super robot clone

Chapter 187 Premiere

Chen Xin raised his head and looked in the direction where Mu Yunshan was. The latter glanced at Wang Xiaoyue playfully, and then nodded at Chen Xin.

Wang Xiaoyue glanced at Mu Yunshan, as if she had sensed something, she took Chen Xin's hand and called out, "Brother Chen Xin, what is she looking at you for?"

Chen Xin shook Wang Xiaoyue's small hand vigorously, and whispered a few words in Wang Xiaoyue's ear. Wang Xiaoyue looked at Chen Xin in surprise, and said, "What, she is...?"

Chen Xin smiled, then put on the 3 glasses, pointed to the big screen and said, "The movie has started."


A happy smile appeared on Wang Xiaoyue's face again, and she rested her head on Chen Xin's shoulder.

Not far away, Mu Yunshan curled her lips and turned her face away.


The screen lit up. [

Most people are already familiar with the opening titles of Cybertron Digital and Horse Racing Gallop Films. After the opening animation, a piece of text emerged from the shady scene:

Suppose an iron house is completely abandoned and impossible to destroy, and there are many sleeping people in it, who will soon be suffocated to death, but they don’t feel the sadness of dying when they pass from sleep to death.Now that you are yelling, you startled the more sane people, and caused this unfortunate few to suffer a salvageable deathbed, do you think you are doing them a favor?However, since several people got up, you can't say that there is absolutely no hope of destroying the iron house. - Lu Xun.

This is a passage from Mr. Lu Xun quoted in the novel "Country Teacher", which was used by Ning Hao at the beginning of the film.

Da da da.Footsteps sounded in the empty corridor.

A doctor in a white coat came to the end of the corridor with a diagnostic report in his hand.He gently opened the door of the ward.

The names of the leading actors, screenwriters, art directors and other staff involved in the filming began to be displayed on the screen.

It can be seen that the condition of this hospital is not very good. Although the walls are painted with green paint, there are still many mottled traces. The old-fashioned iron bed and enamel medical equipment look a bit like the style of China in the 90s.

"Ms. Li, here is your diagnosis report."

The doctor handed the examination report to the patient on the hospital bed.

The patient sat up from the bed with difficulty, took out his black-rimmed glasses and put them on.Looking at the diagnostic report in his hand.

"Esophageal cancer?"

The patient raised his head, his expression fluctuated slightly, and soon calmed down.

Judging from his face alone, Mr. Li's age is less than forty, but the white hair between his temples and his thin body make him look like an old man in his 60s or [-]s.

The doctor smiled and said, "Mr. Li, you are lucky. If it weren't for this injury, you might not be able to detect esophageal cancer. Don't worry, it is still in the early stage, and it can be cured with surgery. Yue, that's really hard to save the gods."

Teacher Li thought about it.Barely revealing a smile, he asked, "How much will it cost if you have an operation?" [

The doctor said: "If you go to a large hospital in the province, there will be a poverty subsidy. It should be able to reduce a lot of expenses. You can only pay [-] yuan yourself!"

Teacher Li asked again: "If you don't have the operation, how long can you live?"

The doctor looked at the patient with some puzzlement, and then said after a long pause, "Half a year!"

Teacher Li let out a long sigh of relief.Seeming to have received a lot of comfort, he murmured: "In this case, at least this year's graduating class can be sent away."

A line of words appeared on the screen: Works of Ning Hao and Liu Cixin. Then, these four words disappeared, and "Village Teacher" appeared in the camera.

There was a slight discussion at the scene. Judging from the plot at the beginning, it is impossible to tell that this is a science fiction film.However, most of the people here already have a certain understanding of the plot in "Country Teacher", so they are not surprised.

The screen went dark again, and melodious music sounded.

The screen turned immediately, and an empty and dark space appeared in the lens. Only the stars in the distance can tell that this place is still outer space.

In the next second, there was commotion in the theater, and an irregular object appeared in the void. As the camera zoomed in, it could be seen that it was the wreckage of a warship. Telling how much it was hurt before it was destroyed.

Then, more and more floating objects appeared in the camera, most of which were similar to the wreckage of the warship that appeared before, few of which were intact, and some were even distorted by space into billions of kilometers of metal The rope also has a smooth plane with an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers. Under the blowing of the radiation wind, these fragile mirrors suddenly shattered and turned into thousands of tiny mirrors.

It can be seen that this should be an ancient battlefield.

A deep and deep voice-over sounded: "This ancient battlefield has witnessed the fierce battle between two powerful civilizations in the galaxy because of the competition for survival. More than 2 years ago, the powerful fleet of the Silicon-based Empire launched a surprise attack on the Carbon-based Federation. Since then, the prelude to the super war in the galaxy has been opened."

Shots of the heavy battleships of the Silicon-based Empire using the energy of stars to leap through time and space began to appear on the screen.

Opening the space-time wormhole consumes a lot of energy of the star, which makes the spectrum of the star shift to the red end.

