Hearing his servant's words, Xu Guan's loyalty burned like fire, and he was surprised that his mother was fine when he just left the house, why did he suddenly become critical? !He asked hastily: "Have you invited Doctor Ma who is facing the street?" Xu Guanzhong is a dutiful son, because his mother was ill, he moved his family to the next door to a well-known doctor in this famous mansion, just to prevent his mother from suddenly falling ill.

"The villain went to invite, but Doctor Ma is not at home at this time, he has been invited to the mansion for several days by the stay-at-home gentleman!" The servant hurriedly replied.

Xu Guanzhong was very anxious when he heard the words, and said again: "Have you been to Dr. Liu's place on Jiucheng Street?"

"I've been there! It's not bad! Little official, I heard from other people who came to seek medical treatment that all the famous doctors in our city have been invited to the homes of your lords, and there are some incompetent ones left. It's really a critical moment It doesn't help!" The boy replied with a sad face.

These few words from my servant fell into the ears of this filial son like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. He slapped his palm on the table, and immediately another hole appeared on the dilapidated wooden table, but Xu Guanzhong listened. Angrily scolded: "These silverfish's life is their life, but the people's life is like a mustard worm and ant!? If you ask a doctor, you will invite a doctor. Why is it like house arrest, and the doctor is not allowed out of the house? If the people in the city There is something wrong, but who to look for!?"

Seeing this, Yan Qing hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him: "Brother Xu, don't get angry! It's not too late, so I'll hurry back to the mansion right away, and invite the staff to go to Liang Zhongshu's mansion to talk about the matter. Be sure to ask Dr. Ma to come out for a while!"

Seeing this, Xu Guanzhong hurriedly bowed to Yanqing and said, "Brother Duomeng is kind!"

Seeing that the matter was urgent, Yan Qing didn't delay, just cupped his fists to signal to everyone present, and then ran out like flying, Xu Guanzhong couldn't sit still anymore, so he wanted to leave and go home, Wang Lun said : "If Brother Xu doesn't see you, how about Xiao Ke going with you? Although it may not be able to help, but running errands or something can still be done!"

Seeing this, Xu Guanzhong didn't have time to be polite, so he hurriedly bowed to Wang Lun and said, "I am deeply grateful for my brother's kindness! So let's go together!"

Seeing that they were not polite, everyone rushed to the door. Wang Lun turned his head and said to Jiao Ting: "I will go with Brother Hao, you are only waiting for that brother!" Seeing that, Jiao Ting stopped and looked away Wang Lun waited for the crowd to leave before turning back.

Wang Lun took Hao Siwen and followed Xu Guanzhong for a trot. Not long after, everyone came to a courtyard, and saw an old lady lying on the ground with a wide open door, vomiting all over her body. She was already unconscious. , a young man next to him was so anxious that he couldn't do anything, he wanted to help the old man in, but he didn't dare to move lightly. Suddenly he heard the movement at the door, and shouted like a savior: "It's good for the little official to come back, the doctor Woolen cloth?"

When Xu Guanzhong saw his mother's appearance like this, the tears in his eyes rushed out like throwing beads and beans. He didn't have the heart to speak at this moment, so he ran towards the old woman.

I saw him kneeling beside his mother, but helpless.Although he has both civil and military skills, he has no medical skills. Seeing this life and death juncture, as a son of man, he can only stand on the sidelines helplessly, and the sadness in his heart is uncontrollable.

When Wang Lun saw Xu Guanzhong's mother's illness, he felt strange in his heart, and hurriedly pulled the servant over to ask about the illness.Wang Lun thought: "Could it be a heart attack?" In the previous life, a relative in his family also suffered from this disease. The patient was rescued from the gate of hell, but where can I find this emergency medicine at this time! ?

At this time, Wang Lun didn't think much about it, and hurried forward, and said to Xu Guanzhong: "Xiao Ke's family also has relatives and friends who have such a case. I see that the doctor will not be able to catch up in a while. If Brother Xu can trust me, call Xiao Ke." Give it a try!" Having said that, it's just that Wang Lun has no idea in his mind, he just heard the elder family member talk about a first aid method when he was chatting in the past, and he didn't know whether it would work or not. It's urgent, and I can't take care of that much.

