Yang Zhi was shocked when he heard the words, he was nailed to the spot, and he lost his voice: "What do you mean, brother?"

Wang Lun didn't finish his sentence, but just nodded to Shi Qian. When Shi Qian saw this, he immediately yelled, and saw a dozen young people carrying eleven boxes from behind. When I opened it, I saw the dazzling light emanating from the [-]-gauge gold beads, which only pierced Yang Zhi's tearful eyes. When Yang Zhi saw it, he was furious, and hurried to those boxes, grabbing them with both hands, seeing that they were genuine. Yang Zhi couldn't stand it any longer. He glared at the white-clothed scholar and shouted, "Wang Lun! That dog thief who sells dates is all sent by you!?"

Hearing a click, the armrest next to Lu Zhishen's seat was snapped off by him. Although Lin Chong and Xu Ning were sitting still, they were holding the back of the chair with their hands to prevent Yang Zhi's sudden attack. The other leaders followed suit. The three heroes of the Ruan family got up and cursed angrily, only Wen Huanzhang looked at Yang Zhi with great interest, but saw that Du Qian and Song Wan couldn't bear it anymore, and drew out his knife and said, "Brother, you only care about this person's life and death. , if he wants to be a dog with that Liang Zhongshu, let him do it! How can we compete for a ruthless person like him in our cottage!"

Seeing that Yang Zhi's turnaround aroused public outrage, Wang Lun sighed, thinking that now that Yang Zhi has gone through so many things, he is still focused on serving the court. It seems that the persistence of a person's life is not so easy to change.

Seeing Wang Lun waving his hand towards everyone, everyone calmed down. Wang Lun took a step forward, looked at Yang Zhi, and said indifferently: "The people who robbed you on Huangnigang hated me to the bone. Chao Gai, the Heavenly King of Tota who has a festival, do you think they are from my cottage!"

Yang Zhi saw Wang Lun's eyes looking at him, and at first he confronted each other without fear, but after listening to Wang Lun's words, he saw that his eyes were calm and clear, and he didn't understand why he felt guilty, so he lowered his head subconsciously , dare not look at him again.The stimulation he received in these short seven or eight hours was so great that at this moment his mind was completely muddled.Yang Zhi was stunned for a while, and then said: "Then, why is the birth date outline here?" Before he could say anything, his momentum had already weakened by half.

At this time, Shi Qian stood up with a serious face and said, "Yang Zhishi, you never saw me when you were staying at the hotel?"

When Yang Zhi saw this person, he suddenly realized, and said: "Why did you use the trick without knowing it? Chao Gai and I were kept in the dark!"

Shi Qian chuckled, and said, "Yang Zhishi, are you too confident? You dare to take fifteen people on this trip. You don't know how many people in the Jianghu are going to plan your trip. So what bird king Chao Gai didn't succeed, do you think you can go to Tokyo smoothly? When you first left the city, your route was found out by someone with a heart, but you are still complacent, what a clever trick! If I were you, I would Click on the one to command an army of [-] horses, and then ask the state capitals to escort them along the way, let's see who dares to intercept them!"

Yang Zhi was stunned when he heard the words, Shi Qian chuckled and didn't say much, just sat back on the top chair, but at this moment he heard a voice sigh: "It seems that Yang Zhi wants to look for Liang Zhongshu to go all the way to the dark place." That’s right! Forget it, you can take away these eleven boxes of treasure today, but the world is dangerous, so you need to see it clearly in the future! If there is another mistake, I will be beyond my reach!” The scholar walked away in a huff. Say no more.Wen Huanzhang immediately followed after seeing this, but looked back at Yang Zhi with deep eyes, Jiao Ting naturally didn't say anything, and followed the big leader into the back hall.

Seeing Wang Lun leaving the stage, everyone went out angrily in twos and threes. When they left, they still didn't forget to curse at Yang Zhi. Yang Zhi couldn't straighten his back at this time, he just lowered his head and remained silent. At this moment, Xu Ning got up , said to Yang Zhi: "Thanks to your lord, I don't blame you for sending me up the mountain! Just here I would like to advise you, brother, bow your knees and be a dog with that powerful minister, and one day you will not end well. I know you will not accept it." , your heart is just to use each other with him and get what you need! But why doesn’t he miss you like this? If one day he doesn’t get anything from you, just think about my end! "

After Xu Ning finished speaking, he was about to leave. Yang Zhi hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, looking eager to explain, Xu Ning sighed, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I think you are the descendant of three generations of generals, but I am not a stone either." Although my ancestors were not as prominent as your ancestors in the past, they were also the soldiers who defended the royal family for generations. What do you think I am now? Brother, this is all I have to say, you can do it yourself!" Xu Ning said Throwing away the speechless Yang Zhi, he went out.

As soon as Xu Ning left, Lu Zhishen got up by himself, and was about to leave without saying a word. Yang Zhi looked at the fellow weakly and said, "Tiju!"

Lu Zhishen stopped when he heard the words, but didn't turn around, he just turned his back to Yang Zhi and said, "Don't mention that you met me in the future, the Sa family is in a panic!" After speaking, he strode out and left.

