Water Margin Survival

Chapter 877 Tong Guan is planning to call it a day

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live, humble minister Liu Zhongwu leads the decree to thank you!"

Liu Zhongwu respectfully received the imperial decree from the most famous eunuch in the dynasty, and then looked at Tong Guan with a very lively expression. Although it was silent at this time, everything was said in silence.

Liu Zhongwu knew better than anyone else that it was entirely because of Tong Guan's favor that he was able to take over Tong Guan's bandit suppression command this time.Otherwise, even if it is impossible for Tong Guan to mention whoever is the emperor in the selection of the successor, but with the current popularity of the other party, it is still easy to ruin a person's future.

Sure enough, Tong Guan didn't really like to do good deeds without leaving a name, so he revealed the mystery in front of Liu Zhongwu: "Ziwen, this time a certain report to the emperor asked you to take over the task of suppressing thieves. Yes. At the general meeting tomorrow, a certain family will announce your appointment. Although you are only controlling the soldiers and horses in the eight states of Jingdong, a certain family will leave Zhao Tan in Yunzhou to guard your rear. When necessary, he will I will also listen to your restraint. In short, you have to guard the current situation for me. How is it? Is there any problem!"

Liu Zhongwu, who was still in a state of excitement just now, murmured for a long while, looking at Tong Guan, hesitant to speak.On the other hand, Bole was always smiling.

The reason why Tong Guan dared to use Liu Zhongwu was not only because he wanted to get closer to this person, but also because he believed that Liu Zhongwu's ability was enough to fill the gap after he left.Among the frontier army, this person is a general who has been promoted through solid achievements.Before he attached himself to Gao Lian, this person was a well-known general of the Western Army.And the role played by Gao Lian's Olympic aid on his road to promotion is nothing more than icing on the cake.For such a veteran general, even Xixia's elite soldiers with hundreds of battles can't get much favor in front of him, let alone the Liangshan bandits who have no background in this small pond in the inland!

Although this person was very hesitant at the moment, Tong Guan knew what he was worried about at the moment, so he didn't point it out right now, just looked at him with a smile.Sure enough, in the end Liu Zhongwu couldn't hold back any longer, and asked directly: "When the Prime Minister returns to Beijing, should he go by himself, or..."

Tong Guan laughed loudly, stretched out his hand and nodded Liu Zhongwu, and said: "You think I want to force you to cook without rice? Don't worry, a certain family will return to Beijing with only victorious troops!"

The Shengjie Army is Tong Guan's personal soldiers, apart from the Son of Heaven, who else in the world would dare to attack this army?Of course, Liu Zhongwu never had such wishful thinking. After hearing that Tong Guan would keep both the Western Army and the Beijing Army in the war zone, he really believed in Tong Guan's sincerity. How could he hesitate at this moment?Immediately, he expressed his position with full confidence: "The final general will definitely guard Jingdong for the court, guard this hard-won situation, and never discredit the face of the Prime Minister!"

Just kidding, with the 30 capital left by Tong Guan, plus [-] surrendered soldiers, he was fighting a battle of leisure and waiting for work. He was afraid of Wang Lun, who was only a few years older than his own old nine (the famous Liu Kai). !

"Okay! Well said! In this way, Jingdong will entrust it to Ziwen with confidence!" Tong Guan helped Liu Zhongwu up with a smile, and said emphatically: "Ziwen just do it with confidence and boldly, and the officials will be with me in everything." I support you behind my back. You also know that the imperial court’s large-scale use of surrendered troops this time is not only for the purpose of eradicating Liangshan bandits, but also for training this bloated team. In the future, don’t be afraid of what others will say. I moved everything for you, what should I do, I think you know what to do!"

Tong Guan's words couldn't be more clear, it was nothing more than wanting a dog to bite a dog, and finally succeeded in slimming down into an armed force that the imperial court can drive with peace of mind.It should be said that although the officials of the DPRK and China like to fight each other on weekdays, they are surprisingly consistent in their attitudes towards recruiting and surrendering troops.

Of course, Liu Zhongwu could not have any objection to this "national policy". After making a solemn promise, the two sat down again at the table.At this time, Tong Guan took out a thick list from his pocket, and while handing it to Liu Zhongwu, he wrote lightly: "Qi'er is a young hero, a certain family wants to take it with him and listen to it, and I hope Ziwen will give up his love!"

Liu Zhongwu took the list, glanced at it briefly, and realized the weight of these thin sheets of paper.These are the lists of middle and lower level officers that Tong Guanyu wants to promote, they can be regarded as the fruits of victory that need to be digested after this big victory.

It is said that the Privy Council of the imperial court was opened by Tong Guan's own family, and it is not complicated for him to operate it himself, but signing with his left hand and stamping with his right hand, and playing behind closed doors will inevitably cause controversy.That's why he wanted to take a hand from himself.Liu Zhongwu has come to this step step by step. How can he not understand these rules?There is no other word at the moment, solemnly put the list in his arms, and said at the same time:

"As a father, I am the least worried about Lao Jiu's fame and fame. It's a pity that my eight sons can have half the success of this youngest. Even if I die, I will have no regrets!"

This is the opening condition.Tong Guan was never afraid of his subordinates asking for conditions, and he talked with a smile as usual: "The fifth young man in the Liu family has become famous. In Ziwen's opinion, isn't he not as good as Qi'er?"

