shanzhai brothers?"

Lao Cheng said "ah" in surprise, but the big man asked about the details of these four people. The big man gritted his teeth and said something. How dare you harm my brother in Liangshan! When Chunsheng was going home, he was caught in trifles, but unexpectedly, he was killed...Brother, I have to see Chunsheng for the last time!"

"Go, I'm afraid it will be buried in the ground when it's too late!" The big man sighed and patted Lao Cheng's shoulder.After the old man left, the big man couldn't help but glanced over there again, and saw that the four young men were eating so much that their five or seven plates were almost empty, and the four of them were embarrassed to ask for more, but their expressions were still unsatisfactory. Seeing this, the big man immediately understood, and immediately said: "The reception banquet must be full, and there are four more people!"

Seeing this, the four of them hurriedly got up to say goodbye, but the big man didn't care, he just asked, "Have you finished eating?"

"Eight people can eat it all!" Jia Hu said honestly.

Under the seat, Jia Hu kicked Zhang Rong.On the head of the seat, Zhang Rong clasped his fists at the big man in a dignified manner and said, "Thank you for your kindness, big brother, but this meal was invited by someone else. !"

"You little guys are too underestimating the swordsman. Could it be that if you eat more, he will turn his face? Just eat! Even if he really doesn't admit it, I admit it!" The big man patted his head and turned his head. Shouted, "It's up to him, let's take the share of eight people!"

Seeing that this man's aura is unusual, Zhang Rong said cautiously: "Dare to ask brother's name!"

The man didn't answer, but said: "You come here a few more times in the future, you will recognize me! What are you only asking for? Sit down and eat. After eating clean, you can serve hot food!"

The four of them felt that the man's words had the power of a superior, so they had to lower their heads and eat again. The big man stood for a while, then left.Not long after, when the cooks were serving the dishes, they saw the big man bring a urn of wine and put it on the head of the seat, "You have to drink some of the wind wine, or it won't look good!"

The four refused again and again, but the man ignored them, put down four empty bowls, filled them all up, and said, "This wine is like water. Are you afraid of getting drunk? This is the first time you go up the mountain. My friends won’t criticize you, listen to me, open your mouth and drink!”

The venerable gave it to him, but he dared not resign, so the four had no choice but to drink from their bowls.After drinking, Zhang Rong only felt a kind of pleasure that he had never felt reverberating in his throat. Under the repeated persuasion of the big man, he couldn't help drinking a few more glasses, and his face immediately turned red.

The big man didn't know why, but he poured his life into him.Not long after, most of the urn of wine went into Zhang Rong's belly, and the three companions around him were shocked to see it.The big man was about to praise him for his good drinking capacity, but Zhang Rong suddenly vomited with a "wow", without warning, and the vomit was so overwhelming that it was a mess.

The big man was the first to bear the brunt of the incident, and his whole body was stained with "color". I saw him get up and leave without saying a word, leaving behind three inexplicable young men to clean up the mess in a hurry. After changing into clean clothes, in his hand... he actually carried another urn of wine.

"I said young people, do you know what you are most afraid of when drinking?" The big man sat next to the embarrassed Zhang Rong and said, but his eyes rolled around the remaining three people from time to time while speaking, so that they didn't feel left out.

Zhang Rong didn't know why this big brother thought highly of him, so he kept trying to force him to drink with persuasive words that he couldn't refuse, but he felt that he should continue because of the face, so he gasped and said, "I don't know. , Big Brother said!"

"What I'm afraid of is hurting my feelings!" The big man clattered the urn of wine and pressed it on the seat again, "Do you still dare to drink it?"

Seeing that he still refused to let him go, Zhang Rong was really puzzled, but he vomited all over, so what are you afraid of?He wiped his mouth and didn't speak, just put the empty bowl in front of the big man.I don't know if it's because of the strength of the wine, but the bowl didn't stand firmly on the flat table, and there was a "thump" sound at this time.

"Hehe! You have a lot of spirit!" The big man was agitated for a long time, but now he stopped pouring wine, stared straight at Zhang Rong and asked, "Young man, what is your name, please tell me your name!" (To be continued~ ^~)

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