super robot clone

Chapter 152 Alien Base

The request to come to Captain's Peak this time was put forward by Mr. Kahn himself.

During the meeting between Mr. Kahn and President Ou Guanhai, Mr. Kahn told Ou Guanhai information that the US government had never had before.

The Kahn tribe once established a secret base under a boulder in Yosemite National Forest Park. There are many super technologies belonging to the Kahn tribe in it, which can only be opened by going there in person.

Mr. Kahn said that the base was originally intended to be the last retreat of the Kahn family after the energy of the spacecraft on the moon was exhausted.

It's a pity that the only few remaining Kahn people on the spaceship had an accident when they traveled from the moon to Captain's Peak base in a transportation boat. The transportation boat crashed, and the remaining survivors were rescued by the US government.

This news shocked President Okumi, and immediately attracted the attention of the US government.

Although the Americans still don't understand what the Kahns mean by the fifth-level civilization, but they can come to the Milky Way from the distant Large Magellanic Cloud and come to the earth, so you can imagine how far the Kahns' technology has developed .

This is a real super technology. Previously, a single star rock brought many benefits to the United States. Now a living alien base is in the United States. How can this not make the Americans tempted.

The Americans are not demanding too much, not talking about the Zenith star technology such as curvature navigation and non-propellant propulsion, as long as they can get a few things that can be used by the people of the earth, such as controllable nuclear fusion, from the Kahn tribe, the ratio will be higher Technologies such as thrust aerospace engines are enough to make Americans laugh out loud.

After all, according to the current level of human technology.Every technology means an industrial revolution.

Needless to say about controllable nuclear fusion, everyone knows what unlimited energy means.

As for the aerospace engine with a large thrust ratio, it is even more coveted.

With the decommissioning of the space shuttle, the current human spaceflight activities basically need launch vehicles to carry out.

However, developing a launch vehicle requires sophisticated technology, and launching a launch vehicle is a huge project, and the cost of space launch is extremely high.

Moreover, the production quantity of launch vehicles cannot reach tens of thousands like automobiles. The production of dozens or hundreds is quite a lot, and some only produce a few.The inability to produce in large quantities will undoubtedly greatly increase the cost of a single piece.

The launch vehicle "Saturn" V developed by the United States for landing on the moon only produced 15 pieces, and the cost of one rocket was as high as 1.85 million US dollars.This is the dollar of the 80s and [-]s.If it is placed in modern times, the cost may be more than ten times higher.

The cost of a single "Hercules" 4 launch vehicle currently in use by the United States is also as high as more than 2 million US dollars.

The launch cost of a launch vehicle includes the cost of propellant consumed, the cost of using the launch site, and the cost of using various ancillary facilities on the ground, as well as labor costs.The measurement and control cost of the launch vehicle mainly includes the cost of the measurement and control stations, measurement ships, and command and control centers all over the place.

Combining the above factors, it can be seen that the cost of launching a carrier rocket is very high.


Due to the different costs of launch vehicle development, launch and human resources in different countries.The cost of launching similar rockets also varies greatly. The launch cost of the US launch vehicle far exceeds that of China, the European Space Station and Russia. For example, the total cost of launching the "Hercules" 4 rocket is as high as 3.5 million US dollars.

therefore.For the new generation of aerospace technology, Americans are also salivating.

Ao Guanhai raised this question face-to-face during the meeting with Mr. Kahn. Mr. Kahn hesitated at first, but then he thought of something, saying that he could help Americans establish a new space-to-earth shuttle system, which would cost a lot to use. The magnitude is reduced.

But the premise is that Mr. Kahn must personally go to the Kahn tribe's base at Captain's Peak.

Regarding Mr. Kahn's request, Ao Guanhai and the others are not without doubts. After several meetings of the National Security Council, the desire for new technologies finally prevailed. Everyone understands that once these technologies are obtained, they will have a great impact on the future of the United States. What does that mean.


After walking along the forest path for about ten minutes, Dr. Wells and Mr. Kahn finally came to the rock wall of Captain's Peak.

Dr. Wells took a photo with the LED flashlight, looked up at the towering rock wall, and asked, "Mr. Kahn, what should we do?"

Mr. Kahn ignored Dr. Wells' question, but put his hands on the rock wall and stopped for about half a minute before starting to walk to the right side of the rock wall of Captain's Peak.

Although Wells didn't know what Mr. Kahn wanted to do, he still followed.

The two walked about another hundred meters, and Mr. Kahn suddenly stopped, turned around and looked around, and murmured, "Did you feel it?"

Dr. Wells was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Mr. Kahn, what do you feel?"

Mr. Kahn shook his head and said in a low voice: "Aura! The breath of our Kahn clan!"

Dr. Wells is a little confused.

Mr. Kahn stepped back about ten meters, looked at the towering Captain's Peak, and began to yell loudly in a language that Dr. Wells had never heard before. The voice was sharp and sharp, very piercing, Wells The doctor couldn't help frowning.

Soon, Mr. Kahn's voice slowly turned soft, sounding with a strange sense of rhythm, as if some kind of mysterious spell.

Along with the tone of Mr. Kahn's voice, Dr. Wells suddenly felt that the ground began to shake slowly. At first he thought it was an illusion, but a few seconds later, Dr. Wells suddenly realized something, and turned towards Kahn The gentleman yelled: "Mr. Kahn, run, there is an earthquake!"

Mr. Kahn turned his head to look at Dr. Wells, and said calmly: "Stand firm, this is not an earthquake!"

Dr. Wells was stunned, still thinking about the meaning of Mr. Kahn's words. He suddenly widened his eyes, stared blankly at the mountain wall in front of him and said, "Go up...God, Captain Peak, Captain Peak has moved. !"

Under the mysterious spell of Mr. Kahn, this huge granite boulder, which has stood for tens of thousands of years, moved slowly.

With the rotation of Captain's Peak, the ground vibration gradually became more violent, and stones rolled down from Captain's Peak from time to time.

"Mr. Kahn, it's dangerous here, let's go!"

Mr. Kahn said: "Dr. Wells, don't worry, as long as you stay here well, no stone will hit you!" (To be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!

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