super robot clone

Chapter 184 No Money

For Osborn's proposal, Chen Xin had long been mentally prepared.

Originally, he planned to let Cybertron Digital be in charge of the construction of the sci-fi film and television city, but after discussing with Gang Yan, he decided that it would be better for the Star Ring Group to do it.

On the one hand, the Transwarp Group's acquisition of Cybertron can't be hidden, and it will definitely be exposed in the media. Instead of letting everyone speculate, it is better to let the Transwarp Group stand on the foreground.

On the other hand, Cybertron Digital already has enough businesses. Whether it is movies, games, or cooperation with the military on the fighter jet virtual simulation system, it is enough to keep Wu Jun busy for a while. When the project was handed over to him, Wu Jun couldn't handle it no matter if it was manpower or energy.

Moreover, Osborne used to be a real estate developer and had his own way of doing construction. Chen Xin also used him to attract a lot of domestic attention.

As for where Osborn can go within the Star Ring Group in the future, it depends on his next performance.

Wu Jun couldn't deny this. Before Chen Xin told him that he would invest 50 billion US dollars to build a science fiction film and television city, he was still worried about insufficient funds and other issues.

After all, it has only been less than half a year since Cybertron was established. Although there are already enough profitable projects, the science fiction film and television city is a bottomless pit in Wu Jun's view, and the possibility of making profits in a short period of time is very small.

However, within Cybertron, Chen Xin has the right to make decisions. Since he insists on doing so, Wu Jun has nothing to do to stop him.

He didn't expect that the legendary overseas consortium that had been hiding behind Chen Xin would join in so quickly this time. It would be great for Digital Cybertron if a big funder like the Star Ring Group joined.

As for why the Star Ring Group is interested in Wujiang Industrial Park, and why it wants to build a sci-fi film and television city at any cost, Wu Jun is not so clear.

After Osborne made the request to go to Wujiang Industrial Park, Wu Jun immediately arranged a vehicle, and together with Chen Xin, accompanied Osborne to Wujiang Industrial Park for a tour.

Since the Wujiang Industrial Park has been abandoned for many years, many infrastructures have been aged and damaged, whether it is roads or water and power supply, they are not very satisfactory.

But for some unknown reason, Osborn turned a blind eye to everything in front of him, just like Chen Xin back then.

After coming out of Kai Ruide Machinery Factory, a group of people boarded the hill behind Kai Ru De Machinery Factory.

The locals generally call this hill Longtou Mountain, probably because the mountain looks like the head of a giant dragon breaking out of the ground.

To the east of Longtoushan is a muddy tidal flat, and you can see the vast East China Sea as far as the eye can see. To the north of the mountain is the long and narrow Wujiang Industrial Park with an area of ​​up to 7.6 kilometers.

Osborne looked around, then turned around and asked Wu Jun, "Mr. Wu, if Xinghuan Group buys all this land with funds, how much money will it cost? Also, will there be any trouble in land acquisition and demolition? "

Wu Jun said: "Currently, the transfer price of industrial land in Jiangcheng area is about 7.6 RMB per square meter, but Wujiang Industrial Park is dominated by saline-alkali land, which is basically state-owned land and has little relationship with nearby villagers. It shouldn’t be a big problem for the ax to reduce the land price to 152 RMB per square meter. If calculated according to this price, the land transfer price of 23.5 square kilometers should need [-] billion RMB, which should be around [-] billion when converted into US dollars.”

Chen Xin twitched the corners of his mouth. Although he had counted countless times, when he heard this number from someone else again, he still felt incredible for his boldness.

Fortunately, there is a steel coin, otherwise, he might not be able to make so much money in this life with his own strength.

Osborn and Vickers looked at each other without speaking.

Although the sum of all the money of the Star Ring Group is only 6.3 million US dollars, the Lord did not ask Osborne to buy it in full, otherwise the current funds of the Star Ring Group alone would not be enough.

The master's plan is to ask Osborne to use the Kay Rucker Machinery Factory as the core, first spend 3000 million U.S. dollars to buy about one square kilometer of land around the Kay Rucker Machinery Factory, and leave 3000 million U.S. dollars. Except for the operation of the Huan Group, all [-] million US dollars were invested in the construction of the newly purchased land.

Osborne thought for a while and said, "Mr. Wu, if it's suitable, please see if you can introduce me. I hope to meet the mayor of Jiangcheng City, and I hope to discuss the land of Wujiang Industrial Park with the Jiangcheng Municipal Government. Ownership negotiations."

Wu Jun didn't answer Osborne's question right away, but turned his attention to Chen Xin, and he didn't say until he saw Chen Xin nodded casually, "Okay, I can arrange this matter!"


"Gangbang, hurry up and work, we're going to run out of money!"

Chen Xin took off his watch and glasses and put them on the coffee table, went to his room, changed into his home clothes, and went back to the living room, before shouting loudly.

Although he was mentally prepared, Chen Xin also felt a little bit of pressure when he saw that the assets of hundreds of millions of dollars that originally belonged to him were about to be taken back by the Chinese government before they flowed into his hands.

The watch and glasses instantly merged into the appearance of a steel coin, and the steel coin shouted: "Old Dou, what's the hurry, I'll go get something to eat first."

Gang Bian turned over and jumped off the coffee table, and went directly into the room. Soon, there was the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the room.

Chen Xin shook his head helplessly, and said: "Gang Bian, don't be lazy after dinner, let's finish "War Frontline" quickly, and then we can only make games and the like before the Kay Rucker Machinery Factory completes the transformation. Short and fast project."

"Old Bean, "Warfront" can be finished within three days. By the way, after finishing this game, shouldn't we place an order from the military?"

"What military order?"

Chen Xin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly patted himself on the head and said, "Oh, how did I forget about this!"

The last time Peng Guochen contacted the Zhanhu Bureau on behalf of the military and provided an order for weapons components worth nearly [-] million US dollars to the Zhanhu Bureau.

These include high-strength bearings for aero-engines, tr components (transmitter and receiver) for active phased array radars, towed sonar, and anechoic tiles for submarines.

Needless to say, aero-engine bearings, especially for China's aero-engine industry, these engine bearings are of great significance.

The towed sonar and anechoic tiles (artificial sharkskin) of the Zhanhuju version can improve the combat effectiveness of Chinese nuclear submarines by a level, narrow the gap with the US military, and effectively enhance China's strategic nuclear deterrence capability.

Too many things have happened in the past month. If Gang Bian hadn't mentioned it suddenly, Chen Xin would have almost forgotten about it.

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