super robot clone

Chapter 106 Young man, I am optimistic about you

Naturally, there is not much to say between the two, and they each do their own things. .

Chen Xin waited on the plane for a while, when there was a commotion outside, and the convoy of Chief No. [-] arrived.

Soon, many people flooded into the front cabin.

Chen Xin put on the blindfold and ignored them. Anyway, the chief executive would not come to the back to meet them, and it took more than ten hours to fly from the capital to Paris. Chen Xin was not worried about being rude.

Unexpectedly, within a few minutes, Chen Xin suddenly felt the surroundings quiet down, and then his foot was stepped on by the heel of the high-heeled shoe, and Chen Xin almost cried out. Fortunately, the automatic defense system of Little Butterfly took effect. Chen Xin didn't get hurt too much.He lifted the blindfold and said angrily to Mu Yunshan: "Mu Xiaoxiao, what are you doing, believe it or not, I'll take care of you right now?"

This lily girl is too vicious, if there is no little butterfly, Chen Xin's feet must be a tragedy.

But it was the quietest time in the cabin, everyone heard Chen Xin's words clearly, and the people in the business class were stunned by Chen Xin's wild words.Most of the people present knew Mu Yunshan and knew how ruthless this 20-year-old business queen was. They didn't expect to be nakedly molested in public today.

And looking at Chen Xin's appearance, it is obvious that Mu Yunshan and Mu Yunshan are old acquaintances. Under such circumstances, he dared to talk to Mu Yunshan like this. Thinking about the rumors about Mu Yunshan's flirting, many people looked at Chen Xin. It suddenly became weird.

Mu Yunshan blushed, and was half-dead with anger. If Chen Xin's words were spread, she would be laughed to death, but with so many people present, it was impossible to stop everyone's chatter.And at this time, she couldn't get angry yet, so she could only hold back the anger in her heart, stretched out her hand and pointed to the side with a cold face, while the No. [-] chief was watching the show with a smile on his face.

Chen Xin was stunned, turned his head to look, his eyes almost popped out, he quickly stood up, somewhat at a loss and said: "Chief... Chief, why are you here?"

Chief No. [-] looked him up and down, and said, "I originally wanted to come over to see what our hero looks like, but I almost made our hero fall asleep."

Chen Xin rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly, giggled a few times, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Mu Yunshan turned her head away and curled her lips. She had experienced Chen Xin's meanness, cruelty, shamelessness, and knew how deceptive this guy's harmless appearance was.

Chief No. [-] glanced back and forth between Chen Xin and Mu Yunshan, and said with a smile on his face, "Not bad... not bad... Shanshan, when did you know each other? Haven't you told your grandfather yet?" ?”

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became weird, and everyone knew what this nice meant.

Chen Xin had a weird look on his face. He was actually shot while lying down, but was misunderstood by the No. [-] chief to have an affair with this Lily girl.

As for Mu Yunshan, she almost cried out of anxiety, and quickly explained: "Uncle Hu, he and I are not... bastards, why don't you explain?"

Mu Yunshan couldn't help but beat Chen Xin with her hand. Even with her shrewdness, she lost her sense of proportion at this time.

Chen Xin looked at her speechlessly and said, "How do you want me to explain?"

These words made Mu Yunshan almost collapse, wishing to tear Chen Xin to pieces.

The people around looked at the appearance between the two, and they were even more sure that the relationship between the two was unusual. Chief No. [-] looked at the two of them with great interest, patted Chen Xin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Young man, girls need to be coaxed." Yes, work harder, I am optimistic about you!"

With that said, Chief No. [-] didn't even give Chen Xin a chance to explain, he walked directly to the back cabin, and shook hands with the accompanying personnel one by one.

Chen Xin was dumbfounded.

Mu Yunshan was even more speechless and could only hug her shoulders without saying a word.She was in a terrible mood, she felt that Chen Xin was completely her nemesis, and nothing good would happen every time she met him, why did she have to rush into this flight if she knew this beforehand?As a result, not only did a big joke come out, but it also made others think that she and Chen Xin were a couple. Thinking of this, Mu Yunshan felt like vomiting blood.


