Water Margin Survival

Chapter 903 The Jurchens Are So Unbeatable?

The cavalry of the Song Dynasty was not wiped out, so the Khitan cavalry who had been killed and dispersed were able to regroup in the field.Many lucky Khitan people looked back, the battlefield full of corpses made most people fall into silence.

The opponent is not the strongest enemy they have ever encountered, but this battle is definitely the one with the biggest psychological gap for them.

Whether it was the expected Goryeo cavalry or the unexpected Song cavalry, in the impression of the Khitan people, there was actually not much difference, nothing more than the degree of bad and worse.Although the King of the Grassland is prostrate at the feet of the more barbaric Jurchens, when facing the cavalry of the above two countries, they really have an absolute psychological advantage thanks to the blessings of their ancestors.

But who knows, the battle that was once a sure thing, now can only survive on the opponent's contempt. Before Yizhuxiang vowed to find the proud Khitan cavalry from the opponent, decadence and frustration were written all over his face at this moment.

When people are vulnerable, they unconsciously want to find a backbone to rely on.However, Arichi, the god of war recognized by the Khitan people, jumped off his silver fist horse in a panic at this time.At the moment when Aric's feet touched the ground, the boxing horse that insisted on carrying its master out of danger let out a long hiss and fell to the ground.Arich was heartbroken and wept bitterly.Both real knights and war horses have emotions. Only when this special emotion is established, will there be a miracle of the unity of man and horse on the battlefield, just like General Song and his mount just now.

The Khitan people are people who understand horses. Seeing that the boxing horse suffered internal injuries, everyone couldn't help wondering, what kind of character would General Song be able to inflict internal injuries on his war horse in the hands of Aric?A Khitan man with lingering fear came forward and asked, "Is it caused by a Song general in golden armor?"

"Exactly! This man is strange to say, but he actually uses a soft-barrel spear with amazing power! You have fought against him?" The insider replied on behalf of Aric.

"Ah, that's the man! How have I ever fought against him? It is estimated that the only one who bumped into him head-on was the little general who was unscathed, and the others...others, alas!"

When everyone saw and said, they all felt sorry for each other.

"What should I do? Do you want to go back and take revenge?" Looking at the grief-stricken Aric.Bite'er Weikang asked the general Dongxian who had gathered around.Not long ago, the general Dongxian sent to the city to rescue the Jurchen captives was this person.

"We have no armor and no bows and arrows. Is it wrong to take the lives of your sons and daughters? Head-to-head with the fine cavalry of the Western Army of Song Dynasty?"

Dongxian is the main general after all, and his words are powerful and level.At this time, a rhetorical question made Yao'er Weikang and the dissatisfied people speechless.The cavalry of the Song Army has been inspected just now, and [-]% of them are the Western Army of the Song Dynasty!Otherwise, how could the two thousand elite cavalry of our own former army not take advantage of the opponent?The god of war Aric also suffered a big loss at the hands of the opponent!

Since it is Song Jun, he is also familiar with Jurchen's kidnapping horse tactics.All this shows that Song Guo is a bad comer!Looking at the direction where Song Jun was coming, Dongxian's right eyelid twitched. At this moment, Aric wiped away his tears and restrained his emotions:

"It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Since the Song army abandoned our army and went straight to the Jurchen formation, it shows that they must have nothing to fear. Otherwise, even if it is the Song and Western Army, they would not dare to rely on only six or seven thousand cavalry, so Meng Lang attacked the cavalry group with three times its own strength. If this is the case, this Song army with the unicorn as their totem is seeking their own death! Obviously, I don’t think they traveled thousands of miles just to come to Koryo to seek death!”

As soon as everyone heard the truth, they all subconsciously aimed at the direction where the Song army appeared, for fear that another Song cavalry would appear in sight.It's embarrassing to say, just now I wanted someone to vent my anger on, but now I feel like I can't avoid it.

"Withdraw!" Dongxian didn't think for long, and made a decision in line with the army's morale.

"Where are you going to retreat? Are the Jurchens easy to get along with?" Biao'er Weikang expressed everyone's aspirations.Seeing that Song army reinforcements are likely to arrive, the entire battlefield has become a dangerous place. Go back and entangle the Qilin army that let go of your side, or stay where you are and wait for the next Song army to show up.It's not what everyone wants.But if they stood by and watched, the Jurchens couldn't explain it to them, so everyone was very distressed for a while.

"Go to the pontoon bridge! I want to see it before making a decision!" Dongxian raised his whip.Just about to turn the horse's head, everyone greeted the defeated soldiers one after another. At this moment, Aric grabbed the reins of the Cave Immortal, and said in a deep voice:

"What do you want to see? Make a decision?"

Dongxian looked at Ali Qi meaningfully, and said with a pun: "I want to see the determination of Song people!"


Just when the Khitans were at a loss.The forwards of the Song army had already bumped into the Bohai people's formation, but even if they were face to face, the two warring parties hadn't figured out the true identity of the other side.The Bohai people still regarded their opponents as the Goryeo cavalry, but because of their amazing performance in defeating the Khitan cavalry in one round, the Bohai people judged that the opposing team was the elite Beijing army of the Goryeo royal family.

