Water Margin Survival

Chapter 891 Reinterpreted 36 Strategies

As soon as Wang Lun said this, the tent fell into silence, and after a while, the pot exploded again.

"Prince Wang, have you never thought about fighting to the death with the court from the beginning to the end!?" Ren Liang no longer cared about the old saying that silence is gold, and at this moment he stood up and "questioned" Wang Lun in a gaffe.

"Sit down, sit down and talk!" Wang Lun pressed his hands down, waited for Ren Liang to sit back in his original position, and said, "In your words, I never wanted to fight to the death with the court!"

With Wang Lun's personal acknowledgment, Ren Liang stood up again excitedly, and said: "Then you pointed your troops at Gyeonggi and made a big fight in the east of the capital, and the relationship became so big. In the end, all of us are just you fighting rabbits." By the way, brought back?"

When Wang Lun heard this, he laughed, and pressed his hand down again, "I can only say that we are destined!"

Ren Liangjian said that a mouthful of old blood almost spit out, it's destined! ?His future and ambitions were ruined overnight because of his fate with the bandits in the green forest under his jurisdiction! ?If this rumor gets out, there will be no place to put the face of his Ren family ancestors.

"Why isn't there a destiny? As the saying goes, sleepiness meets a pillow, and I, Liang Shanbo, is short of talents right now, so I met my foot. Do you think this is not a destiny?" Wang Lun knew what Ren Liang was thinking, so the first sentence was gentle and drizzle, and the next sentence Then he became serious: "Even if I, Liangshan, are a grassroots bandit in the eyes of the court, I am also an upright Han armed! Now that I, Liangshanbo, open up borders for the Han family, I occupy all the land that the Zhao family is unable to conquer. Even if it is the historian of Zhao and Song Dynasties, I will wake up in the future , must also solemnly remember us!"

Wang Lun's words made many leaders present excited. Seeing this, Jiang Yuan tugged Ren Liang's sleeves. Ren Liang was already in a state of anger and was not discouraged so quickly, but facing Wang Lun's remarks, But he was tongue-tied again, speechless.At this moment, Zhu Wu took Wang Lun's words and said:

"Since the official's ascension to the throne, the treacherous party has ruled the court for nearly twenty years. A conscientious official like Ren Gongyun can't persuade the emperor to his superiors, and can't be a master of his subordinates to benefit the people. He simply spent his best years No matter how well you do your job, you can transfer Jingdong’s money and food to the national treasury, but you really don’t know what the foolish and treacherous officials are doing with these people’s fat and people’s anointing? "

"That's right!" Chai Jin, who has always been self-cultivated, couldn't help but stand up against the case, glanced at Ren Liang and said, "As for the Zhao family's traitors who plotted against rebellion, do you know what it means to love the people like a son? You let the judge scrape all the land in Jingdong Dedicated to Zhao Ji's squandering, isn't it just helping the tyrant? Now my lord is giving you a chance to change your mind, so don't be double-dealing! If you don't want to start a new life, before you get out of this tent, you can say it clearly! Don't wait for trouble to come out in the future, everyone The face must be ugly!"

Ren Liang lost his temper completely.To say that in front of Wang Lun, who is eager for talents, he still has the capital to be "arrogant" from time to time, but it is a pity that Chai Jin is the terminator of the so-called integrity of these scholar-bureaucrats.Who told Zhao's family to be unjust, bullying the throne snatched by other people's orphans and widowed mothers, so that those "retainers" like them couldn't help but blush.

Alas, I don't know where Wang Lun dug out the Chai family's demon mirror, but when he wanted to scold him, he was immediately blocked and speechless.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan felt uncomfortable, and stood up and said, "Jiang has nothing to say. But I hope the king's leader will be consistent with his words and deeds, so that we two ministers can be called After the coffin is built, future generations can also live peacefully and calmly, and won't be burdened by our infamy!"

Jiang Yuan admitted that he had been "planted". How could Wang Lun be good-looking when he got a bargain? He immediately clasped his fists at the people present and said, "My future road, and even the future road of Liangshanbo, everyone will see with their own eyes and follow along the way. But there are Deviation, I hope you brothers will correct it in time!"

"Brother is serious!"

"The king's words are serious!"

Everyone stood up and shouted, the sound was so loud that everyone's ears were buzzing.Even Li Feibao, who had been immersed in meditation, couldn't help being awakened, and when his voice became quieter, he got up and asked a difficult question that puzzled him: "The Jingdong war that has attracted the attention of the whole country...is this the result?"

"That's it!" Wang Lun hadn't expected Li Feibao at all.This Mr. Zhuang Bing was actually the most active among the generals who were surrendered by the imperial court. Wang Lun immediately became interested in him, and said: "This battle in Jingdong, if I don't fight it, Tong Guan won't be able to fight it!"

This sentence is not only clear to Li Feibao, but also to everyone present. Wang Lun's words are really not bragging, because he has a strong capital that the imperial court does not have: the world's number one naval force.There is also a natural danger that makes the court itchy with anger but is helpless for a while: eight hundred miles of water.

"Then why did the leader want to make a big fight again?" Li Feibao asked back, "Isn't it just to grab the grass and beat the rabbit, let's talk about it after grabbing it?"