Xu Guanzhong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and asked, "Brother, do you know medical skills?" Wang Lun shook his head and said, "No, it's just that my family has an illness, and I've heard of this emergency method!"

When Xu Guanzhong saw that he yelled towards the door, the boy who was waiting for Yan Qing outside the door hurriedly replied: "There is no one in sight yet, stand up again!"

Xu Guanzhong was in a state of chaos. Seeing that his mother was seriously ill, he really had no time to delay. If he didn't use the needle in time, he was afraid that life and death would be unpredictable, so he looked at Wang Lun and said, "So please help me, brother!"

Wang Lun nodded, squatting in front of Xu's mother, first checked her breath with his hand, it was very weak, and now he can only rush into the battle.Not long after, Xu Guanzhong saw that Wang Lun didn't use needles, he was horrified, and wondered how he could save people with his bare hands, but he saw Wang Lun found an acupuncture point, patted it with a little force, and continued to pat for a while, only to see a lot of swelling on the skin on that spot. black bumps.Seeing his mother's head move slightly, Xu Guanzhong immediately turned his grief into joy. Wang Lun saw that this trick was interesting, so he couldn't help speeding up his technique. Close it again, looking straight at Wang Lun, but unable to speak.

Xu Guanzhong was delighted from the bottom of his heart, and he was about to help his mother up, but Wang Lun hurriedly stopped him: "Don't move the old lady, let's see what the doctor says when he comes!"

Why didn't Xu Guanzhong listen to him when he heard the words?Seeing this dutiful son turn over to Wang Lun and worship, he said in his mouth: "If you dare to ask your brother's name, Guan Zhong is willing to repay the favor of saving mother with death!"

Wang Lun hurriedly stepped forward to help Xu Guanzhong, and said softly: "It doesn't matter if you don't hear my name and surname Brother Xu, but it's not beautiful to hear it!"

Xu Guanzhong was startled when he heard the words, and said: "Could it be that elder brother is Tian Hu's lobbyist again?!" Then he shook his head and said to himself: "How can Tian Hu be so big-minded to attract elder brother's talent! Could it be that elder brother is dressed in white..." At this moment, he thought of the two big men beside Wang Lun, both of them were thick-backed, obviously not ordinary people, and he remembered the scholar's attire, and suddenly woke up.

At this time, the boy at the door shouted: "The doctor is here, the doctor is here!"

Wang Lun patted Xu Guanzhong on the shoulder and said: "To be honest, I originally intended to invite you to come out of the mountain, but I saw that brother Xu is a filial man, and your mother can't stand the bumps and frights, so let's stop here! Please call the doctor in for treatment Lord Lingtang!"

Xu Guanzhong's pupils showed an extremely incredible look, and he looked at Wang Lun hesitantly, thinking that this person has such a great kindness to himself, but he is open and upright, although he does not hide his purpose, but he does not try to force others, which is very amazing. He felt ashamed, and he couldn't help sighing that the rumors that the benevolence, righteousness and heroism of the white-clothed elites were widely heard in the world, and the rumors that they were supported by the local people seemed to be true.

He stared at Wang Lun in a daze, and sighed, he felt that the person in front of him was completely different from the lobbyist that Qinyuan tycoon Tian Hu had sent several times.At this time, after listening to Wang Lun's words, a feeling of sympathy and sympathy suddenly arose in his heart for some reason, and this strange feeling warmed his originally extremely sad chest.

At this time, Yan Qing rushed in with a doctor, seeing Xu Guanzhong's complex expression, secretly thought something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Brother Xu, what is your Majesty doing?"

Xu Guanzhong who was in deep thought was awakened by Yan Qing's inquiry. He raised his head and saw that the person Yan Qing brought here was not the familiar Dr. Ma, and hurriedly said: "It's okay now, but I have to work hard for Dr. Ma again!" At this time When his mother woke up, his mood gradually stabilized. When he saw the doctor rushing over, he was very disturbed and hurried forward to greet him.

