Water Margin Survival

Chapter 889 Ask me if I want to fight?Definitely hit!Must fight!

The wait is undoubtedly long, but sometimes it is only a moment to get the result.

Just because Wang Lun was not interested in playing riddles with these surrendered generals, after appeasing the leaders of the rebel army, he directly announced the appointment of the surrendered generals.

And without any suspense, the first name that appeared was Liang Shanbo's "old friend", former Jeju regiment training envoy Huang An.

"Brother, you have been knighted!? This is what you and the king asked for?"

Hearing that his elder brother was named the Baron of Shunyi, Huang Yongda was surprised. When he looked at his elder brother again, he found that there were two drops of astringent water on the corners of his eyes, and he didn't know his feelings.

"Dealing with... or with such a person for a long time!"

At this time, Huang An noticed the surprised gaze of his brother, and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes like a cover-up, and said with emotion: "You don't know, if it wasn't for your brother and my carelessness, Chao Gai and I would have almost wiped out Liangshanbo Hey! At that time, he only had a few hundred people? Hey, how long has it passed? In the blink of an eye, it feels like a lifetime away. Now the Huang family in Danzhou will be renamed the Huang family in Seoul! With these [-] acres of land as a foundation, I will put on this face again and discuss with Wang Lun, ah no, with the genuine King of Korea, but if there are unowned fields, let's spend money to buy more, our family , so you can sit back and relax!"

"Let's go, don't be dazed! Go up and invite General Yin! Huang Tuanlian!"

Seeing his brother stunned on the spot, Huang An joked that Huang Yong had benefited from Huang An's self-retirement and returned to his hometown. At this time, he did not bid farewell to the political stage like his brother.Instead, he was appointed by Wang Lun as the training envoy of the Jeju Island regiment.Although Jeju Island is a small county that only governs three counties, and the regiment training envoys are not as developed as the leaders of the field army, Huang Yong is also a dignified first-line military official, and safety is more important.

"I am the training envoy of the Jeju regiment, and you are the training envoy of the Jeju island regiment, hehe! Hehe!"

When Huang An went up to meet Wang Lun, both of them nodded to each other with deep emotion, regardless of the previous grievances, the two simple actions of handing over and over in this appointment letter can almost be seen. It's the end of an era.

"It's over, it's over, it's over! Thinking about the relationship between Huang An and Liang Shanbo for many years, now a Shunyi man who can't be passed on to his descendants is dismissed, so wouldn't we be in a worse situation?"

The generals who stretched their necks and waited for the "sentencing" panicked. The dull ones were still thinking about the little military power in their hands, but the smart ones had already started to think about how to behave with their tails tucked in the future.

"We hereby appoint Xue Tianxing, Kou Jianxi, Lei Ying, Huang Kui, Qian Ji, Yao Gang, Wen Qin, Yuan Chao, Fang Kechang, Zhang Jinbiao, Wang Dengbang, and Li Feibao as the teaching leaders of the Liangshanbo Lecture Hall. Among them, Xue Tianxing and Kou Jianxi gave a thousand taels of gold , a house in Seoul, with 500 acres of fertile land; Lei Ying and Wen Qin gave [-] taels of gold and [-] acres of fertile land.”

Hearing that Wang Lun had swept all the surrendered generals in one go, Zhu Wu had to feel that Li Xun had really made a great contribution this time.Because many people on this list were originally supposed to be resettled and treated by the prison and regiment training envoys, but after this fight, they were all beaten and sent to the lecture hall for retirement.

Of course, there is a difference between retirement and retirement.For example, if Xue Tianxing and Kou Jianxi defected to Dazhai voluntarily, their treatment should be differentiated from others.Even if other people were favored by Wang Lun, they would not express anything else at this time.

Zhu Wu knew that although the quality of these surrendered generals was not very high, in fact Wang Lun still had some promising candidates.For example, the group in Yunzhou practiced Cunxiao Yao Gang, his martial arts skills were not bad, and he was not a villain, but his mind was a little confused, and in layman's terms he was a muscle.For a person like Miao Shanggao "Miao Heitian", the magistrate of Yunzhou, he was willing to do his best to protect him from escaping, and he looked like a running dog.In the end, after being severely scolded by Huang Xin, he was able to feel ashamed again, which showed that this person was not a hopeless person.

In addition, Wang Lun paid more attention to several military officers from Yizhou.It's just that Xue Tianxing and Wen Qin were going to Kyushu Island with the old Jiedu Xu Jing in the original plan, but for some reason they were also included in the lecture hall.

Zhu Wu thought about it, and felt that Wang Lun should maintain balance and not intend to overly stimulate other people who were sitting on the bench.Moreover, transferring them from the lecture hall to Xu Jing's command in the future will play a more positive role in promoting.

Things in the world are sometimes a coincidence.Zhu Wu was thinking about Xue Tianxing and Wen Qin, and they were also puzzled by this arrangement. Xu Jing had given Xue Tianxing a wind before, but the result was very different after it came out!The two turned their heads to look at Xu Jing, but the other party sensed the emotions of the two at the first moment, and pressed their hands down calmly, signaling the two to stabilize.

"The old general always talks one is one and the other is two. Since he told Chief Wang about our affairs, he won't lie to others. I guess this time, we have caused trouble for others!" Xue Tianxing is a soldier. Mr. Ma's characters, he and Kou Jianxi are the highest rank among the surrendered generals, and they are not people who have not experienced world affairs. At this time, they calmly stepped forward to receive the seal without making noise.

