"Who told you to choose this path?! Tell me! Who is it!"

After a moment of silence, Hu Baoyi and Song Jiang's emotions erupted without warning, even though the general in front of him was someone he had always relied on very heavily.

"Brother, you and I both know that there is no stable place near these mountains. It will be dark soon, and since Liangshan bandits have abandoned this lair early, what's the point of me waiting to borrow it for a night?"

It is said that it is not trivial for a person with a good temper to get angry. Although this is the first time for Sun Li to face Song Jiang's anger, he is already mentally prepared.After all, this Erlong Mountain is the most painful foot in Song Jiang's life. His younger brother bleeds on the road in front of the mountain, and Hua Rong, Zhu Dian and other brothers who cut their heads and don't change their robes cut off their righteousness with him here. In this place, the image that Song Jiang had painstakingly cultivated in the first half of his life almost collapsed.If you want to ask Song Jiang the place he least wants to go back to in his life, it must be Erlong Mountain.

However, the persistence shown by Sun Li at this time surprised Song Jiang who was in a gaffe. He looked at Sun Li in surprise, and at the same time, there was a coldness in his voice: "Erlong Mountain is stable and easy." ?”

"How much, it's more convenient than camping at the foot of the mountain!" Sun Li's tone was still calm, "Brother, there are countless people who hate me and others on Liangshan Mountain. When we entered Qingzhou this time, we have already stepped into the enemy's territory. , but don’t be careless in the slightest. The tens of thousands of horses under our command are the foundation for my brother to gain a foothold in front of Enxiang. If you are careless, it will be too late to regret it!"

When Sun Li clasped his fists, the armor on his body clanged, and with the resolute expression on his face, the image of a member of Duan trying his best to remonstrate with the coach, even Dong Ping who was beside him couldn't help applauding secretly.

"Brother-in-law, the brothers have traveled all day. They are both tired and hungry. Now that there is a ready-made camp, you can just live in it. Are you afraid that those birds in Liangshan will poison the mountain stream more than a month in advance?"

Dong Ping's words were not unfounded. Everyone present, including Song Jiang, knew that not long after the war in Jingdong started, Liang Shan abandoned this lair and went to Huahua World with his troops.

Also, who took the Splendid City and would still suffer in this mountain?

Sun Li, who has always been mature, unexpectedly insisted on his own opinion, and Dong Ping, who needed to borrow weight, expressed his second opinion. Song Jiang hesitated for a while, and this hesitation was caught by Dong Ping. There was a smile on his mouth, and he turned around and ordered without waiting for Song Jiang to speak. Said: "Pan Xun, you go! Take a commander and search in Erlong Mountain! If there is an ambush, report it as soon as possible!"

Originally, the siblings of the Su family stayed close to Dong Ping, but Su Jinniang was accidentally injured in Yingtian Mansion, and Dong Ping sent someone to Tokyo to recuperate overnight. The person following Dong Ping at this time is Pan Xun, the old follower of the puppet Jin Dynasty.

After Pan Xun got the general order, he stopped asking Song Jiang for instructions, and urged his horse to leave.Dong Ping hurried forward, standing shoulder to shoulder with the silent Song Jiang, and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, there are many things in life that are bad because you can't let go of them. I think how desolate it was when you were a hero and went down the mountain in a hurry? But now, you You have transformed yourself and become the vanguard of the imperial court to suppress bandits, while the bandits who squeezed you out are still generally not progressing, and they are all reduced to lambs waiting to be slaughtered. What a happy thing, why are you depressed? From my point of view, you can also be regarded as returning home , dodge it like a bird!"

Song Jiang was just dumbfounded, speechless for a while, except for waving Sun Li back in the middle, there was no other superfluous movement.Dong Ping smiled, and didn't bother him anymore, but looked at the surrounding scenery with great interest, and secretly said: "If I don't come to talk to him, Song Jiang knows the way, I'm afraid he will order to change the road! I heard that This Erlong Mountain is a den of thieves second only to Liangshan Po in Shandong, and this time I want to see what is the difference!"

After half an hour like this, the sun was almost below the horizon. At this time, Pan Xun turned back and reported: "There is no ambush in the mountain, and the houses everywhere are still complete, but there are no tables, chairs and benches for no reason. Cover the bed!"

When Dong Ping heard this, he couldn't help looking at Song Jiang and laughing: "This group of poor and crazy grassroots, before leaving, they still didn't forget to remove the bed boards and take them away. It's really an anecdote through the ages!"

Song Jiang grinned unconsciously, and Quan responded, only to hear Pan Xun say again: "I just caught two commoners in the main hall of Baozhu Temple, and the young general didn't dare to dispose of them without authorization, so he brought them back on purpose!"

Dong Ping said, looking back, he saw two men tied up on two white horses coming after him. Dong Ping raised his whip, and the knight immediately understood and threw the two captives to the ground.

"Hehe, it seems that they have practiced!" Dong Ping is a connoisseur, so he can easily tell from a person's subconscious reaction whether they have practiced martial arts.And the younger and lighter man of the two men defended himself when he landed, which instantly caught Dong Ping's attention.

"After all, what do you two want to do here? Where is the main force of the Liangshan bandits hiding now?" Dong Ping stared at the two spies arrogantly, without restraining his arrogance.The other officers and soldiers didn't know whether they would hide or not when they saw Liangshan's main force, but he, Dong Ping, wanted to trouble Wang Lun for a long time!

"Liangshan bandits?"

