super robot clone

Chapter 14 Autobot Transformation

It took Chen Xin more than two hours to drive the Passat from Jiangcheng to Qiandaohu Town, where the county government is located. Han Xu's wedding was held in a five-star hotel in the town.

I haven't seen each other for two years. Han Xu is a lot fatter than before, and he seems to be living a good life. When he saw Chen Xin, his eyes narrowed into slits when he saw Chen Xin, and the two hugged fiercely. After a while, Han Xu said: "You miss me so much, third child. The mule and fourth child are here, and you are the only one missing."

Mule and Xiao Si are brothers in their dormitory, and they have a good relationship with Chen Xin. Later, when Chen Xin's parents had an accident, they helped a lot.Even though they went their separate ways due to work reasons after graduation, the few of them have never lost contact.

The two chatted for a long time before Han Xu thought of the beautiful woman standing beside Chen Xin and asked doubtfully, "Third brother, this is...?"

Wang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Fatty Han, why did you forget about me?"

When Chen Xin was a freshman and sophomore, Wang Xiaoyue often went to play with Chen Xin, and her mother was an associate professor at the school, and her family lived in the teacher's apartment, so Wang Xiaoyue and Han Xu were very familiar with each other.It's just that Wang Xiaoyue was still in high school at that time, and her figure hadn't grown in any way. Compared with the slim beauty now, she naturally changed a lot. It's normal that Han Xu didn't recognize her.

After she said this, Han Xu immediately reacted: "You are Xiaoyue? Oh, let me tell you, why is this beauty so familiar, she is much prettier than before."

Wang Xiaoyue immediately raised her eyebrows: "You mean I was not beautiful before?"

Han Xu quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, it used to be Xiaojiabiyu, but now it is beautiful and beautiful, and each has its own advantages."

Chen Xin thumped Han Xu's chest with a smile, and said, "It's a person who is going to get married after all, it's a different way of speaking."

Han Xu scratched his head, laughing silly.

After joking for a while, Han Xu took Chen Xin and Wang Xiaoyue to a box, which were basically Chen Xin's college classmates. More than a dozen people gathered for three tables of mahjong, and some even brought their family members over to play together.

The mule sitting in the innermost place was the first to notice Chen Xin's arrival, stood up and shouted loudly: "Third are finally here, third brother, hurry up, I leave this position to you, brother, I lost badly today!" gone."

Chen Xin waved to him, and greeted a group of classmates one after another, before coming to Mule's table.

Xiaosi was naturally there too, and they had a quarrel for a while, but the mule insisted on giving up the seat to Chen Xin, saying that he was too unlucky, and that if he continued playing, he would lose all his underwear.

The mule's name is Luo Gang, and his hometown is sy, Liao Province. After graduation, he found a job in a foreign-funded bank in the port city of DL in the northeast.

Little Four is called Ye Qiu, he looks fair and clean, he is a handsome guy from gd, because he is the youngest, he is the fourth eldest in the dormitory, so everyone is used to calling him Little Four.

Xiaosi's family is very rich. His father made his fortune by relying on government officials in the early years, and later invested in a copycat electronics factory. It is said that his assets are hundreds of millions and he belongs to the local tyrants.After graduating from Primary Four, he joined his own company to prepare for taking over his father's business in the future.

Because they were far away, he and Mule rushed over yesterday. Xiaosi also brought a good-looking girlfriend who was said to be a high school classmate and planned to get married next year.

The three of them talked about their respective situations after graduation. Although they hadn't seen each other for a long time, they became more cordial.

Wang Xiaoyue and Xiao Si's girlfriend and the girls gathered together and chatted non-stop, laughing from time to time, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

Chen Xin and the others played a few rounds of mahjong together. There was a sudden noise outside the box, and they didn't know what happened.

A few classmates went out to inquire for a while, and came back and said that there seemed to be something wrong with the wedding car.

Chen Xin couldn't sit down any longer, and hurriedly followed to find Han Xu, who was calling to coordinate with the wedding company.

After Chen Xin asked others, he realized that the main wedding car had an accident.

Han Xu's family conditions are good, so this marriage is not shabby, the wedding car rented a total of eight BMW x6 and a Lamborghini as the main wedding car.

It turned out that it was this Lamborghini that had the accident.

It is said that Lamborghini collided with a dump truck on the way after finishing the decoration of the wedding car. The problem was not serious and no one was injured. However, Lamborghini will definitely not be able to continue to be used as the main wedding car today.

Han Xu communicated with the people from the wedding company for a long time. After hanging up the phone, he said with a sad face: "The wedding company can't find any other luxury cars. Today is the auspicious day and Valentine's Day. There are so many people getting married. It's really impossible." , I can only find one of the BMW x6 as the main wedding car."

When this kind of unlucky thing happened on a happy day, Han Xu was in a bad mood and his face was not very good-looking.

Chen Xin thought for a while, then stepped forward and said, "Boss, do you want me to borrow one for you?"

Han Xu shook his head and said, "It's too late. The convoy will leave at 10:30. It's almost nine o'clock now. I need to do decorations or something. Unless I can arrive within an hour, it will definitely not work."

Chen Xindao: "I'll make a phone call to ask first, whether it's successful or not is another story."

Han Xu hesitated: " try it?"


Chen Xin walked to the corner, took out his mobile phone and pretended to make a call, and asked in a low voice, "Gangbi, can you help me?"

The lazy voice of Gangzheng sounded from the phone: "There is a way, but..."