As a result, all the people at the scene left completely, and only Lin Chong was left sitting on the chair. Yang Zhi cupped his hands at Lin Chong, and laughed at himself, "Why doesn't Coach Lin leave? Could it be that he is waiting to see the jokes of the younger brother?"

Lin Chong looked at Yang Zhi with his usual expression and said, "I'll accompany the envoy. When the envoy calms down, I'll take you down the mountain!"

Yang Zhi was captured by Xu Ning and Lu Zhi's deep meaning, and his heart was extremely aggrieved. At this time, he heard Lin Chong's soft words, and the sadness in his chest suddenly seemed to find a way out, and he suddenly shouted: :

"I was born to be a ****! I was born to be willing to be a dog with that traitor! I have been loyal to my duty, but I have caused my boat to be stormy! How long have I endured before I am amnesty, and I will not change my mind." , sold all the family property left by my ancestors, and went to follow the path of that dog thief Gao Qi, but the dog thief didn't even look at me! I was in trouble and homeless. I think I was in Tokyo that night No more money, and none of the old colleagues are gone! I think Yang Zhinai is a descendant of Yang Linggong with the golden knife, and I am standing in front of the Fanlou gate with a straw sign to sell the knife! Selling the family treasure handed down to me by my ancestors Treasure knife!! Teacher Lin, I am not selling a knife, I am selling the reputation of my ancestors for hundreds of years..."

Speaking of this, Yang Zhi couldn't hold back any longer, and saw the seven-foot boy howling loudly, the voice was like a lonely soul in the wilderness crying out for grievances, and it was like a wolf and wild beast whining. Seeing him like this, Lin Chong felt uncomfortable in his heart. He sighed, and sat quietly here to accompany him to have sex, only to see the weeping man raised his head, his eyes were red like blood, and then said:

"I later met the Prince Consort Taiwei, and gave him the only knife I had on me, just to get a future. I paid all my attention, but the dog still looked at me like a dog, and deducted 50% from me." Two ways to pay, they chased me away like a beggar! Teacher, think about my fate, after all, I am also a national hero, national hero, teacher! How much blood has been shed by my Yang family for this court, and how many surnames have been given away Fate, do they remember? Even my grandfather died on the battlefield back then, for whom was it for! But that dog thief, in his dog's eyes, I am nothing, I... I... just like A beggar!?"

At this time, Yang Zhi's tears seemed to have been shed, only howling like a wolf was left, and he continued to say: "That's it, I'll make a treasure of that letter, and dare not neglect all the way. , went straight to the famous mansion, and served Liang Zhongshu cautiously, for fear of neglecting him, but the first thing this man entrusted to me was to give him gifts and bribes. Materials for running errands!? It’s fine if it’s just like this. According to the current world, where is it not like this? So I thank him for his kindness, and I only want to send this birthday outline to Cai Jing’s mansion in Tokyo, but he still secretly doubts I, sent a grandpa to watch over me on the road, thinking that I, Yang Zhi, my imposing seven-foot man, a national warrior, would be restrained by a grandpa before going into battle!? How could I have the face to talk to my Yang family? Meet the ancestors!"

Howling to this point, Yang Zhi seemed to have exhausted all his energy, leaning softly on a top chair, looking at the plaque hanging on the wall, he saw the four big words "Walk for the sky" written on it, Yang Zhi's eyes were like torches, fierce He jumped up and shouted: "Okay, okay! Teacher Lin, I only hope that one day you will kill all these corrupt officials, so that all people with ambitions in the world will not suffer like me. !"

Seeing that he didn't pause at all after speaking, he slammed his head into the stone pillars in the Juyi Hall. Lin Chong was startled when he saw this, and it was too late to stand up and stop him. Throwing the high chair towards Yang Zhi, I saw that the throw was so powerful that it knocked Yang Zhi, who was about [-] kilograms, away. Three or five chairs were smashed.

Lin Chong hurriedly stepped forward to help this person up, Yang Zhi closed his eyes tightly, but he was trembling all over, obviously sad to the extreme, he could only hear him saying in pain: "Coach Lin, why are you only trying to save me, but you didn't call me Live and suffer!"

"Brother Yang, everyone in the world should be like you. Who will help the country and save the people? Don't think about Brother Wang Lun. If he has a little bit of strength, he will take care of his brother! If he has a little bit more strength, he will benefit the people. Common people! You look at all the courtiers who only want to die, and never want to do your part, how can you make people think highly of you! Think you are not even afraid of death now, but are you afraid of living!?" Just listen to Lin Chong's heart like this. The ashen man shouted.

Hearing this, Yang Zhi grasped Lin Chong tightly like a blow to his head, straightened up, clenched his hands into fists, rushed straight to the eleven boxes of birthday cards, smashed his fists, and shouted heart-rendingly: "Master! No! I, Yang Zhi, do not live up to my expectations, but this imperial court does not allow me, Yang Zhi, to live up to my expectations! Today, I have nowhere to go, and if I cannot die, I will listen to Teacher Lin and leave my body here to repay Wang Lun’s kindness! Ah! It's not that I, Yang Zhi, are unfaithful and unfilial, it's that this thief, God can't tolerate a loyal and filial child!" (To be continued.)

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