Chen Xin read all the news from the major websites, and the headlines on Xinlang were very frightening—"Aliens Invaded Earth?"The U.S. Air Force Stages the Battle of Las Vegas."

The editor also specifically bolded this text in red font, which looks very eye-catching.

"According to the "New York Times" report published today, at 22:22 a.m. Western time today, an F[-] fighter jet belonging to the U.S. Air Force and three dish-shaped UFOs staged an elaborate battle over Las Vegas. In the thrilling air chase, the F[-] fighter plane won the thrilling victory, and three UFOs were shot down. Due to the large number of witnesses, we can now confirm the authenticity of this incident, and the US Air Force has not yet commented on this matter..."

The title of yi is "f22 vs ufo, when the movie becomes a reality", the reporter wrote: "We often see the wonderful scenes of the US military fighting against aliens in Hollywood blockbusters, whether it is the "Reading Day" released in the 90s of the last century It was "The Battle of Los Angeles" released in March this year, the theme of aliens is an enduring topic in Hollywood, but it is estimated that no one thought that one day such a picture would actually appear in reality."

"At the moment of the air battle between f22 and three UFOs in the early morning of this morning, a helicopter on a local TV station in Las Vegas was preparing to broadcast a street chase of police and robbers live, but accidentally filmed the chase between UFO and f22 fighter jets Screen. After this video was uploaded to youtube, it quickly attracted the attention of netizens all over the world. In less than four hours, the video has been played more than one million times. After the video was uploaded to Youku, it was played an astonishing 80 times, and the replies exceeded [-]."

"At present, we don't know the specific origin of these three UFOs. The reporter also interviewed Professor Lin Jianhua, an aerodynamic expert at the Capital University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, by phone. Professor Lin said that judging from this video, the three UFOs Its flying speed is not lower than that of F22, but it does not have any power tail injection device, and its power source has become a mystery. According to the current level of human technology, this is not like a man-made object..."

"In addition, according to the latest news from Xinhua News Agency, the air battle last night has caused more than [-] casualties, two of whom were seriously injured. The Hilton Hotel, which was affected by the air battle, also suffered heavy losses. The glass curtain wall on the front of the building was almost completely destroyed. Business has been suspended, and the US [***] side has not commented on the incident.”

Chen Xin didn't expect that the scene of the battle between the steel 镚 and the Kahn unmanned detectors would be photographed, so he quickly went to YouTube to find the video and watched it again.

The splendor of the video far exceeded Chen Xin's expectations. Compared with the cockpit vision transmitted by steel, this video looks more thrilling and exciting, especially the last shot of f22 climbing vertically along the hotel building. The sound storm produced during transonic flight continued to explode, and the thrilling level directly compared to some blockbuster movies. Chen Xin was dumbfounded after watching it, and said, "Oh shit, steel, were we so violent last night? "

Gangzhu jumped out of the laptop, stretched his waist, shook his head and said: "Old Dou, what is this? I can play even more vigorously."

Chen Xin said with a smile: "We can continue to play in the future. This time we are lucky. With this video, I am afraid that there will be an upsurge in the study of ufo aliens all over the world. I think the turning point of "Country Teacher" in the North American market will come soon. gone."

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, do you want us to make another trailer for "Country Teacher", it's best to connect it with this ufo incident, I believe it will attract a lot of people's attention by then!"

Chen Xin's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Good way, we can make the trailer when we return to Los Angeles."

Gang Beng nodded and said: "By the way, old bean, I almost forgot to tell you something. After the plane landed last night, I left something on Laomei's f22."


F22 apron at Nellis Air Force Base.

"Sergeant Breen, give me the light!"

An American soldier in a ground service uniform quickly handed the LED flashlight to Sergeant George who was standing at the air inlet.

Sergeant George, holding a flashlight, got into the air intake of the F22, ready to inspect the alloy fan blades of the F119 turbofan engine.

This is the first time that f22 has participated in routine maintenance after actual combat, but the members of the ground crew are not in a very high mood.

Captain Allen's injury touched everyone's heart.

"David, do you think Captain Allen will be okay?"

Sergeant Breen said to David, the crew chief.

"Who knows? The news from the hospital said that a blood clot was found in Captain Allen's brain, and he may need a craniotomy. I don't know if Captain Allen will have a chance to return to the blue sky in the future."

Captain David, the crew chief, was sitting in the cockpit checking the dashboard. After the fighter plane landed last night, it was discovered that the pilot, Captain Allen, had suffered serious internal injuries. There was a shadow, but the work had to continue. Before dawn, the ground crew immediately started maintenance work on the F22.

At this moment, Staff Sergeant George, who got into the air intake to check the engine fan, suddenly shouted: "Hey, guys, look what I found."

Sergeant Breen said, "Sergeant George, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with the engine?"

Sergeant George quickly got out of the air intake of the F22, with a look of seeing a ghost on his face, and said: "Unbelievable, there are words on the engine blades!"

Crew chief David climbed down from the cockpit and said, "Sergeant George, you shouldn't be dazzled, how could there be words on the engine blades?"

Not to mention words, for precision equipment like a turbofan engine, not even a single scratch is allowed on the blades.

Sergeant George said: "Pilot chief, I really didn't lie to you. I couldn't believe it at first, but after reading it several times, there are indeed words on the blades."

The crew chief frowned and said, "Are you sure, what's written on it?"

Sergeant George said: "I don't know, it seems to be Chinese characters. You know, my wife is Chinese, and I know a little about the East. I can be sure that it is square characters."

The crew chief David and Sergeant Breen looked at each other, David said: "George, give me the flashlight, I'll see what's going on."

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