The mouth of the steel scorpion made a creaking sound.

Chen Xin cursed foodie secretly, and said, "100 yuan, immediately go to the bank to withdraw the money."

Gang Bian immediately regained his spirits and shouted: "Deal, but you have to be prepared."

"What are you prepared for?"

Gangzheng chuckled: "Sacrifice your beloved car."

Chen Xin wondered, "How did you sacrifice? You're not going to eat that Passat, are you?"

Gang Bian said: "No, anyway, you will know when the time comes."

Chen Xin had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart, waved to Han Xu, and said, "Boss, give me an hour, you can ask the wedding company to decorate a BMW car as the main wedding car first, if I can make it within an hour Come back, everything is ok, if you can’t come back, you can only use BMW x6 to deal with it.”

Han Xu said: "Okay, then go quickly."

Chen Xin got off the hotel elevator and went straight to the underground parking lot. His Passat was parked in a corner of the parking lot.

Sitting in the cab, Chen Xin took out his mobile phone and said, "Gangbang, I'll leave it to you, tell me, what are you going to do?"

The screen of the mobile phone lit up, and it suddenly jumped out of Chen Xin's hand, then turned somersault in mid-air, and changed into the appearance of a steel coin in an instant. Check to see if anyone is around."

The steel penny's head turned 360 degrees, but after a while, its eyes suddenly lit up and said: "Old Dou, come and see, someone in a Toyota car 200 meters away from us is shaking the car."

As it said that, its eyes shot out two fluorescent lights, forming a three-dimensional 3D display screen on the front windshield of the car, and the two white bodies were stacked and shaking.

Gang Bian smiled and said, "Old Dou, would you like me to add some voices for you?"

"I'll wipe it!" When Chen Xin saw the legendary Che Zhen for the first time, his eyes straightened immediately. After finally suppressing the agitation in his heart, he reluctantly looked away, glared at it and said, "Okay, don't Let's play again, we have business to do."

Gang Bian said helplessly: "Okay, you get out of the car first, I have taken over the hotel's surveillance system, the pair of wild mandarin ducks have a blind spot with us, so don't worry about them. Old Dou, today I want to show you the monitoring system of the hotel. Uncle Yan’s true skill.”

Chen Xin got out of the car and closed the car door. Gang Zhu sat in the car and grinned at him, waved his hand, and disappeared into the car in a flash.

There were only a few emergency lights on in the entire underground garage, and the Passat was parked in a relatively remote corner with dim light, but Chen Xinyi was stunned by the shocking scene that happened right under his nose.

Strange ripples appeared on the surface of the white Passat, the window glass seemed to melt, and the organic molecules and metal atomic lattices of the entire car were being restructured and arranged.At the same time, the body of the car is gradually becoming shorter, the surface of the car body becomes angular, and the color of the white body also darkens at some point, and the color gradually deepens, as if a group of black ghosts silenced the car. shrouded in breath.

But after a while, the Passat disappeared and was replaced by a domineering and cool black sports car.

The sports car presents a streamlined shape full of futuristic sci-fi colors. Except for the bright silver hub, everything else is replaced by a thick and bright black, and even the tires are so spotlessly black.There is no decoration on the surface of the car body, the lines are simple, smooth and elegant, fully in line with the principle of aerodynamics, giving people an extremely amazing feeling.

Lamborghini - Reventon!

This is Lamborghini's limited edition super sports car, based on Lamborghini Murciélago, there are only 35 units (including 15 open tops, actually 36 units), and the price is as high as 150 million US dollars.The hardtop version of the Raventon originally had 10 cars in North America, 5 cars in Europe, 3 cars in the Middle East, and 1 car in Japan, and the 21st car was placed in the Lamborghini Museum (number 0). Affected by the tsunami, several car owners decided to sell the car before it fell into the hands of Asian buyers such as HK and China.

Chen Xin's eyes were straightened, and he felt that his heart was about to melt. There is no man who does not love cars. Cars are like their own women. It has to give it several tons of gold bars.

While Chen Xin was still in a daze, the knife-scissors sports car door opened upwards without a sound, and a steely-satisfied voice sounded from inside: "Old Dou, come in."

Chen Xin hurriedly got into the car, and the interior of the car was even more changed. The seat was made of unknown material, which was completely different from the leather in the past, and it was very comfortable to sit on.Right in front of the driver's seat is still an integrated digital instrument panel, which looks beautiful and sci-fi, and there are several more buttons on the steering wheel, and even a fingerprint iris voice recognition system. According to Gang Yan, only Chen Xin can drive this car now. get up.

On the side is the integrated navigation main control display like the avionics system of a fighter jet. It is 11 inches and beautiful. The chip behind it controls hundreds of sensors in the front, rear, up, down, left, and right sides of the sports car. The driving record cameras are all over the body, with 360 degrees without dead ends. .

The main control computer of the car is also equipped with a fully automatic driverless system. As long as Chen Xin sets his destination in advance, he can even sleep all the way from here to Yanjing without doing anything in between.

Chen Xin's hands were itchy, and he asked, "How does this car start? And is there anything else I need to pay attention to when driving?"

Gangzhen yawned and said: "No need, just drive according to your usual habits, pay attention to the speed. Also, don't forget to go to the bank to withdraw money for me, I'm hungry."

As he said that, Gang Bian ignored Chen Xin, turned back to his mobile phone, and stuffed himself into Chen Xin's pocket.


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