The doctor Ma shook his head and said: "It's okay, I'll take a look first and then talk!" Everyone embraced Doctor Ma and came to Xu's mother. The doctor saw that Xu's mother's breathing was stable, so he didn't rush to use needles right now, but just took the pulse first for diagnosis and treatment. After a while, Jiu Jiu raised his head and said: "Old lady, this is an old problem. It's just that Xiao Ke's medical skills are not good, and she can't cut the root, so I have to see the trick!"

Xu Guanzhong hurriedly bowed his hands in thanks, and said: "In this famous mansion, who else's medical skills can compare with Dr. Ma, please don't be too humble!"

Doctor Ma just shook his head, seeing that Xu's mother was still in good condition, he asked everyone to carry the old lady inside, ready to use needles, and the two young servants hurriedly wiped the dirt on the patient's clothes.

Everyone was busy for a while, only Dr. Ma was left to use the needle indoors, Xu Guanzhong and Yan Qing rushed out, only to see Yan Qing cupped his hands to Wang Lun and said: "Brother Duo Meng saved my brother and mother's life, please accept my brother's life." Worship!" Wang Lun hurriedly stepped forward to help Yan Qing up, and Yan Qing said: "Brother Xu and I are like flesh and blood with different surnames, and his mother is the mother of the villain, please leave your name, the villain will later If there is a chance, I will report it to my brother!"

"Brother Xiao Yi is serious, but Xiao Ke's name doesn't matter! Since Brother Xu is fine, I will leave now!" Wang Lun thought to himself that this time, Xu Guanzhong was absolutely irresistible. How could he be such a dutiful son? Take your mother on a long journey and plunge into a dangerous place?Thinking of this encounter, Wang Lun just sighed slightly in his heart, bowed his hands to the two, and then winked at Hao Siwen, Hao Siwen nodded, and the two left side by side, Xu Guanzhong and Yan Qing just wanted to see off, They were all persuaded by Wang Lun.

Not far from the door, Wang Lun suddenly had a thought, secretly thinking that Xu Guanzhong was in Shuanglin Town when he appeared on the stage. At that time, his mother was still in good condition and was already seventy years old. Maybe there is hope for a cure for this disease ?Otherwise, with Xu Guanzhong's filial piety, he would definitely not take his mother to live in seclusion in the wild mountains and forests, thinking that there is no village or shop behind, so how can it be convenient to seek medical consultation in this famous mansion! ?

Having figured this out, he hurriedly turned around and went back. Xu Guanzhong and Yan Qing were still sighing in the courtyard. Seeing the scholar turned his head back, the two rushed forward to meet him, only to hear Wang Lun say: "I don't know Brother Xu and Brother Yi Did you hear that there is a genius doctor An Daoquan in Jiankang Mansion?"

Both of them shook their heads when they saw what they were talking about. At that moment, Doctor Ma who was using needles came out. Hearing Wang Lun's words, he said, "I also know this person. I think his medical skills are supernatural. I'm afraid he can't beat me a hundred times? If he is here Therefore, there may be hope for the cure of the old madam's illness!"

Yan Qing was overjoyed when he heard the words, but seeing Xu Guanzhong's excited face, he wished he could grow a pair of wings and fly straight to Jiankang Mansion. Seeing this, Wang Lun said, "I have a plan here! I wanted to invite him to my village I will stay here for a while, so I will ask Dr. Ma to work harder and write down the symptoms of the old lady on paper! If I meet him, I will ask him to make a diagnosis in person. If he is sure, I will ask him to work hard. Come to this Daming Mansion to treat the old lady, what do you guys think!"

Xu Guanzhong and Yan Qing glanced at each other, like a drowning man suddenly grabbing a straw, and just suppressed the excitement in his heart.According to the distance between them, they were not in a hurry to answer Wang Lun's words first, but just begged Dr. Ma, who saw this and said: "This scholar is a loyal person. As the saying goes, a doctor is a parent, how dare I not cure it?" Hold it to prevent others from healing! I will write it right away!"

Xu Guanzhong was overjoyed, and quickly went in to grind and pick up the brush himself. The doctor Ma wrote hundreds of words eloquently, sometimes meditating, sometimes writing vigorously. That's all.

