super robot clone

Chapter 122 Old Beauty's New Action

For the next two days, Chen Xin kept making the CG video of the Varyag at home.

The composition of this video is much easier than the previous ones and "Country Teacher". The picture of the Chinese aircraft carrier after its service has been passed through Chen Xin's mind countless times, and he can outline it even with his eyes closed.

Coupled with the assistance of Gang Yan at the side, Chen Xin didn't need to think about it at all, and each set of shots perfectly presented a shocking effect that made people's blood pumping.

At the beginning of the video, there is a shot of quickly skimming the sea. With the roar of the helicopter's rotor, the music starts to get excited.

The camera gradually pulls up, and in the distance, in the red sunrise, a huge aircraft carrier battle group is gradually displayed in front of people.

With the Varyag aircraft carrier as the core, two Type 052d guided missile destroyers, two Type 052c guided missile destroyers, four Type 054a guided missile frigates, a comprehensive supply ship Qiandaohu, and a medical ship "Peace Ark" are being rowed. Hit the waves and sail fast!

More than a dozen Z-8, Z-9 and other helicopters shuttled back and forth over the fleet.

On the mast, the red five-star red flag fluttered in the wind, hunting.

This group of long shots has not undergone any switching, from far to near, accompanied by passionate and melodious music, which is extremely shocking and infectious.

At this time, a J-15 fighter jet is ready to take off on the deck, and the flame shield is raised high. The fws-10h (ws-10dnavy version, which adds a short-distance take-off mode, can increase the maximum thrust of the engine to 12800kg, thereby further reducing the take-off distance of the plane) The engine ejected light blue hot flames, and the aircraft carrier take-off commander in a yellow vest squatted, raised one hand high, stretched out two fingers, and saw that the pilot was ready to take off After receiving the signal, the aircraft carrier commander quickly bent his legs sideways and waved his arms to point in the direction where the fighter plane was taking off.

The blocking partitions on the deck of the aircraft carrier quickly fell, and the J-15 fighter jets quickly jumped into the air along the 14-degree upturned flight deck like an arrow flying off the string.

The video constantly shows the whole process of the J-15 fighter jet taking off from various angles. Whether it is the Liaoning aircraft carrier in flight or the J-15 carrier-based fighter parked on the deck of the aircraft carrier, the picture effect is extremely realistic, even if it is The staff on the deck of the aircraft carrier are wearing vests of various colors, and their movements and expressions are also very realistic, and there are not many traces of CG.

As the J-15 fighter jets loaded with various missiles slid into the sky one after another, a group of J-15 fighter jets full of ammunition gathered in the air above the fleet.

The camera turned to look down. Under the command and guidance of the Ka-31 early warning helicopter, the fleet adjusted its course, passed over the huge aircraft carrier group, and roared towards the distant land.

In the following video, Chen Xin showed the content of the J-15 carrier-based aircraft's sea-to-land attack, air combat, and night take-off and landing.

Especially in the evening when the fighter jets were returning home, most of the setting sun had already set, and the sunset glow was shining red on the distant skyline.

Silhouettes of J-15 fighter jets landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier with the roar of the air. In the observation room of the bridge, several soldiers lined up to salute the returning war eagles.

The whole video is 29 minutes and [-] seconds in total. The soundtrack is all classic and exciting symphony music. After editing and editing by steel tools, it looks coherent and very infectious.


After making this video, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. After it was done, Chen Xin logged into the military forum of the Super Base Camp for diving to see if there was any recent news that interested him.

Two days ago [Wisdom Rubik's Cube] caused the J-20 engine disturbances in Super Large, and many people in the forum are still arguing whether the engine used by J-20 is F119 or a new engine developed by China itself, and [Wisdom Rubik's Cube] The so-called f119 version of the neglected war has just become the evidence that the f119 party insists on.

When Chen Xin was watching it happily, the steel coin who was originally sitting on the sofa playing live football with X**ox suddenly turned his head, flashed his electronic eyes and said: "Old Dou, there is something moving about Lao Mei!"

