super robot clone

Chapter 17 Movie Release

The China Aviation Museum, located in Xiaotangshan, the capital, is the first large-scale aviation museum open to the outside world in Chinese history, and it is also the largest collection of aviation treasures in Asia. Chen Xin has long been fascinated by it.

The museum was built in 1986 and officially opened to the public in November 1989.Covering an area of ​​more than 11 square meters, with a collection of more than 70 aircraft, 270 national cultural relic aircraft, and nearly 99 pieces of aviation cultural relics, it is a national-level military-themed museum integrating science, technology, education, and tourism. 5th place in the Aviation Museum.

Walking into the Aviation Museum, the first thing that catches the eye is the logo of the museum, which is more than ten meters high: a single-seat light fighter (J-12), which is clean and white and is ascending urgently, is leaning on the milky white pillars. The front of the base is engraved with The four characters inscribed by Comrade Yang sk - aiming at the blue sky.In the center of the museum square, there is a "Soul of Heaven" stele, which is made of a complete piece of black granite collected from Mount Tai.

Regarding this museum, there have been several interesting incidents related to super army fans.

In November 2009, military fans of the Super Base Camp [just worth an article] and others discovered that there was an omission in the list of heroes recorded in the Chinese Air Force Heroes Cup in the Aviation Museum, and immediately contacted and communicated in detail with the Aviation Expo. It aroused great attention from the Air Expo and related leaders, and the reconstruction of the Air Force Heroes Monument started immediately.

In December of the same year, the unnamed aircraft wreckage originally scattered in the open air in a corner of the China Aviation Museum was confirmed by Chaoda Member [Light Weapons 2006] and others as the famous American high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft D21. Later, it was reported that the aircraft number was 527 On March 1971, 3, after completing the reconnaissance and photographing mission of the Northwest China Nuclear Test Base, it crashed in the Xishuangbanna area of ​​yn on the way back to the Bay of Bengal.Not long after the news was released on the Internet, Air Expo kept it in the indoor exhibition hall and added detailed information.

Chen Xin walked around the Aviation Museum for a long time with his sunglasses on, so it was natural to pay a visit to these two places.

After the visit was almost over, Chen Xin looked at the watch on his wrist, walked to the corner and asked in a low voice: "Gangyi, how is the data collection going?"

Gang Beng said meticulously: "Don't worry, the full-scale model data of all aircraft has been collected, and the 3D model has been established."

Chen Xin smiled: "That's good."

In fact, what he is most concerned about is the appearance data of the first-line main aircraft of the Air Force, such as the J-10, FC-1 "Fierce Dragon", and JH-7A "Flying Leopard". , As for the other outdated aircraft, most of them have only one shell left, and collecting them is to keep a backup.


Two days later, Chen Xin returned to Jiangcheng and officially started the establishment of the Cybertron studio.

He made an agreement with Yu Shijian to wait for "Bring Her Eyes" to be uploaded on the Internet and cause a sensation before releasing the casting of "Country Teacher".

The hunger and thirst of domestic movie fans for Chinese sci-fi films can be expected. After watching the CG special effects of "Bring Her Eyes", anyone will have great expectations for "Country Teacher".

It's just that the Cybertron digital special effects studio will definitely receive a lot of attention, so Chen Xin must make the Cybertron studio full of flesh and blood. If the media finds out that this studio is just a leather bag company, what a joke! But it's getting bigger.

Fortunately, Chen Xin is not short of money now. "Rules of Survival in the Stars" is popular on the Internet. Since it was uploaded on January 200, it has been updated with nearly 25 million words by the end of February, and the average order has exceeded 150. He has already received January [-]. The manuscript fee is expected to exceed [-] million yuan in February.This does not include the cost of publishing in simplified and traditional characters. Before Qidian, he sent people to discuss with him the sale of games and movie adaptation rights, but he chose to refuse.

And with the stable update of the steel pendulum, "Rules of Survival in the Stars" will bring Chen Xin a steady stream of benefits.

In order to avoid the attention of interested people, Chen Xin asked Gangbi to reduce the number of words in the daily update to 500. Gangbi was not very happy. Its archived manuscripts have exceeded 7000 million, and it is expected to complete 8500 million words in one year.If 23 words are updated every day, "Rules of Survival in the Stars" needs to be updated continuously for [-] days, or [-] years, in order to complete the book.

In addition, when Chen Xin was in city b, he obtained the information of several professional managers through a headhunting company.He was not familiar with most of the people in the industry, but fortunately with the help of Gang Bian, Chen Xin checked out the three generations of their ancestors, and finally he fell in love with a guy named Wu Jun.

Wu Jun has been in the mall for many years, and has served as middle and high-level managers of many well-known game companies, and he can be regarded as an elite in the industry.

This time Chen Xin asked him out for an interview, without saying a word, just turned on the laptop and let him read "Bring Her Eyes", Wu Jun was immediately moved.

In fact, in the IT industry, technology is the foundation and the market is the guide. Especially in China, there are very few powerful cg special effects companies like Digital Cybertron.

Wu Jun only thought about it for less than 10 minutes before agreeing. For him, this is also an opportunity to skyrocket.

After the two had an in-depth exchange, Chen Xin was very satisfied with this experienced manager, and directly offered a monthly salary of [-] yuan, plus bonuses.

