super robot clone

Chapter 101 High-level Meetings

When Peng Guochen and Jiang Huatao's special plane arrived at the capital's Nanyuan Airport, four black bulletproof cars belonging to the Central Security Bureau parked directly on the runway. .

Along with Peng Guochen and Jiang Huatao were Professor Hua Guoqiang and several other engine experts from Rongfei.

A group of people got off the plane along the passenger ladder car. An officer from the Central Security Bureau came up and whispered something to Peng Guochen. Peng Guochen said to the people behind him: "Everyone, get in the car quickly, the chief is already waiting for us."

Everyone was shocked.

Although Jiang Huatao had been received by the head of the Central Committee before, it was the first time he had enjoyed this kind of treatment by taking the special car of the Central Security Bureau directly into Da Nei.

Thinking of the experience of the past two days and one night, he still feels in a trance.

Jiang Huatao graduated from Northwestern Polytechnical University with a major in aerodynamics and flight mechanics. He has worked in Rongfei for more than 20 years and is the chief designer of my country's third-generation and advanced fighter jets.

As an expert in the field of flight control, he has witnessed the leap of China's aviation industry from imitation to independent research and development in the past 20 years.

If the J-10 still bears the shadow of the Israeli "Lion" fighter jet, then the J-20 fighter jet has initially formed the design style of a Chinese fighter jet, whether it is from avionics, flight control or stealth, it has strong Chinese characteristics. .

But the only thing that makes people worry is China's engine industry. Heart disease has plagued China's aviation industry for decades. Even though the J-20 has made its first flight, so far there is no very suitable Chinese heart.

Rome was not built in a day, and the aero-engine industry cannot be achieved overnight either. If China gradually increases its military spending in the late 90s, then China’s aviation industry, especially the aero-engine industry, will have to wait until at least 2040 if it wants to reach or even exceed the level of the old United States. years later it will be possible.

This involves the upgrading of the entire country's manufacturing industry. Jiang Huatao is just one of the thousands of aviation people, and he alone is powerless.

So far, the WS-119 engine, whose surname performance index is equivalent to that of the F15, is still in the experimental stage, and it will take at least ten to 15 years before it matures.

But time waits for no one. Whether it is the situation in Northeast Asia or the South China Sea in these years, it is necessary for China to quickly equip a certain number of high-powered stealth fighter jets to maintain the air balance with the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. An important reason why the Chinese government tried to import 117s aero-engines from Russia.

No one expected that the mysterious and unpredictable strategic deception bureau would present a big gift, ten imitation F119 aero engines and ten imitation 117s aero engines, which made Jiang Huatao feel dizzy with happiness.

Before this, it was not that Jiang Huatao had never heard of the name of the Zhan Suju Bureau, but it was just a joke from netizens. Who would have thought that such an organization would actually appear in reality.

And judging by Peng Guochen's serious look, this organization is obviously not as simple as he thought.

However, Jiang Huatao is more concerned about these two engines. After testing, whether it is f119 or 117s, the comprehensive performance has improved by at least 20.00% compared with the original version.

If the J-20 is refitted and equipped with these two engines, Jiang Huatao has full confidence in developing it into the most powerful fighter jet in the world.

Thinking of this made his blood boil.

In addition, the other experts of Rongfei have not been idle these two days. They found the maintenance manuals of the two engines from the car, and disassembled one f119 and one 117s engine respectively according to the above prompts.

What shocked them was that the parts of these engines were extremely exquisite, especially the core turbine blades, which were very finely crafted. Someone even compared the parts of the Russian al31f (the aeroengine equipped with the J-10), and the result surprised them. Whether it is an impeller or an alloy, the difference can be seen with the naked eye alone.

Although further test results have not yet come out, the level of craftsmanship and technical content contained in this detail is far more surprising than the improvement in engine performance. This matter has already attracted great attention from the central leadership.

