Water Margin Survival

Chapter 864 This is obviously being trained as a leader!

Jiao Ting has always been a muddleheaded person, and has never been able to express his personal opinions on personnel issues, so the name that suddenly came out of Wang Lun's mouth at this time does not have any special meaning to him.However, when it was replaced by Li Tianci, who was extremely politically sensitive, the reaction was quite different.

After all, for a person who can surprise the lord so much, how can he, a writer, not care?

However, the name Zhang Rong was so unfamiliar that no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't find such a character in the Jianghu. Could it be... a newly-emerged hero?Like someone like Liu Wenshun, the leader of the rebel army who responded to the Liangshan army in Qizhou?

In fact, Li Tianci's eyes are still very poisonous.He is now relatively close to the correct answer.

However, the reason why it is said to be "relatively close" is because Zhang Rong is not only a person, but also a very remarkable person.His weight is far from being comparable to that of ordinary reckless characters in the world.

In other words, at the time of the turbulent Song Dynasty, there was indeed a civil rebel army active in the eight hundred miles of water.As for whether they are the Yubu of Liangshan, which was so powerful back then, it's hard to judge.But this person is a genuine anti-gold general.

Zhang Rong really stepped onto the stage of history and started in Liangshanbo.There is a record in the history of the Song Dynasty, "Zhang Rong is also a fisherman in Liangshanpo. Gathering in Liangshanbo, there are three or two hundred boatmen who often rob gold people." This text record gives people such an impression intuitively, that is Zhang Rong He is a "guerrilla captain" who makes Jinren quite a headache.You must know that not everyone can do "often robbing gold people".After all, Jinren started by plundering. This hero known as Zhang Diwan did not believe in evil, and he insisted on robbing habitual robbers, which shows his courage.

However, Zhang Rong did not specialize in guerrilla warfare in Liangshanbo. He also fought head-to-head with Jin Bing, and more than once.Although there is no detailed record in the history of Song Dynasty, there are two times in the history of Jin Dynasty.Once, it is recorded in the biography of Ali in Xiemao, Jin Shi, "In the sixth year of Tianhui, the emperor of Song Dynasty was defeated, and Yanggu and Shenxian counties were taken, and 8 soldiers from Haizhou were defeated, and Haizhou surrendered. More than [-] pirate ships were destroyed in Liangshanpo." The other time was Jin According to Shi Chizhanhui's biography, "The thieves were defeated in Liangshanpo, and more than a thousand boats were obtained. (Seven years of Tianhui)".

Although Jin history was not compiled by the Jin people, the historical materials left by the Jin State are the basis for the Yuan people to compile history.This kind of selective neglect, which is suspected of flooding, only records how many enemies have been killed, and never mentions how much self-inflicted damage has caused them to pay a great price for their arrogance in the near future.

A year later, that is, the fourth year of Jianyan in the Southern Song Dynasty (the eighth year of Jin Tianhui), Wan Yanchang, a powerful figure in the royal family of the Jin Dynasty... You may not be familiar with this name, so I will call him the catchy common name Tarlan Bar.

It is said that Wanyan Tarlan, the general of the Jin Dynasty who invaded the Song Dynasty, collided with Zhang Rong, who had moved thousands of miles away, at Shuotou Lake in Taizhou, and a decisive battle was fought between the two sides.As a result, it was no longer possible to be ignored by the historians of the Kingdom of Jin and the historians of the Song Dynasty (Zhang Rong had also received a letter of appointment from Du Chong in Liangshanpo before, but at this time it was still not a regular army, but a spontaneous civil resistance. Golden Armed Forces, commonly known as Zigan Wu).

In this battle, Zhang Rong and his brothers fought heartily, with many climaxes, and wiped out more than 5000 elite direct troops around the left supervisor of the Jin Kingdom.It is not easy to say the identities of these [-] people, because they are not Khitan, Xi and other subduing devils at all, but real wild Jurchens living in caves!

In this unprecedented anti-golden victory, not only was Talan beaten so abruptly by Zhang Rong, but even his precious son-in-law Wan Hubula was captured alive by the rebels!Wanyan Tarlan, who received a blow from the head, did not intend to reshape the myth of the Jurchen's invincibility. Instead, he made a decisive decision and bluntly fled to Chuzhou with two thousand remnants. The mighty killer of a big country was really frightened.After contacting the future, Talan took a 180-degree turn and gradually became the minister of the "Peacemaker" of the Kingdom of Jin. I don't know if it has a direct relationship with this big defeat.

Because of this great victory, Shotou Lake, where the battlefield was located, was renamed Desheng Lake. The outstanding performance of Zhang Rong and his rebel army finally attracted the attention of the Southern Song Dynasty court.Since then, Zhang Rong was officially appointed by the imperial court as the magistrate of Taizhou, and took over the defense of the Yangtze River Estuary, becoming a great wall on water that the Jin people could not cross.

Who would have thought that such a hero would actually be dormant beside Liangshan River?Wang Lun was really surprised.He clearly remembered that Zhang Rong was a Xinghua fisherman, so he asked Zhu Gui to look around in Huainan and make extensive inquiries, but there was no news.Had it not been for the names of Meng Wei, Jia Hu, and Zheng Yao in Song Wan's letter following Zhang Rong, Wang Lun would not have dared to conclude that Zhang Rong was Zhang Rong.