Thinking of his eight sons, Liu Zhongwu couldn't help sighing, and said: "Xi'er is more than successful, but he has no ambition to make progress!"

Tong Guan chuckled, and said: "It is said that knowing a son is better than a father. Your family Qianliju will follow you to make contributions. The remaining seven sons of the Liu family will be transferred to Zhao Tan's tent. As for the fifth child, let him follow a certain family. !"

If the sons made such a move, the father would be completely tied to Tong Guan's chariot.But as a father, who would not consider for their children?Liu Zhongwu sighed deeply, and Fu, who pushed the golden mountain and inverted the jade pillar, bowed down to Tong Guan again. Tong Guan laughed loudly, and said straightly: "Ziwen is too polite!"

After this "interaction", the two finally connected with each other. Liu Zhongwu did not have any surprises when they first met, and said happily: "It took three to five months for the bandits in Liangshan to jump over the wall in a hurry. Enxiang is in a hurry to return to Beijing at this juncture. , Is there another side to the war in the west?"

"A new branch?"

As soon as the war on the western front was mentioned, Tong Guan's face turned cold, and after a cold basking, he said: "It's good to have side effects! I think Lao Zhong and Liu Fa have lived in peace for a long time, and they are lazy. Already! The two armies have spent countless money and food, but they just refuse to advance half a foot. If a certain family is left to their disposal, when will Hengshan be pacified!?"

Hengshan, anyone who has been in the Western Army knows that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the lifeblood of the Xixia Kingdom.Only by capturing the front line of Hengshan and causing Xixia to lose the most critical forward position and the most important source of troops, Xixia will no longer be able to make big waves.

Hearing these complaints that only people close to him would have, Liu Zhongwu finally got a glimpse of his childlike heart: why doesn't he want to stay in Jingdong?

This man is definitely not timid and afraid of the enemy like a tiger, on the contrary, but a small shrimp of Liang Shan's level, it is really difficult for this man to catch his eyes.To be fair, Tong Guan made up his mind to solve Liangshan's trouble in one fell swoop at the beginning, but unexpectedly drove all the culprits to the island by mistake.In this way, the pain will not be worth the loss.

Perhaps, this kind of feat of exterminating thieves, in the eyes of another person, is definitely a great contribution.But for Tong Guan, who had just pacified Hedong, apart from provoking jealousy for no reason, the actual benefits were limited.He is now an extremely powerful minister, and no reward can arouse his interest.Of course, except for the father of the current emperor, the sentence "the king who restores Yanyun" in Shenzong's edict.

However, if you want to regain Yanyun, you must use troops against Liao.And if you want to use troops against Khitan, you must first press Xixia.But if you want to press Xixia, you must win Hengshan and then be safe.Don't look at the Wang Lun in front of you, although he is quite noisy in Jingdong, but in Tong Guan's eyes, he is as immature as a child playing house, even the fur of Xixia's troubles can't match.

Now the imperial court manages the two armies of Western Xia, led by Zhong Shidao and Liu Fa respectively, neither of them are in Tong Guan's pocket, if he doesn't keep an eye on them himself, how can he rest assured?

It just so happens that Liangshan's series of defeats in JD.com has allowed Tong Guan to handle this errand decently, which he is actually unwilling to take on in his heart.

"Old man, if Liu Fa wanted half of your heart, Hengshan would have long been in the court's pocket. Why should I be so troubled? It's just a matter of business. There are a lot of things. Recently, my son-in-law has been bewitched by someone. There is arguing about going to Yongzhou to defend the border, and some people in the court have already started to add fuel to the flames, trying to make a fuss about this matter. Sigh, I can't live in peace even if I have a day!"

Looking at the sober look on Liu Zhongwu's face, Tong Guan sighed and "complained" in the tone of talking to "one of us".

Wang Qing wants to go to Yongzhou! ?

Liu Zhongwu was quite surprised when he heard this, it was the first time he had heard such news!I think that apart from being Tong Guan's son-in-law, Wang Qing also has another identity, that is, the giant bandit who has just been recruited.

If a person has no ambition to rebel, who is willing to fall into the grass easily?Could it be that Wang Qing didn't change his evil intentions, he didn't want to share the blessings of the son-in-law of the powerful prime minister, and still wanted to do the crazy thing of killing the nine clans?

If this is the case, it is terrible!This person must be born with such a wild and untamed nature to drive him to do such a stupid thing of sacrificing fortune and seeking disaster!

Alas, even though he himself has some doubts about Wang Qing's intentions, it is obviously impossible for Tong Guan not to see the murderous intent hidden in this matter, otherwise he would definitely not be like this based on the father-daughter relationship between him and his adopted daughter. What a fuss.

It's just that Wang Qing's small abacus, if it was normal, Tong Guan could have snuffed it out with a flick of a finger, but now he is complaining uncharacteristically. Be moved.

Liu Zhongwu suddenly realized that no matter how high the Jingdong thief Wang Lun jumped, he would not be able to delay Tong Guan's firm pace on the road to becoming a king, let alone a cheap son-in-law who didn't know the general idea suddenly jumped out at this time to add to the chaos.

Perhaps, from the moment the imperial court regained Dengzhou, no matter whether the war on Jingdong Road was over or not, his childlike heart was no longer here. (to be continued~^~)

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