After Chief No. [-] returned to the upper cabin, Chen Xin sat down again and put on the blindfold, and slept all the way to France. This time it went very smoothly, without encountering hijacking.

Mu Yunshan wished that Chen Xin would do this. She was afraid of this guy, and she never dared to have any entanglements with him. The two of them spent the night on the plane without saying a word, just like passers-by.

When the plane arrived at Paris-Charles de Gaulle International Airport, it was already 08:30 a.m. local time. The French side held a grand welcome ceremony for the No. [-] head. President Sarkozy personally went to the airport to pick him up. , and delivered a brief speech at the airport.

After the cumbersome ceremony, Chen Xin and his entourage were arranged to get off the plane, boarded the bus prepared by the French side, and checked into the hotel where Chief No. [-] stayed.

For the next two days, Chen Xin has been learning diplomatic etiquette under the guidance of the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This time the awarding of the honor still attracted more attention from the media. Although the terrorist attack at the Paris Air Show after the last Emirates hijacking case shared a lot of attention for Chen Xin, Chen Xin was still the focus of this award ceremony. One, but under Chen Xin's strong request, all media were required to code when publishing Chen Xin's photos and recording related videos.

As a supporter of the no-code movement, Chen Xin himself feels very regretful.


Song Cheng is an ordinary college student in a certain university in Rongcheng. He looks ordinary, no different from ordinary students.However, he has a great reputation among military fans in the super big id Feng Busai.

As one of the most well-known wall-climbing parties in China, Feng Bubei has become famous for capturing high-definition photos of the J-20 several times and live text broadcasting of the test flight of the J-20 near Rongfei Ht** Airport.

On this day, he went out to Rongfei as usual to see if he could be lucky enough to meet the fifth test flight of the J-20.But before that, he first went to Rongcheng Railway Station to pick up a super army fan whose id was a good boy.

In fact, both of them have a good reputation among military fans. If Feng Bubei is famous for taking pictures, Haobai is famous for post-production of test flight videos.Since China has not disclosed official photos of the J-20 so far, all relevant information needs to be discovered and guessed by military fans themselves.

For example, someone photographed a striped frame on the inside of the rear landing gear door of the aircraft. Later photos showed that ground crews could step on it directly. Some people speculated that this would not only add the structure of the aircraft, but also facilitate the maintenance of the aircraft. .

Goodboy usually adds some passionate music and post-explanation to the video, and every time he can get a lot of fans.

Haobai is in other places, and every time he can only collect relevant information on the Internet for post-production.

This time he contacted Feng Bubei, and the two decided to go to ht** airport to try their luck together, whether they could shoot some new videos to feast the eyes of those military fans who pay attention to the J-20.

After arriving at ht** airport, the two found the best shooting position and prepared to squat.

Being a wall climbing party is a very hard job. Feng Bubei often spends a whole day guarding around the airport, but in the end he gets nothing.

After coming down so many times, he was used to this kind of squatting. On the contrary, it was the first time for the good boy to come, and he seemed more excited.

Under normal circumstances, if the J-20 has not appeared on the runway before three o'clock in the afternoon, it means that there will be no more test flight plans for this day.

But they were lucky today, just after ten o'clock in the morning, the good boy excitedly patted Feng Bubei on the shoulder and said, "Old Feng, look quickly, the J-20 is out."

Feng Bubei also became excited all of a sudden, and shouted: "It seems that we are lucky, we may be able to complete the scheduled task today."

Feng Bubei hastily adjusted the telephoto lens of the camera, pointed it in the direction of the runway, and took out his mobile phone to log in to Chaoda, preparing to broadcast the test flight live in a while.

The good boy watched the black silk (J-20, also known as the black ribbon) with a telescope. This was the first time he saw the J-20 on the spot, so he was naturally very excited.

"Huh? Old Feng, there is something wrong with this black silk, no, no, no... there is a problem with its chrysanthemum (engine tail nozzle).

While adjusting the camera, Feng Bubei asked, "What's wrong with the engine? Bring the binoculars and let me have a look."

The good boy pushed Feng Bubei's hand away, and shouted: "Wait a minute, what the hell, no, the engine has been changed, and Hei Si must have changed the engine, please take a quick look."

With that said, he handed the binoculars to Feng Bubei. (To be continued.)

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