When millions of warships perform this stellar leapfrog at the same time, the redshift effect produced is extremely terrifying.

A [-]-light-year-long red band of light appeared on the edge of the Milky Way, like a scarlet blood tide, quickly rushing towards the territory of the Carbon-based Federation.

With the support of Cybertron Digital's g special effects, accompanied by melodious and passionate music, the majestic war quickly unfolded in the eyes of the audience.

The Silicon-based Federation's raid caught the Carbon-based Federation by surprise, and the Green Ocean Star at the forefront became the first victim of the Silicon-based Empire.

When the warships of the Silicon Empire used lasers to vaporize the Green Ocean Planet, within a very short period of time, this Eden-like planet turned into a boiling cauldron, and 50 billion Green Ocean Planet people died in extreme pain.The cooked organic matter turned the planet into a pot of green soup.

3 glasses plus "realistic" visual effects made the audience exclaimed.

There are also some women who cover their eyes with their hands.Couldn't bear to witness this cruel scene, but they didn't want to miss this visual feast, so they had to put their eyes between their fingers to peek.

In the end, the oceans were all evaporated, and the formerly beautiful green ocean planet became a hellish gray planet wrapped in thick steam.

Compared with Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters, the use of Cybertron digital special effects and the delicateness of the picture in "Country Teacher" give people a refreshing feeling.

Especially the next super battle that happened on the second spiral arm of the Milky Way, the scene that could only be expressed in words was truly displayed in front of people.

Many reporters and film critics sitting in the back row also put down their pens one after another and focused their attention on this visual feast.

During the war, both sides unscrupulously used singularity bombs to detonate more than 2000 supernovae.The scene of star explosion is perfectly shown on the screen. Every star explosion took away countless lives. These fireworks blooming in the dark space turned that area into a sea of ​​radiation.

Especially at the most intense moment of the battle, the unimaginably large number of warships on both sides conducted a large number of ultra-short-distance space-time transitions for tactical maneuvers, and some interstellar fighters fought in space.The distance of the space-time leap is unbelievably short of several kilometers!In this way, the time-space structure of the ancient battlefield was riddled with holes, like a piece of cheese with several long holes drilled by mice.

Some spacecraft accidentally strayed into this area, and were twisted into a slender metal rope by the distorted space in an instant.

There were also some spaceships that were instantly crushed into a thin film with an area of ​​hundreds of millions of square kilometers but a thickness of only a few atoms, and then were immediately torn to pieces by the gale of radiation.

But far more often, ships become lumps of metal from which they were built, or are instantly so old that nothing remains but a battered shell.Everything inside turns to ancient dust, and the crew here instantly reverts to an embryonic state or turns into a pile of bones...

When these mythical interstellar images appeared in the theater, everyone was stunned by the scene before them.

Although the novel has a wonderful depiction of the interstellar war scene, no one expected it.Cybertron Digital is actually able to do this.

Turning a science fiction novel into a movie screen is not as simple as people think.

Especially for sci-fi movies.There are more things involved.

As small as a battleship model character model, as large as how to maneuver a battleship in a war, and how to express time and space transitions in movie language, these are all very big problems.

Even for a master of science fiction like Asimov, Hollywood only borrowed many ideas from his novels, rather than copying them all.

A typical example is the Three Laws of Robotics. This classic law has been borrowed several times by Hollywood, but the novel "I, Robot" has never been adapted into a movie by Hollywood.

This is especially true for "Country Teacher".

When the horse racing galloping company bought the adaptation rights of "Country Teacher", it had already registered with the General Administration of G, but in the end it was stuck on the movie script.

This is why there are so many sci-fi novels, but so few are adapted into sci-fi movies.

For "Country Teacher", many textual descriptions are difficult to transform into movie images. Fortunately, there was a steel hammer later, this well-informed little guy made everything in the novel a reality.

Even when director Ning Hao saw the G video produced by Gangzheng, he said it was beyond his imagination, not to mention seeing the full version of the live audience for the first time.

So Ning Hao used a method similar to a documentary to describe the cause and process of the war, but no one found it monotonous.

Cybertron Digital's G picture perfectly supports this part of the content, and all viewers are looking forward to what will appear in the next shot.

The pure impact of the picture has already convinced the audience who participated in the premiere ceremony, and Digital Cybertron's technical ability in science fiction g has been recognized by everyone.

In fact, this is also understandable. Without mentioning the exquisiteness of the picture, and without mentioning the high-end and atmospheric starship models, in terms of the sci-fi core alone, "Country Teacher"'s interpretation of sci-fi movies is much higher than that of Hollywood. a notch.

When Hollywood uses movie special effects to attract the audience's attention, the special effects of the country teacher have touched the sci-fi core supported by numerous technical details and imagination.

As long as you have a little understanding of the film industry.All know what that means.

A piece of "Bring Her Eyes" made Cybertron Digital a giant in the field of digital special effects for domestic movies.