"Sir, it's not scary to have an accident! What the general is worried about is that after all our troubles this time, all of our subordinates have dispersed!" Wen Qin lowered his voice, but at this time he was not as calm as Xue Tianxing.

Seeing that Xue Tianxing stopped, he lowered his voice to the lowest level: "If that person is a weak lord, you can still hold the military power to some extent. But does that person look like a weak lord?"

Seeing the question, Wen Qin murmured, "It doesn't look like..."

"Then you are still desperately looking for death?" Xue Tianxing slapped Wen Qin's helmet fiercely, and strode forward.

In this world, if there are sensible people, there are always foolish ones.Heart-wrenching Zhang Jinbiao and Wang Deng are ranked behind Kou Jianxi and Lei Ying. Now they pin all their hopes on these two high-ranking figures, and only ask them to be in front of Wang Lun: Don't be cowardly, just do it!

"Boss Wang, this... I am really ashamed to accept it! I didn't expect Kou to be treated so favorably by the Shanzhai, but Kou deserves to be ashamed of receiving it! Right now, in front of everyone, I want to make a promise to Chief Wang, Kou In the future, in the position of teaching in the Martial Arts Hall, I must devote the greatest enthusiasm!"

"Yes! We must learn from the old Jiedu envoys and devote the rest of our lives to teaching the art of war!"

shameless!How can people be so shameless!Can a mere thousand taels of gold bend a person's spine! ?

Hearing Kou Jianxi and Lei Ying's flattering remarks, Zhang and Wang had already greeted the eight generations of their ancestors in their hearts, but when they actually faced Wang Lun, although they were holding back their complaints, they didn't care. Dare to make a mistake, but in the end they had to squeeze out a smiling face, becoming exactly the same as the person they despised in their hearts, respectfully accepting the general seal they didn't want at all.

Those who should make trouble the most and those who wanted to make trouble the most didn't dare to make trouble in the end, and the rest of them had no reason to stand out.It's just that Huang Kui saw Kou Jianxi struggling to hold a 500 gold ingot in one hand, and sighed secretly: "Lu Shaohe also died in the hands of such a bear!"

After dismissing generals in a very formulaic way, Wang Lun did not stop, but continued to announce the last series of appointments.

However, the first item of this wave of appointments caused an explosion in the camp.Because everyone heard with their own ears that Xu Jing, the head of the Shamenzhai village, was promoted to the Jiedushi of Penglai County.

Penglai is the first county in Dengzhou. Even if you have no knowledge of geography, everyone has personally experienced the Penglai retreat.With Wang Lun's appointment, the new leaders suddenly realized that they had understood the real intention of Wang Lun's arrival in the Salmonella Islands.

Before the answer to the mystery was revealed, the surrendered generals were once afraid that Wang Lun would use them as a trick to confront the court.At this moment, when the dust settled, most people became calmer.Only Li Feibao still had a heavy expression on his face, as if he wanted to stand up again to speak up, but Huang Kui finally pressed him firmly.

Because of this restlessness, the news that Li Yan took over as the head of the Shamen Village did not cause any splashes.After all, Mr. Jin Jian's nephew, the lucky one deliberately cultivated by the big boss, this army stick is not in vain.

Because of Xu Jing's transfer, the three former leaders of Qingyun Mountain under him were divided into two groups.Han Fan and Ban Ze are in charge of commanding the original soldiers of the Qingyun village, and they are temporarily under the custody of the Shamen village.While Wang Ziwu continued to follow Xu Jing, the entire Yuanzhou County reserve army was converted into the Shanzhai garrison Penglai garrison, and Wang Ziwu served as the leader of the Penglai garrison.

I don't know if it was dragged down by those generals, but the appointment of newcomers today seems to be very low-key.Even the green forest figures who have always been valued on Liangshan have fired three squibs this time.

Huadao Meng Futong, Hu Liu, and Ruan Ba ​​were appointed as the leaders of the Shamenzhai at the same time.But Wang Lun did not specify the ranking of the three, and he mentioned it vaguely when he announced it.

On the contrary, the scud Liu Tong, who ran the single gang, became the last dark horse today. He unexpectedly jumped from an insignificant figure in the rivers and lakes to become the deputy general of the Diting Army in the Liangshan garrison sequence, and became as lucky as Liu Wenshun.

After announcing the appointment of the new leaders, Wang Lun handed over the right to speak to Zhu Wu.After listening to Zhu Wu's cliché, everyone felt like they were going to adjourn the meeting, and several newly-appointed Lian Envoys couldn't help rushing to say: "Boss, military adviser! Dare to ask when our army will counterattack Jingdong? Let's Junshi Xu and a group of brothers in the Shanzhai are still trapped in Liangshanbo by the court, we can't leave them alone!"

"Are you stupid? The big boss appointed all the envoys of Penglai Jiedu, and there are still people who don't want to fight? You are the imperial court. It's fun to promise an errand for an empty head?!"

"Think about the many state capitals in Jingdong, my brother only appoints one Penglai Jiedu envoy, how will it be enough in the future? Seal two more for preparation, don't worry when you need it!"

Hearing the discussion below, Wang Lun and Zhu Wu looked at each other, shook their heads and laughed, and finally heard Wang Lun answer directly: "You ask me if I will fight! I can tell you clearly that the battle will definitely be fought! It must also be fought. Hit! But..."

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