Wang Lun laughed when he saw the talk, and said: "If Liang Shan doesn't give Tangtang a step down, and traps him in Jingdong, how embarrassing it is?"

"Understood!" Li Feibao took a long breath, looked at Wang Lun in silence for a while, and suddenly said: "Now that I know the art of war in the book, it's the king who knows the magic of using soldiers. In front of the "creating something out of nothing", how can I have the face to teach in the martial arts hall? I also ask the king to give more advice to my younger brother in the future!"

"Brother Li praised the wrong person, but I think he will be pleased to hear it faithfully!" Wang Lun said with a smile. Seeing the puzzled looks on everyone's faces, he simply solved the mystery and said:

"Everyone is my own brother, and I don't need to hide anything in front of you. You don't really think that I want to fight the three kingdoms of Jin, Song, and Wa? To be honest, fighting the Wa kingdom is to make use of Goryeo's manpower. I'm satisfied with the situation where I can't get in or out. Even if I occupy three of my navy and lose some money and food, I can accept it. But I, Liangshanbo, are not strong enough to fight against Song and Jin at the same time. That's it. The Khitan people, when faced with the pressure of the Jurchens, did not dare to provoke the Song Dynasty. So, we will not show this prestige!"

Seeing Wang Lun's funny words, everyone couldn't help laughing, and even the experienced leader thought to himself: It's a great fortune to vote for such a steady and calm elder brother.But at this moment, Wang Lun pressed down his hand and continued:

"Then how can we resolve the pressure on the Song side? There is only one answer. As long as Liangshan does not show signs of decline, the court will not give up. If the court does not give up, Tong Guan will not be able to return to Beijing. To say Although Tong Guan has a wicked mind, he still has skills. If he doesn't return to Beijing, I won't worry about Liaoerwa. If I don't worry about Liaoerwa, I can't let go. Go for it!"

"Tong Guan is the privy envoy of the imperial court. It is no exaggeration to say that he can definitely mobilize the power of the whole country to achieve his goals. What's more, there is an emperor who is determined to seek revenge on me to support him. In this way If you want to get him away, you don't have a bargaining chip. Even if he himself wants to return to Beijing, Zhao Ji will definitely not allow it. So Guan Zhong offered me a plan. Since we have no bargaining chips to lose, we have to make something out of nothing. Take this Jingdong first, and then use it as a bargaining chip, and send it to Tong Guan!"

"We spent time and effort at all costs to make a fuss, who would think that our ulterior motives are not drinking?"

"As soon as Tong Guan left, this big battle that attracted national attention fell to the scale of a local battle. At the same time, the corresponding pressure was reduced. Although Liu Zhongwu is great, his limitations are also very obvious. It can be said that there is no After a year and a half, they couldn't come back to their senses at all! So I said, this war in Jingdong, we can accept it as soon as we see it!"

Daigo empowerment!

Whether it was the previous main station faction or the main escape faction, they were all stunned by the facts before them!Many people suddenly realized that Xu Guanzhong took Tong Guan by the nose and swam around Jingdong, and finally everyone got what they needed and reached the current balance.

"Aha! This old boy Liu Zhongwu is probably still waiting for our army to kill Dengzhou, so he can wait for work!" He Ziwei slapped his thigh fiercely and said with a smile from ear to ear, "Before I went up the mountain, I I heard that Xu Guanzhong and Xu Junshi in Liangshanbo are famous scholars in Hebei, but Tian Hu begged for it so hard, so he really has earth-shattering abilities! Tong Guan was fooled by him! No, no, the whole court told him to be fooled!"

Everyone in the audience echoed it, and many people inquired about Xu Guanzhong's deeds below. Zhu Wu couldn't help but feel very emotional when he saw this scene. Xu Guanzhong really established his position in the Shanzhai through this campaign!

We are all military advisers, some things must be more sensitive than others.Wen Huanzhang, who was in charge of internal affairs, had an unshakable position in the Shanzhai. Xiao Jiasui also proved himself in military operations. If Liangshan divided his forces, he would definitely be the best candidate for the commander of the front army.Now Xu Guanzhong has also emerged, and everyone is convinced.Thinking of myself, it seems that except for the firefighting captain, no one has left a deep impression on others.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wu couldn't help feeling a burst of pressure, and subconsciously looked at the person who could ultimately determine his own destiny, only to see Wang Lun was enjoying himself with everyone.Seeing this, Zhu Wu felt relieved. This elder brother is finally someone who is willing to give the opportunity to his brothers. As long as he is prepared, why not have the opportunity to prove himself?

"Brother, do you want to welcome the new leaders first? We have to get up early tomorrow morning to discuss the war against the Kingdom of Jin!" Zhu Wu reminded.

"It will be too late to talk about it tomorrow morning. After the welcome banquet, immediately call the relevant leaders to continue discussing the war! You hint one by one, don't let the brothers who will attend the meeting get drunk!" Wang Lun turned his head and said, "Let's arrange it a moment earlier, and the war in Koryo can start immediately. The Jurchens will not give us time. If it is later, we are afraid that our prefect Qiu will become the first prefect of Liangshan Botou who lost his jurisdiction!"

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