Previously, China's contact with Zhanhu Bureau was mainly based on the Internet. Even Lieutenant Colonel Qiao Ting had seen the legendary individual tactical armor. No one was sure whether Qiao Ting was exaggerating.This time, he actually came into contact with Zhan Huju's technology and got a glimpse of the leopard. It can be seen that what Zhan Huju showed before was only its sharp fangs, but this time it showed its strong body.

This is also the real reason why Jiang Huatao and his party were treated like this. The central leadership needs first-hand information to re-judge the strength behind the war and neglect and how to adjust the strategy for dealing with the war and neglect in the future.

Dazed, Jiang Huatao followed Peng Guochen into the palace. After routine security, the group came to an elegantly decorated meeting room led by the secretary of the office who came to greet him.

Jiang Huatao was taken aback. There were already more than 30 people sitting in the conference room. Except for the elders of the Presbyterian Church, the rest were top experts in the fields of aviation, machinery, electronics, etc. Almost everyone had academicians on their heads. title.

Several of them are over 80 years old, and Jiang Huatao even recognized one of them, an academician surnamed Gu, who is regarded as a veteran of China's aviation industry.

The person who presided over the meeting was a member of the Nine Elders. When he saw Peng Guochen and his party coming in, he motioned for everyone to sit down, and then said: "Everyone is already here, so let's stop talking nonsense. Next, Rong Fei will take the lead." Comrade to introduce the specific situation.


Just as the top officials of the central government were holding a solemn meeting in Ouchi for the aero engine incident of the War Bureau, a golf course in the suburbs of the capital.

The continuous rainy weather in recent days has washed away the smog that shrouded the capital, and the capital has ushered in a rare sunny day, with a clear blue sky.


The white golf ball flew high and rose tens of meters before falling in a parabola onto a lawn not far from Chen Xin.

Not far away, several beautiful beauties whispered to each other, pointed towards Chen Xin, and giggled coquettishly.

Frustrated, Chen Xin put the club aside, glanced over there, and recognized a few of them who seemed to be somewhat famous stars.

Chen Xin sat down directly under the parasol beside him, smiled wryly at Mu Yunshan and said, "Miss Mu, don't force me, I really can't play this thing."

Mu Yunshan pursed her lips and smiled, as if she had no quarrel with Chen Xin. She rolled her eyes at Chen Xin and said coquettishly, "Mr. Chen can even play with a giant like the Airbus A330, so of course he doesn't look down on us ordinary people." These little things."

Mu Yunshan is wearing a sun visor, a light pink T-shirt, canvas shoes, and a white skirt underneath. Her gestures show a noble and elegant temperament, coupled with her charming and enchanting face, I don't understand Her people are really easy to be deceived by her youthful and beautiful dress.

Chen Xin smiled lightly, and was not surprised that Mu Yunshan knew that she had made a big splash in the French hijacking incident. Maybe this kind of thing is a secret to ordinary people, but to people like Mu Yunshan, it is just a common thing That's all.

Mu Yunshan swung the club and hit the white golf ball far away.

Then she took off her white gloves, went to Chen Xin and sat down, took a sip of the milkshake on the table, and said: "It's no wonder that Mr. Chen can create such a big family business at a young age. This vision is really rare. How about this movie adapted from a real hijacking event? We jointly invest in it. You are in charge of contacting France and Emirates, and I will get through the relationship with the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. You Cybertron Digital invested 5000 million US dollars, and we raced horses. Also invested 5000 million US dollars, and jointly invested [-] million US dollars to shoot this film, then the box office will be divided into [-]-[-]."

Chen Xin's eyes flicked across Mu Yunshan's body recklessly, and if he pointed out something: "You are not much older than me, okay! As for the 5000-[-] split, it is not impossible, but we Cybertronian Digital will not participate in this For the production of this film, I will help you get an investment of [-] million U.S. dollars, but then you will be responsible for the domestic distribution work."

Mu Yunshan's chest rose and fell rapidly a few times, but she still kept a smile on her face and said, "Okay, that's the deal." (To be continued.)

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