This is how things have always been in this world.Not all good things are good, and not all bad things are bad.Who would have thought that when the imperial court raised 40 troops to destroy the country to conquer Liangshan, they would accidentally force this immature dragon out!What is the old saying?It's really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it!

Slowly putting down the letter of recommendation from the old brother in his hand, Wang Lun kept secretly thinking that it was a fluke, thanks to the four brothers who snatched back the remains of Song Wan's murdered brother, otherwise Song Wan would not have made arrangements for them in front of him for no reason. protest against an injustice?In fact, Xu Guanzhong's arrangements for these four sixteen or seventeen-year-old juniors are understandable, far from being negligent. After all, now that they have no prestige and qualifications, they just want to be admired by thousands of people. Such days are long gone. back.

However, since I already know it now, I can't let them go up and down in Liangshan.If these young people are used well, perhaps the role they can play in the future will far exceed the original trajectory.

Spreading out the rice paper, Wang Lun was about to write back to Song Wan. Li Tianci, who was picking up official documents at the side, saw this, and tacitly stepped forward to grind it for Wang Lun. Not long after, he handed over a brush soaked in ink. False thinking, swiping and writing.

As usual, when Wang Lun was doing things, Li Tianci would not watch from the sidelines, but this time he accidentally glanced at the paper a few times, couldn't help but jump in his heart, and thought to himself: "It turns out that Zhang Rong is just a fluffy boy. It seems that Song Wan still has face. I have heard that the lord misses the old days, and it is true when I saw it today. I think that Song Wan is just the honor of the old man who started the business in the cottage, but he is actually not very capable. So much attention was paid to it, and he did not hesitate to refute the face of Xu Guanzhong, the celebrity in the cottage, and asked these four boys to go to the martial arts hall for three years, tsk tsk... This is clearly being cultivated as a future leader! A strong word!"

"Why, Tianci, do you have an idea?" Wang Lun also noticed Li Tianci's abnormality, and saw him put down his pen, turned around and smiled.

"Little brother lost his composure for a while, please don't blame brother!" Li Tianci was a little embarrassed, it's not good to apologize directly, and it's not good to pretend to be stupid.After all, when the protagonist writes a letter, he has violated the precept by "peeping". In addition, he has the status of a secretary who is not even a staff member. What can he think?Dare to express your thoughts?

"Brothers in the cottage, there are only different responsibilities, there is no distinction between high and low, and you can speak up if you have an opinion. Do you think I am too kind to these four juniors?" Wang Lun smiled. Li Tianci is the "secretary" chosen by himself. ", if there is no intention of cultivating him in it, this person will not be allowed to enter the White Tiger Hall at all.Thinking about how many secrets are hidden here, it is super powerful enough to shock the leaders of Song, Liao, Jin, and Japan.

"Is there anyone in the Jianghu who doesn't know that the lord is born with a pair of eyes? These four little brothers must have something special to be able to catch the lord's eyes. Maybe they will shine in the future after they finish their studies!" Li Tianci felt that Wang Lun not only Instead of being angry, he felt a wave of kindness, so he boldly said: "However, my younger brother thinks that it may be slightly flawed to ask Teacher Wang to be the mentor of the four of them. After all, Teacher Wang is only one person. Military training and lectures consume energy everywhere, and I'm afraid he won't be able to take care of these four little brothers all worshiping under his sect!"

This is Li Tianci's brilliance, he never disagrees with the lord in the general direction, but he can perfect the lord's intention in details.Therefore, compared with Qiu Xian and Lu Jiang, he is less independent, but more obedient.

"It's reasonable, but I took it for granted and used Coach Wang as an omnipotent person!" Wang Lun shook his head and smiled, and picked up a pen to make changes. When Li Tianci boldly "looked", he found Meng Wei, The three of them, Jia Hu and Zheng Yao, chose their own famous teachers to worship in the cottage, but Zhang Rong still worshiped under the number one famous teacher in the cottage, Wang Jin. It doesn't matter much, this kid surnamed Zhang is really evil, and I don't know what kind of shit luck he stepped on, to be so highly valued by the lord, is it really because he saved a scholar?

Things in the world are really evil. Just as Li Tianci thought of the leader who had been sent to Seoul for treatment, Wang Lun pointed to him: "The scholar who is unconscious, first ask the imperial physician Mou to consult with several imperial physicians. If there is no perfect solution, choose someone to escort to the frontline Anshen Doctor for treatment!"

Jiao Ting responded and was about to go down to deliver the order, but Wang Lun stopped him and said, "Go to the Duhu Mansion to have a look. If Mr. Wen and Junshi Zhu are here, please invite them over. Don't worry if they are not there. Wait for them." After dinner, it’s not too late to come back to discuss matters!"

The so-called discussion is naturally discussing the war in Jingdong, but seeing Wang Lun's calm posture, Li Tianci feels a little unreal. After all, Jingdong involves a confrontation involving more than a dozen state capitals and tens of thousands of people. How can Wang Lun Be so calm?Immediately, he couldn't help but say: "A military situation is like putting out a fire, isn't my lord..."

Li Tianci's progress was not slow, and Wang Lun was naturally happy. He patted the thick official document sent by Liangshan and said: "We are a moment early and half a minute late. After all, we are just spectators, and it will not affect the overall situation. Godsend, Just wait and see! If you say that Tian Hu has been right once in his life, this time, it should be on Guan Zhong!" (to be continued~^~)

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