However, the young man's reaction was a bit wrong, and he was taken aback when he heard the words. After he figured it out, he looked back at his companion in surprise, and was about to explain to Dong Ping, but he was caught by the middle-aged man who seemed to be quite rich. The young man stopped with his eyes.

With a sound of "pa", I saw that the middle-aged man had just finished winking, and there was a bloodstain on his face. Dong Ping withdrew his whip and said viciously: "I said, I will reward you with a whole corpse. Don't tell me, the master has plenty." A way to make your life worse than death!"

Ordinary people would have been scared to death by Dong Ping's hand.But the middle-aged man only twitched the corners of his mouth a few times because of the burning pain on his face, but now he met Dong Ping's eyes and looked at him. Dong Ping subconsciously felt a little pressure, but in his heart he was It's even more convincing, this man probably has something on him, and he's definitely not an ordinary character.

Just as Dong Ping pressed down to question the middle-aged man, Sun Li, who had been driven back by Song Jiang, went back and forth, and asked Song Jiang whether the whole army had marched into Erlong Mountain.Because Dong Ping was very powerful on one side, Sun Li inadvertently glanced over there, and suddenly his face changed color, and he touched the handle of the knife unconsciously.

"You know him?" Song Jiang said suddenly.Don't look at him like an eminent monk in meditation at this moment, but everything around him is under his control.

"This is the one who slandered my younger brother in front of Lord Zhongshu in the past!" Sun Li slowed down his breathing as much as possible to calm down the unequal state of mind.

"Brother, bear with it for a while, and the sea will be calm. You can't kill him under the eyes of everyone!" Song Jiang persuaded in a low voice, and said: "You go and lead the team into the mountain, and I will find a way to resolve the festival between you and him!"

After finally dismissing Sun Li, Song Jiang immediately shouted loudly, "Stop!"

Dong Ping was about to extract some valuable information from these two wicked guys, when he suddenly heard Song Jiang's roar, he couldn't help turning his head in wonder, and saw Song Jiang bowing from a long distance away, saying in his mouth: "I don't know if it's the prefect of the King of Dengzhou. I'm so rude!"

Seeing that he was recognized unexpectedly, the middle-aged man looked at Song Jiang in surprise, but he still didn't speak.Song Jiang was not surprised, but reported himself: "The last general Song Jiang in Yuncheng, when he sent his army to Jingdong to suppress the bandits, Enxiang gave the last general an order before leaving, so that Xiao Ke could inquire about the king of Dengzhou. The whereabouts of Xianggong, God is sorry, I don't want us to meet here!"

Song Jiang said all the words to this point, and the middle-aged man finally stopped being silent, and said in a low voice: "I am ashamed, the princes of the Mongolian court are concerned, the teacher lost the city and land, and Dengzhou. I really have no face to meet Mr. Liang. See!"

"Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, don't worry about it!" Song Jiang hurriedly stepped forward to untie the rope on Wang Shizhong's body, and pointed to the young man beside him who looked quite similar to Wang Shizhong, and asked: "Dare to ask this... ..."

"It's the dog!" Wang Shizhong said as he squeezed his painful shoulder tied by the rope.

"So it's Zhong Yilang from your yamen!" Song Jiang clasped his fists and said.He really wasn't lying just now, Liang Zhongshu had clearly told Song Jiang that if possible, he must be thorough in Dengzhou Xianggong Wang Shizhong.

The young man was furious, and just after being untied, he immediately pointed at Dong Ping and cursed: "Who are you to be so disrespectful to my father... Hey, you!"

Wang Yanei never expected that the assailant would snort coldly and leave. He was so angry that he could only vent his anger on Song Jiang who was smiling: "Song, this is your good subordinate. How dare you speak in public?" Beating the imperial court official! If you don't give my father an explanation, I will definitely seek justice in front of Liang Shibo!"

"Nizi, don't talk nonsense!" Seeing Song Jiang's embarrassment, Wang Shizhong didn't want to make troubles. Although Song Jiang was a member of Liang Zhongshu, he was a strong man in the mountains before. Whether their father and son can get away is still a question.

"Father, you..." Wang Huan said puzzled.

Wang Shizhong winked eagerly, and his son finally didn't dare to do anything wrong. Seeing that he was easy to talk, Song Jiang settled down, and immediately stepped forward to ask for warmth, and explained the misunderstanding. The two talked for a while, and Song Jiang finally figured out what Wang Shizhong was. Why do you end up here.

"It's five or seven hundred miles from Dengzhou to this place, but Wang Taishou and Xiao Ya Nei have fled all the way..."

"Why is the general here?" Wang Shizhong sighed, not wanting to talk about the hardships and dangers he encountered along the way, so he asked Song Jiang instead.

"Your Majesty has issued a decree, so General Yimo has come to rescue Taishou Zeng!" Song Jiang knew that Wang Shizhong had a friendship with Liang Shijie, so he didn't hide it from him at the moment.

When Wang Shizhong saw this, he couldn't help frowning, thought for a while, and then asked: "It is written in the imperial decree that General Song was sent to rescue Qingzhou?"

"That's not true. The imperial decree was naturally issued to Privy Tong, but I came to the rescue after being sent by Privy Tong!" Song Jiang said.

Wang Shizhong stared at Song Jiang for a while, seeing the ignorance on the other side's face, as if he didn't know that he was being set by someone, he couldn't help sighing, and finally saw that this person was recommended by Liang Shijie, and pointed out:

"Do you know why Zeng Xiaoyun became an official in this tiger and wolf Qingzhou? It's because he offended someone! If you come to rescue him now, it's tantamount to forcing yourself to a dead end!" (To be continued~^~)

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