However, Chen Xin also told Wu Jun that the R&D department of the company is the core secret of the company, and even he has no right to know about it. He only needs to set up the company's finance department, human resources department, advertising department, planning department and other departments. Then find some fresh graduates engaged in animation and art to fill in the appearance.

After clarifying these tedious matters, Chen Xin transferred all the nearly 100 million funds in his card to the company account as working capital, and told Wu Jun that more than 100 million RMB will arrive in the account in March.

At the end of February, Aunt Zhou called and told Chen Xin that the soundtrack work had been completed.

Aunt Zhou puts a lot of effort into the soundtrack of this work, especially after the start of Jiangcheng University, she also recruited some students to act as free labor, striving for excellence.

Chen Xin was very satisfied after watching it, and he was full of praise for Aunt Zhou's work. The carefully crafted music effect directly raised "Bring Her Eyes" to a higher level.

On March [-]st, "Bring Her Eyes" was simultaneously uploaded to well-known domestic and international video sites such as Youku, Tudou, LeTV, Youtube, etc. For this reason, Chen Xin specially asked Gangbi to dub the English version.


"Old Tao, Lao Tao, come and watch this video!" Qian Zhicheng greeted his colleague Lao Tao.

Qian Zhicheng and Lao Tao are both website editors of's original video channel. Their daily job is to select a few works of good quality from the massive videos uploaded by netizens, and then put them on the recommended position on the homepage.

This kind of work is quite boring, and there are too many videos that need to be watched every day, which can easily cause aesthetic fatigue.

Qian Zhicheng has also learned a lot about how a video is. First, check whether the title is eye-catching, and then look at the content. Basically, you can judge its quality after a few glances.

Most of the videos uploaded by netizens are of mediocre quality, and few of them are eye-catching. Qian Zhicheng and the others had no choice but to choose a few decent works from the short ones and put them on the front page.

However, the video he saw just now made Qian Zhicheng a little uneasy. Although it was only the beginning, he immediately called his friends for support.

Lao Tao leaned in front of Qian Zhicheng's computer and asked, "What video, so exciting, um—"China's first sci-fi special effects micro-movie, hit Hollywood after all"?"

Lao Tao smiled instantly: "Who is the person who uploaded the video? In order to attract attention, he dares to choose any name."

In fact, they often do such unscrupulous things themselves.

The webpage shows that the author of the video is Cybertron Digital Effects Studio.

Qian Zhicheng said: "You read it first, and then draw conclusions later."

He pulled the progress bar back to the top, and the video was being reloaded. Just now, he had only watched the promotional video of the opening of the Cybertron studio, and he was stunned in just 1 minute.

Seeing Qian Zhicheng's different expression, Lao Tao couldn't help being a little strange, but as the video started, his expression changed quickly, and then a few more friends came over to watch the movie together.

Later, there was news that on this day, there was a riot in the office of youkuwang. Everyone, including the editor-in-chief, stopped their work and gathered together to watch a micro-movie called "Bring Her Eyes".

Qiao Wei is the owner of Liu Cixin's post bar. As an absolute magnet, his biggest wish is to hope that one day Liu Cixin's works will be put on the big screen, so that foreigners can also come to experience Chinese science fiction works .

It's a pity that he can only bow his head and sigh for the level of the Chinese film industry.

This day, as usual, he boarded Liu Cixin Bar to see if there were any interesting topics, and at the same time, he also managed the bar, which was his daily routine.

In fact, circles like sci-fi have a relatively small audience, and their fans are usually relatively sticky, especially after Liu Cixin wrote the "Three-Body" trilogy, his influence is not limited to sci-fi. This is a small circle, so Liu Cixin's popularity is still very strong.

Qiao Wei clicked on the post bar, and the first thing he saw was the top post: "Fuck, the micro-movie version of Da Liu's novel is released, and the special effects are invincible"

It is followed by a series of exclamation points.

Qiao Wei was a little curious. He knew quite a few people in the sci-fi circle. It is impossible that there would be no rumors about the adaptation of Da Liu's sci-fi novel into a micro-movie. Someone would definitely inform him.

However, Qiao Wei didn't think too much about it. He opened the post first. The post was published half an hour ago, and there were already more than 100 comments below, which was very popular.

Qiao Wei scrolled down the post.

Second floor: I haven't started watching it yet, if lz dares to lie, there is no little jj.

The third floor: I only watched the beginning, damn it, the picture was so exquisite that it was unimaginable, I was so excited that I couldn’t speak, tears streaming down my face, from today on, I remember Cybertron Digital, it turns out that there are such awesome ones in China Special effects company!

Fourth Floor: It turned out to be "Bring Her Eyes", which was written by Liu a long time ago

Fifth floor: Isn't the fourth floor excited?Look at this special effect, speechless

The sixth floor: Be sure to go to the top, a masterpiece of domestic science fiction

Seventh floor: leave a name in the front row, a masterpiece

Eighth floor: A masterpiece, Hollywood is over, begging for the movie version of "Three-Body Problem"

Ninth Floor: I’m sorry, I was so excited watching it, I decided not to go to the cinema with my sister at night, this movie is worth revisiting


Qiao Wei quickly pulled the post to the top, clicked on the video, and the series of positive comments below made him eager to see how this work was going.


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