super robot clone

Chapter 175 Old Acquaintances

The next day, the headline of the Hollywood News caught the attention of many American readers. .

"Mysterious sci-fi blockbuster steals the spotlight, UFO attention rises further"

The article first reviewed the previous Las Vegas air battle incident, then changed the topic and focused on another video that quickly became popular yesterday.

"Where are they from?"

The article stated that after expert interpretation, it can be determined that this video is completely artificial and has nothing to do with UFOs.

At the same time, the article gave this video a high evaluation, saying that its special effects are amazing, especially the excellent portrayal of alien civilization, which is not inferior to the sci-fi blockbuster "Avatar".Due to the influence of the UFO incident last night, within a few hours, this video has been played more than one million times and has more than [-] comments.

At the end of the article, it also stated that after multiple verifications, this video is from an upcoming sci-fi blockbuster in China. It is not clear whether this movie has any plans to release it in North America, but since this video appeared on YouTube, Most likely it has something to do with the promotion of the movie.

When Chen Xin went downstairs to eat breakfast, Yu Shijian was watching "Hollywood News" intently.

Seeing Chen Xin approaching, Yu Shijian waved to Chen Xin with a look of surprise: "Brother Chen, look quickly, our movie has been featured on The Hollywood News!"

Yesterday, after Chen Xin uploaded the promotional trailer of "Country Teacher" made by Gang Bin to YouTube, he specifically mentioned this matter to Yu Shijian.

Of course, Chen Xin didn't tell Yu Shijian that in order to increase the click-through rate of the video, he asked Gang Jun to modify the data of the YouTube server, and put it in the first place in relation to the Las Vegas air battle video.

Yu Shijian was still a little disapproving at the time, thinking that doing so would not have much effect, just like "Bring Her Eyes" uploaded on YouTube at the beginning, it did not cause too many waves abroad, and was soon submerged in the ocean of the Internet middle.

It's just that he never expected that the trailer of "Country Teacher" would be so popular, and it would attract the attention of mainstream Hollywood media so quickly.

Chen Xin went to the dining area to get some food such as bread, milk and jam, and then sat directly opposite Yu Shijian.

Yu Shijian turned the newspaper to Chen Xin's direction, pointed to the headline and said, "Brother Chen, take a look."

Chen Xin browsed the newspaper roughly, and said with a smile: "The "Village Teacher" has appeared in the newspaper? I thought it would be at least a few more days!"

When he woke up in the morning, Gang Bian told Chen Xin about the playback volume of that video on YouTube.

From 300:15 p.m. yesterday to 8:[-] a.m. this morning, the number of video views of the "Country Teacher" trailer has exceeded [-] million, with [-] likes, less than [-] dislikes, and [-] comments many lines.

One of the top comments was from a Chinese student studying abroad.

He introduced the shooting background and general content of "Country Teacher" in English, and also specially recommended "Bring Her Eyes" produced by Chen Xin to foreign friends.

As a result, the number of views of "Bring Her Eyes", which has been calm on YouTube, has suddenly increased from more than 300 million to more than 500 million. Many foreign netizens have given high praise to this micro-movie. , and have great expectations for "Country Teacher".

As for the air combat video shot by the Las Vegas TV station, as of 30 o'clock this morning, more than [-] hours, the number of times the video has been played has exceeded [-] million, officially becoming the shortest online video in history to break through the [-] million mark .

Although Chen Xin was used to the ability of steel to make news, he never thought that the Las Vegas ufo incident would be so popular.

Chen Xin and Yu Shijian discussed the negotiation plan for "Country Teacher". With the promotion of the UFO incident in Las Vegas, Yu Shijian also greatly increased his confidence in "Country Teacher".

Perhaps thanks to Yu Shijian's vigorous promotion in Hollywood, during breakfast, two more Hollywood film companies with good distribution capabilities called, hoping to discuss the distribution plan of "Country Teacher" with Yu Shijian again.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Shijian sighed: "Brother Chen, I didn't expect it. It's impossible for "Country Teacher" not to be popular this time."