Chen Xin was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "What happened?"

After the terrorist attack at the Paris Air Show, Chen Xin asked Gangbun to monitor the military communication system of the U.S. military, and even part of the backup system satellites were implanted with corresponding viruses by Gangbun through NASA's annual testing opportunity.

In addition to ensuring that the instant communication links of the U.S. military are supplemented immediately after wartime satellites are destroyed, these backup communication satellites also provide corresponding communication support for some top-secret operations of the U.S. military in peacetime.

Therefore, if Lao Mei had any abnormal reaction, Chen Xin would get the news as soon as possible.

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, a few minutes ago, the Americans activated a backup communication satellite. The Pentagon sent a message to the US military in Afghanistan. The corresponding data is being transmitted. The other party should have adopted a new codebook and encryption system. Temporarily Unable to decipher."

Chen Xin frowned. At this time, part of the Taliban was driven into the mountains by the US troops stationed in Afghanistan, while the other part sneaked into Pakistan and merged with Pakistani tribal forces. The relationship between the two sides was complicated.

In addition, Pakistan itself is a nuclear-armed country and has a very close relationship with China. The United States is not as supportive as it was during 911/[-]. action.

In recent years, the U.S. military stationed in Afghanistan has played an increasingly awkward role in Central Asia, and the role it plays is not as important as the U.S. military initially thought. Not long ago, an RQ170 UAV from the U.S. was trapped by Iran. , A big joke was made, so after Okankai came to power, he formulated a timetable for withdrawing from Afghanistan.

At this time, the Pentagon transmits information to the U.S. military stationed in Afghanistan through a spare satellite, which is very intriguing.

Chen Xindao: "Gangyi, can you enter the command center of the U.S. military headquarters in Afghanistan?"

Gang Bian said, "Old Dou, give me 10 minutes."

The steel metal drilled directly into Chen Xin's laptop, and the computer fan spun quickly, the screen went dark, and the lines of code were beating like flowing water.

Soon, the voice of the steel hammer sounded in the computer stereo: "Old Dou, you have entered the central computer of the U.S. military headquarters in Afghanistan! Hey, no, what is the Yankee going to do?"

"Steel, what's going on?"

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, what is this?"

A data transmission window soon appeared on the screen, Chen Xin directly pressed receive, and soon, an English document appeared on the computer screen.

Chen Xin was taken aback for a moment, then moved the mouse to look.

While watching, Chen Xin frowned and said: "It's strange, this should be the data of the Pakistan Air Force's garrison and patrol routes this week, and it is accurate to every point in time. What are the Yankees doing? It's strange, are they going to attack Pakistan? Do it? No, with their strength in Afghanistan, it took a lot of effort to put down the Taliban, plus Pakistan has the support of China, it is impossible for the old Americans to be so convulsive!"

"Old Dou, look again!"

With that said, another map appeared on the screen.

"This is……"

Chen Xin zoomed in on the map. It was obviously a military-grade map, and the information displayed on it was very accurate.Surprisingly, a red dotted line also appeared on the map, connecting the U.S. military base in Afghanistan in Kabul to a place in the north of Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, marked with a red circle, which is very eye-catching.

The dotted line is S-shaped. Compared with the previous information, it can be clearly seen that this route is deliberately avoiding the garrison and patrol route map of the Pakistan Air Force.

In this way, Lao Mei's intentions became clearer.

They were obviously planning to launch an operation against an important target in Pakistan, and it was just a matter of a day or two. Chen Xin pouted his chin, and had a vague guess about the target person.

If Lao Mei really kills that target person as Chen Xin thinks, then it can really be said to be a major event that shocked the world, and it will even have an impact on Ao Guanhai's future re-election as president.

Chen Xin pointed to the red circle on the map and said to Gangbang: "Gangbang, help me find out where this is. It's best to get the satellite data." (To be continued.)

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