When Dr. Ma finished writing, Xu Guanzhong took the consultation fee and waited for him. Dr. Ma did not lie, he took the consultation fee, but told Wang Lun: "Scholar, please go and invite Dr. Na'an. Madam Bao is fine, but her illness cannot last long!"

Wang Lun nodded his thanks, then Doctor Ma turned his head and said, "Guan Zhong, if you get the genius doctor An Daoquan, you will definitely call me over when he arrives at the mansion. If you can see him in person, you will be very lucky!"

Xu Guanzhong quickly complied, and everyone sent Dr. Ma straight out. Dr. Ma said with a wry smile: "Everyone, don't send me off. I have to stay at the Xianggong's mansion to answer my errands!" After speaking, he left.

When the doctor left, Xu Guanzhong and Yan Qing both bowed down to Wang Lun. When Wang Lun hurriedly bowed to help him, Xu Guanzhong said: "You must be filial. !" Yan Qing was shocked when she heard the words, she didn't think that this person was Wang Lun, the giant bandit of Liangshan! ?Just as he was surprised, he heard Wang Lun say: "We will meet each other if we are destined, we will not know each other if we don't, so don't take this as a burden! Good life to take care of Lingtang! I will take care of what I promised you, but I can't stay in this famous mansion." In a few days, I will go here!"

After Wang Lun had finished speaking, he said to Yan Qing: "I'm going to scare little brother B, we'll meet later!" He knew that Yan Qing was born with a delicate heart, so he would inevitably think deeply.But whether he met him by chance or deliberately plotted against him, he will figure it out in his heart in the future, so he doesn't need to say anything.

After Wang Lun finished speaking, he nodded to Hao Siwen, and the two left together, leaving only two dazed figures standing in place for a long time.

After all these encounters, it was already dark at this time, and the two walked side by side under the night, only to hear Hao Siwen say: "I heard that my brother is unparalleled in righteousness, and never persecutes others. The younger brother is completely aware of it!"

Wang Lun shook his head and sighed inwardly. He felt that it might be a long time before he would meet Xu Guanzhong, who is capable of both civil and military skills.If An Daoquan could cure his mother's illness, the old lady would be able to persist for at least seventy years. Just thinking of this, Wang Lun thought of his own life experience, sighed in his heart, and was extremely envious Xu Guanzhong's blessing.

The two of them were thinking about their own concerns, and walked all the way back to the Cuiyun Tower, only to see that Jiao Ting was leading a lean man on the remnant table in the lobby where two palm prints were left.Seeing this, Wang Lun was shocked and took Hao Siwen to catch up.

Now that the big event is over, it's time to go home, and it will be June in ten days. I don't know how the old enemy is thinking now, whether he has made up his mind to do it or not.


On the fourth day of June, everything is unlucky.The god of wealth descends from the north, and the disaster star comes from the south.

On Huangnigang, the sun was scorching hot, and in a forest not far away, there were seven or eight people leaning on several carts full of dates, and a strong man like an iron tower asked: " Daoist, when can they get here?"

I saw an expert dressed in secular clothes say: "The poor Taoist followed them for two days, and they will arrive soon! If Baozheng is not at ease, then I will go to investigate again!"

But he saw a middle-aged Confucian scholar next to him stop him and said: "Master Daoist, I'll just wait here, so as not to startle the snake!"

The man who looked like an iron tower nodded when he heard the words, and said to a man next to him who exuded the atmosphere of the market: "Brother, go and ambush first!" Then he asked the middle-aged Confucian scholar: "Has there been any changes in Liangshan Po in the past few days?"

The Confucian scholar replied: "Nothing changed! Then Wang Lun went to Cangzhou, and heard that Baihui Chai went in. Now that the dragons have no leader, it is a good time for us to do it!"

The iron-tower-like man sighed and said, "After getting this ill-gotten wealth, the eight of us will share it equally. I thought about it for three to five months, and when the wind passed, I would sell the field and fly away with my brothers. This is a place of right and wrong!"

Note: The last chapter of the public version will be released tomorrow. The [-]-word chapter is to comfort all the heroes for their support in the past two months. Thank you Xiao Ke!I also hope that all heroes will continue to support, here is a genuine subscription, and a monthly ticket for the new book issue!Thank you all! ! !

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