Chen Xin nodded with a smile, and was about to speak when his cell phone rang suddenly.

Chen Xin took out his mobile phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar domestic number. He was stunned for a moment, knowing that there were not many people on his phone. Except for the occasional phone call with Wang Xiaoyue and Wu Jun these days, basically no one else called.

He apologized to Yu Shijian, then picked up the phone and walked to the corner, pressed the answer button and said, "Hello, who is it?"

A cold female voice sounded from the other end of the phone: "It's me, Qiao Ting!"

Chen Xin was stunned for a long time, and said, "Oh, Dr. Qiao, what can I do for you?"

Qiao Ting said: "You haven't forgotten about the virtual combat simulation simulator, have you?"

Chen Xin was slightly taken aback, and quickly said: "Haha, how could you forget this? By the way, are you done with your work?"

Qiao Ting said: "It's good if you don't forget. I will take a team of military experts to Jiangcheng to visit your company tomorrow. I hope you will do a good job in reception."


"What? Is there a problem?"

Chen Xin quickly said: "No problem, no problem, but I am still in the United States. I will immediately notify Wu Jun, the general manager of Cybertron Digital, and ask him to come forward to receive you. Don't worry, all your food and accommodation will be recorded in our company Under the account."

Qiao Ting said: "I won't bother you about this, we are disciplined. By the way, when will you come back from the United States?"

Chen Xin was a little hesitant. He still had to meet with Thomas Tull, President of Legendary Pictures, and Michael Rael, Vice President of Blizzard, to discuss the cooperation of the movie version of "World of Warcraft".

However, this three-party meeting is only to set a cooperation intention, and the specific cooperation plan will be drawn up by the subordinates.

Chen Xin thought for a while and said, "Let me check the ticket first, the day after tomorrow at the earliest!"

Qiao Ting said, "Okay, then we'll see you the day after tomorrow!"

With that said, she hung up the phone directly.

Chen Xin listened to the beeping sound on the phone, shook his head with a smile, and said, "Gangbi, help me check the air ticket back to Jiangcheng, and book it for me if you find it suitable!"

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, good!"

Back at the dining table, Chen Xin smiled wryly at Yu Shijian: "Brother Yu, I'm sorry, there is an urgent matter in the country, I need to go back and deal with it immediately, and I will leave the negotiation on the release of "Country Teacher" in the United States to you!"

Yu Shijian smiled and said, "Brother Chen, you can go back at ease! In this case, if I still can't come up with a satisfactory sharing plan, then I will commit suicide directly!"


After breakfast, Yu Shijian drove directly to Paramount Film Company. When he had breakfast just now, the director of the distribution department of Paramount called him.

Chen Xin was going back to his room to take a rest. He had already made an appointment with Thomas Tull yesterday, and he was going to hold a three-party meeting after Blizzard Vice President Michael Rael arrived in Los Angeles today.

As soon as he walked out of the restaurant, a white man walked up to him. Chen Xin's eyes flicked across his face, and he froze immediately!

The white man didn't pay attention to Chen Xin's strangeness, and walked past him as if he didn't notice.

Chen Xin's stride did not change, but his brows were tightly wrinkled.

Gang Bian soon noticed Chen Xin's strangeness, and asked, "Old Dou, what's the matter?"

Chen Xin whispered: "Gang Bian, did you see that man's face just now? Are you familiar with it?"

The glasses instantly replayed the scene that Chen Xin saw just now, and the picture was frozen on the face of the white man, and the steel yelled: "Fuck me, old man, why is he here?"

The white man in front of him was obviously the old cat man Chen Xin saw at the abandoned military airport in Western Sahara on the day of the terrorist attack at the Paris Air Show.

At that time, Chen Xin took off his mask, and he was deeply impressed by this face.

Chen Xin remembered very clearly that he knocked the old cat unconscious and put him in the cabin of the A380. If there were no accidents, he should have fallen into the hands of the French.

But how could he appear in Los Angeles now? (To be continued.)

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