Water Margin Survival

Chapter 899 Could it be that my ancestor, the king of Linhuai County, appears! ?

The Jurchens are here to make trouble.

Since it is a matter of initiative, people will be prepared in advance, at least they will know how to retaliate when the enemy is in a hurry, and the cunning Orion is of course no exception.

Therefore, when the drums started to sound on the tower, the Jurchen knight was still very cautious. Although he was wearing heavy armor, he immediately took the shield to block the vital points. Who would have thought that after waiting for a long time, the opponent could only hear angry reprimands? Outside, not a single arrow came.

This is so in line with the way of the Korean people!You can never make the mistake of underestimating them, the mistake is always overestimating them!The Jurchen knight felt that his previous worries were completely unnecessary. The Koreans in this city were not much different from the ones they met before, and they were still as weak!Even if they were about to break their stomachs, they didn't dare to show any disrespect to themselves!

Weak prey are the best prey.The Jurchen knights didn't accept it as soon as it was good, but they intensified their efforts to destroy the morale of the defenders.For a Jurchen, the vocabulary of the Goryeo dialect is much richer than that of the mother tongue, and there are more sentence patterns that can be assembled.He even realized some simple philosophies in his super-level performance. I don't know if it's because the vocabulary is too simple for the compatriots to swear and swear.

Mind-wandering is a momentary thing, and the mainstream is still to disintegrate the morale of the enemy.It's a pity that the situation became a little bit wrong after cursing and cursing.The Koreans in the city didn't know whether they were scolded stupid or frightened, but they didn't respond at all.On the contrary, there was a burst of exclamation in his own camp.

Just when the Jurchen knight Monk Zhang Er, who was so swearing, couldn't figure it out, he suddenly felt a strong attack, and he was thrown off his mount unexpectedly.

In the pupils of the Jurchens who were rapidly dilated due to astonishment, two Goryeo soldiers, one tall and one short, covered in dirt, rushed over.The Jurchens have always been tenacious, only they regard the enemy as prey, how can they tolerate being the enemy's prey?Even if he fell on all fours, the knight still had to fight hard, but unfortunately the sky didn't help him at this time, and the heavy armor, which was always regarded as precious as his life, became his burden at this time. Taking the lead, at this time, with the advantage of numbers, how can they allow the opponent to come back.The fight didn't last long, and the Jurchen was tied hands and feet, and was dragged forward like a dead dog by a short Korean.

For the Jurchens who are used to being poor, this can only be regarded as humiliation, not heartache.What was more unacceptable to the Jurchen than the humiliation was that the war horse that had followed him for several years suddenly neighed and wailed, and when the frightened Jurchen knight stared at him, the war horse had already collapsed to the ground.The goddamn tall Goryeo returns to join his companions, reeking of blood, and the two work together to drag him to their previous hiding place.

Witnessing with his own eyes that his elite cavalry disappeared in the middle of the battlefield like this, it was like a hornet's nest, and he saw that the Jin Guo formation shouted again and again, and dozens of fine cavalry flew out of the formation without waiting for orders, obviously intending to snatch people.

After all, this is a great opportunity to please the Jurchens.Needless to say, the Bohai people, the Jurchen wolf lord Wanyan Aguda once said that "the Jurchens are from the same family in Bohai".Every time they were seized, Jurchen got brocade, Bohai got silk, Khitan got silk weaving, and Kyushu got variegated colors.

Being favored by the Jurchens, the people of Bohai naturally want to reciprocate, so at this time, the meaning of flattery is not so strong, but more out of a mentality of repaying gratitude.On the contrary, the Xi people and the Khitan people, in order to change their status as third-class people, inevitably made a bit of utilitarianism, and they all wanted to take this opportunity to win the favor of the coach Jiagu Sahe.

Seeing that someone from Xi Ren's camp had already entered the battle, the chief general of the Khitan army became anxious and ordered his vanguard general to come out to save people, but the young general with the golden crown remained motionless, just staring in the direction of the distant city in a daze.

Seeing that he seemed bewitched, the Khitan general had no choice but to call another general out of the battle and let his own good horse out, obviously to help him grab merit before the battle.

"True...it's so real! The next step, shouldn't it be taking people captive to the city...beheading them?"

Because of being too excited, the entire face of Golden Crown Junior was flushed, and he muttered to himself as if possessed by a demon, and the whole person urged the horse forward without conscious control.His abnormal behavior fell into the eyes of the Khitan chief general, who came forward calmly, grabbed the young general's rein, and said in a deep voice, "Did you get stunned!?"

The golden crown young general looked back at his master reluctantly, but the contemptuous expression of "you don't understand" was written all over his face.He immediately focused his attention on the distant battlefield again, sparing no time for a sentence of explanation, as if he was afraid of missing something.Perhaps, he wanted to confirm his guess just now.

In the distance, in the direction where the Khitan young general looked, dozens of cavalrymen of various races rushed to the scene, only seven or eight light riders got off their horses and surrounded the cave where their own people had disappeared to investigate.Unfortunately, the young Khitan general got it right. This is a tunnel, not a cave. Where is there anyone waiting for them to rescue them?