And this elite cavalry, which was regarded by the enemy as the Western Army of the Great Song Dynasty and the Beijing Army of Korea, was the Lu Junyi Department of the Seventh Army of the Poma Army in Liangshan. It was only then that everyone came up with the idea to hang up the divine beast on the lord general's nickname, so it would be very powerful.

Precisely because he has always been unknown in Liangshanbo, where the army is like a cloud, not only the whole army is shameless, but even the personable Lu Yuanwai can't sit still this time, and insists on fighting for this pioneer position.

To be honest, Wang Lun was not very worried about the Seventh Army of the Ma Army, because among the main generals of the Ma Army, only Lu Junyi and Hao Siwen were not from the army, but the latter had been outstanding since childhood The ambition of fame and fame, so on weekdays, either learning martial arts or reading military books, the accumulation of the first half of his life is no less than that of a leader from the military.But Lu Junyi is just different. This is the richest man in Hebei. Apart from his personal martial arts, he basically has no pursuits in life. He can go hundreds of thousands of miles away to burn incense and fulfill his vows with a flick of his eyelids. Obviously, he is living too well. Quality of life, it is estimated that there is no time to study military secrets that have nothing to do with life planning.

In the original trajectory, Lu Junyi served as the commander-in-chief of the front army many times, but this was all due to his status at the time (the second child in Liangshan), and his style of leading the army was quite satisfactory. There are also rare highlights on the Internet.

Of course, after Lu Junyi fell into the grass, especially after he led the troops alone, he was "stimulated" by the friendly forces, and he would naturally consciously fill in his shortcomings.While Wang Lun recognized him, he also made up for him with veteran generals such as Baisheng General Han Tao and Tianmu General Peng Qi to assist the military.It's just that there is a saying that is too extravagant, maybe there are always better choices in hand, so Wang Lun still ignores Lu Junyi and his men too much, always feels that his horse army is still in the stage of building the foundation, Therefore, they are seldom allowed to bear any big and tough battles alone.It wasn't until this time that Lu, Han, and Peng fought for the vanguard that Wang Lun realized that he had neglected this team too much before.

The vanguard was given to Lu Junyi, but Wang Lun also gave a lot of instructions. In Wang Lun's original words, the enemy they are about to face is the existence of half-beast and half-human.

Just after fighting the first Hulu, Lu Junyi's sensitive heart was raised in his throat.According to Wang Lun's instructions, he had overestimated the combat power of the Jurchens to an unbelievable level, but after the fight, he was shocked!At that time, if Lu Junyi hadn't relied on his mount to show his power, he might have suffered a big somersault!This shock was no small matter. Who would have thought that the Jurchens would be so strong that they would randomly pull out a young general who would be at the level of the Five Tigers of Liangshan?

Fortunately, the hanging heart didn't hang for long, and I let it go.Although the next enemy was skilled in riding and fighting bravely, it was not the kind of completely hopeless existence.When you come and go, it can be said that they are evenly matched, and each other has losses. There is no one who has an overwhelming advantage over the other.On the contrary, because the enemy's rear army went into battle without armor, the result was that our army took advantage of it, and defeated these powerful enemies with more numbers than our own in the first battle.

This victory cannot be said to be easy, especially the coordination between the enemy and the war horses is a disadvantage that our army cannot match at present.But it's not difficult, and it's not to the point where you have to grit your teeth.

But the positive impact of this victory is huge. After all, ghosts are far more terrifying than tigers and wolves, just because the former are invisible.This defeat gave Ma Qijun a preliminary understanding of the Jurchens, and more importantly, this cavalry army, which had been neglected for a long time, showed its confidence!

With confidence, the remnant soldiers and defeated generals are out of sight, Lu Junyi generously left them to the friendly troops behind.The order he received was to ensure the personal safety of the county magistrate Nianchan. At this time, the infantry of the Kingdom of Jin had all ascended the city. At the critical moment, Lu Junyi led his troops straight to the enemy's formation in desperation. Create a momentum so that these infantry who are pretending to be a whirling can't concentrate on capturing the city.

Unexpectedly, the first time he came into contact with the Jurchen's own army formation, Lu Junyi was extremely shocked in his heart. Although the armor distribution rate of this formation is more than twice that of the team just now, as an opponent who fights to the death, he gives his own The feeling is obviously not as good as that army just now.I don't know if it's because of the prestige of victory in this army, but he clearly caught the cowardice and retreat from the opponent's eyes more than once.

Is this really the strong Jurchen soldier who beat the Khitan people to death?Lu Junyi looked around, feeling dazed, but there was only a cavalry of more than a thousand men left on the battlefield, and this team was fleeing in the direction of the city with thousands of unowned horses. Horse servants.

Such an army can make the Liao Kingdom face the disaster of annihilation, so how far have the Khitan people degenerated now?Lu Junyi is really hard to understand, but this is not the time to think deeply. When facing the opponent who made a comeback, Lu Junyi made a decision that he will regret for half his life in the future:

"The whole army has it, let's go all out, and follow me to destroy the Fan Army's main formation!" (~^~)

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