A "Country Teacher".It may not be impossible to make Cybertron Digital a giant in the field of digital special effects for movies all over the world.

Thinking about it this way, the CEOs of domestic film companies looked at Chen Xin even more fervently.

No wonder Warner Films is willing to pay such a high price to sign the distribution rights of "Country Teacher". Judging from these 20 minutes alone, it is unreasonable that "Country Teacher" is not popular.

Someone once commented sourly that "Country Teacher" was lucky. If it weren't for the Las Vegas air battle incident, "Country Teacher" would never have been favored by Hollywood.

But if there is no quality assurance, how can Hollywood be willing to sign this film?

And even if "Country Teacher" temporarily abandons the North American market, so what, as long as it can achieve good results in Europe and Asia.Hollywood can't just ignore it forever.

There are many people who want to make money.


The movie continues.

The description of the background and process of the war is coming to an end, the picture suddenly turns, and a square area gradually appears in the space, as if a square opening has been cut out of the background of the brilliant stars. The side of this area is about [-] kilometers long. A darkness that is blacker than the surrounding space, giving a sense of a void within a void.

soon.From this black square, some entities began to emerge. They were of different shapes, all the size of the moon, and they were dazzling silver.

There are more and more of these objects, forming a neat cubic matrix.The silver phalanx drove out of the black square solemnly.The two constitute a mosaic that hangs on the eternal wall of the universe, this picture is set on a square velvet of absolute black body, neatly inlaid with small silver components that shine with pure silver light.

This seemed to be the solidification of a cosmic symphony. Gradually, the black square dissolved into the starry sky.The stars filled its place, and the silver phalanx suspended majestically among them.

There were exclamations from the audience in the theater.This is the first time that such a magnificent fleet has appeared in the film.

Then, the camera focused on a warship whose appearance was obviously different from other spaceships.

Over the sides of the battleship, several bizarre humanoids apparently belonging to the fleet leader could be seen communicating through the intelligence field.

In order to express this way of communication, Gangzhu ingeniously set up a crystal-like organ on the top of the alien's head. When they talk, these crystal organs will flash different color fluctuations.

However, in order to make it easier for the audience to accept, these people are still dubbed with voices in the film, and they are also explained in words.

The commander of the fleet looked through the side, looking at the countless fleets in the void, and said: "The war is finally over!"

The senator said: "Yeah, it's finally over!"

The crystal of the Supreme Archon lights up: "As long as we build a five-hundred-light-year-wide isolation zone in the middle of the first spiral arm, most of the stars in the isolation zone will be destroyed, and the silicon-based empire will no longer be able to carry out star frogs." Jumped, wanting to invade our carbon-based federation, they can only span the distance of five hundred light-years at sub-light speed. In this way, the silicon-based empire is actually imprisoned at the top of the first spiral arm, and can no longer attack the central region of the galaxy. carbon-based civilization poses any serious threat."

The senator said to the supreme consul with a vibrating intelligence field: "I brought the wishes of the parliament, and they still strongly recommend: before destroying the stars in the isolation zone, they should be screened for life-level protection."

"I understand the Council. Enough blood has been shed for all kinds of life in this long war, and what needs to be rebuilt most urgently in the galaxy is respect for life. This respect is not only for carbon-based life, but also for silicon It is based on this respect that the Carbon-based Federation did not completely wipe out silicon-based civilization. But the silicon-based empire does not have this kind of affection for life, and they will still pose a fatal threat to us. In the foreseeable future, Their recovery and development at the top of the first spiral arm will be rapid, so we must build a wide enough barrier between the carbon-based federation and the silicon-based empire."

The Fleet Admiral added: "In this case, it is unrealistic to screen hundreds of millions of stars in the isolation zone for life-level protection. Although the first spiral arm is the most inhospitable region in the galaxy, it has The number of stars on a living planet may still reach a leapfrog density, which is enough for a medium-sized warship to leapfrog, and even if only one medium-sized warship of the Silicon-based Empire breaks into the territory of the Carbon-based Federation, the damage that may be caused is huge. Therefore, only civilization-level screening can be carried out in the isolation zone. We have to sacrifice low-level life around some stars in the isolation zone in order to save more advanced and low-level life in the Milky Way. I have explained this to the parliament."

The senator said: "Parliament also understands you and the Federal Defense Commission, so what I bring is only suggestions rather than legislation. But the stars in the isolation zone that have formed civilizations above level 3 must be protected."

"This needs to be questioned," the intelligence field of the supreme consul flashed firm red, "the civilization detection of stars with planets in the isolation zone will be very strict!"

The commander of the fleet said: "Actually, I think you are worrying too much. The first spiral arm is the most desolate desert in the galaxy, and there will be no civilization above level 3 there."

"I hope so." The Supreme Consul and the Senator sent this message at the same time, and the resonance of their intelligent fields caused an arcuate plasma ripple to spread to the sky above the silver metal land. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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