In fact, it’s not a big deal to rush into the air, it’s nothing more than returning in vain, but one of the Jurchen murderers, Ke Bojin, was so angry that he cursed on the spot (Bojin is also known as Bo Jilie, to the effect of the officer. Kebojin means centurion, hundreds of households), there happened to be a Goryeo in the city who could understand the Jurchen dialect, and translated the biggest reason for this person’s grievance: their Jurchens are the ancestors of digging holes. I spent my whole life as an eagle, and finally got pecked by a house sparrow and went blind.

When Cheng Ju saw this, he couldn't help but sneered, and thought, "Dare to compare me to digging holes!" Immediately ordered: "Speak to them, tell these guys, 'Your cave dwelling is nothing but instinct, how is it different from wild beasts? I dig holes , behind it is the accumulation of thousands of years of culture! Now that you have committed crimes, I will let you see what is called the art of war!'”

When the Korean people heard about it, they couldn't help but be speechless. Could it be that this kind of tunnel has been dug before?Thousands of years!The man who is far away remembers it clearly, but he forgets everything about his recent life experience.

Surprised to be surprised, Cheng Ju's words were translated very well. The Korean people added fuel and jealousy to the city to know, even if the Jurchen hundred households had no knowledge, at this moment they all heard it with angry eyes and gnashed their teeth. He only felt a sense of unknown karma. The fire was about to burst through the sky, but it was a pity that there was a wall in front of him and he couldn't kill it. At this time, he could only point to the city and swear to the sky, after breaking the city, these slaves who used their tongues would pay the price.

However, whether the defenders will pay the price is another story.The most important thing right now is that a Jurchen fell into the hands of the city defenders.No one expected that what Cheng Ju did next was surprisingly consistent with the conclusion that the young Khitan general had reached when he was muttering to himself.

This time, Cheng Ju had no intention of interrogating the Jurchen captive at all, and directly asked someone to push him to the tower without a single word of nonsense, and in front of tens of thousands of powerful enemies, he cleanly decapitated him.

At the moment when the head of the executed person fell from the top of the city, time seemed to freeze. Not to mention the dozens of rides below the city, even the formation of the Dajin army in the distance was shaken. Jurchen, Bohai, Xi, Khitan The allied forces of the five ethnic groups, including the Han and Han, witnessed the extremely impactful scene in front of them.

At this moment, the sound of rapid drumming sounded again. This time, the riders in the city seemed to wake up quickly, and they frantically turned their horses around without being called. Even the Jurchen Baihu who vowed to make the people in the city pay the price, after berating their cowardly companions a few times, finally followed the trend with shame.Because he also didn't want to follow the footsteps of his clan alone after losing cover, and be captured and killed alive by enemies that appeared from nowhere.

Frightening off dozens of riders with a single drumbeat, it really embarrassed the army of the Great Jin Kingdom.Originally, no one really took Koreans seriously, but at this moment, this impression has been completely reversed.

At this moment, almost all the leaders of the servant army looked back at the Jurchen's main formation anxiously, for fear that Jiagusa would come over with the order to attack and turn them into a sad whirlwind.Originally, everyone was watching the fun with a relaxed attitude, but now that they have seen the skills of the defenders, they finally realized how difficult it is for the Han people to sign the army before going into battle.

However, if one were to say that the most anxious person in the servant army was the Khitan Lord General without a doubt.Now their status in the Dajin Kingdom is a little higher than that of the Han people. Under the premise that the Han Chinese signing troops have repeatedly failed to attack the Koryo City, the possibility of his Khitan athletes becoming the next unlucky guy is not a little high.

"We rule the roost on horseback, and we are not good at attacking cities and pulling out strongholds!" The Khitan general was so anxious by his deduction that he complained in his heart that this servant army is really not a human job!Just as he was biting the bullet and waiting for the decision of fate, he suddenly found that someone beside him was really crying.

It was that young Golden Crown General again, with hot tears in his eyes at this moment, looking in the direction of Anzhou City and couldn't help himself.No matter how good-tempered the Khitan general was, he couldn't help being angry at this moment, and immediately shouted: "Aric, you're going to die!"

"After nearly 400 years, there are still people...some people still remember the feats of my ancestor Linhuai County King! It's a pity, it's hateful!" To blame, there was no response at all.

At this moment, the Jin army made a big move.To be precise, the army formation of the signing army moved.The Khitan general didn't care about making trouble for Aric, so he set up a shelter on his horse and looked on tiptoe. He found that no one was left behind this time, and the whole team pushed the siege equipment and went up.Just when the Khitan general lamented that the Jurchens had really gone ruthless this time, the Bohai people's army also moved.

However, they did not go out to fight the enemy with the signing army, but dismounted and trotted to the Jurchen army... Leading their horses and adjusting their armor for them!Seeing this strange situation, the Khitan Lord General couldn't even close his mouth this time, could it be that the Jurchens are going to dismount and attack the city! ?

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